that player stats and history .... thing.
The Tenth Doctor from "Doctor Who" (
App Percentage:
84.5%Played From: 01-07-2007 to 20-10-2008
That's How Long? 478 days!
Total Comments: 11,018
Overall Percentage: 43%
Reason For Apping: Lessee. There I was, an RP gnome without a home, wandering about the internet, and my good buddy
actualize was like "hey YOU KNOW DOCTOR WHO RITE. our Rose at CFUD (then
bouncy_castle) is really looking for a Doctor ... this began a long precedent of being topped into apps by AJ.
Reason for Dropping: He was tired and bored, I was tired and bored of playing him. Basically, we both needed a break. It just didn't turn out to be a long break - frankly, as is obvious by his massive 43% chunk of my play time, my play suffered after I dropped the Doctor. I grew less attached to the game, for one thing, because so much of what I loved about CFUD was all wrapped in him. And basically IT WAS DESTINY FOR ME TO APP HIM AGAIN.
Select Option 3? There was nothing I didn't love about the Doctor's first run. It was a real blast. ♥
Chrome Dokuro from "Katekyo Hitman Reborn!" (
App Percentage:
70.4%Played From: 2008-03-02 to 2009-02-18
That's How Long? 354 days
Total Comments: 4,235
Overall Percentage: 16.85%
Reason For Apping: So AJ was playing Mukuro for a while and I'd seen Mukuro and Chikusa out and I was intrigued, but I'd been attempting to get through Reborn for a while and just couldn't beat those first sixty chapters. (Still haven't read them to this day.) But AJ was like "well you could just read from Kokuyou arc ..." and that is precisely what I did. And I loved her, and by that point I'd just been playing the Doctor for several months, and it finally occurred to me that "hey, you know you could app again ..." and so I did. And, HORRORS, it was a dup. And I'd written my app at the last moment (setting a precedent) and it was sort of bad :( but I scrrraaapppeddd through! And I was glad. ♥
Reason for Dropping: It got to the point, sadly, where I was only getting her out to get activity or to play with Mukuro, Ken or Tokio. And it's at that point where she had to go.
Select Option 3? Her and Tokio's little not!romance has been one of my favourite things to play out so far at CFUD ♥
Setsuna F. Seiei from "Gundam 00" (
App Percentage:
96.1%Played From: 2008-03-29 to date.
That's How Long? 382 days.
Total Comments: 3,058
Overall Percentage: 12.17%
Reason For Apping: I am a longterm Gundam fan. I have been watching mecha shows since practically the dawn of time. Since the Jurassic era. So the sparkly new Gundam show came out and I looked at it with some interest but then ... found the first few episodes really difficult to get through! And I was sad. But then ... I kept watching, and suddenly I was watching it all at once and then Shinn was like "hey you should app Setsuna" and I was like "okay". And IT HAPPENED. I picked Setsuna because, really, there are certain types of protagonists I just love. And Setsuna's type is one of them.
Select Option 3? Setsuna and I have had good times and bad times, but I don't think I'll ever get to a point again where I'll think about dropping him. He's a backseat character, but I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
Ren Fah from "Air Gear" (
App Percentage:
92.3%Played From: 2008-04-28 to 2008-06-24
That's How Long? 58 days
Total Comments: 525
Overall Percentage: 2.09%
Reason For Apping: Topped by AJ. Slowly, over time. But I'd always been very ;;♥ over Akira and Ren Fah's story, and she was great fun. I think things would be a lot different were I playing her now with regards to her longeveity - not that I think a reapp is on the cards, since I've done plenty of obvious reapping lately, kthx. But yes, I apped her to play with AJ's Akira. SOB. THERE IS A THEME.
Reason for Dropping: She didn't gel with Camp. I only really threaded with Akira and Agito, if I remember rightly. I didn't do much, and in the end I just let her go, because it wasn't working out :'(
Select Option 3? Baiting Agito was the best.
Kaname Kuran from "Vampire Knight" (
App Percentage:
91.7%Played From: 2008-06-07 to 2008-07-27
That's How Long? 51 days. derp.
Total Comments: 241. derp derp.
Overall Percentage: 0.96%
Reason For Apping: There were a bunch of us reading Vampire Knight and we were all excited about it. And I remember Suzaku and Lulu were thinking about apping from it and so were me and Roxas and AJ and we all sort of bubbled together and AJ didn't app but the rest of us did and it was great ♥! And Kaname is a fabulous jerk.
Reason For Dropping: I reiterate: Kaname is a fabulous jerk. It just. I. I don't think I was ready to play someone so morally ambiguous then and I failed a lot and. And I want him back a lot :( so I can try again. But. Again, obvious reapps deniiiiiieeeedddd.
Select Option 3? ... derp.
Gwen Cooper from "Torchwood" (
App Percentage:
93.5%Played From: 2008-06-29 to 2008-12-20
That's How Long? 175 days.
Total Comments: 635
Overall Percentage: 2.35%
Reason For Apping: There were a bunch of people apping Torchwood and I wanted to be in on that and Gwen was always always my favourite character and. She still is. Welsh boshiness ftw.
Reason For Dropping: It was truly idiotic to app another Whoniverse character when I was pretty much still in that good old monogamous play relationship with the Doctor :x everything she could have done, I did with him. It was sad and unfortunate, and eventually I dropped her. Alas.
Select Option 3? I remember threads with Domyoji and getting Mason out of the girls' showers as a few of my favourite things. ♥
Hiyuu Tatsuma from "Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpuchou" (
App Percentage:
83.3%Played From: 2008-07-27 to 2008-10-28
That's How Long? 94 days.
Total Comments: 540
Overall Percentage: 2.15%
Reason For Apping: I thought the show was pretty and fun and interesting and deliciously stylized and Tatsuma hit all my pings. And then I topped the hell out of Rose. Joy, and joyness.
Reason For Dropping: I felt like I was doing it wrong all the time. I became slow, and uncomfortable, and retarded, all of this really fast. Then I dropped! Just another little derp in a long line of derps :')
Select Option 3? I loved Rose's Kyouichi v. much ♥
Esther Blanchett from "Trinity Blood" (
App Percentage:
96.4%Played From: 2008-09-21 to date.
That's How Long? 206 days
Total Comments: 2,187
Overall Percentage: 8.70%
Reason For Apping: So, as you can see above, I had been doing a lot of derp derp app derp derp drop. I was feeling pretty disillusioned with myself and my ability to play. Then, along came Esther. I'd been playing her in different games before, off and on, for a long long while; she was my favourite character in Trinity Blood. And AJ and I usually know each other's app plans, so she was like "o I'm reapping Dietrich" and the temptation was too great and I got in touch with the cast and they were amazing and I was like. OKAY THERE WE GO THEN. And Esther's comment count does not really show the sheer degree to which she is my forever girl. I don't play her very often, because frankly I do not play as often as I should nowadays :') but whenever I get her out I have a blast every single time.
Select Option 3? She would probably win the cage match to be the last character I'd drop ♥ ... although Setsuna and the Doctor would put up ferocious competition.
Doctor Perry Cox from "Scrubs" (
App Percentage:
100%Played From: 2008-11-22 to 2009-03-15
That's How Long? 113 days
Total Comments: 466
Overall Percentage: 1.85%
Reason For Apping: I went downstairs on app day, saw Scrubs was on TV, and felt like it. Then I topped Emiri.
Reason For Dropping: He suffered from not my lack of willing to be horrible to people but the lack of opportunity. He also suffered from his lack of authority at Camp and the lack of something to do and things like that. I do love him though. I love everything about him. But he had to go.
Select Option 3? I kind of have a doctor problem. I love doctors. All doctors.
Natsume Takashi from "Natsume Yuujinchou" (
App Percentage:
84.0%Played From: 2008-12-20 to date.
That's How Long? 116 days.
Total Comments: 695
Overall Percentage: 2.77%
Reason For Apping: I had been planning to app Natsume for months and Seth was apping Nyanko and then I had to suddenly bring it forward cause it might have been a dup sob. Natsume Yuujinchou is my forever show, it makes me cry every single time. But ... after I apped Natsume, it's taken me a while to get into my groove with him. I think I'm finally at the point where he'll be out more regularly now. He's taken a bit of time to adjust to, I think, but I love him a lot now ♥
Select Option 3? ANOTHER 4AM APP.
Veronica Mars from "Veronica Mars" (
App Percentage:
98.4%Played From: 2009-02-14 to date.
That's How Long? 60 days.
Total Comments: 745
Overall Percentage: 2.96%
Reason For Apping: I was going to app Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4. Then she was apped and I was like "fuck, I really want to app a detective. What detectives do I like?" And then ... duh. So I apped Veronica, who is so much fun. She was my primary for a whole month and whatever until I got the Doctor back, and he is now spamming up the terraces again, but we'll get to him next. Veronica is so fun, though. I enjoy her sarcasm and her slight righteousness and just. Her.
Select Option 3? Another last-minute app ♥ EVEN THOUGH I KNEW LIKE A MONTH IN ADVANCE.
The Tenth Doctor from "Doctor Who" (
App Percentage:
96.4%Played From: 2009-03-27 to date.
That's How Long? ... 19 days
Total Comments: ........... 787
Overall Percentage: ............. 3.13%
Reason For Apping: Uh. Uhm. Uh.
Select Option 3? derp derp he has more comments than Natsume and Veronica already and I've had him 19 days STOP JUDGING ME
I've played here HOW long? 654 days
Overall Comment Count: 25,132
Average Comments Per Day: 39 comments/day
Shortest Kept: Kaname Kuran (51 days)
Longest Kept: The Doctor (One year, three months plus like a month on the new round)
Most Played: The Doctor (11,805 comments overall)
Least Played: Kaname Kuran (241 comments. derp.)
Highest Percentage: Doctor Perry Cox (100%)
Lowest Percentage: Chrome Dokuro (70.4%)
... WELL. That was two hours of my life I'll never get back.
o and thanks Kyou and Juri ♥ but I'm not digging for links cause I just did quite enough of that.