What can I say, I got excited about this, I'm procrastinating on writing an essay, and the end result is... tada!
++ Prompts must be pertaining to either Katherine Pierce or Elena Gilbert - ANY pairing involving one of the two is allowed! (ie. Damon/Katherine and Stefan/Elena are both acceptable pairings to prompts, but Damon/Caroline is not. Katherine/Elena, of course, is very much acceptable ;) )
++ Leave prompts in the comments. (ie. Damon/Elena - Prompt goes here)
++ When replying with a fic, please put the title of the fic in the subject so that it's clear that it is a fill. If the fic is R/NC-17 rated, you must indicate that in the subject as well.
++ Edited: Fics should be in the POV of Elena or Katherine, depending of the prompt - or if not, the focus should be primarily on whichever/both of them.
++ If you read a fic that you enjoy, I encourage you to take the few seconds to leave a comment and let the author know! We all know how nice it is to see even the smallest comments to our fics, even just a "loved this!" or "great fic", and it really is for the best.
++ Wanna help promote the ficathon? You can do so using this code:
http://i52.tinypic.com/2jangc4.jpg" alt="" />
A brand new Vampire Diaries comment ficathon, hosted by
ANY pairing featuring Katherine OR Elena is allowed, so come over and join in the fun!
Prompt and fill away, lovelies! Let's spread the love for these two awesome bamfs!
Masterlist by Pairing Masterlist
Chronological, in order of when they were posted.
Katherine/Stefan -
two sides (twist and then collide) by
cassiehayes - I am what you see/I am not what they say/But if I turned out to be/Could you love me anyway?
Elena/Alaric -
Teacher's Pet by
lit_chick08 - Don't stand so close to me
Katherine/Jeremy -
The Predator and the Prey by
lunasol28 - She comes to tempt me
Katherine, Elena -
The Only Way by
wheatear - the day comes when she finally runs out of options and asks Katherine to turn her
Katherine/Damon -
Want by
wheatear - wanted it to be real.
Katherine/Elena/Caroline -
Road Trip by
wheatear - Three vampires walk into a bar...
Elena/Caroline -
look for the girl with the broken smile by
cassiehayes - After the death of her parents, Elena seemed to outgrow her.
Elena/Stefan -
Losing Eden by
lit_chick08 - suppose I kept on singing love songs, just to break my own fall
Stefan/Elena/Damon -
House Rules (NC-17) by
lit_chick08 - Oh, but the longing is terrible, a wanton heart under attack
Katherine/Elena -
Kissing the Mirror (M) by
lunasol28 - On my last night on earth, I'll pay a high price to have no regrets and be done with my life
Katherine/Elena -
mobius by
scorpiod1 - spill it out in the ragged floor, a thousand different versions of yourself
Stefan/Elena/Damon -
Doppelganger by
lit_chick08 - We'd be so less fragile if we're made from metal and our hearts from iron and our minds from steel. If we built an armour for our tender bodies, could we love each other? Would we strive to feel?
Katherine/Various -
5 Hearts Katherine Broke (And the One Time Hers Was Broken) by
lit_chick08 - five hearts she broke and the one time hers was broken.
Katherine/Klaus -
Cherchez La Femme by
lit_chick08 - Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead
Elena/Stefan -
She Is Love (NC-17) by
lit_chick08 - love is a verb, love is a doing verb, fearless on my breath
Katherine/Klaus -
look for the bird with the shattered wings by
aiscat93 - look for the doll with the broken strings...
Elena/Stefan -
Not Your Damsel by
eenaangel - love is a verb, love is a doing verb, fearless on my breath
Stefan/Katherine/Damon -
The Stains They'll Make by
wheatear - Blood-stained sheets in the shape of your heart, this is where it starts, this is where it will end
Katherine/Elena -
Trust and Pleasure by
shafeferi - the missing scene in 2x16 when they switch clothes. "it's not like it's anything i haven't seen before, elena."
Katherine/Damon -
Pretty by
ellensmithee - I didn't wanna fuck you, but you're pretty when you're mine.
Elena/Tyler/Caroline -
one day we will be remembered by
cassiehayes - Equilateral-having all the sides equal
Elena/Alaric -
Kiss of Death by
ellensmithee - Damon will kill him for this
Elena/Stefan -
Instinct (NC-17) by
scorpiod1 - the curse that falls on young lovers: starts so soft and sweet and turns them to hunters
Elena/Alaric -
Behind Closed Doors by
ellensmithee - Just tonight, I will stay/And we'll throw it all away
Katherine/Elena/Stefan/Damon -
Genesis (NC-17) by
lit_chick08 - "You're more like Katherine than you'd like to admit. It's only a matter of time until you say yes."
Elena/Damon -
It was only a kiss by
antigoneblack - It all started with a kiss
Katherine/Matt -
Late Night Tears by
simply_aly - Pretty when you cry
Elena/Elijah -
Red Strings by
lunasol28 - Always the protector
Elena/Matt -
Swing Sets and Rambling Boys by
lunasol28 - When you're 15 and somebody tells you they love you, you're gonna believe them
Katherine/Elena -
all these things that i've done by
cassiehayes - there is no peace that i've found so far
Katherine/Elena/Caroline -
Forever by
shafeferi - family is what you make it
Elena/Alaric -
March Madness by
lit_chick08 - Boundaries of normal
Elena/Caroline -
We Are Who We Are by
lit_chick08 - I don't tell anyone about the way you hold my hand
Elena/Alaric -
Leading to Goodbye by
simply_aly - forcing space between us
Katherine/Stefan -
Ache For You by
lit_chick08 - I'm gonna go on living like I never met you / And it will feel wrong at first but I think I can forget you
Elena -
Invisus Speculum by
ladyrostova - Four times Elena hated someone and one time she hated herself.
Katherine/Damon -
Apathy by
ladyrostova - There's a tattoo of your name across my soul.
Elena/Klaus -
Intimations of Immortality by
lit_chick08 - Timeless
Katherine/Elena -
Shattered unbroken loyalties by
swirlsofblue - you are the evil twin they warned me about/ loyalties melt in your mouth like candy
Elena/Elijah -
A Game of Trust by
wheatear - Pretty soon she'll figure out, what his intentions were about
Katherine/Stefan -
You Desired My Attention (But Denied My Affection) by
lit_chick08 - he is the lamb/she is the slaughter/she's moving way too fast and all he wanted was to hold her.
Elena/Matt -
The First Cut Is The Deepest by
lit_chick08 - first time
Katherine/Isobel -
My Fair Lady by
lit_chick08 - i am you and you are me, / and we the devil's sisters be. / with him we bury our hearts away, / because it is truly better this way.
Katherine/Damon -
Maverick by
abvj - I look inside myself and see my heart is black.
Attention! Multi-part fills are awesome but if you guys could please try and post any subsequent parts as replies to the first part of the fic and not also as replies to the prompt, that would be great, it makes it easier to link to the fic as a whole. Thanks! :)
The ficathon is now CLOSED. Thanks to all who participated, you guys are amazing, and I'm astounded by some of the work that came out of this. xoxo, Cassie.