The Yarns, Ash part 8

Jul 24, 2009 23:01

Your friendly Yarn family update, now with ghosts and awesome teenagers!

Ash continues tending the garden while all the ladies are off at work or school.

Oooh, the poor baby. She has a pile of homework and not enough fun!

So they shoot some hoops together instead :D

And sing a little karaoke.

Meanwhile, Boo! Scuba makes an appearance. And he's not picky, he'll even scare the sims Brooke brings home from work!

Ooooh, why so sad Brooke?!


Brooke: *collects self*

Watching his daughters paint at the easel reminded Ash of the joys of paint. So now instead of galavanting across town to torment the neighbors, he paints.

Awww, quality time!

Boo! Scuba!

Oh Hooray! Look what finally popped up!! It's Brooke's LTW! *cheers*

So she heads off to work in the wee hours of the morning.

The girls try to tackle their homework over the weekend.

Marmalade conversation spam!!

/spam. I wub her eyes ^.^

Brooke's home! With a promotion! Now she's a Drill Instructor XD

The girls now sell their paintings ... saving up for those future vacations!

And here's a view of their recently remodeled bedroom, complete with a splatter safe zone for painting! Off to the left of the camera is a bookshelf and a violin for increasin' those skillz!

I don't know if I've ever had a sim love their basketball hoop as much as Marmalade does. All the time. Shootin' hoops. Not that I'm complaining!

When she's not shootin' hoops with her sister, Clem is working on her yoga positions.

Typical night at the Yarn house - girls chattin, Ash yelling, and TV blaring (gotta love those ghosts and their obsessive need to turn on every electronic device in the house!).

Boo! Scuba (1) Marmalade (0)

Ash: Uh.... I think she's sleeping? In her food?? Should I be worried??!?!
Me: Yes, be very worried.

Aww, more quality time! Brooke's work-sleep cycle now has her awake during Ash's night werewolf time, so they can bes together!!! *is happy for them*

Points to you if you can tell me the difference between those two pictures.

I think Clem is on to something. All that stretching and breathing must give her some sort of ghost immunity, they don't seem to be bothering her!

Ash gardens moar. But it's not looking so good. =X

Still more yoga.

Me: Oh HAI!! It's bondchick_nett's Benvolio! *waves*

Marmalade: Hey, sis? Do you remember that play we read in school?

Clementine: Which play? We've read a lot of plays ...

Marmalade: The one we read last week! With the ghost who came back and told the prince that he was murdered!

Marmalade: And then everything kept going wrong.
Clementine: Oh that one! And everyone ends up dead.
Marmalade: Doesn't that make you wonder about all of our ghosts? I mean really, what are they trying to tell us?!
Clementine: And Dad said all those ghosts killed him one night! And Mom had to plead for his soul!!


Ash: *poofs*
Marmalade: AhhH! OH my gosh I almost stepped on you!

Ash: *glee* I still have the skillz!

Speaking of skillz, check this out! Boo! Wisteria, haven't seen her in a while! And through Ash's face too!

Ash: Oooh man! This night is just so crappy!
Marmalade: You think it's crappy! You didn't just have Grandma jump out at you!
Ash: No, she jumped through me.
Marmalade: ... right.

And again! Okay Wisteria, we get it! You're creepy! (And yes, I see you there Scuba. Be nice now!)

Boo! Chandler.

Oh look, it's 4:30 am and everyone's awake! WONDERFUL! *glares at ghosts*

Boo! Chandler.

Seriously. The ghosts were waking everyone up so frequently no one was getting sleep (well, not that Ash needed it...but he also didn't need to be peeing his pants every night). The girls were on to something, the ghosts were up to no good! Drastic measures needed to be taken to get this under control.
Me: *puts urns into Clementine's inventory* Mwahahahahhaa XD

Brooke: *le gasp!*

This is how they spent Brooke's day off. lol.

Poor neglected garden. I guess your tomatos just weren't meant to be.

Clementine: Uh...Mom?
Brooke: Mmm?
Clementine: What are you doing?
Brooke: Making food! I'm hungry!
Clementine: But I need to use the stove!! BLarg!

Ahh familial love.

Rock! pApeR! SCisscoRs!

Clementine: I win! I win! I win!
Marmalade: *grumble grumble*

Me: You know Marmalade, you do sometimes win. You won the first round!
Marmalade: *grumble*cheater*grumble grumble*
Me: ... I bet you'd win more if you picked something other than scissors every time.
Marmalade: *glares*

She gets back at her with noogies.

Awww, lookie what Ash is painting!

And they can still dance :D

Ash's masterpieces are finished and framed. I think they're beautiful!

Waiting in line to buy grocceries.

Marmalade: I hope we're never too old to do this! wheeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

Clementine: We could never be too old for this! *plus*
Marmalade: Hooooray!!! Why don't we have one of these at home?! I would do this every day for the rest of my liiiiiiifeeeee *swings wildly*

Me: Uh...I think you do have one at home. Yep. Been there for awhile now.

Noogies are fuuuuun.

And this is purely for the girls' faces -- LOL!

Okay, this? I just found this creepy. Marmalade is gossiping about how my Watson heir had her children taken away by the social worker (that's one of the kids - Tobias - in the thought bubble). I had a bwwahhh!? moment there and wondered how she knew. And then I remembered. She was there!! Sigh. I'm still sad about this. I don't need you poking at my wounds, Marmalade!!!

Moving on...

6am. Do you know where your teenagers are?!

All that time at the easel in the quiet of the night has given Ash a lot of time to think. That whole "saved from death" thing really cleared a few things in his foggy were-brain. All the rage of his earlier years? Gone. The loyalty and devotion to his family that Brooke and the girls kept glimpsing and reaching for? Here to stay!

He decides to get it all written out. Maybe someday Clementine and Marmalade can read it and understand - understand what it is to be a (sorely misunderstood) werewolf and why he won't turn either of them into one.

Oh look! Another promotion! Hello Junior Officer Brooke Yarn! *salutes*

And as celebration of this promotion (and to sooth his guilt) Ash books another vacation! He claims this one will be better than the last - no fighting and no tears. I hope he's right! They leave on Saturday :D

Later that night ... more basketball. And Clem maximizes her body skill!

Brooke gets a more military friendly stylish side buns, quick and easy ponytail it is!

Hey Brooke?

Brooke: Mmm?
Me: Enjoying your ballet? Help tone you for all your building rushing - plane jumping missions at work?
Brooke: *smiles and points toes*

Clementine: Yes! A+!

And Ash keeps writing.

Next time on the Yarns: Another vacation! Where to this time?! Will Ash keep his word? Stay tuned!

Last times with the Yarns
1. Scuba: [ 1], [ 2], [ 3], [ 4], [ 5], [ 6]
2. Wisteria [ 1], [ 2], [ 3], [ 4]
3. Ash [ 1], [2], [ 3], [ 4], [ 5], [ 6], [ 7]
[family tree]

*may reply with other journal (eleme) cuz i r forgetful and lazy!*


marmalade, yarns, brooke, clementine, ash

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