это из комментария к макросу по белку (см. раздел "макрос диеты):
"The values above should be multiplied by LBM in pounds (to convert to g/kg, multiply the values by 2.2) rather than total bodyweight due to the fact that body fat has no real protein requirement. Using total body weight to set protein can give unrealistic values for heavier women carrying more BF% unless the values are adjusted downwards to take this into account. In that vein, the values above are higher than what is seen in some research as I have normalized the common values for the average BF% of the women studied (i.e. 1 g/lb bodyweight becomes 1.2 g/lb LBM for women at 20% body fat). This allows women in any category to accurately calculate their protein requirements. Let me restate that the above values shouldbe considered minimums as much as anything else. Women with lower protein requirements often find that increasing their intake above those levels is beneficial in terms of hunger, appetite, energy, mood, etc."
Comments 9
Для женщин с очень высоким ИМТ, весом за 100кг, процент жира, рассчитанный через ИМТ, может быть 50% и выше.
Умножая безжировую массу и общий вес на 1,6-1,8 кг, получаем очень разные значения.
Например, при весе 110 кг и росте 1,7м, ИМТ 38 и процент жира 51.
Если считать на общий вес, получается 176 грамм белка.
Если считать на безжировую массу, получается 86 грамм.
Уж очень большая разница, чтобы ей пренебрегать.
"The values above should be multiplied by LBM in pounds (to convert to g/kg, multiply the values by 2.2) rather than total bodyweight due to the fact that body fat has no real protein requirement. Using total body weight to set protein can give unrealistic values for heavier women carrying more BF% unless the values are adjusted downwards to take this into account. In that vein, the values above are higher than what
is seen in some research as I have normalized the common values for the average BF% of the women studied (i.e. 1 g/lb bodyweight becomes 1.2 g/lb LBM for women at 20% body fat). This allows women in any category to accurately calculate their protein requirements. Let me restate that the above values shouldbe considered minimums as much as anything else. Women with lower protein requirements often find that increasing their intake above those levels is beneficial in terms of hunger, appetite, energy, mood, etc."
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Только вот вопрос: с грыжами, пусть и небольшими, в поясничном отделе прыжки пряд ли привествуются? :)
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