Congratulations campers! Thanks bunches for your invaluable contributions to this harmless bit of summer fun. Well, harmless to everyone but Wilson anyway. ;)
We hope you enjoy using your badges as much as we've enjoyed your wonderful fics, drabbles, poems, and other bits of sick!Wilsony goodness.
And don't be bashful about coming back for more badges! Camp Sick!Wilson is open through Friday, July 22nd, so there's still plenty of time to earn credit for torturing our favorite oncologist in some "new and unexpected way."
Thanks again, and keep up the good work!
Additional ceremonies/honors:
4th Award Ceremony: Friday, June 24th
3rdgal12- Let's Have S'more Chat #1
barefootpuddles brindlewolf brynnamorgan cellista_in_c cuddyclothes damigella_314- Drabble: Prayer
- Fic: Broken ( 1, 2) [WIP] (w/Sekret Woid #3)
- Wheel of Mis-Fortune Game
deelaundry flywoman- Drabble: I've Got You Covered (The Short and Sweet Remix)
- Completed requirements for Wilsoneer badge, having earned at least one star in four Specialty categories (Storyteller, Poet, Drabbler, and substituting 5 Camper badges for 1 Specialty category)
ladyinverness23 lifes_own_light- Wheel of Mis-Fortune Game
lovemywilson menolly_au mnstrtruckslash petitecuriosity- Wheel of Mis-Fortune Game
pgrabia- Let's Have S'more Chat #1
rslhilson- Wheel of Mis-Fortune Game
_slytherin_girl srsly_yes sydpenguinbunny- Wheel of Mis-Fortune Game
writerdot yarroway 3rd Award Ceremony: Friday, June 17th
3rdgal12 alternatealto antiquixotic barefootpuddles cellista_in_c cloudxsephiroth cuddyclothes damigella_314 deelaundry flywoman fry_addict jezziejay lovemywilson mashfanficchick- Let's Have S'more Chat #1
menolly_au nightdog_barks- Let's Have S'more Chat #1
petitecuriosity pgrabia rslhilson sin_of_pride srsly_yes sydpenguinbunny teamhilson writerdot yarroway 2nd Award Ceremony: Friday, June 10th
barefootpuddles- Fic: Tensions (includes Sekret Woid)
- Injured!Wilson Mad Lib Activity
brynnamorgan cellista_in_c- Injured!Wilson Mad Lib Activity
cresty-on-ry- Google Challenge/Plot Bunny-a-Thon
damigella_314 flywoman lifes_own_light- Injured!Wilson Mad Lib Activity
menolly_au mmorgan317 mnstrtruckslash petitecuriosity- Injured!Wilson Mad Lib Activity
pgrabia resm rslhilson _slytherin_girl srsly_yes taiga13- Injured!Wilson Mad Lib Activity
teamhilson- Injured!Wilson Mad Lib Activity
writerdot- Fic: Disquietude (includes Sekret Woid)
- Injured!Wilson Mad Lib Activity
yarroway 1st Award Ceremony: Friday, June 3rd
alternatealto alex_axle- Google Challenge/Plot Bunny-a-Thon
barefootpuddles- Google Challenge/Plot Bunny-a-Thon
cellista_in_c damigella_314 jezziejay lovemywilson- Google Challenge/Plot Bunny-a-Thon
menolly_au mmorgan317 pgrabia _slytherin_girl srsly_yes yarroway