This is where I post a list of the prompts I wrote for HSJ-thon, and also OMAKES.
List of HSJ-thon Prompts
The main listing for the HSJ-thon is
here 3. 5 times Hikaru and Inoo walked home together + 1 time Keito joined them ;
here16. 5 times BEST were jealous of Ryutaro's age
17. 5 times Takaki spoiled Chinen
21. 5 times JUMP hid a cat plushie in Hikaru's bag ;
here23. 5 methods BEST used to protect Ryutaro's innocence
24. 5 times Keito was made to teach JUMP how to speak English on national television
33. 5 times 7 get lost + 1 time BEST saves them
34. 5 times Ryutaro walked in on Yamajima
37. 5 times Keito confessed to Inoo ;
here48. 5 lessons Hikaru taught Ryutaro ;
here77. 5 times Hikaru, Inoo, and Keito were forced to share a room while on tour
78. 5 times Hikaru was stuck posing with cats for a photoshoot
82. 5 letters JUMP get that make them blush
92. 5 lessons that JUMP learned from Arashi + 1 time it didn't result in something really gay
97. 5 times Yamada and Daiki drew on JUMP's faces while they were asleep ;
here99. 5 gifts that Ryutaro gave out + 1 time he recieved gifts ;
here101. 5 times Hikaru managed to lock himself in the bathroom + 1 time when it wasn't really an accident ;
here115. 5 times Daiki believed that he was tall
127. 5 times Takaki screamed like a girl because he saw bugs ;
here134. 5 times Inoo tried to get abs
137. 5 times Keito gets lost
138. 5 times Hikaru didn't act like an idiot
140. 5 times 7 manipulated BEST + 1 time it was the other way around
146. 5 misunderstandings that occured between JUMP
150. 5 times JUMP made Inoo wear girl's clothing + 1 time someone actually fell for him
154. 5 times Inoo was locked in a room all alone + 1 Time HSJ forgot they locked him up
163. 5 messages JUMP sent to a member who was celebrating his birthday.
173. 5 times JUMP went on a camping trip + 1 time nothing bad happened during the trip ;
here175. 5 times a cat plushie/mascot stalked Hikaru + 1 time it was a JUMP member ;
here176. 5 times a member cooked for JUMP + 1 time it was delicious (or it didn't kill anyone) ;
here180. 5 times Ryutaro was tortured through poking and Keito saved him
181. 5 times someone thought Arioka was part of 7 (because of his height)
184. 5 times Ryutaro was acting weird + 1 time JUMP found out it was because of Chinen ;
here185. 5 occurrences of Daiky (Daiki x Pocky)
186. 5 times Chinen applied his Ohno-stalking skills to stalking Ryutaro + 1 time it was Ryutaro who stalked Chinen
187. 5 Times Hikaru called Keito 'Fluffy'
190. 5 Times Hikaru and Keito had an awkward silence ;
here193. 5 Times Yamada and Chinen fought over Takaki
194. 5 Times Hikaru was kissed ;
here Omake For HSJ-thon
While writing for my HSJ-thon, I was asked about a few things, like this and that. So someone *cough* suggested that I do an Omake, so here it is! I don't usually post Omakes every drabble, but I tend to do it after a number of drabbles. i usually include quite a number in one Omake.
OMAKE I (Featuring prompt number: 48, 97, 99, 127) ;
here OMAKE II (Featuring prompt number: 101, 127, 173, 175) ;
hereOMAKE III (Featuring prompt number: 3, 176, ???, ???, ???) ; here