McDex Masterlist

Jan 07, 2006 00:46

This is the McKay/Dex Masterlist of all McDex fic on the web. If you know of a story that isn't here, please let us know by commenting and we'll add it. We're pretty flexible on pairings as long as McKay/Dex is part of the story.

As of 25 July 2007, I'm subsuming this list into the much more regularly updated tag at sga_newsletter. I think that there are so many McDex fics that it's becoming impractical to keep this list running but if anyone wants to take this over, drop a comment here!

Go read and remember Authors love feedback!

ps if any of the details of your fic are wrong, please let us know!

New Fic are bolded

Cuffs - kharessa - NC17
Cake Walk - aelora - PG
Lingual - nestra - NC17
Understanding - scribewraith - PG
Team Spirit - msgordo - PG
In Which Rodney Thinks He Is In A Bad X-Files Episode - severusslave - R
Noisy - bethos - PG
Object Lesson - sage_theory - PG
Contrary to Expectation - eliade - NC17
Kept By Ourselves In Silence and Apart - spike21 - NC17
Of Giant Toads and Octopi - sprat - PG
Orbit - maverick4oz - R
Peach Pit - hallucinogenia - NC17
Kept By Ourselves In Silence and Apart - The Spike (spike21) - NC17
Silence - kharessa - Adult
This broken jaw of our lost kingdom - dracostella - PG
Bridges - mirabile_dictu - PG13
Defining Theories - xanphibian - PG
Caught - dudette - NC17
Dulce et decorum est - kajikia - R
Romancing Rodney (Or, Ronon Dex Gets His Man) Pt 1 Expanded Pt 2 - msgordo - MA (AU:Harlequin Challenge)
Thirteen O'Clock - hth_the_first - MA
John Sheppard and the Veil of Merlin - springwoof - PG (HP Crossover, also Sirius Black/John Sheppard)
Dirrty - sdraevn - MA (scroll down past the SG1 fic)
Rodney: You so can't be actually eating that?! - burningchaos - PG
Shaping the Sky - nickeyb - NC17
Direct - teaphile - PG
Silent Runnning - Davechicken - PG
Interrupted - scribewraith - NC17
Dr Who and the Pegasus Galaxy - darkmoon711 - G
The Miracle Worker - hth_the_first - PG
To Say Nothing of the Parrot - hth_the_first - PG
Aftershocks - Dark Wolf - PG13
Invasion of the Body Snatcher - justabi - NC17 *set during Duet so Cadman
First Kiss - hallucinogenia - PG
Hunting Season - never_walk - PG
Fuck or Die - aquaangel - PG13
In the Hands of Yes - hth_the_first - Adult
Something in the Air - khohen1 - NC17
Day 243 - basingstoke - Adult
Dulcius ex asperis - kajikia - PG
Understanding - CatHeights/cheights - R
Mate?!?! - moonassassin - PG13
White Lies - solvent90 - MA
Heated Discussions - AnCa(Caz)/poetryfiend - PG13
Pianoforte - mirabile_dictu - NC17
R + R - anne isabelle - NC17 *character death warning*
What the Wall Sees - sori1773 - NC17
Wild - Anne Isabelle - NC17
Indulgence - mboyd - PG13
Cave Man - chevron17 - PG
The Drowning Deep - Bounty - PG
Anomalies - sori1773 - NC17
Taking a Chance - bride_no2 - PG
McDex Bonding Fic - never_walk - PG13
Just a Story - fmapreshawab - PG
Winter Wonderland - moonassassin - PG13
Breathe You Deep - hth_the_first - R (sequel to The Miracle Worker)
Inviting Ronon - TMar - MA
Letters from Milky Way - fydyan - PG
Trio - never_walk - PG13 (sequel to A McDex Bonding Fic
The Long and Winding Road - sffan - NC17
Touch-Hunger - ravensilverwing - NC17
Survival Skills - scribblinlenore - NC17
Redeemed - never_walk - PG13 (Sequel to A McDex Bonding Fic and Trio)
First Contact - tielan - PG13
These Walls - curledfries - PG13
Twelve Days - bluejbird - PG
Christmas Kisses - denyce36 - PG (or at Wraithbait
Adonis Vernalis - lj user="maverick4oz"> - R
Tongue-Tied - Sori - NC17
When Ronon Converted - - PG
You are a Runner and I am My Father's Son"> - cinead - PG
Want - wicked_socks - Adult
Aloha - lj user="maverick4oz"> - R
5 Lessons Ronon & Rodney Learnt the Hard Way - crazyace86 - PG * New
A Fate Worse Than Death - spike21 - PG * New
Least Complicated - unsung_hero_99 - NC17 * New
Silence is a Virtue - settiai - PG * New
A Hard Day's Night - skidmo_fic - R (also at Wraithbait) * New
Deflect - solvent90 - NC17 * New
You're how tall? - denyce36 - PG13 * New
Mine - archae_ology - NC17 * New
Funny Valentine - linabean - NC17 * New
Toasty - ficbyzee - NC17 * New

McKay/Dex; McKay/Sheppard
Like Deep Pools of Glass - cerri44 - NC17 (AU:Harlequin Challenge)
The Vow - mirabile_dictu - NC17
Arrangements must be made - witchqueen - NC17
Don't Ask - mirabile_dictu - NC17
The Mission Had Been Going So Smoothly - mackeygenius - PG13
well, dammit - NC17
Askew - maverick4oz - PG13
One Night in Bangkok - Claire/mmom - NC17
In the Service of the Queen - lillyjk - NC17
Endings and Beginnings - Reulann - NC17

Do I Have Too...? - Finiz - NC17
Nothing Rhymes - hth_the_first - PG
Always Full of Thirst - Alizarin/alizarin_nyc - NC17
Fruit Basket - angelee79912 - Adult
Pull Back To Reveal - Sabine/fromthesabrary - NC17 (also here
... like a ... - Zvi - PG
Untitled - thegrrrl2002 - NC17
But Some Things Never Stop Being Funny - astolat - Explicit
Abscido Pt 1 - kellifer_fic - PG
Abscido Part Two - kellifer_fic - PG
Tension - kuonji - NC17 *warning for implied non-con*
Seeking Equilibrium : Ritual Warrior Sex - kimberlite - NC17 *Series M/S S/R; these parts are M/D/S Kimberlite's Warrior Sex trilogy is also at Wraithbait here
Intervention - never_walk - PG13
Cabin Fever : Rules of the Game - blueraccoon - NC17
Until the World crumbles - ladycat777 + wolfshark - NC17
City Games - lantean_drift - NC17
Intervention - never_walk - NC17
Sleep Like the Tide - danawoods - NC17
Comfort and Joy...and Punishment - ellex42 - NC17
Needful - wolfshark - NC17 *BDSM warning*
Mindful - wolfshark - NC17 (follows Needful and Grateful (M/S) ) * New
Lawfully Imprisoned - jain - NC17 * New
Closer - hyperfocused - NC17 * New
Fanciful - wolfshark - NC17 * New

The Alpha Centauri Arc - hth_the_first - NC17
Alpha Centauri 1: Contract (S/M, M/D) - Alpha Centauri 2: Contraband (M/D) - Alpha Centauri 3: Conscience (S/D) - Alpha Centauri 4: Prime (S/D/M) - Alpha Centauri Deleted Scenes: Contagious (M/D) - Alpha Centauri 6: Commitment (M/S, S/D, M/D) - Alpha Centauri:Romance (M/D) - Alpha Centauri 7.5: Mutual Thing (M/S)
Proxim (The Distant Orbit Remix) - unknown - PG *remix of Hth's Alpha Centauri (M/D/S various combos)
Alpha Centauri (Standalone) - Vanilla - NC17 (M/D/S) * New

My Brother's Keeper - Mice /mice1900 - NC17

Somesthesia - kajikia - NC17
Sweat - justabi - Adult

Yes, Maybe - Verna Malone (basingstoke - NC17
Kissing Pt 2 - resonant8 - M
Earth Boys are Easy - etben - NC17
3 Lovers - cesperanza - NC17
Fallout - sian1359 - NC17
Condensed Milk - Liondragon/shusu - R
Pre-pre-mission Briefings in the Pegasus Galaxy - docmichelle - NC17
Brownian Motion - 30toseoul - NC17
Secondary Motion - 30toseoul - NC17
A Beautiful Blending - 30toseoul - R
The Pleasure of the Fulnari - summer_flinging - NC17
Team Dynamics - Ginny/nerfgunqueen - PG
fifteen OT4 things - 30toseoul - R
Going Once - lovelokest - PG
This Room - 30toseoul - PG13
five ways that fruit got involved - 30toseoul - R
freefall - 30toseoul - PG
working the equations - 30toseoul - PG
The Fallow And the Full - ekaterinn - NC17
Nobody Loves Me But You - 30toseoul - R
Domino Effect - aphelant - R
Sleepy OT4 Snippet (no real title...) - lovetheboys - PG
Point Taken + Soothe - 30toseoul - NC17
Sing A Raingbow - 30toseoul - R
Scar Tissue - tielan - R (actually S/E E/M M/D D/S)
Warrior-Pack - lalejandra - NC17
Rodney McKay: Cat Lady of Atlantis - mklutz - PG
An Here is the Place Where You Put Down Roots - riverlight - PG
Works and Plays Well With Others - hth_the_first - NC17 * New
Drugged - 30toseoul - NC17 * New
Crawling out from the inside - torakowalski - NC17 * New
Icarus - dk_valentine - PG * New
Unexpected - 30toseoul - NC17 * New
De Profundis - hth_the_first - NC17 * New

Synergy pt1 - abysmal_seraph - R (also at Wraithbait)

Comment Fic and Drabbles (all combinations)
sparkle, spank, spell - eliade - PG
lost, with spiders - eliade - PG
untitled - The Spike (spike21) - Adult (scene from Kept By Ourselves In Silence and Apart verse)
untitled - yin_again
Shutting Him Up - gwendolen
McDex - scifigeek09 - NC17
Never Again - scifigeek09 - NC17
Double Exposure - dracostella - G
Training - lillyjk - PG
What's in Hair - darkmoon711 - PG
Give Me The Pudding Cup - darkmoon711 - PG
Lost and Found in Translation - darkmoon711 - PG
Untitled - paper_glare - NC17
Blue Kool-Aid - darkmoon711 - G
Night of the Buffalo-Things - khriskin - G
Questions - astheblackrosewilts - PG
This is Me - unsung_hero_99 - PG
4 Ronon/Rodney Drabbles: Hair, Woman, Meal Ticket, Mating Ritual - moonassassin - R * New

recs, masterlist

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