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here under keyword creative writing cultural awareness.
Title: “Creative Writing as Freedom, Education as Exploration”: creative writing as literary and visual arts pedagogy in the first year teacher-education experience
Writer(s): Nicole Anae (University of South Australia)
Design : Descriptive research
This article is based on on a presentation at Sydney Writers’ Festival on May 25, 2013 entitled “Creative Writing as Freedom, Education as Exploration” by Professor Robyn Ewing, author Libby Gleeson and managing director Teya Dusseldorp. In this article, it is mentioned that the development of students’ creative writing skill can facilitate them social and literacy skills, and also facilitate them a medium to explore both personal and community issues. Also, by conducting creative activities, such as creative writing, teachers are effectively connect students’ learning to their personal lives. Hence, creativity is a significant aspect for teachers to consider in conducting their classroom activities.
This article also disscusses about creative writing as autoethnography. Here, the students, or “creative writer” as called by the author, are free to position themselves from what point of view their story are told and from what point of view it is narrated.
Basically, it is necessary for teachers to pay more attention towards students’ creativity in writing. Students have such an active and creative mind that enables them to create something extraordinary. Teachers as their facilitator must be able to develop their creativity and guide them to become good learners.