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BuddyTV: Best Quotes of 9x03 at
all_spn (SPOILERS)
First Look at POP Vinyl Figures at
all_spn Sneak Peek 9x04 at
all_spn (SPOILERS)
Name That Cap Challenge 4 - Day 36 by
raloria Fanfic: Sam/Dean
Samsara 2/? by
xiathia (NC-17)
The Ballad of the Invisible Boy by
melungeoned (NC-17)
The Whole Truth and Nothing But by
dont-hate-me01 (NC-17)
Instinct by
nblaque_impala and
dualityforce (NC-17)
Sure Got a Dirty Mouth 84/? by
justinedelarge (R)
Cushioned Landings by
slf630 and
paper_storm88 (NC-17)
The Lighthouse 1/? by
twoboys2love (NC-17)
A Tiger By Its Tail by
counteragent (NC-17)
Fanfic: Other Slash
You Win or You Hide 3 and 4/? by
reading_is_in (Dean/Castiel, Charlie/Anna, PG)
Up All Night by
cordelia-gray (Sam/Kevin, R)
Dawning by
fagur-fiskur (Dean/Castiel, PG)
Falling Slowly by
dreamsofspike (Dean/Castiel, PG-13)
Big Machine by
anubis-s-j (Dean/Castiel, R)
Bent by
angelgurl21 (Dean/Castiel, R)
The Unbroken Ones 51/51 by
miss_annthropic (Dean/Castiel, NC-17)
A History of Heaven and its Angels, As Understood by the Archangel Gabriel by
the_dicethrower (Gabriel/Lucifer, Lucifer/Michael, Gabriel/Lucifer/Michael, PG-13)
Sense Memory by
dreamsofspike (Dean/Sam/Castiel, NC-17)
Fanfic: Gen
Extended Family by
scribble2much (PG)
Funny Bone 1/2 by
soncnica (R)
From Yesterday 4/? by
gaelicspirit (PG-13)
The Scattered Pieces of Me 1/? by
etoile_etiolee (PG-13)
Tears, Idle Tears by
cherry916 (R)
Parting Ways by
hopeintheashes (PG-13)
Seeing is Believing by
adrenalineshots (R)
Jai Guru Deva Om 5/14 by
sharlot1926 (PG-13)
Fanfic: Het
All That Comes After by
pamymex3girl (Amelia/Jimmy, PG)
Fanfic: Other
Sold for Parts by
bertee (Sam/Abbadon, Sam/Dean, PG-13)
Angelfire by
cherriesareblue (Dean/Castiel, Sam/Jess, NC-17)
'Til It Bleeds Daylight by
katstark (Sam/Dean, Sam/OMCs, Sam/OFCs, NC-17)
Carry You Home by
lus_suira (Dean/Castiel, Sam/Sarah, NC-17)
Fanfic: RPF
Not All Treasure is Silver and Gold by
ashtraythief (Jensen/JDM, NC-17)
Cold, Care and Catnip by
alezig (Jared/Jensen, NC-17)
Pink Dragonfly by
homo-pink (Jared/Jensen, NC-17)
I Am A God 1/? by
lovemelikesatan (Jared/Jensen, NC-17)
This Is Not a Movie by
linvro21 (Jared/Jensen, PG-13)
Choices by
debauchedsock (Jared/Jensen, NC-17)
After Midnight by
jillmariej (Jared/Jensen, NC-17)
J2 Rec at
rocksalt_recs Sam/Dean Rec at
rocksalt_recs Random: Gen Fanart Rec at
rocksalt_recs Random: Gen Fanart Rec at
rocksalt_recs Challenge Rec at
rocksalt-recs Challenge Rec at
rocksalt-recs Jared/Jensen Creaturefic at
spn_themes Jared/Jensen, Jared/Danneel and Art Recs by
enablelove Icons
42 Icons by
wickdshy 59 9x03 Icons by
tebtosca 78 Icons from 9x03 by
blue_diamond01 Fanart
Art for Ad Astra by
nerime Finally by
badbastion (Sam/Castiel, Ezekial/Castiel, NC-17, NSFW)
Art for Big Machine by
eaksoy Art for Bent by
stefy-coool (Dean/Castiel)
Art for Angelfire by
gishwhere Art for All That Comes After by
soserendipity Art for The Ballad of the Invisible Boy by
scarletscarlet Art for Seeing is Believing by
evian-fork Art for Cushioned Landings by
paper-storm88 (NSFW)
Supernatural 9x03 HD Logofree Screencaps by