(no subject)

Oct 08, 2007 07:42

Lavender Brown

Jane Dorny ¶ ±

Seamus Finnigan

Hermione Granger

Neville Longbottom

Parvati Patil ±

Harry Potter

Dean Thomas

Sylvia Stebbins ±

Ron Weasley

Hannah Abbott

Susan Bones

Justin Finch-Fletchley

Wayne Hopkins

Megan Jones ±

Ernie Macmillan

Sun-Hee Moon

Sally-Anne Perks

Zacharias Smith

Alex Summers ±

Terry Boot

Mandy Brocklehurst

Michael Corner

Stephen Cornfoot

Kevin Entwhistle

Anthony Goldstein

Su Li

Morag MacDougal

Padma Patil ± µ

Lisa Turpin

Millicent Bulstrode

Vincent Crabbe

Tracey Davis ±

Gregory Goyle

Daphne Greengrass ±

Draco Malfoy µ

Theodore Nott

Pansy Parkinson ¶

Ambrosine Runcorn

Blaise Zabini


Kathleen Bundy ¶

Richard Coote

Colin Creevey

Victoria Frobisher

Geoffrey Hooper

Andrew Kirke

Lucy McCormack

Demelza Robins

Jack Sloper

Ginny Weasley

Mei Chang ± ¶

John Dorny ±

Eloise Midgen

Phoebe Montgomery ±

Perpetua Perkins

Elijah Rosenberg

Cornelia Stalk

Timmy Toots ‡

Chase Trimble

William Willoughby ¶

Thomas Davis ±

Benjamin Dover

Orlanda Egg

Sheila Fawcett

Ingrid Graves ‡

Malik Hakim

Dylan Jones ±

Luna Lovegood

Melanie Montgomery ± ¶

Gabriel Summers ±

Melinda Bobbin ¶

Sonia Capper

Astoria Greengrass ±

Dorothy Gulch

James Harper

Armand Runcorn ±

Rusty Stainwright

Alistair Urquhart

Benedict Vaisey ¶

Aphrodite Wimple

¶ Indicates PREFECT status

µ Indicates HEAD GIRL/BOY status

± Indicates that the character has a sibling in school or of a canon character.

‡ Indicates a canon name; character is somehow related to canon person.

BOLDED Indicates held

# Indicates number of holds

LINKED Indicates taken

ITALICIZED Indicates application in process

STRIKEN Indicates characters that are non-playable (Muggleborns or canonly out of Hogwarts)

Original holds last three days, you can continue to ask for extensions for up to one week.

Challenges are allowed

No anonymous comments allowed (unless you do not have an LJ, and then it is up to you to ask for an extension, we will not comment and check)

We do not hold played by's
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