Okay, I finally did it! I made a Fic List with everything in my journal. It's organized by Pairing, Title, or Other. If it's part of a community, that will be next to the Pairing or Title. Let me know if a link isn't working or if it links to a wrong fic.
Soccer Love Ronny/Rose Comm: prsw22
Attention and Books Prompt: Obsessive
Fun or Not Prompt: Children
A New Addition Prompt: Animals
Kira/Conner/Ethan/Trent Comm: Pyramid Dares
Perfect Opposite Prompt: Yin and Yang
Jam Prompt: Marriage
Thunder Rises- DT and TF crossover AU Comm: prau100
Chapter 1: Lost Kendrix and Damon
Hidden Pain Kendrix and Mack
Everyone Else was Safe Happy Birthday, Mack Conner/Trent
Broken Hearts and Ever Afters Sparkles, Vampires, Care Bears, and Conner Burn You Can’t Go Home Again - Time Force AU
Chapter One Time Marches On - Alex Fic and several other seasons involved
Chapter One Chapter Two Time Lost
Morpher Feels Like Home Brit’s Fic Challenge:
Silent Night Never Make a Deal with Ethan Peer Pressure 12 Days of Christmas:
12 Drummer’s Drumming 11 Pipers Piping Ten Lords a-Leaping Nine Ladies Dancing Eight Maid a-Milking Seven Swans a-Swimming Six Geese a-Laying Five Golden Rings! Four Calling Birds Three French Hens Two TurtledovesAnd
A Partridge in a Pear Tree! Other Fic:
Gamer’s Haven Fight Costumes Ranger Adoption Family Ties Best in Show