castiel: Dean, the internet has built us a fireplace. get off the internet, Cas
castiel: I like our fireplace. There is a fire and wood. shouldn't you be searching for god?
castiel: Please capitalize God.
iwantpie: oh for christ's sake
iwantpie: Christ's sake, even
iwantpie: happy?
castiel: Thank you.
castiel: I am taking a small respite.
iwantpie: on the internet?
castiel: Beside our virtual fireplace. The stories, art, and music here remind me of you.
iwantpie: not you too. Sam already scarred me for life when he found porn about us on the internet, i can't deal with this shit again
castiel: I have not encountered any porn yet. There is a very heart-warming story about you throwing a snowball at me and calling me "your angel" and promising me chocolate. that's cheesy as hell
castiel: Chocolate.
iwantpie: ...okay, i see the appeal
castiel: There is also a charming picture of us as reindeer. oh my god my eyes
castiel: Please do not use the Lord's name in vain. Or lowercase.
iwantpie: we're making out under mistletoe!
castiel: It is a human tradition to kiss under mistletoe, I thought you would be familiar with it.
iwantpie: not the point, Cas
castiel: There is no kissing in this post. find me those songs in cassette form and we'll talk
castiel: As you wish.
iwantpie: Cas, you don't actually have to
iwantpie: Cas?
iwantpie: still there?
iwantpie: ...okay then
castiel: I cannot find some of these songs, I'm sorry.
iwantpie: it's okay, dude
castiel: How can I find my Father when I can't even find some songs?
iwantpie: whoa
iwantpie: Cas, relax
castiel: This is distressing.
iwantpie: look, come on, read this fic, it'll make you feel better it's about mistletoe and kissing! your fav, right?
castiel: Would you really think I'm adorable if I wore a halo above my head?
iwantpie: this is fic, Cas
iwantpie: don't be such a freak
castiel: Oh.
iwantpie: come on, you know i didn't meant it like that
castiel: I understand.
iwantpie: no, really
iwantpie: i meant it in a fond way
iwantpie: like this guy who thinks you wouldn't know you're supposed to unwrap presents thinks you're a freak, but fondly: I am perfectly aware that presents are meant to be unwrapped.
iwantpie: of course you are
iwantpie: oh, look, Led Zeppelin! now that's what I call good taste
castiel: Do you have that song on cassette?
iwantpie: yeah
castiel: Good.
castiel: This person also thinks I'm a freak. Why?
iwantpie: well, that person also thinks you're the love of my life
iwantpie: so clearly she's crazy
castiel: Not that crazy, surely.
iwantpie: what?
castiel: Nothing.
iwantpie: here, since you're such a sap, i found some sappy wallpapers for you I like them.
iwantpie: knew you would
iwantpie: this fic is next, also sappy, not to mention porny so much for no porn on this site
iwantpie: what is it with these people?
castiel: If you don't like them, then why are you still perusing these stories?
iwantpie: uh
iwantpie: you know, some of the ideas aren't all bad
iwantpie: like you winning jackpots for me
iwantpie: wanna go to vegas?
castiel: So you do like them.
iwantpie: shut up, Cas
iwantpie: i do not like porn about us, okay?
castiel: There is no porn in the next one. maybe not, but the entire drabble is a chick flick moment
iwantpie: and the one after that is chick flick AND porn That's not exactly porn.
iwantpie: we have sex
castiel: Not very explicitly.
iwantpie: you say things like "I will eat your Christmas dinner"
castiel: It's true. If you cooked it, I would eat it.
iwantpie: ugh, don't say things like that
castiel: Very well.
iwantpie: *sigh* you haven't gone off to sulk again have you
castiel: I do not sulk, Dean. I am reading the next story. seriously? i'd never lose the amulet
iwantpie: speaking of, you still have it, right?
castiel: Of course, Dean. I would never lose it either.
iwantpie: good
iwantpie: otherwise i'd have to kill you
castiel: Is this person right? Do you mean it when you call me your friend?
iwantpie: seriously?
castiel: Yes.
iwantpie: ...
iwantpie: i wouldn't really kill you if you lost the amulet
iwantpie: and not just because i couldn't even if i tried
castiel: Thank you.
iwantpie: i'd still be pissed, though
castiel: I know.
iwantpie: haha is it weird, reading porn about yourself watching porn?
castiel: No.
castiel: But I'm not watching porn in this story.
iwantpie: then how do you know it wouldn't be weird?
iwantpie: ...Cas?
iwantpie: how often are you on the internet?
castiel: This is my favorite trope. nice try, but the fact that you know what a trope is sort of answers my question
iwantpie: why's that your favorite trope, anyway?
iwantpie: you've never even had pie
castiel: It gives me comfort to think you might feed me pie if I were to fall.
iwantpie: dude, if you really want some pie, all you have to do is ask
castiel: It's not about the pie.
iwantpie: it's always about the pie
castiel: It's about still having you even if I lose all else.
castiel: Like in this story. right
castiel: I don't want to fall.
iwantpie: i'll feed you pie if you do
castiel: I'm serious.
iwantpie: so am i, Cas
castiel: That means a lot to me.
iwantpie: um, yeah, don't mention it
castiel: I won't.
castiel: There are too many wallpapers to choose from. the second design is my fav
castiel: Why is that?
iwantpie: i dunno, but you have a nice jaw, how come i never noticed that before?
castiel: You like my jaw?
iwantpie: can't hear you, the music's too loud We are typing.
castiel: And what is a disco stick?
iwantpie: um
castiel: Can I ride yours?
iwantpie: no, dude
castiel: Okay.
castiel: What about Sam's? Does he have one?
iwantpie: NO
iwantpie: Sam does not have one
iwantpie: he's a girl
iwantpie: and even if he did have one, you wouldn't be allowed to ride it
iwantpie: understood?
castiel: Yes, Dean.
castiel: But what if I made you a mixtape, like in this story? Then would you allow me to ride yours?
iwantpie: you're killin me, Cas
iwantpie: and before you ask, no that's not literal
castiel: I'm sorry.
iwantpie: so what are your wings like?
castiel: What? Why?
iwantpie: it seems they're always coming out during sex in fics about us This is the first story it's happened in on this site.
castiel: What other stories about us having sex have you been reading, Dean?
iwantpie: um, nothing, nvm
castiel: Nvm?
iwantpie: never mind, forget it, life's too short
castiel: Yes, sometimes I wonder if we will live to see the end of 2010.
castiel: I've printed out this calendar and it seems a shame to waste it. ...what better reason to live for, right?
castiel: You are a better reason.
iwantpie: didn't i tell you not to say stuff like that?
castiel: But it's true. If you were to be destroyed, like in this story (, I would be devastated.
iwantpie: i'm not gonna say yes
castiel: All the same, this story makes me sad.
iwantpie: cheer up, emo kid
iwantpie: listen to this Okay.
iwantpie: also, maybe it's not weird for you to read porn about yourself watching porn
iwantpie: but surely it's weird to read fic about yourself reading fic? Only in that I'm reading stories about you and Sam in this one.
castiel: I never have, and I don't think I'd want to.
iwantpie: yeah, me either
castiel: You prefer stories about us, then?
iwantpie: i didn't say that
castiel: But you're reading them.
iwantpie: just humoring you
castiel: What about those other stories about my wings that you alluded to?
iwantpie: um
iwantpie: research
castiel: I don't believe you.
iwantpie: well, maybe if you took a hint from this fic and dropped me a note once in a while, i wouldn't have to resort to the internet
castiel: Are you saying you miss me?
iwantpie: these people think they could win against us, i object Do you miss me, Dean?
iwantpie: what do you really look like?
iwantpie: cuz this is pretty badass Do you miss me?
iwantpie: no!
iwantpie: jesus, let it go already
iwantpie: xz'sssssssssssd""""""""""
castiel: Dean? Are you alright?
iwantpie: Cas, I love you. Of course I miss you, that's why I read fic about you and me all the time. <3333333!!!1
castiel: What?
iwantpie: q'[[['[['[[[[[[\\\
iwantpie: ==
iwantpie: ZXXXXXZ
castiel: Dean?
castiel: Dean!
castiel: Dean, are you still there? Please answer me, I don't know where you are.
iwantpie: shit, sorry, that was Sam
iwantpie: bitch stole my laptop
castiel: Sam thinks you love me?
iwantpie: who cares what Sam thinks, he's a bitch who needs to fuck off and die
castiel: You don't mean that.
castiel: He dies in the next story. ...fine, you win
iwantpie: i don't really want to read fic about Sam dying, okay?
castiel: It is very sad, but I do like the endings.
iwantpie: there's more than 1?
castiel: Yes, there are several different endings. I like the last one best.
iwantpie: would
iwantpie: freak
iwantpie: sappy freak
castiel: Which do you like best?
iwantpie: none, we have sex in all of them
castiel: You like sex.
iwantpie: not with you!
castiel: You've never tried it.
iwantpie: we are NOT going there, okay?
castiel: Sometimes I think it's a shame. Even this icon maker has labeled us virgins. you're the only virgin in the picture, i have no idea what she's on about
iwantpie: although the people in this post who think you're a delicate flower may be on to something They also think you would be the Aneros, which is a prostate stimulator.
iwantpie: why do you know that?
iwantpie: wait, don't answer that
iwantpie: moving on!
iwantpie: what is it with Sam setting us up in all these fics? He thinks you love me, remember?
iwantpie: oh, of course
iwantpie: how could i have forgotten
castiel: Unless you don't, I suppose. Like in the last scenario here. that's never gonna happen
castiel: I thought you'd gotten past being revolted at people writing about us having sex.
iwantpie: no, you don't get it
iwantipe: that version of you and me in the future
iwantpie: not gonna fucking happen
iwantpie: ever
iwantpie: got it?
castiel: You never told me what you saw.
iwantpie: forget it, Cas, it doesn't matter
iwantpie: this is how it's gonna be you with your stuffy trench coat and stick up your ass, and me next to you
castiel: I would like that.
castiel: But whose stick is in my bottom? Is it a disco stick?
iwantpie: ...
iwantpie: stop asking me about disco sticks
castiel: Very well.
castiel: Perhaps I could ask LiveJournal about them, then?
castiel: I could even choose one of these lovely layouts for my journal. don't ask anybody about disco sticks!
castiel: Why not?
iwantpie: you're too sappy, it doesn't become you
iwantpie: this is more your style: Would you like me to hold your hand?
iwantpie: no!
castiel: Will you hold mine, then?
iwantpie: no!
castiel: Would you if this story came to pass? Cas, that's depressing
castiel: It's not so unlikely.
iwantpie: fine
iwantpie: if you really need it someday, i'll hold your fucking hand
iwantpie: but if you tell Sam, i'll kill you
castiel: I won't tell Sam.
iwantpie: haha look, you're the little mermaid I am not a mermaid.
iwantpie: you'd be a cute mermaid, admit it
castiel: Would you chase my tail?
iwantpie: stop reading porn, Cas
iwantpie: why don't you read some nice gen fic about praying Even this one implies that we will have sex.
castiel: "But parts are going to be good. Parts are going to be so good."
iwantpie: you know, for a virgin, you sure do think about sex a lot
castiel: I attribute this to you.
iwantpie: you sure it's not the internet?
iwantpie: they do seem to like to put thoughts in your head
iwantpie: literally They captioned the second picture incorrectly.
castiel: I was thinking about the way you say my name.
iwantpie: ...
iwantpie: sometimes i think you'd be the easiest person to please in bed ever
castiel: How often do you think that?
iwantpie: not very often, ok?
iwantpie: it's weird, thinking that about the guy who pulled me out of hell
iwantpie: did you really put something in my philtrum when you did that?
iwantpie: this person thinks you did I think you have missed the point of this story, Dean.
iwantpie: well sorry i'm not as nerdy as you are
castiel: This one contains more pictures and fewer words. This one as well. should i be insulted?
castiel: I am not insulting you. I liked the pictures and thought you might too.
iwantpie: of course YOU would like pictures of us getting it on and being sappy
castiel: Do these songs really represent your thoughts on what you saw in the future? i told you, let it go
castiel: Side B is hopeful.
iwantpie: yeah, well, i am hopeful
iwantpie: i'm hopeful that you'll fucking let it go
iwantpie: seriously, Cas, go back to thinking about sex or something like the teenage angel you are
castiel: I am not a teenage angel.
iwantpie: Angels do not undergo the process of puberty, Dean.
iwantpie: aww, really?
iwantpie: it'd be cute
castiel: You like this story?
iwantpie: um, i didn't say that
castiel: I could have wingrections if you want.
iwantpie: what? seriously?
castiel: No.
iwantpie: i hate you
iwantpie: see this first picture? i'm leaving
castiel: Stay.
iwantpie: fine
iwantpie: but only because there's more Led Zeppelin I would like to do these things someday. i think we already established that you're a sappy freak, right?
castiel: Yes.
iwantpie: good
castiel: But this story must make even you ache. what is this, you don't think my life is fucked up enough as it is?
castiel: It is, I'm sorry.
iwantpie: how pissed do you think Sam would be if i changed all his desktop icons to these? He might like them. I do.
iwantpie: oh
iwantpie: good point, nvm
iwantpie: how come our fandom has such a hard-on for you owning me?
iwantpie: why can't it be the other way around?
castiel: It already is the other way around.
iwantpie: that's fucked up
castiel: Not literally.
iwantpie: i know, but
iwantpie: Cas, that's still fucked up
castiel: I chose it.
castiel: i don't do poetry
castiel: They are beautiful.
iwantpie: they're POEMS
castiel: Try this, then. why is your speech bubble molesting my ass?
iwantpie: wait, it's not a speech bubble, is it?
iwantpie: it's some sort of detachable angel tongue?
castiel: And you say I think about sex too much.
iwantpie: you do, for an angel
iwantpie: you're supposed to be a saint or some shit
castiel: Look at part three, you're a saint too. fandom is delusional
castiel: I think it fits.
iwantpie: you're delusional too
castiel: And yet you are still awake and chatting with me.
iwantpie: don't know why i bother
castiel: Listen to these songs with me? sure, whatever you want
iwantpie: seeing as you fell for me and all
castiel: What?
iwantpie: I do not require repayment for what I did.
iwantpie: it was a joke, Cas
castiel: Would you like me better if I was a woman?
iwantpie: a hot one?
castiel: Yes, I seem to have a "great rack" in this one. hell yeah
castiel: I see.
iwantpie: um, not to say i don't like you just fine the way you are
castiel: Thank you.
castiel: Is "just fine" enough to have dreams like this? do you ever think about things that aren't sex?
castiel: Yes, I think about God.
castiel: And you with penguins. that's just mean
iwantpie: what would i do with penguins all night?
castiel: You could play these "podfics" to them. porn and penguins don't mix, dude
castiel: Then I prefer the former.
castiel: Especially this. know, i wouldn't mind that life
castiel: Having sex with me in front of an audience for money?
iwantpie: only if I can call you "cinnamon heaven-dixon"
castiel: What?
iwantpie: next up That would be acceptable.
iwantpie: seriously?
castiel: Cinnamon tastes good.
iwantpie: where have you tasted cinnamon?
iwantpie: Cas
iwantpie: what do you do when you're not with me?
castiel: Why does that concern you?
iwantpie: because!
castiel: A nice man gave me a cinnamon roll once.
iwantpie: WHO
castiel: Not anyone you are acquainted with.
iwantpie: WHY
castiel: I was sitting on a street reading some of these. he didn't solicit you for anything?
castiel: No, Dean.
iwantpie: oh
castiel: Are you less angry now? Would you feel better if I gave you a hug?
iwantpie: no i would not feel better if you gave me a damn hug
castiel: The people here seem to think otherwise. yeah, well, they also seem to think you're not falling I'm not. Not in the way you think in this story, anyway.
iwantpie: really?
castiel: Really.
iwantpie: i'm glad
castiel: Does your car need saving?
iwantpie: wtf
iwantpie: no?
castiel: Oh. I thought I might try this. right
iwantpie: i'll be sure to let you know if i accidentally drive her into a fucking swamp
iwantpie: unless you leave first? are you gonna?
castiel: I don't know, Dean.
castiel: But for what it's worth, I would prefer this. you really want that white picket fence, huh
castiel: I would prefer you over a white fence.
iwantpie: what about a purple one?
castiel: Yes, I would prefer you over a purple fence as well.
iwantpie: how sweet of you
castiel: I would be, if you let me. i'm not convinced you won't leave when all this is over
iwantpie: here's another one about you leaving Dean.
castiel: Where are you?
iwantpie: why?
castiel: I would like to read this one to you. you're such a fucking girl
iwantpie: i'm surprised you haven't taken up knitting yet Would you like me to?
castiel: I would not mind knitting and listening to these songs. would you mind covering yourself in chocolate and bringing me pie?
iwantpie: you remember what i said about bert and ernie, right?
iwantpie: Cas? still there, buddy?
castiel: Yes, sorry, I was readjusting my LiveJournal layout to include one of these headers. pay attention
iwantpie: we're talking about you and chocolate and pie!
castiel: Here is a story about me staying. It's the last one, unfortunately, but I'm glad it ended on this one.
castiel: I hope they do this again next year.
iwantpie: sure, sure
iwantpie: DISCO STICK
iwantpie: ...
iwantcas: got your attention yet?
castiel: Dean?
iwantcas: yep, it's yours truly
castiel: I thought you didn't miss me.
iwantcas: shut up, Cas
iwantcas: i'm at the motel 6 in grand island, nebra333333333363
Uhm, IN CONCLUSION: A huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated in
dc_fireplace this year, and happy spring! We hope you enjoyed your daily doses of Dean/Castiel love and hope you'll join us again next year. ♥!