Belonging: Chapter Eighteen

Nov 14, 2008 12:51

Author's note: Could I just take a moment to pimp myself here and let you know that the "Belonging" series has been nominated at the Children of Time Awards in three Torchwood categories: Best Angst, Best Series and Best WIP. Voting begins 1 December, and I hope that if you are enjoying this story, you will consider voting for me. I'll remind you all again nearer the time... :D

Title: Belonging - Chapter Eighteen
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Characters Ianto, Ten, Jack (mentions of Jack/Ianto, Doctor/River)
Rating: This Chapter - PG-13 for innuendo and references to adult situations (Series is rated NC-17 overall)
Spoilers: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, The Stolen Earth, Journey's End
Disclaimer: The BBC own it all, the little tinkers
Warnings: angst | suggestion of polyamory


Set immediately after the events of The Stolen Earth/Journey's End.

The Torchwood team members are struggling to get back to normal after recent shattering events, when the Doctor turns up in the Torchwood Hub in the middle of the night; alone, heartbroken, guilt-ridden, and needing somewhere to belong.

The Doctor opened his mouth, and then closed it again. I suppose I should be proud of myself for rendering him speechless, at least. Jack says it doesn't happen often.

Chapter Eighteen

This will be my final entry in Jack's journal. I'm quite far behind with what's happened over the last week or so, Jack will have to fill you in when he takes over. But in the meantime... I suppose I'd better finish my story. Jack keeps bugging me to give him his journal back (only because he's dying to read what I've written). It's like being hassled by my teacher for overdue homework.

Mmm. Jack would look good in one of those long black teacher's robes, come to think of it. Must see if I can get one from somewhere. I bet the Doctor's got one in that wardrobe room. Actually... I bet he'd look pretty good in one too...

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah.

Over the following week or so, I met up with the Doctor a few times. Whenever Jack wasn't about, I'd nip downstairs, and if the Doctor said it was a night when Jack hadn't planned to visit him, I'd stop for a few hours.

And... yes. Well. I have to admit, I had a really good time with him. Not that I don't enjoy spending time with Jack, of course I do, but this was… different.

Being with the Doctor, it felt like... okay, this is going to sound a bit... well, I don't know how it's going to sound, but when I'm with Jack, even though I know he loves me, and we have fun, and we have a laugh and all that... when I'm with Jack, it all comes down to sex.

Which is okay, I mean... I like sex. I love sex. I love sex with Jack. In fact, sex with Jack is the most mind-blowing thing ever. But no matter what we do when we go on a date, I always get the feeling that Jack is wondering when whatever we're doing will be over, so that we can get back to having sex, do you know what I mean? In the cinema, he gets bored and wants to make out. Sometimes, I feel his hand creeping up my thigh before the opening credits have even finished! When we go out for dinner, he plays footsie with me under the table. I remember one time he deliberately dropped his fork so that he could go under the table and...

Yeah. Well, that was actually rather good.

But what I'm saying is, when I spent time with the Doctor, all he was interested in was me; my mind, my personality. He actually wanted to know all about me, and I ended up talking about my family, especially my sister Rhiannon and my little nephew who I don't see nearly enough of, and all those things that I don't normally get to talk about, because nobody ever asks me. And it was... nice. Not that the Doctor told me all that much about himself, as such, but he told me about some of the things he's done, and some of those amazing planets out there that I'd never even dreamed could exist. And it was fascinating.

The Doctor gave me a tour of the TARDIS one night. Well, some of it. He said that even he doesn't know how much of it there is and it could potentially take days, weeks or even all of eternity to explore all of it, so I was happy enough to just see the immediate living quarters.

There's a lovely little kitchen in there. And no, I didn't get the urge to clean it. But only because it was spotless already. The Doctor says that the TARDIS just cleans itself, which is lucky because normally he doesn't have time for anything like that. Too much saving the universe stuff going on, I suppose. Well, in usual circumstances.

Anyway, I won't dwell on the time I spent with the Doctor too much, because I've been rambling on for long enough.

Besides, in a way, it's something I'd like to keep just for myself. Or for my own diary, when I get the chance to catch up with it. Which Jack will no doubt read behind my back anyway.

But suffice to say, I know it was only a few nights' worth of quality time, but I soon began to feel like I knew the Doctor a lot better, and began to see him in a whole new light.

On our fourth, I think, meeting, we had been sitting in the console room talking, and for some reason, it felt like the time was right to talk to him about my idea.

I confessed to the Doctor that in the past, I had felt... let's say negative feelings towards him, which were borne out of jealousy. But then I told him that I'd really enjoyed spending time with him, and now I felt differently about him, and... well, I intimated that I could see why Jack felt the way about him that he did. And in turn, the Doctor told me that he could see why Jack likes me so much too, which made me feel a bit hot and light-headed in a way I feel embarrassed to describe.

So I took a deep breath, and told him that if he didn't mind me saying, I thought I had a solution to the problem of him and Jack not being together the way they wanted to be. I think he already knew what I was going to say to him, but he let me speak anyway.

I said I knew all about the Time Lord bonding thing, as far as Jack had been able to relay it to me, anyway. And I said that I knew about him meeting this River Song person in his possible future; and if that was the case; in theory, if in the future he was in a relationship with Jack at the same time as River (it's all a bit complicated, I know, but he seemed to understand what I was talking about so I just went with it), was I right in thinking that a Time Lord could be bonded to more than one person at a time?

And the Doctor looked at me like it was the silliest question in the world. He said of course it was possible. He said something a bit pompous like how could I ever think that an almighty and advanced civilisation like the Time Lords would ever limit themselves to something as inhibiting and archaic as the concept of monogamy.

And then he looked into the air for a second as though he was running back to himself what he'd just said, and then asked me if he'd just been rude, and I said yes, he had. A bit.

He can be a bit weird, sometimes.

Anyway, once that was sorted, I told him how I was feeling bad about how things had turned out. I said that I wanted Jack to be happy, and although I knew he was happy being with me, I think, I also had doubts about Jack getting cold feet about us once I started getting old and wrinkly.

And the Doctor looked sad, and said that no matter what I thought, he could assure me that Jack loves me and is loyal to me, and would do anything not to lose me, no matter what happened. And then he said that he was envious of Jack's courage, because he'd not had the guts to keep hold of somebody (which I took to be Rose, but I didn't say anything), and he knew it was something he would always regret.

Which led me nicely on to the fact that IF he were to be with River in the future, then perhaps he should have some sort of experience of being in a relationship with a mortal human first. Which was more of a hint on my part, and not a suggestion, of course.

Only, I know what Jack means now, about the Doctor not always being able to read between the lines.

So after a pause, during which the Doctor looked at me like I'd spoken in a new language I'd just invented, I realised I had to spell it out for him.

I said that the only way Jack would be happy, fulfilled, was to be with both of us. And the only way for that to happen without Jack feeling as though he was cheating on me, was for me and the Doctor to bond with each other too.

The Doctor just looked at me, a bit wide-eyed. We just sat and stared at each other, for ages. I have no idea what was going on in his head. I wasn't entirely sure what was going on in mine at the time, either. What I had just said sounded a bit... insane, now I'd said it out loud.

I mean... why the hell would the Doctor want me? He hardly knew me. Nothing more than a few days of chats and a tour around his crib (see, I'm down with the kids), and all of a sudden I was suggesting that me and him... do something huge and significant, something the Doctor had been agonizing over for centuries, like it was nothing. It was hardly like asking him out for a drink, was it?

Oh God, what had I done?

The Doctor opened his mouth, and then closed it again. I suppose I should be proud of myself for rendering him speechless, at least. Jack says it doesn't happen often.

"I just thought... I'd run it by you," I said, a little lamely. "I mean, I haven't told Jack or anything. But is it something you might... consider? Or not. Of course not. I'm being stupid, aren't I?" I blushed and stuttered like Hugh Grant in a 1990s rom com.

The Doctor cleared his throat. "It's not that I don't... find you attractive," he said carefully.

I nodded, folding my arms awkwardly. Here came the '...but I think we should just be friends. It's not you, it's me...' speech.

"I'm just worried that you'd be doing it for Jack, and not for yourself," he continued.

I blinked. He wasn't saying no. Was he?

I swallowed. "At first," I said, "I think maybe I was. But... well, that's why I wanted to come and see you. Spend a bit of time getting to know you. Before I knew for certain, I mean."

The Doctor nodded solemnly.

"But it wouldn't just be for Jack," I blurted out, a little red-faced. "I mean... I know you and me could never... not like you and Rose were, or you and Jack, even." I swallowed hard. "But we could have something... Couldn't we?"

"I'd have to get to know you better, before I knew," said the Doctor. I nodded, feeling a little shell-shocked. It wasn't a no!

"If it helps, if normal circumstances, I'd probably have asked you to go on a trip around the universe with me by now," said the Doctor airily. "You seem like the sort who can... cope."

I grinned. I figured I should take that as the biggest compliment he was going to give me, for now.

And that's where we got to, really. I mean... there was nothing concrete there, but it was a start.

It felt like a momentous occasion. I felt like I should be offering him a ring, or giving him a bunch of flowers, or something. But instead, I just settled for reaching out and taking his hand, instead. And we just sat and held hands and smiled at each other, like we had a special secret between us.

And then all of a sudden, there was a metallic ringing of boots racing up the ramp, and then Jack was standing there in front of us, clutching a bar of Dairy Milk. He had a weird look on his face.

We didn't spring apart or anything; we weren't doing anything wrong. But I knew I had a fair bit of explaining to do.

Jack folded his arms, in his 'I mean business' stance. "Am I interrupting something?" he asked. I couldn't work out if he was shocked, amused or annoyed. A bit of all three, possibly.

And so we... started a discussion. And we weren't shouting, we were just... raising our voices to assert our respective positions. Jack said he couldn't believe this. I think his problem wasn't that he was angry about me visiting the Doctor, as such, it was that I'd gone behind his back to do it, and in doing so had involved the Doctor in my deception.

Which is fair enough, I suppose. Jack has been honest with me throughout all of this, even so far as letting me read an intimate description of his personal thoughts and emotions.

But then I started explaining why I'd come to see the Doctor, and why I'd not wanted to involve Jack until I knew what I really wanted. And then I told him why I'd been so quiet lately. I told Jack that I wanted him to be happy. And then I told him what I wanted, what me and the Doctor had just been discussing. Jack went really quiet and started pacing around the console room.

Then the Doctor meekly suggested that he should probably go and be in another area while we had our little discussion. He was beginning to look a bit worried. Apparently he's not very good at "domestic".

Anyway, to cut a long story short, Jack and I left the Doctor with his half-melted chocolate and went back upstairs to talk. Jack wasn't really angry; I think he was just a bit… well, you know how I was when Jack told me he'd chosen me over the Doctor? I think he was feeling similarly… not shocked, but overawed that I love him enough to want to sort things out in such a drastic manner.

And I do. Without Jack, without Torchwood, I'd be nothing. And what's better than losing Jack Harkness?

Keeping Jack Harkness, and gaining a Time Lord. I think the phrase "having your cake and eating it too" fits in here somewhere.

So we talked, and we sorted things out, and we decided to review our relationship rules. Quite dramatically, as it happens.

Anyway, all of that was a week ago now (told you I'm not a very fast writer) and Jack and I have come to an… arrangement.

I'm not saying it's been easy so far, it's all still a bit new, and I do still have the odd pang of jealousy, but at least I'm in a position where I have no right to be, given that the Doctor and I are… getting to know each other better and better. It's going to take a while, but I think it's all going to work out fine.

I think, looking back over what I've written, it's safe to say that just for a change, it's been… Ianto Jones to the rescue.

I rather like that.

Oh, and I asked the Doctor about the Weevil thing. He seemed quite surprised when I told him, but then he looked pleased. He said that's a really encouraging thing, because the TARDIS is a clever old girl and if she likes me, I must be alright. It's a bit weird, but you know when you get to meet your new partner's parents for the first time and it turns out they approve of you? It feels a bit like that.

I must admit, I really don't like being able to hear the Weevils. No wonder Jack got a bit weird over them. Most of the ones we have here seem glad to have free food and a roof over their heads, to be honest, but Millie really isn't very happy. I'm going to speak to Jack about her.

(She actually is a girl! Males, females, they all look the same. I bet it's not a pretty sight down the local Weevil disco on a Friday night.)

Anyway. That's my side of things. I'm going hand this back to Jack, now.

I've read Jack's journal, because he asked me to, and there were things in it that might have made me feel a little bit... tense... before now, but now I've got this whole new mindset going on, I'm fine.

Jack hasn't crossed the line up until now, not really, and I'm so proud of him for being loyal to me. Considering Jack's actions in the past, for him to exercise so much self-control is really no mean feat, and I have to take that a sign of his commitment to me.

The only other thing I have to say about Jack's journal is: the pizza delivery guy, Jack? Seriously? He's about eighteen years old! You should be ashamed.

Still, when you order the pizzas, we do get extra toppings. Shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, and all that.

Jack has told me that I'm not allowed to read the next few entries, and he won't tell me why. But obviously I'm not going to sneak Jack's journal out of his desk drawer and read it behind his back, or anything.

Whoever in the world would be despicable enough to do something like that?

Happy reading, Jack. Love you.

Ianto xxx

To be continued

<< Chapter One
<< Chapter Two
<< Chapter Three
<< Chapter Four
<< Chapter Five
<< Chapter Six
<< Chapter Seven
<< Chapter Eight
<< Chapter Nine
<< Chapter Ten
<< Chapter Eleven
<< Chapter Twelve
<< Chapter Thirteen
<< Chapter Fourteen
<< Chapter Fifteen
<< Chapter Sixteen
<< Chapter Seventeen
>> Chapter Twenty
>> Chapter Twenty One
>> Chapter Twenty Two
>> Chapter Twenty Three
>> Chapter Twenty Four
>> Chapter Twenty Five
>> Chapter Twenty Six
>> Chapter Twenty Seven
>> Chapter Twenty Eight

tejanto, belonging

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