Last times with the Yarns
1. Scuba: [
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4], [
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2. Wisteria [
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Child Ash, with his newfound independence, gets himself some food.
Ash: *gags* Oh my goodness, this smells awful!
...but he eats it anyways. True black gen fashion. Way to go.
Uh, I think this means Chandler got another promotion, but I kind of forget. That's what happens when I get behind with the updates, but way to go Chandler!! *cheers*
Wisteria kept wanting to buy an old junk car. So they did.
Just so she could do this :)
Chandler: *tucks Ash in bed*
Robber: *creeps up to house all sneaky like*
Robber: A little girl! *runs away*
Ebony: Hello?? Policeman? There's a weird man in my house!!
Police: We'll be right there!!!
*cue fight*
Ebony: *cheers and boos*
Policewoman: *arrests robber*
Chandler: *sobs* What do you mean we were ro-ro-robbbbbed?
They promptly bought an alarm system to protect their home in the future. But Chandler was pretty broke up about this.
Ebony tried to cheer him up.
Ebony: Um hello?! I can't do my homework now, we were robbed last night. ROBBED!
And when Ash woke up, he was pretty upset as well. With good reason! The robber made off with some high end items!
Ash: *grumble grumble* took the telescope *splutter*
Ash: And the car! It didn't work and it wasn't mine, but AAARGHHHH!
Alas, do their homework they must. Even if it meant they had to miss the bus and go to school late. I wasn't going to let that social worker take them away for failing school, nuh uh!
They plugged away at it, almost like they wanted to do their homework. But they didn't.
They just didn't like the bad grades.
Ebony: *sigh* I got a D! *is sad*
Ebony tantrum spam
And Wisteria's bought another junk car to fix up. She spends most of her days out there fiddling in the engine.
Then she painted it. Sadly, purple wasn't an option.
So she picked black, for her kids :) And it's done!
Wisteria: CHEESE! *grins*
Oh, and they have some pixel-y time.
And then it's time for Ebony's birthday!!
Wisteria: *pumps fist* Way to go!!! WHOOO!
Ebony: *grows up badly*
Since this is generation black, she needs to acheive the opposite of her Lifetime Want before she can work to fulfill it. And she'll need to maximize enthusiasm in the opposite hobby before she can pursue her desired hobby. Yay opposites!
Speaking of hobbies, Wisteria has maximized her second hobby -- Tinkering! All that work on the car really paid off, now we have a second plaque!
Ash: You know what? I think we're almost out of paint. We should get some more.
Ebony: You used it all up? Didn't we just buy new paint?
Ash: Well I like to paint! *glares at cereal bowl*
Ebony: mwah hahaha!! *has good idea*
Ebony: *puts foot through dollhouse in awesome ninja fashion*
Ebony: *wipes hands satisfactorally*
Everyone's busy learning in this house, whether they want to or not! Looks like Ebony's caught up on her homework, and Ash is nearly there! Yay!
Another promotion!!! Hooray! His title is now something like "Dive Master" or "Underwater Demolitionist." Use your imagination!!
Ebony: Guess what?!?!
Ash: What?! What!?!? *is excited*
Ebony: I bought more paints after school! I found this awesome new silver color!!
For serious, these two are way too cute. They get along much better than I would have expected them to, considering their personality points (which I need to remember to write down so I can share them with you).
Wisteria knows everything about something else! I think she's just maximized the cooking skill!
Happy Birthday Ash!! Again he grows up by the computer, without a cake. Badly this time though, as I expected.
Ash: Hmm, where did this ninja tapestry come from? I don't remember it being here before.
Ash: Boooo, what poor color choice. LAME!
Ash: And yet, it's oddly charming. And enlightening! *bows and gains ancient alien knowledge*
More pixel-y time for the purple gens.
Ebony: Hey, you ever wonder why Mom is green? Did you know she's an alien?
Ash: ... well, of course she is.
Ebony: pfffft. Aliens!
Ash: Hey, don't even go there. We're part alien too, you know!!
Ebony: Yeah, but only part!! We're not green! *minus*
Wisteria maximizes enthusiasm in yet another hobby -- Arts and Crafts. That brings her total up to three!!
Oh yeah, and here are Ash's important infos. Same oppositeness applies to him as with Ebony.
An old friend of Chandler's comes over for a visit. Things get a little too friendly ...
So Wisteria decides to vacum-suck her skills, just for kicks.
Things devolve into chaos and strangeness from there ...
Ash gets violent at the dinner table.
Wisteria actually tells a joke to Ebony.
The kids start ruining their paintings by slapping paint willy-nilly over the canvas. First Ebony...
then Ash.
And then there's a plant dancing in their living room.
What's going on?!?!?! ^.^
Next time with the Yarns there will be bowling, dancing, dogs, and more craziness!! Stay tuned!