Baltic Index: Unfilled Lithuania Prompts Index

Apr 05, 2009 19:53

The APH Kink Baltic States Index: Unfilled Lithuania Index

For Main Table of Contents, go here.

*Last Updated: December 07, 2010

Please note: The Text version of the Baltic States Index is no longer updated. There is now an up-to-date index on Delicious here. I transferred the index to Delicious because it is easier to update that way. However, the Text version of the index will still be left up.

The contact post for the index is here.

Unfilled Lithuania Prompts


*Oct 07 08 Lithuania/Poland, and Russia walks in
*Nov 24 08 Male brassieres
*Dec 03 08 Cardcaptor Sakura spoof
*Jan 03 09 Poland is jealous of Russia and is afraid Lithuania won't need him any more; abandonment issues
*Jan 05 09 Poland convinces Lithuania to leave Russia with the help of inspiring music such as Cher's "Believe"
*Jan 08 09 Poland/Lithuania; out of breath before 'stuff' happens (from running away from Russia?)
*Jan 12 09 Lithuania/Poland (and maybe Lithuania/Belarus); angst, romance and Poland's UST
*Jan 19 09 Poland/Lithuania; in the tale of the Queen of the Baltic
*Mar 05 09 Bed-time stories, fluff
*Mar 10 09 Fluff, love confession [Contains an incomplete fill posted Mar 15th]
*Mar 10 09 Reunion; Lithuania comes back from living with Russia and is now yandere
*Mar 19 09 High school fic; teen drama and happy ending
*Mar 27 09 Historical AU; Miedzymorze. Poland and Lithuania are reunited. Feliks begins acting a bit Ivan-esque
*Mar 31 09 Hurt/comfort; Poland is protective of Lithuania
*Apr 02 09 Belarus tries to set Lithuania up with Poland to remove him from Russia's love life
*Apr 04 09 Shrek parody - Feliks as Farquad, Toris as Fiona
*Apr 06 09 Russia reveals he hurt Poland; cue furious!Lithuania kicking some ass
*Apr 06 09 Poland rejects Lithuania; desperate Lithuania is a must
*Apr 27 09 Rejection; Poland flirts; Lithuania rejects him. Result: shocked/heartbroken Poland.
*Apr 28 09 After Lithuania returns from being with Russia, Poland wants to take care of him and protect him.
*May 20 09 Yandere!Poland and Lithuania; showing Poland's secret dark, sadistic side
*Jun 01 09 Poland sees Lithuania's scars during sex; Lithuania is reluctant, but Poland pays special attention to them
*Jun 18 09 Poland/Lithuania; Poland is selfish in bed
*Jun 20 09 Poland begins to show signs of being pregnant; humour required
*Jun 20 09 Trying to cope with his abuse from Russia, Lithuania plays out a 'rape' with Poland.
*Jul 17 09 Plotless, full of sex, consensual, zero maso and sado, kinky. The more kink, the better. Bonus for toys.
*Aug 02 09 Smut involving Torte Napoleon
*Aug 09 09 Sex in the back seat of Lithuania's old car; pure fluffy smut
*Oct 04 09 Vilnius conflict; Poland had the best of intentions, Lithuania tries to explain the problem. Heartbroken Poland a must
*Oct 07 09 Poland performs a strip tease for Lithuania. Sex reslts. Lithuania topping preferred.
*Oct 09 09 Estonia and Latvia don't understand why Lithuania takes so many risks for Poland.
*Oct 19 09 Poland/Lithuania/Russia, Twilight-style
*Oct 23 09 Poland, post-Partitions; after getting back with Lithuania, Poland takes a willfully submissive role.
*Nov 03 09 FemPoland/FemLithuania, bladder desperation and orgasm denial
*Nov 04 09 Poland is ready to attack Russia after seeing what he did to Liet. The result of this fight + Lithuania's reaction.
*Nov 04 09 ForestBrother Lithuania and CursedSoldier Poland. Hot freedom fighter sex in an underground bunker.
*Nov 04 09 Lithuania betrays Poland with Russia; what happens if Poland discovers the truth? Angst etc
*Nov 14 09 Serious fic about Lithuania asking Poland about the crossdressing; Poland tells him. Comfort.
*Nov 16 09 During Partitions Poland is separated from Lithuania, has sex with someone else for the first time; during it he has flashbacks of Liet
*Nov 16 09 Poland/Lithuania, having sex on a full bladder.
*Nov 17 09 Poland/Lithuania; Lithuania riding poland. Bonus for light bondage, also bonus for public location.
*Nov 17 09 Lithuania/Poland, with Poland in Belarus' dress.
*Jan 06 09 AU, Dark. Lithuania lives with Russia and can't leave; Poland eventually helps him escape his situation.
*Jan 12 10 Under Soviet rule, Poland gets raped by Russia; he becomes clingy with Liet, who comforts him.
*Jan 30 10 Poland and Lithuania have been together, but the spark is fading; Poland asks Hungary for advice; she scolds Lit for neglecting Poland.
*Feb 06 10 Lit/Pol, inspired by a fanart. Poland splits into a bunch of mini Polands. See prompt for details.
*Feb 06 10 Lit/Pol, romance or friendship, lots of fluff and cuddles and sweetness. Bonuses for flowers, flag colour symbolism, and snow.
*Feb 15 10 Lithuania's birthday is February 16th. A (happy) birthday, with Lit/Pol, and situation up to author. No angst, please.
*Feb 15 10 Lit, Poland, and facepalm-worthy pickup lines as an attempt to make one love the other.
*Feb 15 10 Poland wants to have Lit's babies. Crack.
*Mar 01 10 Angst/torture, set around the Nazi occupation of Poland. Lithuania asks Russia what is going on; Russia tells him.
*Mar 01 10 Poland shows up at a world meeting in a skirt for the first time; people are surprised. + Poland and Lithuania are in an established relationship.
*Mar 01 10 Poland and Lithuania - something inspired by their MKC songs. Anything, as long as it's positive.
*Mar 02 10 Lithuania is kinkier than Poland; rest is up to anon. Bonus for Lithuania in his basketball outfit.
*Mar 02 10 Sickfic; Lithuania taking care of Poland. |Fluff and angst.
*Mar 03 10 Lit/Pol aftermath of Russia/Poland rape. Bonus if Russia makes Lithuania watch. See prompt for details.
*Mar 06 10 Religious conversion; Lithuania converting to Christianity at Poland's insistence.
*Mar 08 10 Poland and Lithuania being totally awesome and kicking ass.
*Mar 12 10 Vilnius conflict, historical. See prompt for details.
*Mar 24 10 Poland teaches Liet the merits of Catholicism. Based on another fill.
*Mar 29 10 Poland riding Lithuania; Lithuania topping him hard. Bonus if spanking is involved.
*Mar 29 10 Lithuania and Poland participating in bedroom games; see prompt for details. Toys are a must.
*Mar 29 10 Lithuania and Poland, horseback riding kink. Reins, saddle, etc; dirty talk appreciated. Smut. Lithuania must top.
*Apr 11 10 Lithuania giving up his former religion and becoming catholic for Poland; based on a song
*Apr 12 10 Lit/Pol, heartwarming, happy fluff. Smut optional. Time period modern.
*Apr 12 10 Lit/Pol + other pairings; based on Love Actually. See prompt for details.
*May 12 10 MPreg; Lithuania is the carrying parent. No angst.
*May 14 10 LitPol hand fetish; public sex with Liet topping and a lot of hand fetish emphasis.
*Jun 02 10 441st anniversary of the union of Lublin; celebrating it. Fluff.
*Jun 03 10 Hunchback of Norte Dame, with Lithuania as the Hunchback and Poland as Esmerelda.
*Jun 03 10 Pol/Lit based on Revolutionary Girl Utena
*Jun 23 10 LitPol; shameless sex and pushy Liet.
*Jun 24 10 LitPol, Poland is MTF
*Jun 24 10 Lit/Pol, costumes and roleplaying
*Jun 24 10 Pol/Lit; Poland's darker side explored
*Jun 25 10 Lit/Pol; cliches. Lithuania is in love with oblivious Poland, resorts to cliches to express it
*Jul 19 10 LitPol; sex in a stable while hiding away from Russia.
*Jul 20 10 LitPol; guilt. Poland is embarrassed about their relationship and wants to keep it quiet.
*Jul 22 10 LitPol; sex using a double-ended dildo
*Jul 22 10 LitPol; both suffer from mental illness, and help one another through it.
*Jul 22 10 Lithuania and Poland; just as best friendsLitPol; Poland being extra affectionate to Lithuania's scars from the Polish-Lithuanian war
*Aug 15 10 LitPol; formal speak. First time. Shy and proper Feliks. Bonus for Liet calling Poland "Lenkija".
*Aug 15 10 Dark sex; they go to bed together as usual, but something goes wrong. Roughness, submission and control games, bloodplay, etc etc
*Aug 15 10 LitPol; dealing with one another's PTSD
*Aug 17 10 LitPol; Lithuania denying his sexual attraction to Poland
*Aug 19 10 LitPol; involving the song "Guy Love" from Scrubs. Not AU.
*Sep 21 10 Poland disguises himself as Belarus in hopes that Lithuania will mistake him for her
*Sep 21 10 Lit/Pol, sap and kink; Lithuania has a secret kink not usually associated with romance
*Sep 21 10 Lit/FemPol, Grunwald
*Sep 21 10 Lit/Pol; Lithuania is a pimp (outfit, general attitude, etc). Bonus for pimp talk.
*Sep 22 10 LitPol; Yandere Uke Poland. Lithuania's reaction to this.
*Sep 22 10 LitPol; Lithuania as an old-fashioned, kind and considerate lover
*Oct 27 10 LitPol; a nation walks in on them having sex
*Nov 02 10 LitPol; Lithuania's first time seeing Poland crossdress
*Nov 05 10 Lithuania is convinced he's broken, and Poland is determined to fix him... with duct tape.
*Nov 17 10 LitPol; old married couple shenanigans, taking advantage of the fact that they know everything about each other.


*Sep 19 08 The story behind Lithuania's scars
*Oct 29 08 Reunion sex after Russia "rescues" Lithuania from Nazi Germany
*Nov 14 08 Wallsex
*Nov 16 08 Picture as inspiration (link in prompt); dubcon optional but requested
*Dec 08 08 Russia's reaction when he finds out Lithuania is more well-endowed than he is
*Jan 03 09 Fluffy sex; not-so-creepy Russia and totally shocked Lithuania
*Jan 03 09 Seduction during the height of the Russian Empire
*Jan 07 09 Russia molesting Lithuania under the table at a world meeting
*Jan 20 09 Russia/Fem!Lithuania
*Mar 03 09 Russia/Liet; he wants to see a confused and troubled Lithuania. Bonus for blindfold
*Mar 17 09 Russia tells his siblings how he saved them from 'Lithuanian tyranny' and made him his subordinate
*Mar 22 09 Candy seduction
*Mar 23 09 Russia is sick of losing to Lithuania at basketball
*Mar 25 09 Lithuanian lore; vagina dentata
*Apr 02 09 During German occupation Lithuania goes crazy; at the peak of his insanity, Russia returns to 'rehabilitate' him
*Apr 02 09 Soviet brainwashing, must be in drabble format
*Apr 11 09 Russia thinks Lithuania is a masochist (though he actually isn't), and decides to indulge him
*Apr 20 09 hypocritical!Russia punishes Lithuania for being gay
*Apr 21 09 Happy Lithuania/Russia; set in modern day (2009), Lithuania asks Russia out on his own terms
*Apr 22 09 MPreg, with Russia as the "Motherland". Belarus is the child. Bonus for Jealous!Poland and Belarus' birth triggering Vilnius conflict
*Apr 25 09 Concerned about national energy security, Lithuania appeals to Russia; bonus for Russia truly offended by the suspicions, and responding childishly
*May 19 09 Ocean's Eleven parody; Russia loses Lithuania to America, and goes to Las Vegas to get him back
*May 20 09 After Russia has a stressful day, Lithuania brings him tea, then decides to do more. Oral; cute Russia required
*Jun 02 09 Must take place around Russia's birthday. Part fluff and part not-fluff preferred, inclusion of sunflowers + written from Russia's POV appreciated
*Jun 24 09 Angst and telekinesis; Lithuania overpowers Russia with his newly-discovered powers.
*Jul 11 09 "It's the thought that counts". Smut appreciated but not necessary, dubcon rather than noncon, or full consent appreciated.
*Jul 16 09 Russia and Lithuania have sex while Belarus spies on them. Angst required for Belarus; consent or dubcon required for Lithuania
*Aug 02 09 Consensual, bonus for frottage. Also bonus if Russia is still crazy.
*Aug 03 09 Reunion after gaining independence from Russia; Poland plans for it to be dramatic, but something goes horribly wrong. Bonus for rye-field sex
*Sep 03 09 Russia/Lithuania, that order; Lithuania is a prostitute that Russia falls in love with; what happens afterward is up to author
*Sep 27 09 SaneRussia/CrazyLithuania; dub-con, Lithuania topping from the bottom. Bonus for bloodplay, bondage, and Russia scared of Lithuania
*Sep 27 09 Boot licking
*Oct 03 09 Torture, prolonged suffering, asphyxia, and necrophilia. See prompt for details
*Oct 04 09 Russia thinking about wanting Lithuania, while wishing Belarus would leave him alone
*Oct 07 09 Lithuania's unrequited love for Russia; his heart breaking in reaction to Russia's more than friendly relations with America/China/Latvia.
*Oct 09 09 The first time Russia makes Lithuania wear the maid dress. Humiliating rather than sexy.
*Oct 19 09 Lithuania taking care of sick/wounded Russia.
*Oct 19 09 Sick Russia/Lithuania and the end of the world.
*Oct 22 09 Russia/Lithuania, emphasis on licking.
*Oct 23 09 Russia tries to court Lithuania, but can't understand why his tactics aren't working. See prompt for details.
*Oct 23 09 Russia/FemLithuania; bondage. Lithuania struggles too much; Russia decides to help her learn to stay still. Bonus: gags and/or blindfolds.
*Oct 23 09 Russia catches Lithuania masturbating; punishment in the form of rough sex results.
*Nov 07 09 Instead of sexually abusing Lithuania, Russia sexually controls him. See prompt for details.
*Nov 08 09 Lithuania discovers Russia has hypothermia, and takes care of him. Hurt/comfort and caretaking.
*Nov 15 09 Russia giving Lithuania a blow job as reward for good behaviour
*Jan 05 10 Russia whipping Lithuania; twist: Lit calls out Belarus' name while being beaten
*Jan 05 10 Young Russia going to Lithuania to ask him to give his sisters back, or to take him in (as he did with them) to protect him from the Mongols.
*Jan 09 10 FemRussia/FemLithuania and cunnilingus; Russia makes Lit go down on her.
*Jan 10 10 Russia and Lithuania are in a consensual BDSM relationship; but nobody else believes it's consensual or loving.
*Jan 24 10 Russia/Lithuania, "Bring your kids to work day". Mpreg.
*Jan 24 10 After the fall of the USSR, Russia is reborn; it's Lithuania's responsibility to look after him.
*Jan 27 10 Rus/Lit forced MPreg and stockholm syndrome
*Jan 27 10 Russia wants to change himself; Lithuania tries to teach him to be a better person. Hurt/Comfort, emotional Russia
*Feb 16 10 Beauty and the Beast - Russia as the Beast and Lit as Belle; Poland as Gaston.
*Feb 16 10 Rus/Lit non-con; Russia finds out that Lit loves Poland, so he turtures Lithuania and forces Poland to watch.
*Feb 16 10 Russia kidnapping Lithuania; chloroform, struggling, gags, etc.
*Feb 20 10 Lithuania/Russia in that order, Russia being more submissive and crying during sex. Inspired by a doujin.
*Mar 01 10
Rus/Lit; Lithuania gets drunk and tops Russia hard. Biting required.
*Mar 14 10 Medieval period; young Russia has a crush on older Lithuania.
*Mar 24 10 Revenge fic; Lithuania cracks under Russia's abuse. See prompt for details.
*Apr 10 10 Lit/Rus; Lithuania forgiving Russia, and awesome sex follows, with Lithuania topping.
*Jun 01 10 Rus/Lit, gore, eyeball gouging while having sex
*Jun 02 10 RusLit; Russia suddenly disappears, and after the initial joy wears off, it is realized that life feels odd without Russia
*Jun 05 10 RusLit; Lithuania is aroused by Russia's pudginess
*Aug 01 10 RusLit; while on a date, Russia collapses from heat exhaustion due to his clothes; Lithuania has to take care of him. Established couple.
*Aug 15 10 LitRus, Scott-Pilgrim style. For Lithuania to date Russia, he has to defeat Russia's seven evil exes.
*Sep 21 10 Russia tries to romance Lithuania in a very cheesy and fail way; serenading etc
*Sep 21 10 Rus/FemLit; rape. He sees Lithuania trying to protect Estonia and Latvia, and decides he will not allow that.
*Nov 10 10 RusLit; fic based on the song "Laid", about dysfunctional relationships


*Nov 27 08 During outsourcing, Lithuania makes a surprise Thanksgiving dinner as show of gratitude. Foodsex results.
*Mar 04 09 Liet topping America; accidental England voyeur
*Mar 05 09 Liet reverts to his knight self after a whack on the head
*Mar 06 09 Princess Peach Lithuania, Mario America
*Mar 10 09 Platonic fluff, memories of their loved ones (US/UK, Liet/Pol)
*Mar 25 09 One night, some innocent snuggling/tickling turns into passionate sex
*May 18 09 America/Lithuania, romance; both should not think of anyone else
*Oct 28 09 Tony beams up Lithuania; anal probing results. America goes to save him, and sex results.
*Nov 04 09 Lithuania and America bonding over mutual connection to the Red Hot Chili Peppers; bonus for sex
*Nov 09 09 Amer/Liet fluff, and Poland seeks out America to tell him he's okay with America's relationship with Lithuania
*Nov 12 09 Lithuania kicking America's ass at basketball, and loving it (America secretly likes it too)
*Jan 06 10 Lithuania craves sex; when America suggests it, Lithuania is very enthusiastic. Bonus for Lithuania riding and dirty talking.
*Jan 07 10 Tony plays matchmaker; sets America and Lithuania up on fail!dates, but they do go together at the end
*Jan 11 10 America and Lithuania are in an established relationship, but Lithuania still lives with Russia, who gets between them. See prompt for details.
*Jan 29 10 Lithuania has feelings for America, and one day America returns his feelings - but it is not brought up again
*May 13 10 Lithuania didn't come to work for America; he was his mail order bride. Misunderstandings and fluff.
*Jun 04 10 America/Lithuania; slice-of-life fluff.
*Jul 20 10 Amer/Lit; sex at a meeting. Because Lithuania is under Soviet control, America can't see him much, except during a meeting. They sneak away together.
*Aug 18 10 US/Lit; bedroom misunderstandings. America asks Lit to sleep with him for comfort; Lithuania thinks he means sex.
*Aug 18 10 Lithuania/America, obsessive love. After being returned to Russia, Lithuania holds onto his love for America as a form of coping
*Aug 18 10 FemAmerica/Lithuania; seduction. Bonus for flustered/oblivious Lithuania, and lots of teasing
*Sep 18 10 Amer/Lit; slow, romantic, early-morning sex. Modern period.
*Oct 16 10 America thinks nobody likes him; Lithuania comforts him.
*Oct 24 10 Lit/America; Lithuania returns to the US for comfort after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
*Nov 17 10 Lit/America; friendship and domesticity; Lithuania takes the "lead" in the relationship.


*Nov 20 08 Belarus/Lithuania; topping him with a strap-on
*Mar 02 09 Sex, tons of violence, cutting
*Apr 05 09 Belarus dates Liet to make Russia jealous, but they end up sleeping together.
*Apr 19 09 Lithuania/Belarus; mood of the fill is up to the author; situation flexible, but no smut
*Jun 21 09 Belarus/Lithuania; femdom with watersports and bondage.
*Aug 02 09 Belarus masturbates in Russia's room - but she is actually in Lithuania's room. Liet walks in, Belarus is embarrassed, comfort!fluff smut results
*Sep 25 09 Lithuania scaring Belarus by stalking her and demanding they go on a datedatedate. Bonus for smut in an elevator.
*Sep 27 09 Poland and the Baltics team up to save Lithuania from Belarus, but Liet doesn't see the problem
*Oct 04 09 Belarus/Lithuania, queening
*Nov 03 09 Belarus accepts Lithuania's love for her - then he becomes obsessed with her
*Nov 13 09 Lithuania and Belarus bonding in the snow, with internal lyrics to "Something There" from Beauty and the Beast.
*Jan 11 10 Belarus luring Lithuania into sex, then knifing him in the middle of it.
*Jan 31 10 Lithuania defends himself against Belarus; she ends up afraid of him. Emotional turmoil, etc. See prompt for details
*Feb 06 10 Lit/Bel with a darker Liet; based on a Slipknot song.
*Mar 02 10 Lithuania visits Russia, but is greeted by Belarus. She needs some comfort, so he takes this moment. Smut optional.
*May 12 10 Lithuania spanking Belarus in front of other people; no Russia involved
*Jun 03 10 Lithuania stalks Belarus and rapes her. See prompt for details.
*Jun 24 10 Lit/Bel, hair pulling, stocking fetish, focus on female pleasure. Bonus for maid fetish and cunnilingus
*Sep 15 10 Lit/Bel; historical, cruel Lithuania. Non-con, angst, bretahplay, etc
*Sep 15 10 Russia makes Belarus marry Lithuania. Wedding night. See prompt for details.
*Nov 09 10 BelLit; Belarus using Lithuania's infatuation with her to find out the things Russia likes.


*Sep 09 08 Sweden/Lithuania; almost an engagement
*Oct 31 08 Lithuania/Germany with Poland/Lithuania hatesex on the side
*Nov 27 08 Russia/Poland + Lithuania; Halloween rape, a continuation of one of the Halloween strips
*Nov 29 08 France or England/Lithuania; comfort sex
*Dec 04 08 Lithuania serves Japan in a maid cafe; cuteness, loneliness and underlying angst; must use human names
*Jan 07 09 Lithuania/Prussia; Teutonic knights
*Jan 17 09 Canada's teddy bear deciding whether Lithuania or Canada should top
*Jan 23 09 Prussia/Lithuania; bonding over Old Prussian language
*Mar 01 09 Rus/Liet and Other/Liet; Russia gives Lithuania aphrodisiacs and leaves him tied up; someone else finds him and helps him work it off
*Mar 01 09 Russia, Kitty!Canada and Lithuania; Ivan finds Kitty!Matthew, decides Matthew needs to be house trained
*Mar 16 09 Russia/Lithuania/Prussia, during the Cold War Russia makes Prussia help him rape Lithuania
*Apr 12 09 Russia/Canada/Lithuania, or Russia going sadist on both Canada and Lithuania at once. Or failing that, just something involving them interacting.
*Apr 20 09 America/Lithuania/Russia; must take place after outsourcing; all parties must enjoy it
*Apr 25 09 France/Lithuania; cooking as seduction
*May 03 09 Lithuania, Poland and Canada; any combination; what happens is optional; no angst or UST - fluff is the kink
*Jun 30 09 Canada/Lithuania; pretending to be gay
*Jul 12 09 Russia/Lithuania/America. Bonus: Add history/Lithuania takes control/Bondage/use of Russian or Lithuanian during sex
*Aug 01 09 Russia/US dubcon with bonus for double-penetration involving a (more or less) willing Lithuania
*Aug 02 09 Selfcest. Bonus: Russia, America, Estonia, Latvia or any combination walks in and joins. Bonus 2: Plausible explanation
*Aug 03 09 Tony/Lithuania; Tony uses his alien technology to switch bodies with America and have his way with Lithuania
*Aug 05 09 Lithuania/Liechtenstein, with a few jealous onlookers
*Aug 07 09 Lithuania/Poland/Prussia, threesome
*Aug 24 09 Everyone/Lithuania; as many male nations as possible crush on Lithuania. Fluff is good, sex also appreciated
*Aug 30 09 Canada/Lithuania, sickeningly sweet fluff. Bonus if the relationship is revealed when they think nobody is watching
*Aug 31 09 Based on the Christmas strips; America, England and France force Lithuania to strip, then take him home to Poland. What happens in between?
*Sep 25 09 Lithuania and hurt/comfort rape aftermath; dealt with realistically
*Sep 25 09 Lithuania + martial arts = hot. Russia/Lithuania/Poland or Russia/Lithuania/China, see prompt for scenario details
*Sep 26 09 England/Lithuania; prior to outsourcing, Lithuania asks England for help, and he pays for that help with his body.
*Sep 27 09 Gakuen Hetalia; Lithuania as therapist. Unofficial student councilor. People whine to him about their problems
*Sep 27 09 Russia sends Lithuania a sexbox with Poland in it. Bonus if Russia watches Lithuania using Poland. See prompt for further details
*Sep 27 09 Lithuania and China both want Russia, and are horribly jealous of each other. Solution? Threesome
*Sep 29 09 Poland/Prussia/Lithuania; fully consensual. Established couple LietPol feel sorry for lonely Prussia and approach him for sex
*Oct 02 09 Germany/Lithuania; during the German occupation of Lithuania
*Oct 04 09 Prussia/Lithuania, during the time Russia was in charge of East Germany. Dubcon or noncon preferable.
*Oct 08 09 Anyone/Poland/Lithuania; Nation ties Poland and Lithuania up and watches them kiss, all three people enjoying it
*Oct 17 09 Poland/Lithuania/Sweden; Poland and Lithuania seduce Sweden into joining their commonwealth, even if just for a while.
*Oct 17 09 Lithuania as kidnapper; after seeing America with Russia, he decides he has to save America. See prompt for details.
*Oct 18 09 Erotic spanking; option of Belarus/Lithuania or Lithuania/Poland
*Oct 22 09 Everyone/Lithuania
*Oct 22 09 Sex swap; Lithuania/Poland swap with Sweden/Finland for smut purposes
*Oct 25 09 Russia/America/Lithuania; plain smut, mindfuck + violence and kink, etc
*Oct 25 09 Lithuania VS Prussia; Under Soviet rule, the nations under Russia's power commit intrigues against each other.
*Oct 27 09 Dr. Horrible parody with Lithuania as Moist
*Oct 27 09 Germany/Lithuania; Germany invades Lithuania, who expects the worst - Germany can't stop himself from taking advantage.
*Nov 02 09 Russia/Lithuania/Prussia; "Liet is unexpectedly sadistic and Russia is amused"
*Nov 04 09 Lithuania and Finland bond over their Stockholm Syndrome toward their respective partners.
*Nov 10 09 Lithuania and Poland find Belarus trying to rape Russia; after saving him, he begs them both to take his virginity
*Nov 10 09 Russia/Lithuania/Poland; Russia forcing Lithuania to rape Poland
*Nov 13 09 Canada and Lithuania bond over/drown their sorrows about their crushes on Russia's sisters.
*Nov 14 09 Anyone/Lithuania; multiple partners, Lithuania sleeping with a lot of nations. Liet must be confident and playful.
*Nov 15 09 Prussia/Lithuania hatesex. Bonus for Poland bottoming for Prussia at the same time and Liet being upset about it.
*Jan 06 10 France/Lithuania; France discovers Lithuania's scars, then lavishes attention on him.
*Jan 10 10 Russia ties Poland up, and makes Lithuania submit to him in front of Polnd. Mental abuse, begging, etc.
*Jan 23 10 Lithuania/N.Italy; Poland tries to set his two friends up together.
*Jan 24 10 Lithuania's name is usually used for dogs. Cue human WTF reactions at his name.
*Jan 25 10 France/Lithuania; situation is up to author
*Jan 26 10 Germany/Lithuania; non-con a la WWII occupation.
*Jan 27 10 Lithuania/Liechtenstein; toys and devices
*Jan 27 10 Foursome; either Sweden/Finland/Lithuania/Poland or Lithuania/Poland/Austria/Hungary
*Jan 31 10 England/Lithuania and France/America; something with both couples
*Feb 10 10 Poland and Lithuania sit America down and have a Serious Talk with him about his government issues.
*Feb 15 10 Someone gets his ass kicked by Lithuania. Who it is = up to author. Bonus for modern Lit, and extra Lit/Pol.
*Feb 16 10 Lithuania and Polandgo on a trip as friends and end up at a nudist colony. Chaos ensues, see prompt for details.
*Feb 17 10 Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei-inspired; Gakuen Toris as the (somewhat?) suicidal teacher.
*Mar 13 10 Love square; Lithuania likes Belarus, Belarus likes Russia, Russia likes Poland, Poland likes Lithuania.
*Mar 25 10 Lithuania/Poland/America; gym bunnies AU; threesome. See prompt for details.
*Mar 25 10 VERY drunk Lithuania tries to hit England in the face with his penis
*Mar 28 10 Tony has a crush on Lithuania, and becomes jealous when he discovers Liet is dating nation A. See prompt for details.
*Mar 28 10 WWIII started by Lithuania. Lithuania goes empire, and nobody sees it coming. Humour (no angst, no smut)
*Mar 30 10 Belarus/Russia/Lithuania; consensual threesome
*May 14 10 Poland/America/Lithuania, sharing Liet. Rimming and/or fingering required. No DP, please.
*Jun 01 10 Lithuania, Eurovision 2010, and sparkly underwear. Funny and/or smutty.
*Jun 24 10 Poland/Lithuania/Hungary, menage a trois, domesticity; time period flexible
*Jun 24 10 Poland, FemPoland, N.Italy and Lithuania - dinner party and crack
*Jun 25 10 Russia/Liet, Russia/Other; they had a relationship, Liet didn't like it. Russia ends up with someone else.
*Jun 26 10 Lit/Pol, first time with toys
*Jul 18 10 Tony/Liet; Tony making romantic advances toward Lithuania. Bonus for oblivious Lithuania and America
*Jul 18 10 Lithuania and Prus/Pol; Prussia likes Poland, but Lithuania is overprotective of Poland, because he thinks Prussia isn't good for his friend.
*Jul 22 10 Lithuania/Ukraine; cunnilingus. Bonus for 69 afterwards.
*Aug 18 10 America/Lithuania/Poland; America asks Lithuania out, Poland is jealous.
*Sep 15 10 Lit/Pol, US/UK and matchmaker Tony; Tony tries to set Lithuania up with America. See prompt for details.
*Sep 18 10 Lit/Lit; confronting darker self in dreams, leading to mindfucking.
*Oct 23 10 Ukraine/Poland/Lithuania/Russia/Turkey; the male nations fighting over Ukraine
*Oct 23 10 Lithuania/Belarus/Poland/Ukraine; spending time together to ease stress and pain
*Nov 06 10 America and Poland plot together to make Lithuania relax - by involving him in a threesome

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