Winter is coming; daylight is fleeting; for the students among us, end-of-semester hell is just about to rear its ugly head. What better way to combat such woes than with a super-cheerful comment ficathon?
The Rules Are Thus:
1. Cheerful prompts! I feel like there's not much regulation here in terms of pairings: almost every ship or pair of characters is capable of a fluffy/happy/silly moment, and if they're not in canon, then why can't they be in fic? However, any prompt involving, say, lyrics from Eminem and Rihanna's "Love The Way You Lie" is probably not appropriate in terms of tone. Unless it's the "guess that's why they call it WINDOW PANE" line, which will never stop being hilarious.
2. Prompt format should go thus:
Fandom -- Pairing or characters -- prompt
3. For the fic you've written, please put the following in your comment's subject line: 'Fandom -- pairing -- title.'
4. Be nice!
5. Spread the fun, if you are so inclined!">"> 6. Go forth and have a merry happy good time. :)
(in rather sloppy chronological order;
this will probably be maintained rather poorly, my apologies!)
Merlin - Merlin/Morgana - it's not easy having yourself a good time by
dollsome 30 Rock - Jack/Liz - How Jack Donaghy Got His Groove Back, With Whales by
dollsome How I Met Your Mother - Barney/Robin - Operation: Stake It To Ted by
noteasilywon BtVS/AtS - Buffy/Spike & Cordelia/Angel - Midnight in the Olive Garden of Good and Evil by
angearia Merlin - Arthur/Morgana - Well, this is awkward by
copperiisulfate The Mummy - Rick/Evie - Reading Is Sexy by
vega_ofthe_lyre Gilmore Girls - Rory/Jess - I'm Dreaming of a by
miraxcorran True Blood/BtVS - Franklin & Spike - An Abundance of Window Pane by
dollsome Glee - Rachel/Jesse - I'll Never Tell by
lettersandliars Supernatural - Sam/Jess - Darling, we'll go a-drowning by
taintedlove Doctor Who - Amy/Rory - Worker Bees by
lettersandliars Glee - Brittany/Santana - "I'm just mad for you, and I'll always be, but naturally--" by
amazingly_me Twin Peaks - Cooper/Audrey - Hey girl, you've got a fine laugh, and I think that I can get used to that by
lyssie Being Human - Annie, George, Mitchell - "Annie, you can't keep the kitten. What if George eats it?" by
nonky Sherlock - Sherlock/John - Less than Clandestine by
amazingly_me HIMYM - Marshall/Lily, cast - it's not what i thought it would be (but what really is?) by
portland_rain The Office - Michael & Toby - Don't Go Breakin' My Heart by
firthgal Supernatural - Castiel - Heaven wasn't always hell by
oceansex BtVS - Buffy/Angel - Love is forever, right? by
angearia Dollhouse - DeWitt/Dominic - We Slay Dragons Together by
derevko_child The West Wing - Toby, Sam, & Josh - A Distinct Lack of Gravitas by
amazingly_me Supernatural - Anna/Ruby - Devil Meaning Well by
oceansex Anne of Green Gables - Anne/Gilbert - We should have a breakfast nook! by
taintedlove Legend of the Seeker - Richard/Kahlan - Just for tonight, darling, let's get lost by
dollsome The Vampire Diaries - Tyler & Caroline - TOGETHER, THEY FIGHT CRIME by
nonky Community - Jeff/Annie - O brave new world by
dollsome Glee - Brittany/Santana - You don't know how far I'd go by
anthimeriate Angel - Fred & Cordelia - Of Friendship and Tacos by
superkappa The Office - Jim/Pam & CeCe - Everyone's a Critic by
firthgal Community - Britta/Troy (and the gang) - El tango de sexual tension by
dollsome Glee - Kurt & Finn - Life is too short for traffic by
storypaint The Vampire Diaries - Caroline & Stefan - The Pros and Cons of Sparkling by
law_like_love Dollhouse - Topher - Aced The Tests, Never Did The Homework by
kay_obsessive Glee - Rachel & Kurt - Detour a Bad Day by
storypaint Lost - Kate/Sawyer - Just Like New Times by
fragmentedsky Doctor Who - Eleven/Rose - Top Hats Optional by
laeria The Vampire Diaries - Caroline, Elena, & Bonnie - Slumber Party by
dranime203 The Vampire Diaries - Stefan/Elena/Damon - They say it's your birthday by
austen Battlestar Galactica - Adama/Roslin - carpe astra by
pocochina Merlin - Arthur/Merlin - Just One Hug by
niftywithan Harry Potter - Harry/Hermione/Ron - every stone you stood upon shifted, except for me by
mollivanders Doctor Who - River/Doctor - You're very pretty, you know. You're very rare, you know. by
lyssie Alias - Jack/Irina - A Murder Free Dinner by
derevko_child BtVS/Veronica Mars - Buffy and Veronica - girls in a gun store by
mollivanders Veronica Mars - Wallace & Veronica - shooting some hoops by
polychromic Battlestar Galactica - Gaius/Caprica Six - What's in a name, anyway? by
mini_miss Friday Night Lights - Coach/Mrs. Coach - Lazy Saturday afternoon by
mollivanders Caprica - Lacy & Barnabas - Emergence by
odyle Merlin - Arthur/Morgana (+ kind of ot4) - Objectivity by
fragmentedsky Harry Potter - Remus/Sirius - The Old Fablemakers by
amazingly_me The West Wing - Josh and Donna - And Most Fools Do by
amazingly_me Community - Britta/Professor Duncan - Alternative Lifestyles in Modern Discourse by
nonky The Vampire Diaries - Tyler & Caroline - TOGETHER, THEY FIGHT CRIME by
nonky BtVS - Spike/Drusilla - Callooh, Callay by
marketchippie Secret Diary of a Call Girl - Ben/Hannah - Best Friends with Wandering Eyes by
nonky Pirates of the Caribbean - Jack/Elizabeth - Winning is worth it by
bellonablack Battlestar Galactica - Kara/Sam - I'll sleep when I'm dead by
nonky Castle - Castle/Beckett - The Serenade of Romantic Doom by
nonky Modern Family - Mitchell/Cameron - Two Approaches To Baby-Naming by
polychromic The Vampire Diaries - Salvatore brothers & co. - Surprise is Not Only for the Living by
ohwaluvusbab Pirates of the Caribbean - Anamaria - What shall we die for by
caffeineandink Batman - Harley Quinn/Batman - I have dreams of orca whales and owls by
clockwork_jo AtS - Angel/Cordy, Connor, the team - Icy Peril by
museofspeed The Vampire Diaries - Damon/Elena - The Timeless Taste of Cracker Jacks by
amoenavi The West Wing - Sam/Ainsley - Deep Fried And Extra Fatty by
magisterequitum Lost - Dan/Charlotte - Keeping still to move by
valhalla37 Skins - Freddie, Emily - And I won't let you choke by
clockwork_jo BtVS - Buffy/Spike - Her Dark Place Is Also Quiet by
ohwaluvusbab HIMYM - Barney/Robin - I know you get me (so I let my walls come down) by
dollsome BtVS - Spike & Dawn - The Cons of Anarchy by
ohwaluvusbab HIMYM - Ted/Victoria - Social Networking by
ceridweyn_lin Harry Potter - Tom Riddle/Bellatrix Lestrange - All is loneliness before me by
amazingly_me The West Wing - Ainsley - Last Friday night, yeah we danced on tabletops by
amazingly_me Lilo & Stitch/Calvin & Hobbes - What I Did On My Summer Vacation by
amazingly_me Pushing Daisies - Ned/Chuck - Loophole by
polychromic Glee - Brittany & Finn - Hip-hop and Hippos by
polychromic The Vampire Diaries - Damon/Elena - Get Thee Behind Me, Temptation by
redbrunja The West Wing - Sam/Ainsley - Baby, it's cold outside by
magisterequitum ER - Ray/Neela - Edge of Desire by