Yesterday, ruine_ and I went swimming in a large tank filled with sharks. Three metre long sand tiger sharks, to be precise, as well as conger eels, rays, and countless other fish.
At work, around this time last year and earlier, I was stressed enough to need to take a couple of months off work sick. There was more than one issue that brought me to that space, but the main one related to one of the company directors. He was "throwing blame around" - and a lot of it at me. In particularly, he was using the platform of the
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I was tidying my LJ memories this morning, and I found a list of links to comments I'd written in other peoples journals that I wanted to keep. Things I felt I'd explained particularly well, or just words that flowed right - where I wasn't sure I could find the right words again
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... Bear with me, this isn't really about engineering ...In engineering terms, feedback is when you take the output from a system, and feed some of it back into the input. A car's turbo-charger is feedback, because the energy from the exhaust causes more fuel/air to be forced into the engine. That's positive feedback, because the faster the engine
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Saturday night, I had to go out and do something, and abandon my girl. Ok, abandon her with a computer, an internet connection, a PS2, a big pile of games, DVD's, books, and a nice bed to snooze in.. But still abandon
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Today, while talking about our relationship, I compared my relationship with ruine_ to a dinghy. There's a storm coming in the next few weeks, but like all storms, while it might throw the boat around - it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the boat itself. The problems are external.
Ruine_ and lilpandoraa have written about what we did last weekend already - and I really haven't got much to add to that. What I really wanted to write about was the thoughts and feelings sparked off by some little things that happened - to set down in writing my reflections on the weekend, and on the nature of relationships as mirrored in the surface of events
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I know I haven't posted (except to my Most Intimate friends filter) - but there's been a lot of crap flying around in my life. I just haven't had the space to read or write on LJ. I'm hoping that the end of that is in sight now, but.. we'll have to wait and see.
I did tell ruine_ I'd post about one thing, though, so here it is.. :)
I'm not writing much at present. Nor am I reading much of what you write, even if you are one of the rare few on my "Read Always" filter. I'm not commenting much, either. Nor am I paying much attention to living_d_s. Those on my "Most Intimate" filter will understand why I'm not terribly focussed - the rest need only know that life is distracting me.