Masterlist for 2009-2010 Season

Nov 23, 2009 13:15

It's the first season of dc_fireplace! *throws confetti*

Sign-Up Period: November 23rd - whenever all days are filled

Posting Dates: December 21st, 2009 - March 19th, 2010

Rules: Please read the rules in the profile before you sign up for a day.

Submissions: Fic, icons, wallpapers, fanart, manifestos, vids, mood themes, etc. - absolutely anything that shows your love for Dean/Castiel.

Membership: Because you are given posting access as your posting date comes around, you must be a member of the community before you sign up for a day. To join, head over here. (You will not be given your day until you've joined, so make sure you have to prevent losing your preferred day!)

Sign-up Form: To sign up, comment to this post with this handy-dandy form. (Please use this form; it'll make all of our lives much easier.)

Once you've been granted your day, write it down! Let's say this again for emphasis: write your day down! The mods will not be sending out reminders - you are responsible for remembering which day you signed up for!

For now, you may only sign up for one day. If we get into the season and there are still open slots, you may sign up for an additional day after your first has passed. The mods will make a post if this winds up being the case. You may now sign up for a second day! We will be giving people who haven't signed up yet the first priority, so please still give us a first and second choice if you are signing up for a second day.

Got everything? If you don't, ask. If you do, why haven't you signed up yet? :D

Posting Dates:
[Bold formatting added to make available days easier to see.]

December 21 √ Mod Day #1: Opening Day! \o/ [ drabble tree]
December 22 √ hereare_mysins [ fic | wallpaper | friends only banners]
December 23 √ timbitsu [ art requests]
December 24 √ kitsu84 [ fanmix]
December 25 √ hils [ fic]
December 26 √ downfall35 [ fic]
December 27 - newt_slash
December 28 √ spinawebofsound [ fanmix]
December 29 √ luchia13 [ fic]
December 30 √ bridgetshoeless [ wallpaper]
December 31 √ misslucyjane [ fic]

January 1 √ domina_malfoy [ fic]
January 2 √ grasshopper64 [ fic]
January 3 √ standing_fic [ fic]
January 4
January 5 √ emerald_embers [ fic | essay/manifesto]
January 6 √ wandersfound [ fic | fic]
January 7 √ spacefragments [art: the tropes series part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4]
January 8 √ the_ninth_bow [ fic]
January 9 √ thevinegarworks [ wallpaper & icons]
January 10 √ rogueslayer452 [ fanmix]
January 11 - SydneyWaldorf
January 12 √ cs_whitewolf [ fic, accompanying fanmix]
January 13 √ jayfray18 [ fic]
January 14 √ ev_vy [ manip | 2010 calendar | wallpapers]
January 15 √ bauble [ fic]
January 16
January 17 √ onlyechoes [ fanmix]
January 18 √ phoenixangel13 [ fic, fanmix]
January 19 √ c00kie [ fic w/ graphics | fic]
January 20 √ Emergency Mod Day [ discussion | random poll]
January 21 √ 22by7 [ art #1, art#2, art #3]
January 22 √ zelda_zee [ fic]
January 23 √ lessrest [ icons/headers]
January 24 √ extraonions [ fanmix | game]
January 25 √ extraonions [ fanmix]
January 26 √ awesomepants87 [ fic]
January 27 √ watermaline [ fic]
January 28 √ goth_clark [ graphics, fic]
January 29 √ amechiro [ headers]
January 30 √ tartary_lamb [ fic]
January 31 √ cugami [ fic/art]

February 1 √ mushishi7 [ translated fic]
February 2 √ trinityofone [ fic | fic | fic | fic (dude, fic superhero!)]
February 3 √ Mod Day #2: Halfway done! [ round robin | caption contest]
February 4 √ furius [ fic]
February 5 √ ran_cl [ fic]
February 6 √ bold_seer [ picspam]
February 7
February 8 √ sparseparsley [ fanmix]
February 9 √ jenniferlupin [ fic | fic]
February 10 √ thornsofhell [ graphics]
February 11 √ wandersfound [ fanmix | fanmix]
February 12 √ karabou [ art]
February 13 √ evalens [ fic | fanmix]
February 14 √ kitty_alex [ fic | computer icons]
February 15 √ morganoconner [ fic]
February 16 √ 22by7 [ sonnets]
February 17 √ uselessplayback [ art/caption contest]
February 18 √ smirk_dog [ fanmix]
February 19 √ aescu [fic/fanmix: part 1, part 2, discussion]
February 20 - amaresu
February 21 √ terazetta [ fic]
February 22 √ zoemathemata [ fic]
February 23 √ bhsbaby [ fic | art]
February 24 √ orandream [ fic]
February 25 √ nwhepcat [ podfic recs | drabble prompts | drabble | drabble]
February 26 √ olympia_m [fic: part 1, part 2, part 3, epilogue]
February 27 √ devilyouwere [ fanmix/icons | fic | fanmix]
February 28 √ elvisglasses5 [ fic | pdf fic anthology]

March 1 √ darksilvercat [ fic prompts]
March 2 - feldspar2
March 3 √ heavenlyxbodies [ fic]
March 4 √ bauble [ ficlets/fic commentary]
March 5 √ yellowhorde [ drabbles]
March 6 √ moonlettuce [ fic | fanmix/ficlets]
March 7 √ heavenlyxbodies [ fanmix, fic]
March 8 √ morganoconner [ fic]
March 9 √ janie_tangerine [ fic | fanmix]
March 10 √ Aibari [ fic]
March 11
March 12 - sos_your_face
March 13 √ reality0junkie [ fanmix/graphics]
March 14
March 15 √ love_jackianto [ art]
March 16 √ bumblee [ headers]
March 17 √ dauntperplexity [ fic]
March 18 - domina_malfoy
March 19 √ tracy_loo_who [ grand finale]

2009-2010, !mod

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