Niteo Nix: Treadtracking; updated 10.24.2011

Dec 01, 2005 00:00

04.18.2011 [EVENT] A silent arrival to Nesreca.
04.25.2011 "What's wrong with you?"
04.26.2011 Akuma.
04.27.2011 Allen's gone.

05.02.2011 There have been murders.
05.04.2011 Lavi deserves to know what happened.
05.05.2011 A tearful reunion based on separation.
05.12.2011 Called to a meeting.
05.12.2011 [LOG] Learning about Alma.
05.17.2011 [EVENT] Slowly losing composure.
05.18.2011 [EVENT] A lost Fawn.
05.18.2011 [EVENT] Rhode cracks Lenalee's composure and the OT4.
05.20.2011 [EVENT] The scuffling 'begins' to fray Lenalee's nerves.
05.29.2011 No, Rhode, Lenalee will not get you a pony.

06.06.2011 Happy Birthday, Kanda.
06.09.2011 Cross and... Angel!Tyki arrive.
06.16.2011 [LOG/EVENT] Tyki finds her. Then Allen does, too.

07.02.2011 Rapunzel arrives.
07.08.2011 Extending a tentative friendship to Rapunzel through the offering of shoes.
07.08.2011 Meeting Karkat at last.
07.08.2011 Glad she's gone.
07.09.2011 Playing bodyguard to children.
07.11.2011 Never a happy moment between them anymore.
07.14.2011 Hotboxing.
07.15.2011 Another Kanda to take care of (despite the expected protests).
07.15.2011 And someone else from home (?).
07.17.2011 Lenalee finds someone to commiserate over the Church with.
07.19.2011 Do you have to draw on Allen's face, Lavi?

08.03.2011 One day you're going to get caught, Kanda.
08.08.2011 Smiling unnerves viruses. Good to know.
08.10.2011 Happy birthday, Lavi.
08.11.2011 [LOG] Oh, wonderful. Mouldy hospitals.
08.15.2011 Alma Karma the Exorcist arrives... and Lenalee warns Kanda.
08.16.2011 [EVENT] The walls are winning. Just not against Naoto.
08.25.2011 Audiojacking Cross' feeds on Credintian interference.
08.26.2011 Rin offers to cook for everyone.

09.03.2011 [LOG] Time to braid Kanda's hair!!
09.06.2011 But... you're...
09.11.2011 [EVENT] Power drained.
09.11.2011 [EVENT] Now Cross is trapped in Credinta.
09.11.2011 [EVENT] Why do you need bandages, Kanda?
09.11.2011 [EVENT] Allen's eye and arm...
09.17.2011 Small children with hot dogs and magic leaves...
09.22.2011 Secondhand trauma.

10.24.2011 A double return from home.

ooc: niteo_nix, ooc: threadtracking

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