Week 1, Day 1
network post ~ [.01.]
we're lost like refugees [video]
log; arriving ~
meeting yosukedream 01 ~
we are the desperate in the decline Week 1, Day 4
log; meeting balthier ~
my name is no onedream 02 ~
little girl, little girl, your life is calling Week 1, Day 5
network post ~ [.02.]
i'm sending all my love to you [video] **event: valentine's day
Week 1, Day 6
log; flowers for akira ~
my beating heart belongs to you **event: valentine's day
dream 03 ~
just a junkie preaching to the choir Week 1, Day 7
network post ~ [.03.]
well it's enough to make you sick [audio]
Week 2, Day 2 [Nightmare Week]
dream 04 ~
for I am the Caesar Week 2, Day 3 [Nightmare Week]
network post ~ [.04.]
put your faith in a miracle [video]
log; fighting with iroh ~
夜が降りてくる ~ Evening Star Week 2, Day 4 [Nightmare Week]
dream log ~
a fire burns today Week 3, Day 1
network post ~ [.05.]
drop a coin for humanity [video]
Week 3, Day 3
log; valeria at himorogi ~
almost only really counts Week 3, Day 6
dream 05 ~
dawn of my love and conspiracy Week 4, Day 2
network post ~ [.06.]
all the white boys [video] **event: de-aging
log; kids playing ~
Week 4, Day 3
network post ~ [.07.]
did you try to live on your own [video]
narrative ~
call of the wild, hey hey Week 4, Day 4
network post ~ [.08.]
shots ringing out on a holy parasite [audio]
Week 4, Day 6
log; ame-no-uzume shrine ~
At First Light Week 5, Day 1
video call; valeria ~
shenanigans?! Week 5, Day 3
log; campfire song song ~
Whatever living beings there may bedream 06 ~
be sure that all my love's for you Week 5, Day 4
log; hunting derpery ~
A Hunting We Will Go~ Week 5, Day 6
dream 07 ~
she is the saint of all the sinners (rated NC-17) **event: erotic dream week
Week 5, Day 7
log; brotalk with marco ~
They can be anyone Week 6, Day 2
log; tsuntsuntsuntsun ~
gloria - where are you, gloria? Week 6, Day 3
mass log; iruka's picnic of doom ~
Hi-ho a picnic we will go (multiple threads)
Week 6, Day 6
dream 08 ~
the traces of blood always follow you home [ DROP BREAK ;; WEEK 6 DAY 7 - WEEK 10 DAY 1 ]
[ fourth-wall event:
network thread;
thread with shirley ]
Week 10, Day 1
dream 09 ~
songs of yesterday now livelog; retrieving yoite ~
Out Of All the Hours Thinking Somehow I've Lost My Mind Week 10, Day 4
log; can has rebellion? ~
The Gods Are Going Down Week 10, Day 5
dream 10[1] ~
do you know your enemy? {recurring}
Week 11, Day 1
network post ~ [.09.]
my generation is zero [video]
Week 11, Day 5
network post ~
c.c. arrives againlog; contract renewal ~
witch and warlocknetwork post ~
suzaku also arrives Week 11, Day 6
dream 11 ~
before the lobotomylog; yelling at trees does not help ~
well I'm not stoned, I'm just fucked up Week 12, Day 1
network post ~ [.10.]
restless heart syndrome [video]
Week 12, Day 2
action log [c.c's dream] ~
long kiss goodnight Week 12, Day 3
thread [suzaku's dream] ~
every day I become more and more worn outaudio call; yoite ~
[no title]log; potentially actual friendship ~
The Measure of a Friend Week 12, Day 5
mass log; october matsuri ~
You're not so bad, newcomers! (multiple threads)
network post ~ [.11.]
i got so high i can't stand up [accidental audio]
Week 12, Day 6
audio call; suzaku ~
[no title]log; scandocious! ~
i'm not in love 'cause i'm a mess Week 12, Day 7
merged dream; c.c. ~
continued story Week 13, Day 6
thread [ukemochi's post] ~
"apparently, suzaku will never stop being stupid"dream 12 ~
this bitter pill is chased with blood Week 14, Day 1 [Nightmare Week II]
log; oh dear god ~
ashes to ashes of our youth (rated NC-17)
Week 15, Day 1
log; we're in the news ~
as god as my witness, the infidels are gonna pay Week 15, Day 4
dream 13 ~
born into nixon, i was raised in hell Week 15, Day 5
network post ~ [.12.]
last one born and the first one to run [video]
log; his nineteenth ~
assorted birthday wishes! Week 16, Day 3
mass log; christmas derpery ~
christmas is a time for family (multiple threads)
Week 17, Day 1
dream 14 ~
remember to learn to forgetnarrative; "gentlemen." ~
like a bottle of your favorite poisonlog; visiting elfangor ~
i've got a really bad disease