Thread logs!

Jun 07, 2020 01:24

Newest at the top!

sucks to be psychic when Bert dies
Roland is old again
Roland is 24
really bad directional sense
[aug counselors]
Bedninja: Roland
Roland deaged, Eddie
Roland deaged
Silly canadian laws
Forced dancing
badfic cliches
Katara returns
Souji and truth
[july apps]
Shooting contest
bachelor auctions
[june apps]
horse? Percival
Everybody has more sex than me, Roland
Dante's motorcycle
Meeting Power Girl
naked day
Unexpected mistletoe
[hiatus and apps]
Foal shower
Cockblocking Bert and Jennifer
meeting River
[april apps]
aged, stalking Roland
aged up
Two Rolands
Katara leaves
Virginity poll, Roland
virginity poll
library post
[march apps]
cockblocking Zanki and Bert
Eddie doing his job
Helping Roland with reading
Kiba is in Roland's body, Roland
Kiba is in Roland's body
Kanji leaves
[late jan apps]
Female Dante from cake
Dancing with Dante
Horsed, Kanji
Horsed, other people broke rules too
horsed, annoyed at dogs
Horsed, Roland
Fanfic, Roland
fanfic, Bert
Emiri writing Arthur/Merlin
[first jan campers]
Oni musical morning, Bert
Oni musical morning, Ibuki
Oni musical morning, Roland
Giving Eddie a gift
Giving a late gift to Katara
Roland searching for Fran
Mistletoe as a girl
Fem. With Dante
Fem. bedninja with Kanji
[dec apps]
Ker-female, Roland
mistletoe threesome
bedninjas, Roland and Bert
Mistletoe, Roland
Eddie intro, Bert
Eddie intro
with Ibuki
More Roland
Rolaaaaand. also Eddie
[nov counselors]
chat with Ibuki
tapping poll, Katara
with Kanji
Accidental marriage fallout, Sokka
accidental marriage fallout, Katara
wolf game fallout
Teddy intro
Ben's movie
[oct 2nd apps]
Evil Mary
Evil Mary; Bert
meeting Ibuki
Kanji's not-date
stable help
[sep apps]
muffin balls
Zero's new horse
mafia movies
[camper apps]
Kanji penguin
true forms
Baaaaby Warren
classy kegger, Dante
classy kegger, Laurence
Classy kegger, Katara
Zuko made Katara cry
Bert is a book
strange weather
fly catching, Katara
Katara, re-aged
bar post, Katara
bar post
[july campers]
Robin intro
Gant is a tiger, Katara
Tiny Avatar cast
why is the drinking age 21 :(
Last mistletoe, Bert
Last mistletoe, Katara
zombiwhorehouse, Dante
Katara and momming
Ryuunosuke and swine flu
Katara in swimwear
Talking with Bert
Kanji fighting zombies
Zuko burning mistletoe
Tyr holding guns on people, Thor
Tyr holding guns on people
Tyr holding guns on people, Dante
Katara waterbending
Kanji at night
Claire and Wesker
Indiana Jones
Girl advice from Ran
Nia and biting flowers
An angel?
can has book
Interrupting Bert and Katara's kiss Continued
Mistletoe mark 2, Bela
Mistletoe mark 2
Mary-sue fever
Mary-sue fever, Katara
flashback tv
times three
Bert, part 2
continuation Bert
mistletoe continuations Katara
Mistletoe continuations
Mistletoe, Dante
innadressing everywhere
De-horsed, thanking Zuko
[late june apps]
saved by Zuko
Horsed: twenty questions
"horse"ing around
Kiba, pony rides
little Kino
Un-ah cured
baaaby cowboy America
Axe-crazy fallout
Axe crazy (multiple threads
England is shot
Bert's a-crazy
Intervention for Bert
Deaf: bedninja'ing Dante
Deaf: bedninja post
Deaf: bbq with Piper
clothing switching post
pool hall
camp faq
Sad FF people by fire
Orgasming over soda
g-giving Ben the talk
vending machine
Intro post
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