Title: Aspartame Pairing: ChunJae Length: Chaptered Summary: Jaejoong thinks he found just another sugar daddy to support him, but Yoochun is a different kind of sweet.
Title: Aspartame Pairing: ChunJae Length: Chaptered Summary: Jaejoong thinks he found just another sugar daddy to support him, but Yoochun is a different kind of sweet.
Title: Aspartame Pairing: ChunJae Length: Chaptered Summary: Jaejoong thinks he found just another sugar daddy to support him, but Yoochun is a different kind of sweet.
Title: Aspartame Pairing: ChunJae Length: Chaptered Summary: Jaejoong thinks he found just another sugar daddy to support him, but Yoochun is a different kind of sweet.
Title: Fascination Length: One-shot Pairing: HoMin Summary: This is what I see in HoMin's L'EAU DE MISSHA commercial (and what I assume happens after). Feel free to share your interpretation.
Title: Aspartame Pairing: ChunJae Length: Chaptered Summary: Jaejoong thinks he found just another sugar daddy to support him, but Yoochun is a different kind of sweet.
Title: Aspartame Pairing: ChunJae Length: Chaptered Summary: Jaejoong thinks he found just another sugar daddy to support him, but Yoochun is a different kind of sweet.
Title: Aspartame Pairing: ChunJae Length: Chaptered Summary: Jaejoong thinks he found just another sugar daddy to support him, but Yoochun is a different kind of sweet.
Title: Aspartame Pairing: ChunJae Length: Chaptered Summary: Jaejoong thinks he found just another sugar daddy to support him, but Yoochun is a different kind of sweet.