Week Twenty-Two 26/12/2010

Jan 16, 2011 18:15

Re. a discussion on lolitics_meme  here's a round up of all the fic from the last week. For unfilled prompts click HERE. There is now a beta reading thread HERE. And, always remember guys, fic feedback is love!

Please read the prompts / summaries and use your discretion - some of the fic may be triggery.


Sunday 19th December 2010

Burnballs ( meme) - polietics  .
Prompt: Burnballs (as a forming couple, only a few months together) get their first shared double bed and discover they can be classy and have all sorts of really comfortable sex :D whelp that was specific

Crack Drabble - anon.
Prompt: "Labour MP Tom Harris is urging his leader Ed Miliband to target the young, white, working-class women who have flocked to David Cameron in their droves. ‘We risk losing the Katie Price generation for ever,’ complains Tom" ...I really don't know if I want fic of this or not

Mini Gigolo - anon.
Prompt: This film. Alastair and Peter as Sacha and Trevor.

Nick - anon.
Summary: Anon was hoking around on her laptop and found some, as titled, VERY dense drabble, seemingly about Nick! I remember typing this one morning in the summer; enjoying a beautiful Turkish sunrise, overlooking a mountain and an orchard - 39th sleepless hour. I recall that I wanted to write something ridiculous and suffocating, and just as try-hard as a young Mr Clegg may have written, considering his poetry. Drabble, rather than prose, as - despite knowing the definition of prose - it seems rather too complimentary to attribute to this shit. Thought I'd post it anyway, see if anyone thinks it should go anywhere. Have not proofread, oops, apologies in advance.

Monday 20th December 2010

Christmas Musical - anon.
Summary: This is what my brain does when overcome by doom and gloom - brought on by the weather problems grounding people at Heathrow and the Lib Dem's having a crappy time. 1st Part - Danny is fed up with everyone being so depressed and also really wants to cheer Nick up, so decides to imbue them all with the Christmas spirit by singing a little song.
2nd Part - George is stuck in JFK airport (guess), bored and missing home, and after hearing Danny's little musical is inspired himself. (This is extremely silly and so I apologise in advance. Also, wrote it quickly so any mistakes, my bad.)

Christmas Present Fic (Clameron)
- anon.
Prompt: Christmas card picture fic. Who sends what and who sends out cards with pictures of themself and someone else? (Maybe even accidentally).

Cleggbell Fill - anon.
Prompt: Vague request is vague- but Alastair Campbell woobie fic please- in which under that abrasive exterior there is just someone whose lonely but convinced he's so messed uo no-one could ever love him so shouting/rudeness is how he keeps/drives people away. Mandelbell the obvious pairing but have seen some great clegg/bell fills also so could totally go for that. (anon may have pre christmas alone type blues!)

Fill ( meme) - biz_viz  .
Prompt: One or both Milibands discover/debate the merits of "The Dialectic of Sex" OR if you want to go really out there, AU in the utopia (dystopia?) as described ideal by the book.
Infolicious links: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shulamith_Firestone#The_Dialectic_of_Sex
In short: Firestone equates the oppression women in the patriarchal family and society to the oppression of the workers by the capitalists. Children are also oppressed by the patriarch, and she even goes as far as saying childbirth and biologically determined families should be done away with (this shit is radical, y'all). Anyway, the conclusion of this sort of "revolution of sex" where literally anybody can have sex and procreate with anybody else, which even does away with the incest taboo (bet you didn't see that one coming?). I definitely don't agree with Firestone but this book was quite the read back when I read it and recently got to thinking about it again. Ohgod this is such a weird/complex prompt, even for the Milibands... /sinks back into obscurity

Fill ( meme) - biz_viz  .
Prompt: Angsty messed up replacement sex. EMil is gay (wifeless au or not is up to you) and would love to have a satisfying sexual relationship with another man. But every time he's having sex, his repressed feelings take over and he ends up calling his brother's name. Consumed by guilt, he turns ever more masochistic. So when David Cameron dominates him into hatesex after PMQ's, it seems like the perfect solution.

Fill ( meme) - biz_viz  .
Prompt: Because anon made a good effort of drinking hirself to death last night and is now suffering for it - Fic where A gets massively, dead-to-the-world drunk. B looks after them. My first pref would be the Milibros, but it's all good!

Fill - anon.
Prompt: Because this anon is in the middle of a long, nasty fill which is about to get worse, I'd love some playful Mandelbell. Alastair makes Peter dress as a maid and dust the lowest shelves, etc. He then gropes him and chases him around the whole house, pulling his clothes off as he tries to catch him. Then pins him down and ravishes him on the staircase. (Or if that's too much, without the costume.)

Life in the Economics Section
- anon.
Prompt: I'd love see something where they aren't politicians, and hold regular jobs instead. Example: Gordon the workaholic, but brilliant, economist, being dragged out by Peter or someone for a night out, and he meets Tony, celebrity lawyer and entirely too full of himself. Or Peter and Alastair working for rival PR firms, EdB as a journalist, etc... Any pairing you want to write is quite fine. :)

Milison Fill ( meme) - biz_viz  .
Prompt: Seriously corny Milison. (Confession: This anon has been watching extremely cheesy porn, hence the prompt.) So, Alan Johnson and EdMili share an office. Anon would like you to imagine that:
a) the office is incredibly cramped, leading to Ed clambering over AJ to get to things, etc.
b) AJ is very attracted to Ed, but doesn't dare make a move. However, being in close proximity to the object of his affections is torturous distraction.
c) Ed, on the other hand, is obliviously? leaning over AJ to get files, sitting on the arm of his chair, stretching, and so on.
Johnson's resolve breaks when Ed, balancing on the arms of AJ's chair, reaches up to grab a book, slips, and tumbles into his lap. Certain friendly bits display their affection, if you catch my drift.. Ed ends up straddling the helplessly embarrassed AJ in his chair, whose blood is now rushing both to his cheeks and other bits. This is so obvious, even oblivious Ed can't miss it. What happens next?

Sickly Sweet Mandelsilva - anon.
Prompt: I'm sorry, I can't help it, I'm fully addicted. Peter/Reinaldo involving red ties and snuggling and just generally lovely sweet fluffiness.

Tender Comrade
- anon.
Prompt: Inspired by the above prompt and an equal need for heartbreak fics atm. HIV fic. Any or indeed no pairing, just friends, but not Clameron. No offense to Clameron - I love it as much as the next anon - but I don't want it in this situation

Tuesday 21st December 2010

Behind Closed Doors - misdemeanor79  .
Prompt: Person A making Person B come in public. Preferred pairings are Clameron, Mandelborne and BurnBalls, but I'm open to any pairing.

Fill - anon.
Prompt: Trivia: Ed Miliband can do the Rubik's cube in 1min 20secs, with one hand tied behind his back. Crikey. Any fic based on this, please?

Fill ( meme) - biz_viz  .
Prompt: This is the result of Ed Miliband dressing himself in 2006 - Nightmare inducing! I'd love to see fic where somebody takes matters into their own hands and sorts his wardrobe out. Up to the writer as to who.

It's Time For Tim - anon.
Prompt: Tim Farron is the son of Charles Kennedy. *slinks back into darkness*

Porn Companies AU
- anon.
Prompt: AU wherein they aren't political parties but rival porn companies.

Self Prompt - anon.
Summary: A long time ago, in a prompt far away that I cannot locate, someone asked for an AU where Peter Mandelson joined the SDP and subsequently the Lib Dems. This is not exactly that fic (I still have ten more years of history to hash out for that to happen >_<) but it is kind of like a little excerpt from the universe. For context, I recall reading somewhere that Peter and Alastair actually knew each other before NuLab, from their jobs in the media. I may be mistaken, but oh well it is an AU anyway.

Worth the Risk - anon.
Prompt: Nick knows about the attraction between DLaws and James, but he also knows that DLaws is too angsty/virginal/scared of sex to act on it. At a party where they’re all present, he makes his excuses and takes DLaws into an empty room next door. Without explanation, and despite DLaws’s initial protests, he starts to kiss and then french-kiss DLaws until he can’t see, starting off really slow and gentle and sensual, sliding and rubbing his hands all over his body and under his shirt, and then getting more aggressive and full-on with his hand between DLaws’s legs until DLaws is so warmed up and turned on that he has either got to come or explode. Nick then lets himself out of the room, pushes JLund in, and locks the door.

Wednesday 22nd December 2010

A Light That Flickers, Then Fades - anon.
Prompt: Darling/Osborne... anyone? *sidles out of meme*

...And Somehow Dystopian GoveBalls AU - anon.
Prompt: GoveBalls. ...Please? It's been so long since we've had any new Gove slash on the meme. Goveballs being the obvious one. Or maybe some Goveburnballs, since we had a brief bit of Burnballs on one side of the house and Gove on the other during Monday's HoC (maybe Ed and Andy "ganging up" on Michael?). But frankly I'd take anything!

Ed's Party (orgy) Fill ( meme) - biz_viz  .
Prompt: Okay this is part III and hopefully the last for a while in the Ed's Orgy series..they just keep coming.. Okay so over on labouruncut, Tom Waston points out that since 2001, all 253 mps have united behind a labour leader in a vote. Today's pmqs had backbenchers spontaneously joining in with EdM. Howver, a few short weeks ago, it wasn't like this, with rumours of his backbenchers wanting to drag him off... So, how has EdM won his doubting MPs and ministers over? In the only was this twisted, truly weird series knows how. Sexual favours in exchange for support. (Feel free to add to this series in any which way you like, I'm hoping by sharing it out, the sheer fuckedupness of it will dissipate...)

Fill ( meme) - biz_viz  .
Prompt: My dad on the attractions of the Morning Star: Are you hoping for a topless photo of Red Ed on page three or something? Aside from the thought possibly scarring me for life, it would make a cracktastic fic!

Fill - anon.
Prompt: so as not to prompt jack the Nick spending the night in downing street prompt: Nick has to spend thenight with Camerons due to the protests. David wakes up in the middle of the night to attend to Florence who is crying. However he finds its not Florence crying- its Nick (because we all lnow things are always worse in the wee small hours).

Kidnapper / Hostage Fill - anon.
Prompt: Alastair and Peter have been having vanilla sex for a while, but (of course), they're both painfully kinky and want to experiment. Cue acting out a kidnapper/hostage fantasy? With extra height!kink? Anon longs to have AC with a gun, wearing a balaclava *worries about mental health*

Merry Christmas, My Dear Boy - torygirl_no10  .
Summary: Peter and Frances get a very unusual gift for George for Christmas.

Mini Fill ( meme) - biz_viz  .
Prompt: Alan Johnson, greeting Ed Mili in the office they *share* after pmqs. Door closes behind Ed. Slash occurs. The rest I leave to you. :)

Mini Fill ( meme) - biz_viz  .
Prompt: So, the meedja aren't too nice to eeevil RedEd EdMili, quotes are twisted to make him seem dithery, his paternity leave was filled with plots, and he's bounced up and down like a yoyo at pmqs- very very good, or very very bad. Plus Baroness Warsi is bullying him being mean and glarey at him. Who notices EdM isn't as smiley and adorkable as before? Who cheers him up, fluffily? Anon might like Milison, but other pairngs or even gen welcome?

Perfect as Before (HHar / DCam) - anon.
Prompt: Harriet Harman said this about DCam at the 2008 Labour Conference: He's the kind of man your mother used to warn you about. You know the kind of man I'm talking about. He'll promise you the world. Promise to make all your dreams come true. But if he got his wicked way with - you in the ballot box - you'd never hear from him again. Did DCam never call her back after a fling, or is it wishful thinking on her part? HarCam inspired by this quote please?

Quick Fill ( meme) - biz_viz  .
Prompt: Person A slips on the snow/ice and breaks both his arms. That's a lot of time to spend in hospital without being able to wank. Person B visits A, knows about a man's needs and starts getting him off. A tells him to stop at first but is secretly glad. B sneakily says he will stop if A tells him to but B (biting his lip/blushing/etc) tells him to not dare to stop. (Any pairing except NuLab)

Strictly Platonic - anon.
Prompt: Vince Cable/anybody. I want snuggling & comfort fic for a sad Vince after today's events. He doesn't get enough love anyway, and today is a perfect time to rectify this.

Subject: The Official Wikkedleaks Discussion Topic - anon.
Prompt: Can forum!verse have its very own wikileaks scandal? Ya know, with personal messages being leaked and everyone being embarrassed and demanding apologies from others and teasing about what's been leaked and so on?

Prompt: Can forum!verse have its very own wikileaks scandal? Ya know, with personal messages being leaked and everyone being embarrassed and demanding apologies from others and teasing about what's been leaked and so on?

Thursday 23rd December 2010

Fill - anon.
Summary: Christmas is a time for revisiting old AUs! :) Such as teen!NuLab. I know I said I wasn't doing more but the Christmassy bunnies will have their way. Following:
And the longer sequel, which I can't seem to find on Delicious. I wanted to inculde Jonathan but it was getting cluttered. Please enjoy, as this really is the last one - I swear... <3

Fill - anon.
Prompt: During the Labour leadership hustings, our boys end up in hotel rooms right near each other. During the night, Andy hears Milicest goings-on - specifically DMil calling out - 'ED!', and assumes, as you would, that it's his Ed. Cue jealously and madness, and the Milibros getting found out and a sexy foursome ending?

Fill ( meme) - biz_viz  .
Prompt: After watching Mock The Week and hearing Diane Morgan saying, of a picture from the Hustings showing Diane, Dmil and EMil, "Diane Abbot, about to be the filling in a Miliband sandwich." Naturally, this fandom makes me want to see that fic written. (Bonus points for Diane getting the Milbros mixed up.)

GBro as Scrooge - anon.
Prompt: Grumpy GBro and the ghost of xmas past. Would somehow love it if Charlie Whelan and Peter M were involved :-)

Lawdie MPreg - anon.
Prompt: Moar MPreg fic. Inspired by this pic which was posted on the comm. Preferably not Tony or Gordon centric though *shivers* I'd take anyone else Minus Gove Wasn't there a mention of the possibility of a Lawdie mpreg at some point? Or anything to do with Laws? With h/c and angst and moar secrecy *cough*and pregnancy!kink*cough* Or omgomgomgomg Burnballs would be hilarious! Juuust not Clameron this time round.

PND - anon.
Prompt: The new baby Cameron has arrived- and to begin with everythings going swimmingly or so David thinks. However David is so busy traveling he doesnt' see how crippled with post natal depression Sam is, one day she just walks- leaving David with the children. Everyone tries to help but Nick is the one that steps in- looking expertly after the new baby, the other children and David himself. David cant figure out why Nick would do all this for him- will he find out- and what will happen when Sam returns/recovers.

Snow White Crack Fill - anon.
Prompt: My mother, after looking at a photo of Ed Miliband and his newborn son (the one where the milibaby has very cute pink lips):
- "If those boys had a sister, she'd be Snow White."
- "Huh, mum?"
I assume, added to the observation about babyMili's mouth, that she meant the whole 'skin white as snow, lips red as blood, hair as black as ebony' thing, but who knows? Prompt based on that quote. Anything, it would be rather intriguing.

Friday 24th December 2010

A Simple Request - anon.
Prompt: EMil/CLucas. Ed asks Caroline to cross-dress for him one night and she is only happy to oblige.

Bralls - Let the Light Eclipse - anon.
Prompt: We have all been shipping the wrong couple in NuLab Treasury pairings:from the Guardian: In their biography, Brown at 10 (which I've written about in more detail here), Anthony Seldon and Guy Lodge describe the Balls-Brown relationship as one that was "far more complex" than one between politician and powerful lieutenant. In their time at the Treasury together, as their political journeys had developed, they had become increasingly co-dependent. "Ed compensated for Gordon's lack of intellectual confidence by being decisive," says one long-standing colleague. "His all-encompassing certainty became a crutch for Brown in his own intellectual and psychological insecurities." In the bitter atmosphere of the Blair years, that had led to a dangerous, spiralling dynamic. Brown "contracted out to Balls his evaluation of people", says one Treasury official, and Balls thought [Tony] Blair little better than an imbecile. In those difficult years while Brown waited desperately for power, Balls had protected him from attacks, and Brown remained deeply grateful. /adds Antony Seldon's bio of Brown to the fic history reading pile
We need Balls/Brown co-dependency fic stat!

Clameron Graphics
- thecolareturns  .

Love, Or Fear of the Cold - anon.
Summary: So, I wrote this piece of angsty Cleggbell:
And two whole people ♥ expressed interest in a less angsty follow-up. This is not a sequel but a fluffier interpretation of the prompt, in a slightly different verse, because I am a freakin' fanfic machine today! I hope you enjoy. :)

Milipreg Crack Fill ( meme) - biz_viz  .
Prompt: ODG brain, WTF... Mpreg with the Milibros. IDEK, can be cracky or fluffy or dark or whatever, both DMil and EMil are so socially awkward that my weird-ass brain desperately wants to see this...

Mini Fill ( meme) - biz_viz  .
Prompt: Anon was doing a DCam today and listening to The Smiths. :D Whilst listening to 'There is a Light That Never Goes Out' I thought of how absolutely beautiful and fabulous and immense it would be to write a fic based on it... then all I could think of was this song from a teenage EMil's perspective as he visits David at university. 'Take me out tonight, because I want to see people and I want to see life' - EMil admiring the university lifestyle he thinks his brother leads as he is just an adorable dorky little nerd that likes to solve the Rubix Cube. 'Driving in your car, oh please don't drop me home' - EMil thinking his brother is fantastically awesome and never wanting it to end. 'I never never want to go home, because I haven't got one anymore' - Thinking that home isn't home now that Davey-boy's away. I'm not too bothered about the extremity of the relationship - it can be adorbs brotherly love or milicest-y goodness. ... If someone could fill this they may have my first child. :)

Mistletoe and Ribena - mordentlore  .
Prompt: Anon would love to revist the nursery verse! Trip to the fireworks night fair? Sticky with candyfloss? Little David being too little for the ride, and James wanting to go on but astutely refusing to leave David there. Ed B mocking someone (Michael?) for being frightened of the noises. Alternativly CHRISTMAS TIME! A christmas play at the nursery? Little David inside a prsent box as a surprise for James but being forgotten about? Someone with a cold all snuffly and being plied with tissues by ____. Danny coming in all buundled up in 3 jumpers, 4 socks, 2 scarves and mittens, and his glasses huffing up the moment he steps through the door. Nick showing off his new scooter and then falling off and, throughout all this, Bercows losing their minds trying to direct the play

Saturday 25th December 2010

Crack Fill ( meme) - biz_viz  .
Prompt: Ed Miliband likes to make something of his birthday being on Christmas Eve. By having a wank that crosses the midnight between the days. But what will he do if his festive tug is interrupted by a certain Mr Christmas?! :O

Fill - anon.
Prompt: Anon would like anything related to Nick and Dave's press conference today, tinged with looking back on the Rose Garden conference where it all began.

Fill ( meme) - biz_viz  .
Prompt: The actual prompty bit: If I was EdM, reading this is the point where I'd give up completely, realise that the Blairites will always be a millstone around his neck, call up David drunk on Xmas Eve (his birthday) and swear/tell him exactly that, before curling up in a corner and sobbing. However, EDM seems more resilient than this, so fic in which he either does the above, loses his rag, goes all cold and bamf, or a mixture of the two? Hoever you think he would/should react fictually.

Happiness Requires Unhappy Decisions - anon.
Prompt: A fic set in the future at Florence Cameron's wedding. David and Nick haven't talked for years and are being reaquainted for the first time in that period. Not slash, not entirely gen and a bit fluffy. (Yes, this is how I have so far spent my Christmas).

Short Fill - anon.
Prompt: "Worried by Ed Miliband’s ‘panda’ eyes, a group of women Labour MPs bought him some Touche Eclat, a posh Yves Saint Laurent cosmetic, to lighten his dark shadows." Really, ladies? I mean, I do like my boss, but I wouldn't go that far... Squee. Anything based on this? Preferably crack, but if you can make serious fic from this I will be amazed and mucho impressed.

The Wassailing Wenches
- anon.
Prompt: So, anon's favourite fic is the one where GBro and Sarah roleplay with Sarah dressed up as Mandy. The end alluded to the possibility of Peter joining them at some point. Anon would love to see fic where Sarah decides to treat Gordon for his birthday/Xmas/whatever with not one but two surprises: 1. Having Peter join them. and 2. Having the excited, long legged and highly enthusiastic Labour activist Sally Bercow join them one night so she and Sarah can ahem... put on a show for Gordon. Combined would be amazing obut seperately works too. What matters is that the meme needs more love for GBro and Sarah!


Relevant comms and fic journals I keep my eye on: biz_viz  , boris_slash , cammycakes, clameron , coalitionslash , despatch_boxing , europhiles  , insatiable_nick  , lawslovers  , lolitics_meme , loliticssecrets  , milibandwagon , offlolitics  , polietics , polifics , political_fic , secretshipper , sine_que_non767  , slashinglolitic  , the_ballster , uk_labour  , uk_lolitics , uk_lolitics_fic , uklolitics_recs , weheartgeorge  . & lolitics on DA.

If you want more srs bsnss try: britpolitics  , green_party_uk  , ontd_political  , socialists  , uk_politics  , ukpolitics  , + plenty more I don't follow...

Anon commenting is on, so let me know if there's anything I've missed. =]
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