I am just ordering this by in-game chronology, not by real time. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT.
His intro 2.
Fighting Eridan 3.
Disturbing Rapunzel and Jessica 4.
Being creepy on Superman's intro 5.
Fighting Jessica, running away, coming back, and getting dropped onto a tall building by Bob 6.
Getting into the shit with Bellatrix, leading up to a fight 7.
Briefly harassing Rapunzel 8.
Giving Houston horrible sleeping advice 9.
Insulting and being insulted by Alex 10.
Harassing Eridan 11.
Saying terrible things to Eridan's kismesis Baroona. 12.
Fighting with Bellatrix, hating wands forever, and now hating Superman 13.
Direct Eridan harassment 14.
Death threats for Equius while still harassing Eridan 15.
Comparing Katurian to a joke and not explaining jokes or anything else that well. :o( 16.
Gamzee makes another post and gets Equius to come to him for subjugglation, harasses Jessica, and gets a little harassed himself. 17.
Gamzee punishes Equius and Equius actually stands up for himself a little bit. 18.
Gamzee is not happy to see Nepeta alive and tells her so 19.
Telling Lydwine that peace sucks and he sort of gives a description on his beliefs /HEADCANON HEADCANON HEADCAON 20.
Harassing Rapunzel again, this is a text edition 21.
Gamzee tells Abby what he thinks of it being so nice in the City. 22.
Katurian, bro, stop talking to psychos they'll hunt you down. Gamzee tries to kill Katurian or at least make him tell a joke and then he gets his ass kicked by Dick Grayson. 23.
Eridan gets harassed in person. 24.
Annnd Eridan gets harassed over the network and Gamzee gets harassed right back, what a shocking development. 25.
Gamzee gets into a fight with Lydwine. VAMPIRES VS CLOWNS, WHO'S SCARIER? 26.
Gamzee has a less than nice conversation with Equius. 27.
Gamzee goes to try and get medical attention from Zoidberg, this doesn't work out so well. He does get high though. 28.
Stoned Gamzee replies to the HS kids' clusterfuck of a post, this becomes a bigger clusterfuck with more trolls and Parker. 29.
Gamzee and Daniel start talking, Gamzee is definitely going to give him Faygo. 30.
Faygo + Daniel + Gamzee = Miracles? 31.
Equius brings Gamzee food and Gamzee asks an awkward question. 32.
Gamzee is still stoned and figures out he's been kind of a jerk. This is by far his most informative post to the community, really. 33.
BEST FRIEND, HOW ARE YOU? Also, some warning I am terrible to Zero. 34.
Equius's poetry is... interesting. 35.
Being nice to Jessica after she's been attacked by the BIIIIIIRDS. 37.
Still being nice, to Yoite this time. 38.
Gamzee, while pretending to be high, offers to help Eridan out with the rats and birds that are running rampant in the city. 39.
Gamzee gets into a conversation with Edward Nygma. 40.
Gamzee goes to meet Eridan after he talks to him and then he attacks him and leaves him to the rats and birds. 41.
Rose and Gamzee have a conversation about housing and other things. 42.
Karkat is often the center of Gamzee's attention. This won't end well. 43.
Remember when I said it won't end well? 44.
Onyx gets to be greeted by Gamzee while he's still pretending to be high. 45.
Affected by the magic at the Renn Faire, bard Gamzee encounters both Lord Nygma and the pirate Dualscar there.
And Gamzee gets himself into deep shit with Francesco and, again, Dualscar. 48.
He's no longer pretending to be high and he's talking to Rose. He's also asking about Dave and the other trolls. 49.
He can't not threadjack Eridan once in awhile, it just cannot happen. 50.
A brief conversation with Callie. 51.
Andy is now being very obviously stalked. 52.
Gamzee hunts Jessica down on Thursday morning. He's delighted to see her. This is awful. 53.
A network post in which Gamzee digs his grave a little deeper. 54.
Gamzee sets traps for Aradia and she winds up kicking his ass. 55.
Gamzee pisses Vriska off. 56.
Bitty Katurian gets harassed. 57.
Asks Rose about Dave and it winds up turning into a conversation about his feelings on Eridan. 58.
Hate flirting with Dave through rapping. 59.
Gamzee is harasses little Katurian in person. 60.
A conversation with younger Bellatrix Lestrange. 61.
Daniel is unfortunately not a lone in the dark. 62.
An encounter with Edward Nygma in the public library. 63.
Gamzee can never leave his best friend alone. 64.
Briefly meeting AM 65.
Talking to Yoite and starting to hate "ohs" 66.
Rapping briefly with Marceline. 67.
Gamzee and Eridan become kismeses and Sollux hacks the conversation. 68.
Gamzee does not like the way Zatanna is interacting with Eridan. 69.
Gamzee kind of reconsiders if he wants Eridan to help him maul Karkat or not. 70.
Tavros arrives and Gamzee is not happy with this or Tavros' oh at the end. 71.
Murdering the fuck out of nerds a.ka. Crabhammers, he gets interrupted by Chao. 72.
Gamzee talks to Bernkastel and Lambdadelta while murdering more Crabhammers. 73.
Murdering yet more Crabhammers. 74.
Crabhammer murder with Booga this time. 75.
NOT REALLY ANYTHING HERE, but it shows more Crabhammer stuff, so it stays. 76.
Laura beats the shit out of Gamzee. 77.
After Laura disables and knocks Gamzee out she posts his condition on the network. Then Gamzee goes to jail and still makes threats from there. 78.
A body Gamzee left behind is found, but he didn't reply to this. 79.
Gamzee is still in prison and has Eridan's scarf. 80.
While still dealing with the scarf incident Rose says something very interesting and Gamzee can't ignore that. 81.
The thread in which Gamzee finally tears Eridan's scarf. 82.
Trying to give Lydwine horrible advice, sadly this is the last time. :o( 83.
In which Gamzee begins to challenge Khisanth. A dragon. This can only end badly for everyone involved. 84.
Talking with his good buddy Tyki. 85.
Gamzee meets Doc Scratch. 86.
Kanaya is back and Gamzee doesn't like that. Also, he has a brief conversation with Karkat toward the end. 87.
Katurian is back and Gamzee is delighted to see him. 88.
Being an asshole to Jade. 89.
In which Gamzee begins to reveal how much he knows of Rose and she begins to threaten him. 90.
Rose comes to threaten Gamzee in person at the prison. They have to communicate through the following post, but said post allows Eridan to see what's going on and he comes to interrupt. 91.
That post in which Rose and Gamzee have to use to talk to each other and it's public. 92.
Kismesis talk, Gamzee tries to keep Eridan away from Rose. In the same post Gamzee is delighted to see Eridan no longer being friends with Jade. 93.
Gamzee returns from home and is out of jail. 94.
Gamzee is delighted to see how much attention he's earned from the members of the City. 95.
Tyki and Gamzee finally meet. 96.
Vriska challenges Gamzee, but he tells her to wait awhile. 97.
Eridan came to fight Gamzee and lost. Gamzee is now keeping him until he heals a bit.