Day 11 - Scene/Moment that makes you cry
One is so obvious, but the second less so.
Every hero should be allowed a moment where he gets to scream about the unfairness of what he must do. Ten gets his in "The End of Time: Part 2."
After the Master banishes the Time Lords back into the time lock, I actually had a moment where I thought the Doctor would make it out alive. But then Wilf knocks four times and I was shattered. When Ten shouts, "It's not fair!" I was sobbing openly. This is notable because I don't cry at TV. Ever. When I was a kid and saw Bambi's mom get shot, I wasn't even all that bothered. Then, the Doctor accepts his fate and takes Wilf's place in the chamber. And says it's his honor. At that point, I didn't even feel like a sap for crying so hard.
Damn, that man can act.
Secondly, and less obviously, is the scene from "Turn Left," in which the British government begins shipping off non-British citizens to work camps. "Britain for the British," and whatnot. It's horrifying not only because Britain is doing what the Nazis did in WWII, but also because Wilf seems to be the only person who remembers.
This picture would be more illustrative if Bernard Cribbins didn't look like this in every picture.
"But, Annissa! I thought you were a Doctor/Rose shipper," you might be thinking. "What about 'Doomsday?'" you might ask. But I will refer you back to my Bambi paragraph above. I was sad when Rose left, but it didn't break me. Not like these two scenes did.
The first one is just plain heartbreaking in that manipulative way some TV shows have about them. Like they know they're twisting the knife in your heart and they're doing it for fun. I can deal with that; sometimes, I even like that. It's cathartic, so long as the story is good. The second one makes me cry because I can see something like this actually happening. People, especially the talking heads, like to trot out the Nazis every time they see something in government they don't like. I wonder if it makes us blind when something actually analogous happens.
Day 1 - Favorite Incarnation of the Doctor:
NineDay 2 - Favorite Companion:
Donna NobleDay 3 - Favorite Villain/Monster/Alien/Baddie of the Week:
The Entity from "Midnight"Day 4 - Favorite Character:
Wilfred MottDay 5 - Favorite Guest Star:
Anthony Stewart HeadDay 6 - Least Favorite Character:
Lady Christina de SouzaDay 7 - Favorite Episode:
"Midnight"Day 8 - Favorite Series:
Series FourDay 9 - Least Favorite Episode:
"Planet of the Dead"Day 10 - Favorite Scene/Moment:
"Don't... just don't."Day 11 - Scene/Moment that makes you cry: Ten rages against the dying of the light.
Day 12 - Scene/Moment that makes you giggle
Day 13 - Favorite Era visited by The Doctor & Co.
Day 14 - Fave Doctor Moment
Day 15 - Fave Rose Moment
Day 16 - Fave Martha Moment
Day 17 - Fave Donna Moment
Day 18 - Fave Amy Moment
Day 19 - Favorite Ship
Day 20 - Prettiest Scene
Day 21 - Favorite Location
Day 22 - Something Silly
Day 23 - Something Epic
Day 24 - Favorite Accessory of the Doctor's
Day 25 - Favorite TARDIS Team
Day 26 - Scene/Moment that made you go 'awww'
Day 27 - Scene/Moment that made you go 'argh'
Day 28 - Favorite Series Arc
Day 29 - Favorite Music/Song
Day 30 - Why Do YOU Love Doctor Who