Today's Wiki article:
Michael Gomez Today's prompt: Boxing
Title: Dismay
Characters: Kirk, Spock
Rating: G
Summary: Kirk is hit in the head right before returning to the Enterprise, and his resulting concussion causes problems in the transporter room.
"Creatures (For Awhile)" by 311 is the greatest song to write fights to.
"Captain, you are disoriented."
Kirk's vision was slow. Everything around him seemed...threatening. Where am I?
Shirt ripped and shoulder bleeding, Kirk held onto his throbbing head and stumbled around the transporter room. A couple security officers grabbed for his underarms to hold him up, but Kirk waved them off.
"You stated 4.32 minutes ago that you were hit in the head by falling debris upon the planet," Spock said, stepping closer to Kirk. He also held his hand out, ready to help the ailing captain.
"Why are you invading my space, Mr. Spock?"
"I am merely-"
A loud crack erupted in the transporter room as Kirk's knuckles connected with the side of Spock's face. Shoes squeaked on the floor and a scuffle ensued.
Spock held back, grasping his jaw and waiting for it to pop back in. It took only seconds for for his jaw to go back into place and for security and Scotty came out of the pile with Kirk in a hold.
"Get him to medical," Spock said with slight disgust in his voice. "He's clearly suffering from a head injury."
Kirk spat at his first officer's feet, resisting any movement to get out of the transporter room.
August 2:
Dismay - Kirk, Spock
August 1:
Why One Should Never Golf with James T. Kirk - Kirk, McCoy
July 29:
A Surprising Bedroom Guest - Kirk, Chapel
July 28:
How Could You Forget? - Spock/Uhura
July 23:
Do Not Pick Fights with Aliens - Kirk, Spock, McCoy
July 21:
Calm After the Storm - Spock/Uhura
July 20:
Fear is Now - Kirk
July 11:
Rumors and Scandal - Spock/Uhura
July 10:
When Death is Near - Chapel
July 8:
This is Wrong - OFC (Orion)
July 7:
The T Stands for "Thriller" - Kirk, Bones
July 6:
Homesick - Scotty
July 4:
Worth Fighting For - Spock/Uhura
July 3:
You are My Queen - Spock/Uhura