Title: Nine Rings of Vos
A Transformers G1 Fanfic
Author: Sanjuno Shori Niko
Series Summary: The Seekers have a plan, one that spans the entire length of the war, and is only now coming to fruition. Soundwave and the Cassettacons get caught up in the plot, and somehow cannot find it in their sparks to regret any of it. As for the Autobot and Decepticon factions, well, they are all just really, really confused.
Nine Rings of Vos: Arcs 1-4 Nine Rings of Vos: Adoption
Arc Summary: Searching for a source of energy, Megatron leaves Starscream and the Decepticon Air Brigade behind to hold Cybertron while he ventures out into the black. Separated from Soundwave for the first time in living memory, the Cassetacons begin to display signs that indicate to the Seekers that the little mechs are more than just the drones Soundwave makes them out to be. Starscream and his trine meddle, and in doing so discover something that Soundwave would have preferred to have kept hidden.
In which Starscream is still bored, but more cheerful about it! In which Turbine says, "We have a small problem, Air Commander..." In which Hailstone the Rainmaker has done something that's really rather stupid. In which Cassettacons are spied upon. In which Ratbat gets picked up by Starscream... (not like that you perverts!) In which Ratbat Imprints on Starscream. In which Ravage is paranoid while Skywarp is sneaky. In which Starscream explains the fundamental theory of spark growth. In which the Seekers make a decision. In which Skywarp has a dirty, dirty mind. In which Megatron returns in a cranky mood. In which Soundwave discovers that the Seekers have adopted his bebes. In which Starscream hits on Soundwave. In which sparklings get made. In which Soundwave is pimp. In which the Seekers are knocked up. In which Soundwave is confused as to what the pit is going on. In which Starscream is free! Nine Rings of Vos: Defection
Arc Summary: The Seekers have escaped from the Great War and are now hiding in the Vos Citadel - a flying city hidden within Cybertron’s acidic clouds. Autobot and Decepticon forces alike are thrown into disarray by the unexpected shift in arms power. What the Seekers will choose to do now could very well mean the end of the War... if anyone could find them, that is.
In which Megatron is displeased. In which the Battlechargers are clever. In which which Soundwave meets the Seekerlets. In which Optimus Prime is pleased. In which Hound receives orders. In which Sunstreaker cuddles. In which Soundwave finds out. In which it is the morning after... again. In which Sunstorm is a disapproving in-law. In which the Rainmaker's name their sparkling. In which certain side effects are discussed. In which Jazz is sulking. In which the Autobots crash the party. Nine Rings of Vos: Revelation
Arc Summary: The Autobots are starting to figure out that there is more to what is going on with the Seekers than meets the eye. Now that they have found the Seekers... what are they supposed to do with them, and is that even up to the Autobots to decide?
In which headaches abound. In which Airwave throws a tantrum. In which the Autobot shuttle had been boarded! In which Interceptor is still over protective. (Authored by
In which Ironhide chooses to gamble. In which Optimus had many questions with less time for answers. In which Trailbreaker will defend Autobot City! In which Silverbolt would like to land now please. In which twins are bratty and big brother comes to the rescue. (Authored by
Nine Rings of Vos: Alliance
In which Beachcomber is a kinky little bastard. (Authored by
Yep. That's right. The timeline is too big to fit in one post. I don't even know what to say about that. O.o