For Reference: title-link [characters besides Cedric] summary
Shadows and Light: the artist in his artThis is sort of a continuation of
Shadows and Light: a memoir. Adult material.
OWL: Su to Cedric: Su Li
Su makes a realization and sends some owls
A popcorn maker by any other name still pops corn: Caradoc Dearborn, Katie Bell
Cedric drops by to meet with Katie and Caradoc Dearborn to Transfigure Katie's popcorn maker.
Remember Me?: Lee Jordan
Lee and Cedric finally meet for pizza.
Stoatshead Hill Playhouse is open for business: lots of people (especially couples)
The cinema finally opens in Stoatshead Hill - not words most wizards and witches would ever think they would hear.
On the Job Training: Eleanor Branstone, Hermione Granger, [Darla]
Eleanor helps train Hermione's new employee. Cedric buys books on mer-people.
Sunday Meeting (Easter): Katie Bell
Cedric and Katie share Easter dinner, have an egg hunt, and hold a very important conversation. Kissing ensues.
OWL: Lee to Cedric (et al.): Lee Jordan
Lee owls to wish people happy Easter and say he'll be out of town.
Steamed Buns and Stew: Su Li
Cedric and Su meet for lunch and discuss the museum's art collection, and the possibility of an arts fest.
OWL: Honey in his Coffee (Cedric to Katie): Katie Bell
Monday morning after Sunday afternoon ... and Cedric is utterly distracted. He put honey in his coffee. He wonders if Katie is doing any better.
OWL: Dean to Cedric (et al.): Dean Thomas
Dean sends owls
Boys do 'Girl Talk' too: Ernie MacMillan, Eleanor Branstone
Cedric and Ernie meet to talk about their women, and then about less pleasant topics.
There was an old [wo]man who lived in a shoe ...: Dean Thomas
Cedric drops by Dean's office to see the plans for his house. It becomes a discussion of art.
OWL: Ernie to Cedric (et al.): Ernie MacMillan
Ernie owls to apologize.
Wooing: Katie Bell
Cedric drops by the cinema to distract Katie. (Mild sexuality.)
OWL: Cedric to Rabastan: Rabastan Lestrange
Cedric lets Rabastan know that the museum now has a curator, and he may have found somebody interested in running an arts fest.
Fearless Flying: Katie Bell
Katie stops by, expecting to lend a hand with potions, but instead they go flying - both literally and metaphorically. (Graphic sexuality)
Mulling Things Over: Ron Weasley
At loose ends, Ron takes a walk and does some thinking (though he's not totally averse to some company)
Time for a Check-up: Kenneth Towler
Follow-up to a concussion.
Working Girl: Angelina Johnson
Cedric drops by Angelina's broom shoppe to order a new broom after his old one broke.
Staff Meeting: Bill Weasley
Cedric and Bill discuss the state of the museum, how close they are to opening, and ideas for displays.
The Pea Under the Matress: Katie Bell
After a day spent together, Ovid, showers, and a critical conversation ensue. (Graphic sexuality)
Life is a Combination of Pasta and Magic: Katie Bell
It was amazing they could have gone this long without actually going out in...well, public. (Graphic sexuality)
OWL: Cedric to Harry: Harry Potter
Tired of Harry's avoidance, Cedric issues an invitation.