I tried out
TrustFlow II for LiveJournal. The following people not on the friends list for
nineteenfishes are close by:
- jude, inkyoctopus, banjobenny (350 - 400)
- annie_linux, bohica_susfu, haleth_the_elf, mirrizin, foreign_devilry, neurovurt, bluejaysfan4eva, beatlebug77, mollyg (400 - 450)
- happy_fun_jeff, thegoonster, sorenlundi, homais, devilscrowbar, scrim, dreamhat (450 - 500)
- cizmad, kslays, iblis_rising, loweryourwand, air_and_angels, jigglykat, macbeemer, raedances, reallydeadkitty, lecoeurnoir, soundofrevival, dharmamomma, dclove808, romanticanarchy, evilmrsock (500 - 550)
- violon, blackmath, carrotshake, fotoflo, iliketorun, capricamay (550 - 600)
- dmx512, seraephim, debsper, cazadora_fosil, cheshirewisdom, sebi_hotep, lunatickle, makoelf, thegreatape, prokowlett (600 - 650)
- roserainbow, grumpyoldman, handleyrscandal, electracide, supershell, onceapolytyto, terran_angel, jdev, cloz33, ali_kat_xx, gekkolick, azrelle, _prosperine_, comesthefallen, queenbast, fluffpot, sunsetscreamer, causticmuffin, ilunas (650 - 700)
- iceamaya, harlequinkitty, theladyfeylene, qeekfaf, nixicat, questplump, nezumi_fae, cazort, centaur, ubuntuspirit, machinegun_arm, peacemouseword, ece_drihten, maskedfantom, ataridigital, thecraftybitch, smartiste, pivotaldisarray (700 - 750)
- ibm, tabristheangel, nancynguyen, seraph_kesef, persistent_sun, pianomandan (750 - 800)
- phildude69, zombie_dog, vergiliad (800 - 850)
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TrustFlow II: Who is closest to your friends