Title: The Snow globe
akiko88Word Count: 300
Rating: PG
Prompt #10.Warning: Unbeta’ed.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. No money is being made from this fiction.
Author's Notes: This is written for the
slythindor100 25 days of Draco and Harry challenge.
Part 1)(
Part 2)(
Part 3)(
Part 4)(
Part 5)(
Part 6)(
Part 7)(
Part 8)(
Part 9)
As Draco walked into the Archives the next morning and everything seemed normal, he let out a sigh of relieve. He was half afraid after the disaster from yesterday with the mistletoe, that his whole Archive would be wrecked in chaos when he came back to work. He was thankful this was not the case. Not that he minded bringing Potter down here again, who did, admittedly, a good job yesterday. It was more that he didn’t want to spend extra time making sure that everything was back where it belonged.
But when he walked towards the counter he noticed something strange. There, on top of the counter, stood a snow globe. Instantly suspicious he grabbed his wand, and fired detection spells in rapid succession. But he couldn’t detect any magic coming from the globe.
Still suspicious he walked slowly towards the counter, and slit the piece of paper underneath the snow globe. He eyed the globe for any changes, when there were none he folded the note open.
Sorry about the mistletoe yesterday. It wasn’t my intention to cause you any distress. To make up for it, I’m giving you this snow globe. Don’t worry, it’s a Muggle one, so entirely magic free! Just pull the lever for music, and shake for snow. Happy Christmas.
Draco refolded the note, and placed it down onto the counter. He picked up the snow globe. He shook it lightly as he watched as snow fell down around the Big Ben inside of the glass bowl. He turned it around, and twisted the lever. Soft music began to play. He shook the globe once again. Draco watched as snow fell down to the miniature London streets to the sounds of Holy Night. Maybe this secret admirer wasn’t so bad after all, he thought.