Title: Spark Pairing: Kaoru/Rei Rating: R Notes: AU. Various forms of addiction. 1100 words or so. Uh, Rei's point of view and all which might be expected from that short of melodramatic French poetry.
Title: Between Characters: Kaoru/Rei Rating: Somewhere around R. Porn. Notes: This is character exploration on my part. With porn. Or possibly the other way around, actually... ~1000 words.
Title: Thirty two seconds to nowhere (part 1) Characters: Niou/Yagyuu Rating: R-ish for adult language Summary: Once upon a lazy summer night... Notes: Written for giving_ground's birthday ♥ Hope you enjoy the first installment my darling!
Title: A Nice Young Man Characters: Hakkai, Nanny Ogg, and Supporting Cast Of Characters. Rating: PG-13 Notes: A game of poker. See here and here for the previous installments in this terrible thing. ~700 words.
Title: A Consideration Characters: Emma, David Rating: G Notes: There are many ways to die in a war. ALSO, I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT AND I'VE NEVER WRITTEN THESE CHARACTERS BEFORE. For yuki_scorpio and she can take the blame as well. ~600 words.
Characters: Revy, Benny, Rock Rating: PG Notes: 235 words, prompt from ashesto ("that way lies madness"). We are more in the realm of quick writing exercise than decent fic here. But at least I wrote something! There are words! See!
Title: Closer To The Stars Characters: Yagyuu/Niou Rating: R Summary: The gap between what you should do and what you want to do can be huge. Notes: Story written for reddwarfer @ switching_it_up. It makes really, really loose use of the setting of a Michael Marshall Smith book, Spares, but I've altered things a huge amount and you don't need to know the book to
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