Title: Belonging - Chapter Seven
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Characters Jack/Ianto
Rating: This Chapter - NC-17 for sexual content and language
Spoilers: TW: Cyberwoman, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Exit Wounds / DW: Last of the Time Lords, The Stolen Earth, Journey's End
Disclaimer: The BBC own it all, the little tinkers
Warnings: m/m slash
Set immediately after the events of The Stolen Earth/Journey's End.
The Torchwood team members are struggling to get back to normal after recent shattering events, when the Doctor turns up in the Torchwood Hub in the middle of the night; alone, heartbroken, guilt-ridden, and needing somewhere to belong.
"...oh hell, Ianto. Do you want me to get down on my knees and beg?"
Author's Notes: This is a Doctor-less chapter, although he's certainly not forgotten. This chapter also includes Janto sex, but it isn't, believe it or not, gratuitous. :)
I also have the feeling a little bit of fluff might have sneaked in when I wasn't looking.
The weird facts about Venusians is based on vaguely-remembered content from the Virgin MA novel "Venusian Lullaby".
Chapter Seven
It was early evening the next day, and apart from me, Ianto was the last member of the team still at work.
I was sitting in my office, my chair turned to the glass so I could watch him. He was cleaning up in the Hub; his final clean-up of the day before he went home. He was very thorough. Sometimes I wondered whether he had a touch of OCD about the bloody cleaning. Still, if it wasn't for him, the rest of us would have drowned in a sea of empty pizza boxes, alien body fluids, pterodactyl guano and abandoned cups of mouldy coffee dregs a long time ago.
His sweet obsession about everything being neat and tidy was one of the things I loved about him, I suppose. That, and his fussy little ways; his staunch professionalism in difficult situations, his odd, dry sense of humour and his caring, generous nature. Once you scratched the surface, underneath he could be incredibly intense and passionate. All that, and he was amazing in bed.
I loved Ianto. I didn't tell him that very often, in fact, the only time I probably did say it was when we were in the throes of passion, but I hoped I showed it in other ways.
He was a good man, and he put up with me without much complaint, all things considered. I couldn't say that about a lot of people.
I can't help the way I am, I'm a 51st century guy, and the whole attitude to sex and dating had changed a lot over the centuries. To have to go back to the 20th and 21st centuries and have to live with the sexual attitudes and morals of the era was something I'd always struggled with. At least things were a little easier now; during the first half of the 20th century, I don't know how I'd managed not to get arrested for indecency more than I had.
You can take the man out of the future, but you can't take the future out of the man.
I think Ianto understood that, in a way, but I was still aware that he tolerated my little ways far better than he should have had to, jealous streak or not.
Some time ago, after that whole sorry business with John Hart, Ianto had told me that he didn't know where we stood, and wanted me to make a commitment, of sorts, to him. He'd told me that he was prepared for me to go so far with other people, and the line he expected me not to cross was a little blurred in my view, but hey, I couldn't be expected to live like a monk, right?
Despite that, I'd agreed that I wouldn't have sex with anybody else while Ianto and I were together. It seemed fair enough in my view, and I was happy to go along with it. And I think Ianto trusted me enough to know that I wouldn't cross that line behind his back.
I was pretty sure he didn't suspect me of doing anything sexual with the Doctor, and in my eyes, certainly nothing like that had happened. The physical contact between me and the Doctor was comforting, affectionate, but entirely platonic, certainly no further than he'd probably ever gone with Rose, and they'd had cause to do more than they had, so I had no guilty conscience in that regard.
Despite that, I had to admit that my feelings for both of the men in my life had got a little confused recently.
I had a sneaking suspicion that my feelings for the Doctor had gone a lot further than sexual attraction, infatuation or mere friendship in recent weeks, but I hadn't admitted that to myself just yet.
But when I thought about how I'd hurt Ianto, how I'd made him feel neglected in favour of the Doctor, the guilt of that had also hit me a lot harder than I'd expected.
Angst over sex and relationships wasn't something that had been a major issue during most of my life, but I'd changed a lot since my Time Agent days. Becoming immortal; the incident over Ianto's deception over Lisa and how our own relationship had developed as a result; the year of imprisonment and torture at the hands of the Master; finding Gray and seeing what I had done to him; losing Toshiko and Owen; the Dalek attack on the Hub, almost losing Gwen and Ianto in the process… all those life-changing events and the terrible things that had happened to the people I cared about in recent years had made me feel differently about a whole bunch of things.
I knew I hadn't treated Ianto with the respect he deserved recently, even though I had done it unthinkingly, and I knew I had to make amends.
I emerged from my office as Ianto went to his workstation and began carrying out all his normal security procedures before he finished for the day. More often than not I was here in the evenings, after I'd finally ushered everybody home, and I kept an eye on things, but Ianto always liked security safeguard protocols at maximum in case I had to leave the Hub in an emergency. Or, God forbid, I actually started enjoying some sort of social life.
He was sitting at his desk with his perfect posture, his fingers nimbly clicking the mouse buttons and running efficiently over the keyboard.
Things were still prickly after our fight yesterday; we'd been civil to each other, but then again we'd been out on a field mission for most of the day and so work took priority. That was something we had always agreed on and stuck to, regardless of our personal issues.
I stood behind Ianto, just far away enough so that he knew I was there, and watched him work in silence for a moment. I wanted to kiss the back of his neck or massage his shoulders; something I might have done in normal circumstances, but the way things were, I didn't think it would have gone down too well.
After a minute or two, Ianto spoke without turning around.
"Is there something you wanted, Jack?"
"Uh, yeah. For you to forgive me."
"Why, have you done something wrong?" his voice was steady but he still didn't turn around.
"What, precisely?"
Oh, this was painful. And Ianto was enjoying every second of it, I'd wager.
"I've been neglecting you, and I shouldn't have. It wasn't intentional… but I acknowledge that I have had my head stuck up my own ass, and I apologise."
"And… I'm going to spend the next few days making it up to you."
Ianto clicked the mouse button for the final time and switched off his monitor as he spoke. "…And?"
"And… oh hell, Ianto. Do you want me to get down on my knees and beg?"
"Ooh, I like the sound of that…"
I chuckled, and grabbed the back of his chair, swivelled him round until he was facing me. He had a smirk on his face bigger than even I could have mustered.
Ianto held up his hands. "Okay," he said. "You're helping a very dear friend at a very bad time, and I was being all jealous and irrational, and I'm sorry. On the other hand, you've been a selfish, ignorant pig. But, I acknowledge, you were acting with good intentions. I still accept the apology, though."
I smiled.
He scowled. "And I hate how I can never stay mad at you long enough to teach you a lesson. How are you going to make it up to me, exactly?"
I pulled him out of his seat by his elbows into a standing position, and kissed him softly on the lips.
"You and me," I said. "We're going out. Anywhere you like. Right now."
"What, like a proper date?" Ianto sounded pleasantly surprised.
"Yep. And then we're going back to your flat, and then I'm gonna fuck your brains out."
"You smooth talking bastard. I'll go and get my coat, then."
Four days later, and apart from the one evening that the whole team spent in the freezing cold trying to catch some odious Hoodie carrying what he thought was a new kind of mobile phone he'd stolen, which in fact turned out to be a deadly smart bomb from an insignificant little planet in the constellation of Grellaxia, Ianto and I had spent quality time together every night.
We shared a candlelit dinner at a nice little Italian the first night, followed by some serious kissing and making up.
The second night, as I mentioned, we were a little busy attempting to avoid the population of Cardiff being eaten from the inside-out as a result of accidental intergalactic biological warfare, but Ianto didn't hold that against me.
The following evening involved me attempting to cook for Ianto at his flat. Of my many strong points, cooking isn't one of them. How I avoided burning the place down I have no idea, but the steaks ended up being more or less edible. And Ianto made great dessert.
All in all, I was being a dependable, attentive boyfriend, and felt rather proud of myself for it.
I still kept half a mind on the Doctor, of course. I missed him, and wondered constantly how he was, but I was confident that he'd come far enough over the last few weeks to manage on his own for a while. In any event, I'd decided to not even mention the Doctor in front of Ianto during the time we'd spent together the past few days.
By the following night I'd run out of romantic date ideas, but Ianto was happy for us to just go to one of the local bars for a few drinks. Well, Ianto had a few drinks; I'd had one beer to be social, and then switched to my usual tap water. Attentive boyfriend or not, I always made it my strict rule to be well hydrated and ready for action at any time.
A couple of beers and a glass or two of white wine later, Ianto informed me, his face looking a little pink, that he wanted to go back to the Hub, and after a pleasant walk back through the back streets and across Roald Dahl Plass, we entered the Hub via the invisible lift. Ianto held on to my waist with one arm a little tighter than he normally would have as we descended on the moving paving slab. He wasn't that much of a lightweight when it came to drinking, but he was a little giddy tonight. Perhaps happiness played a part in that more than the alcohol he'd consumed.
I didn't often see Ianto flushed with contentment. It made me feel good inside.
Once safely inside, Ianto made his way over to the kitchen area.
"Coffee," he announced solemnly as he walked, a little unsteadily. "I need coffee. And biscuits. And possibly a pizza."
I followed him in and then leaned into him from behind, my arms around his waist and my chin pressing playfully into his shoulder as he loaded the cafetiere with his secret blend. He tilted his head back against me and put his arms behind him as he waited for the coffee to brew, playfully running his hands up and down my hips.
I shivered. "Carry on like that and you'll be getting more than pizza," I said softly into his ear, pushing my groin gently into his backside to let him know I meant business. With a grin, Ianto leaned forwards, towards the socket where the coffee maker was plugged in, and flicked the power switch to 'off'. The cafetiere made the sound of a dying hiss and then quietened.
"Well, all things considered, the coffee can wait…" said Ianto. He turned round in my arms. "Whereas I don't think I can."
He nipped at my mouth with a peck of a kiss, a teasing promise. Then he extricated himself from my arms, took my hand and led me up the stairs, across the main area of the Hub and into the room where we hold team meetings, the room Ianto always grandly referred to as "the Board Room". It didn't have much of a business feel to it, but it had a nice, big, solid table in the middle.
We had just entered the room and I'd already begun to kiss Ianto hungrily, before he made a muffled noise and stopped me in my tracks.
"Hang on; I'd better disable the internal CCTV. If we sleep in, and Gwen gets in early and checks the security files, we'll be on YouTube by lunchtime," he said with a grin.
I perched on the edge of the table, my legs swinging impatiently as Ianto nipped back over to his workstation. I glanced up to see the little red 'recording' light at the bottom of the camera flick over to green, which meant it was switched on and feeding images to the system but no longer recording, and then the light turned off.
"Spoilsport," I said teasingly as Ianto re-entered the room. "I'm never gonna build up a decent pornographic video collection of us at this rate."
"You mean 'indecent'," Ianto said with a grin, taking off his jacket as he approached and hanging it neatly on the back of one of the empty chairs.
"Shame…" I said, a little breathlessly, as Ianto began to unbutton my shirt, licking and kissing hungrily at my throat. I shrugged off my braces to help things along. "And we'd put on such a good show too…"
Any more words were lost as Ianto took my face in both his hands, gave me an intensely amorous look that made me growl deep in my throat, and then pressed his lips to mine, softly parting my lips with his tongue and probing, gently at first and then deeper and more wildly as his excitement grew. I moaned my approval, wrapping one arm around his neck and stroking his face with my free hand.
Ianto drew back and looked at me again. His cheeks were glowing with arousal and there was a thin sheen of perspiration on his forehead. He was beautiful.
"Thank you, Jack," he murmured. I didn't need to ask him what for.
"So… considering what a good boy I've been for the last few days, am I completely forgiven?" I ran a thumb gently over his cheekbone.
Ianto didn't answer. Instead he ran the tip of his tongue over my lips, ran his hands down my back, over my hips and round to my front, and laid them to rest hotly on my groin.
"I'll take that as a yes, then."
We undressed ourselves and each other, hasty in our burgeoning passion, Ianto no longer caring about creasing his clothes. I shuffled backwards on to the hard wooden table, and Ianto climbed up and over until he was straddling me, kissing and nibbling at every part of my flesh that he could reach, his hands caressing and grabbing at me desperately. My hands in turn ran through his hair, snatched at him hungrily. I stroked his flesh, kissed his skin, licked and bit him, concentrating on the areas that caused Ianto to make the loudest moans and gasps.
God, but he felt good.
I couldn't remember us wanting each other this badly, this urgently, for a long time, missed Ianto making me so breathless with pleasure that I could hardly speak. I cried out wordlessly as Ianto's hot, busy mouth travelled downwards until it reached the place where I needed it the most.
We lost ourselves in each other, in the taste and heat of the other's body, in the muffled moans we made, and the staccato gasps, breathless words that we whispered and hissed at each other, cries we made into the empty air.
We were so preoccupied in our lovemaking, in fact, that neither of us even glanced at the security camera angled directly at the table on which I lay, the bright lights behind Ianto rendering him a blurred silhouette above me as he ground his hardness against mine, bucking rhythmically between my thighs, bringing us both to new heights of frantic pleasure.
So preoccupied, then, that neither of us noticed that the moment Ianto had re-entered the room, the little light on the bottom of the CCTV camera had flicked silently back on to green.
Ianto and I lay together, both of us awake in the dim light of the claustrophobic space under the Hub flooring I called my bedroom. The bed itself was barely capable of comfortably containing two full-grown men, but tonight Ianto seemed content for us to lie tangled together, our legs and bodies entwined to prevent either of us rolling off onto the floor, which I'm afraid was something that had happened more than once before.
After the, quite frankly, amazing sex on the Board Room table, we'd showered together, Ianto had finally indulged his craving for coffee by brewing us both a cup, and then we'd retired to bed.
Ianto's cheek was resting on my bare chest, one arm tucked comfortably under his body, the other stretched lazily across my stomach. He smelled of shampoo. I trailed my fingers along his naked back and shoulder in abstract patterns.
"You should go and see the Doctor tomorrow," said Ianto softly.
"I'm the picture of health, thanks," I drawled.
He ignored the remark. "It's been nearly a week; do you think he's been alright on his own?"
I paused. "I'm sure he's been okay."
"You're worried though."
"Yeah. A little."
Ianto tickled the skin above my hip with his fingertips. "Well, tomorrow, you should spend the evening with him."
I ran my fingers through his hair, smoothing a few stray strands away from his forehead. "You sure? I mean, we could both…"
Ianto shook his head. "It's fine. I've been thinking about it these past few days and… you've been great. And… well, I shouldn't be such a drama queen."
I grinned. "You're too manly to be a drama queen."
Ianto grunted. "Just… try not to forget who I am again, okay?"
"You're completely unforgettable, Ianto Jones. But things will be different from now on, I promise."
There was a comfortable silence. Then something struck me. "Did we turn the CCTV back on before we went to bed?"
Ianto sounded drowsy. "No. But the whole system resets at 6.00am anyway. And it's only the Board Room. Unless we get invaded by a lost coach party of Venusian sales reps desperate to use our conference facilities, I think we'll be okay."
"I once met a Venusian," I said. "Apart from that weird thing they do, eating the remains of their dead relatives, they're actually quite civilised. Big, blobby-looking things. They have five of everything, you know. Five eyes… five arms. Five mouths…"
"Jack, tell me you didn't have sex with a Venusian."
"Well… it was hard to tell… five of everything, it could have been his ear for all I know…"
Ianto blew a grossed-out snort of amusement onto my chest. "Jack Harkness, you're disgusting."
I grinned. "Yep. Don't ya just love me?"
Ianto raised himself up on his elbow and tilted his head to look up at me. "Yes. Actually."
We found ourselves shuffling around on the bed and then, rather fortuitously, I suddenly appeared to be lying on top of Ianto, and he was looking up at me, longingly. Our mouths and bodies met, and we lost ourselves in each other again.
I felt an unfamiliar tingle of contentment in my belly; I had a good man in my arms, tomorrow I was going to spend time with my best friend again, stress was at a minimum, and all in all, life was being pretty good to me.
A shame, really, that things were about to go horribly wrong.
To be continued.
(Please note that I will not be updating this series for a while, as I am about to go on holiday for two weeks. Don't worry... I'll be back to make you sniffle before you know it. If you're desperate not to miss Chapter Eight when it is posted, feel free to add
never_more_fics to your friends list.)
Chapter One<<
Chapter Two<<
Chapter Three<<
Chapter Four<<
Chapter Five<<
Chapter Six>>
Chapter Eight>>
Chapter Nine>>
Chapter Ten>>
Chapter Eleven>>
Chapter Twelve>>
Chapter Thirteen>>
Chapter Fourteen>>
Chapter Fifteen>>
Chapter Sixteen>>
Chapter Seventeen>>
Chapter Eighteen>>
Chapter Nineteen>>
Chapter Twenty>>
Chapter Twenty One>>
Chapter Twenty Two>>
Chapter Twenty Three>>
Chapter Twenty Four>>
Chapter Twenty Five>>
Chapter Twenty Six>>
Chapter Twenty Seven>>
Chapter Twenty Eight