Hookups and Emoticons [16]

Apr 03, 2010 20:21

Title: Hookups and Emoticons
Author: k_chan91
Disclaimer: Last Christmas I wished I could own Yunho...but I guess I was a naughty girl...T.T
Pairings: Yoosu (friends...?) Yunjae // Jaemin(one-sided), KiMin, HyukSu
Length: [16/?]
Genre: crack, romance, drama
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warnings: Some language, some mentions of smex, a tiny lil bit of angst, Chat world!
Junsu: 8D
Yoochun: >.>
Yunho: <3 JJ 4evah
Jaejoong: Omg~
Changmin: I pwnz

Making and breaking relationships has never been this instant~

1 - Storytelling and Chinese Accents  ||  2 - Corndogs and O's  || 3 - Money and Bambi ||    4 - Smexicles and Friend Gods  ||   5 - Pokemon and Bananas  ||    6 - Yougurt and Golden Sexy  ||    7 - Exercise and Holy Water  ||      8 - First Kisses and Bald Spots  ||   9 - Mario Kart and Grandpa's Condoms  ||   10 - PMSing and Yoochun's Saga  ||   11 - Petunias and Amazling Smiles  ||   12 - Muffins and Sinking Ships  ||   13 - Pencil Compatibility and Coming Out the Closest  ||   14 - Morning People and Junsu's Saga  || 15 - Lambs and Bleach


Chapter 16: Homowork and Shakespearean Torture

November 16, Monday, 6:25PM

***YumYunYum has signed in

YumYunYum: ...

YumYunYum: Jaejoong....Would you like to.......?

YumYunYum: Jaejoong....yo check it out. I was thinking we should...um.....like...

YumYunYum: Jae.....wassup???

YumYunYum: Jae WASSUP?!??!?

YumYunYum: Hey, you think you wanna....with you....and me.....and maybe a chicken salad.

YumYunYum: So, I was thinking, baby.....we should, like, ya know...DO SOMETHING. How 'bout doing me?

YumYunYum: What the.....???? Crap. Man, I suck.

YumYunYum: Ahem, let's try this again.

YumYunYum: Jae baby, how about we take this thing we have between us and put it on the fast road.

YumYunYum: Ugh. I sound like I want to date rape him...

YumYunYum: Um....J..Jaejoong....I know we, um.....we haven't known each other long....and um.....I like you....and....I........could we....could you....please.......take me.....

YumYunYum: ....Now I sound like I want him to date rape me

YumYunYum: Hmmmm.....cock factor?

YumYunYum: HEEEEEEEEEEEY, Jae, you sexy, smexy blond licorice stick of miiiiiiine~<3 How bout a movie, Gorgeous?

YumYunYum: ....Did I just call Jaejoong a 'licorice stick???'

YumYunYum: Umm....Jae....

YumYunYum: Jaejoong.......

YumYunYum: Joongie.....

YumYunYum: ....Jaejoongie....please.....would you mind.....

YumYunYum: Umm...no...um...Jae.......I'd like to....like...to....

YumYunYum: Um

YumYunYum: ........


***Jaesicle has signed in

Jaesicle: Hey, baby honey darling of wonderfulness~<333333

YumYunYum: Um, hi, Jae. Hi.

Jaesicle: Omo, Yunnie~ You're so cute~<33

YumYunYum: Heh...heh. I think you are, too. I think.

YumYunYum: No wait...I KNOW you're cute. I know.

Jaesicle: Lolzy~ Why, thank you ever so much, Yunnie honey

Jaesicle: Did you have a good time at the sleepover? <3

YumYunYum: Yeah. I really, really did.

Jaesicle: Omo! I didn't know how competitive you were~ I thought you were going to strangle poor Susu

YumYunYum: Um....well....he was cheating.....

Jaesicle: Oh, Yunnie~ Taking short cuts in Mario Kart is not called cheating, honey. It's strategy.

YumYunYum: Not when Junsu does it...

Jaesicle: Oh, but you didn't try to murder me when I took the shortcuts~

YumYunYum: ...Only when Junsu does it. It's wrong when he cheats

Jaesicle: And not me? <33

YumYunYum: Um...

Jaesicle: Teehee ;D

YumYunYum: It's obnoxious when Junsu cheats. It's strategy when you do it. And cute. It's cute. Very cute.

Jaesicle: Awww, so I'm cute when I cheat~?

YumYunYum: Ahhh, yeah. Yes. Definitely.

Jaesicle: Would I be cute robbing a bank, too~?

YumYunYum: Omg, of course.

Jaesicle: Lolololol~ What about stealing candy from babies??

YumYunYum: Uh-huh. Cute~

Jaesicle: *giggles* Tying a cop's shoelaces together?

YumYunYum: Yep yep. So cute. You'd be cute date raping me, too.

Jaesicle: Oh my.....o.o" Yunho...where did that come from......?

YumYunYum: UMMMMM.....

YumYunYum: TYPO. Just a typo.

YumYunYum: I meant.......t.....tree raping....me....

Jaesicle: Ehh???? You know deforestation is wrong, right?

YumYunYum: Deforestation???? Where did you get that??

Jaesicle: Isn't that what you meant?? That I'd look cute raping trees, which I believe is akin to deforestation, which is sick and wrong and evil and I would SO not look cute destroying the environment.

YumYunYum: Oh, no, NO. That's not what I meant....Crap. I meant...um....

Jaesicle: Are you okay, Yun hun?

YumYunYum: No

Jaesicle: o.o

YumYunYum: I meant yes! I mean...um..

YumYunYum: The popcorn at your sleepover party was good. Really good.

YumYunYum: Buttery but not too much.

YumYunYum: Yum~

Jaesicle: ...Ah. ^^; Right, okay. It was my sister's choice. She's the Grocery Queen.

YumYunYum: Aha....yeah...

Jaesicle: You should come with us some time. ^.^ Grocery shopping may not seem like fun, but with Soorae, it's an adventure~

Jaesicle: Yunho? o.o

Jaesicle: I don't mean to sound pushy, but it's been 10 minutes and you haven't responded yet. Are you making a sandwich or something?

YumYunYum: Ah. No. No. I'm here.

YumYunYum: Um....Going grocery shopping with you would be absolutely.....

YumYunYum: ....

Jaesicle: Yes? o.o

YumYunYum: Ah. See, that's the problem. I'm trying to describe how that would make me feel but I can't come up with a good word.

Jaesicle: Oh. Really?

YumYunYum: Yeah...

Jaesicle: Haha~ ^^ You're toooooooo cute when you're toooooooo honest. <333333 Just say the first thing that comes to your head, baby~

YumYunYum: Orgasmic

Jaesicle: O.O Excuse me????

YumYunYum: ....That's how I feel....

Jaesicle: ....Orgasmic....? >.>

YumYunYum: ....Well that's why it took me so long to respond....I wanted to use a proper synonym that's not quite so......

Jaesicle: Abrasive?

YumYunYum: You thought it was....abrasive?

Jaesicle: Well, I mean, most people don't consider grocery shopping an activity that induces ORGASMS.

YumYunYum: With you, it would.

Jaesicle: ....Are you inviting me to have sex with you at the grocery store...?

YumYunYum: NO!!!!!! Absolutely NOT!!!! I mean....NO. NEVER! EVER!

YumYunYum: Unless of course you wanted to.....

Jaesicle: I have to be honest, I'm a little uncomfortable now....

YumYunYum: Crap. CRAP. I..I'm sorry. No. I'm uncomfortable, too. Haha. Yeah. Grocery sex??? Psh. Please. That's lame. I was just kidding. Haha. Totally.

Jaesicle: Right....

YumYunYum: Right....

Jaesicle: Are you this, um...articulate in student government?

YumYunYum: What do you mean?

Jaesicle: Yunho

YumYunYum: ....Yes?

Jaesicle: I'm going to tell you flat out. I'm a blunt person. I can't keep my thoughts in for very long.

YumYunYum: Uh-huh...

Jaesicle: I haven't known you for very long and you seem...nice and I don't want to scare you off. So I'm going to say this as gently as possible. Kay, hun?

YumYunYum: ...Alright...

Jaesicle: Yunho, you...confuse me.

YumYunYum: ...Oh.

Jaesicle: Ah, that's as gentle as I could put it, but there's a lot more where that came from. You're also fidgety, clumsy, awkward and you fail. A LOT.

YumYunYum: oh

Jaesicle: ...It's a little cute.

YumYunYum: ....Oh?

Jaesicle: But you still confuse me.

YumYunYum: oh

Jaesicle: Stop thinking so much, okay?

YumYunYum: Yeah....okay.

Jaesicle: Wanna try it?

YumYunYum: Try what?

Jaesicle: Silly~ Not thinking. Try it. Just tell me something. Anything. And don't think about it. Don't think about how you're going to say it. Don't even think about the topic. I don't even care what it's about.

Jaesicle: Unless of course you display a certain amount of bigotry, ignorance, insensitivity toward the environment or blatant male chauvinism.

YumYunYum: ...Okay.

Jaesicle: Or grocery sex...I'd rather you not mention that again.

YumYunYum: Right...of course...

Jaesicle: I'm all ears, baby~<33

YumYunYum: ...

YumYunYum: Nose

Jaesicle: Hmm? o.o I don't quite understand.

YumYunYum: Your nose. It's nice.

Jaesicle: Oh. Well, thank you, Yunnie~ ^.^

YumYunYum: You're welcome....

Jaesicle: ^.^

YumYunYum: Heh....

Jaesicle: :]

YumYunYum: That's....that's not all....

Jaesicle: Yes, Yunnie? <33

YumYunYum: ...This is hard for me...

Jaesicle: I can imagine, baby~

YumYunYum: ...Just give me a second...I have something to say..but...I need a moment...

Jaesicle: I am as patient as a sweet, sweet Sunday breeze~<3333

YumYunYum: ...

Jaesicle: ^^

YumYunYum: Hah...Jaejoong?

Jaesicle: Yes, baby cakes?? <333

YumYunYum: Ummm......I

YumYunYum: Would you....?

YumYunYum: Do you mind....?

YumYunYum: Um

YumYunYum: This weekend....are you free....to....?

YumYunYum: Ummmmmmm

YumYunYum: Like......would you....with me......would you like to......

YumYunYum: Please, ummmmmm.....go out......with.......

***Chunderful has signed in

Chunderful: Holla~

YumYunYum: Omg.

Chunderful: I know you all missed me, but I'm here. It's okay now.

Jaesicle: Lol~~<333 xD Why, hello Chunnie~

Chunderful: That's Mr. Chuntastic to you

Jaesicle: Oh, of course, Mr. Chuntastic. I bow to your great, smooth awesomeness~

Chunderful: As you should

Jaesicle: Haha! x] With your permission, Mr. Chuntastic, Yunnie-poo was just about to say something quite important

Chunderful: Don't ever call him Yunnie-poo in my presence again and I shall allow it.

Jaesicle: Yes, your Chuntasticness~ *bows*

Jaesicle: Yunnie??

YumYunYum: Huh?

Jaesicle: You were just about say something~ Perhaps you were going to ask me a question... :D

YumYunYum: Oh. Oh. No, I don't think so.

Jaesicle: o.o Are you sure?? It sounded important. Really important.

YumYunYum: Ah, no. I....I forgot what I was about to say already....

Chunderful: ...

Jaesicle: >:| Well, I didn't. You were asking me something about this weekend.

Chunderful: This weekend? Like this past weekend? At the sleepover?

Jaesicle: NO. I'd like to believe it was something about this upcoming weekend. Perhaps Friday night....at 6.....maybe a movie or dinner or something.........

Chunderful: ...

YumYunYum: Nope. I don't recall. Sorry......

Jaesicle: Are you sure? You don't want to just.....ask me...?

Chunderful: o.O"

YumYunYum: Well........

Jaesicle: Yes? :]

YumYunYum: Well...Yoochun is here now, so....

Jaesicle: Ah, ignore him. He doesn't matter. :]

Chunderful: WTF?!

YumYunYum: Jaejoong....Jaejoongie....I.......

***SUnny has signed in


YumYunYum: No. I seriously don't remember.....

Jaesicle: Oh...okay....T.T

SUnny: o.O"" Why does it smell like lame in here?? D<

Chunderful: Cuz you showed up

SUnny: DD< LIES! Because I light the way through the darkness.....WITH MEH SMILE!!! >D

Chunderful: Yeah, yeah. You made it pretty bright at Jae's sleepover party.

SUnny: OMG YEAH! That was soooo much fun, Joongieful~ 8]

Jaesicle: Oh reallyz, Susu~? Omg, we should DEFINITELY do it again some time~

SUnny: NOWZ! :D Let's go~

YumYunYum: Dude, it's Monday.

SUnny: What's your point? =.=

YumYunYum: We can't bother Jaejoong on a weekday. He's got to study and stuff

Jaesicle: Aw, you're such amazing sweetness, baby <33333

YumYunYum: Aha.....

SUnny: OMG. O.O I can practically HEAR Yunho blushing all the way from my house. >D

YumYunYum: I'M NOT.

SUnny: You are~ I knowz you~ I bet your pores are bleeding right now~

YumYunYum: #1: Ew. #2: I'm NOT blushing. I'm not. Really.

Chunderful: Methinks the lady doth protest too much~ ;D

YumYunYum: ...

SUnny: O.O;;;;;;

Jaesicle: Oh my.........

Chunderful: o.o WHAT? What did I do??

Jaesicle: Chunnie, baby...that was a Shakespearean quote....

Chunderful: Yeah...so?

SUnny: You've slept through every one of your classes since you first walked into elementary school....O.O....How do you even know who Shakespeare is????

Chunderful: ...Psh. Just because I sleep a lot and never do my homework and barely pass my classes and hate all my teachers and all my teachers hate me doesn't mean I'm an idiot. What?? You guys think I'm an idiot??

YumYunYum: Yeah

SUnny: Hellz yes~

Jaesicle: Oh, just a tad, darling<3

Chunderful: o.o

Chunderful: Well FUCK you guys, too ]:<

SUnny: Aw, but we still love you. :D Idiot Chun~ :'D

Chunderful: I'm NOT an idiot! If I was that stupid, I wouldn't have made it to high school

YumYunYum: I've been wondering about that.....How did you make it this far??

Chunderful: I'M NOT STUPID

Jaesicle: Oh, you poor Chunface~ Denial will get you nowherez~

YumYunYum: Hey, you know what this means? If Yoochun is intellectually competent enough to know who Shakespeare is, then that means if he really tried in school...he'd be pretty smart

SUnny: And he'd stop copying off my homowork every day. :D

SUnny: *homework o.o"

Jaesicle: If only he'd quit sleeping so much~ Oh wellz~

Chunderful: GAH! I hate all of you!

SUnny: Oh, Chunnie~ :'DD *snuggles you*

Jaesicle: He's so cute when he's mad~ *pinches his cheeks*

Chunderful: Get away from me! No snuggling!

Jaesicle: *pinches cheeks*

Chunderful: None of that either! Don't cyber touch meh!

YumYunYum: Hey, Yoochun, if you want, I could maybe tutor you after school or something. I see a lot of hidden potential in you.

Chunderful: Well, thanks...I guess....

YumYunYum: Yeah. A lot of really hidden talent. Really hidden. Like...that intellectual talent you've been hiding somewhere in your mind is like ninja-hybernating in the shadows of your forehead or something

Chunderful: You know what, Yunho?

YumYunYum: Yeah, man?

Chunderful: You can take that half-assed thanks I just sent you and shove it up your nostrils

YumYunYum: Oh...okay.

SUnny: Awwwwww. 8'D He's even cuter when he's threatening Yunho's life~

Jaesicle: Omo~ If I promise to feed and love and take care of him every day, can I keep him?

SUnny: Only if you promise to remember to give him shots and keep his paws off the furniture~ ^.^

Jaesicle: Eek! <33

Chunderful: I wish to choke both of you

Jaesicle: OMG! <333 He's adorable!

SUnny: I wanna snuggle him again! 8D

Chunderful: Seriously. I will stone cold kill all of you

Chunderful: Especially you, Yunho

YumYunYum: Eh???

Jaesicle: *pets Chunnie bunny* He's so soft~

SUnny: Hmmm, I think he's more of a lamb!Chun ;D


SUnny: What???? o.O" I didn't say anything about your pink underwear

SUnny: ...

SUnny: Oops. O_O

Chunderful: OMG

YumYunYum: Pink underwear???

Jaesicle: Mmmm, sounds interesting, Chun~ Care to explain? ;D

Chunderful: I'm gonna fucking murder you, Junsu D<

SUnny: NO NO WAIT! O.O That's not what I meant! I meant....um.....>.>

SUnny: Ah, fuck it. >:| WHY is frilly pink lamb boxers so embarrassing, huh???? HUH???? It's not. It's NOT shameful! You know why???? Because even I wore his underwear. HA! And I'm still cool. ;D I wore his boxers all through the sleepover. Ha! HA! And I'm PROUD~

YumYunYum: ...

Jaesicle: Oh my, that IS interesting. >:D

Chunderful: ...

SUnny: O_________O No, wait....that didn't go as planned.....

Chunderful: JUN. SU.

SUnny: O_________________O""

SUnny: Yoochun.....Chunnie.......Chunface.....Calm down.....

Chunderful: Want me to tell you what I'm going to do to you before I come over to your house RIGHT NOW and hurt you????

SUnny: O.O NO. Not really. Nope. Uh-uh.

Chunderful: First, I'm gonna put my sneakers on. Because I just know I'll be running A LOT. That is, unless you decide to stay put.

SUnny: O.O"

Chunderful: And then, I'm gonna drive to your house and knock on the door. If your mom or dad or Changmin answers the door, I'll smile to them and then sneak up to your room and lock your bedroom door behind me. If you answer the front door.....

Chunderful: I'm dragging you outside into the woods where no one can hear you scream

SUnny: O___O

Chunderful: When I first get my hands on you, I will grab you by your hair and pull. Hard.

SUnny: No.....T.T

Chunderful: Then, I will take my mom's umbrella and slowly, ever so slowly poke the end into your asshole.

SUnny: O.O

Chunderful: And then I will open the umbrella.

SUnny: >_<

YumYunYum: Ouch

Jaesicle: Oooh, isn't that a bit too harsh, Chunface, baby?

Chunderful: When you're done crying, I will fetch a pair of tweezers. I will then attach said tweezers to your nipples. I will twist and I will twist with no mercy

SUnny: *twitches* x.o

Chunderful: Oh, I'm not done, yet, Su

SUnny: Why? T.T

Chunderful: I will then jack myself off to the sounds of your whimpering and then I will relieve myself into your hair

SUnny: >.>

YumYunYum: ...

Chunderful: And while you are writhing on the floor in the discarded puddle of your broken pride and my cold semen, I will venture to your bathroom and destroy the pipes.

SUnny: <.<

Chunderful: That way you will have no way to wash your hair and you must live the rest of your life with my liquid babies in your hair. How does it feel, Junsu. Does it feel DEGRADING??????????????

SUnny: Ch-Chunnie.......Please.....O.O......Be calm. Think about this......

Chunderful: I'm coming over, Su. Now. Prepare yourself.

SUnny: NOOOOO! D8 I haven't even gotten to wash your pink lamb boxers yet!

Chunderful: ......Oh, this is gonna be fucking fun.

***Chunderful has signed out

SUnny: a;dlfjal;kjfkl;asdkjfajg;adjkf


YumYunYum: ....

SUnny: SAVE MEEEE!!!!!

Jaesicle: *sigh* Although, I don't condone that kind of behavior, you'll just have to let Chunnie vent. There's no stopping him now. I mean...he never even told me he had such delicate underwear. ;D

SUnny: GAH! Yunho!! Save me with your muscles T.T

YumYunYum: I'm with Jaejoong. Sorry, Su.

SUnny: I'm DEAD!!!!! DDDDD'8

SUnny: I'm gonna go hide. HIDE!!!

***SUnny has signed out

YumYunYum: Those two....

Jaesicle: I knowz~ They're so cute together! I'm glad I met them both.

YumYunYum: Ha. Just don't get too close to Junsu if you know what's good for you. One moment, you're having a good time and the next thing you know, you're about as big of a raving lunatic as he is.

Jaesicle: Oh, you're so rough! ;D

YumYunYum: Ah, when it comes to Su, you gotta let him know who's boss

Jaesicle: Mmmmm~ You should be like that more often. I know a certain blond and sexy someone who needs to be tamed ;D

YumYunYum: ...Eh??

Jaesicle: Come on, Yunnie~ Try it on me. Take control, baby~

YumYunYum: But...I don't want to come off abrasive or anything

Jaesicle: Oh, honey, being aggressive and being abrasive are two completely totally wildly different things~

YumYunYum: Um, I don't think I can do aggressive.

Jaesicle: Oh, why not? :[ You're aggressive with Susu. And I'm sure you don't get anything done as class president by being mild and timid

YumYunYum: Well, no, but...those things aren't you

Jaesicle: Oh? And why am I different?

YumYunYum: I...you...

Jaesicle: ;)

YumYunYum: I think I hear my dad calling me. He wants me to help with something. Something, um, with his car again.

Jaesicle: Really...? T.T

YumYunYum: Yeah...I gotta go. Sorry

Jaesicle: ...Okay.

YumYunYum: Yeah...

Jaesicle: I'll call you tonight again, okay? Before you go to bed.

YumYunYum: Um, I don't think that's a good idea....

Jaesicle: Oh? Why not?

YumYunYum: I just can't....

YumYunYum: I'm so sorry, Jae. I'm sorry.

Jaesicle: Oh. Okay. No problem, Yunnie~ ^^ I'll see you tomorrow, okay, baby? <33

YumYunYum: Hah...yeah, Jae. I'll see you in my dreams tonight

Jaesicle: Mmm, sounds intriguing~ ^.^

YumYunYum: CRAP. Did I type that???

Jaesicle: Why, yes, I believe you did, honey

YumYunYum: I....I'm SO sorry. I....I wasn't thinking....

Jaesicle: What did I tell you about thinking, silly?

YumYunYum: ...

YumYunYum: I gotta go. I REALLY gotta go.

YumYunYum: Bye

***YumYunYum has signed out

Jaesicle: Bye bye, baby~<3333

Jaesicle: o.o"

Jaesicle: Well he left pretty quick...

Jaesicle: ...Ah, what are you doing, Jaejoong?

***Jaesicle has signed out

Chapter 17
Forever keep the faith.

That's all I have to say. :)

*Vote in the fic contest! dbkrackweens

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title: hookups and emoticons, genre: drama, pairing: jaemin, genre: romance, rating: pg-13, pairing: yoosu, genre: comedy, pairing: yunjae

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