My stories

Nov 06, 2016 13:48

ETA: Please see my stories on my AO3 page, if you want them searchable.

This post will be updated periodically. For completely up-to-date links for my Stargate fic, please look under my stargate fic tag.



All In A Good Cause (PG, Fireman!verse Sam/Jack, humour, romance, pirates)
Sam Carter knew that Chief Pirate Jack O'Neill was glaring at her.
2214 words

All To Myself, Alone (NC-17, Moebius Sam/Jack, episode tag, PWP, humour)
Well, that had been a pretty profitable hour, Jack O'Neill concluded, as he watched them walk away.
1431 words

Don't Have A Cow, Man (G, slightly Sam/Jack, humour)
It was just possible he'd overreacted.
592 words

The First Time (G, Sam/Jack friendship/UST, episode tag to Within The Serpent's Lair.)
There's a first time for everything.
1207 words
The First Time 2: The Second Time (G, Sam/Jack friendship/UST, episode tag to A Matter Of Time.)
Jack, Sam, infirmary, concussion talking.
1205 words

Getting To Know You (G, Sam/Jack, humour)
"Hit 'Reply to All' (that's the button with the two people and the purple swooshy arrow, Colonel O'Neill), put your answers in, hit 'Send' (the one with the little envelope, Colonel), and everyone else do the same."
8134 words
Paul Davis

If You Gotta Go (PG-13 for language, Sam/Jack, deathfic)
He always thought that, of the two of them, she'd be the first to go. So this is a surprise.
735 words

jack_built AU
She Should Be Asleep About Now (PG, Sam/Jack, romance, humour)
She tripped over something underfoot in the dark for the umpteenth time, and swore under her breath.
639 words
Darkness Falls With A... (PG, Sam/Jack, romance, humour)
CLUNK. Whirrrrrrrrrrr... "SAAA-AAAM!"
1628 words
wHat I DiD THis WeeK bY CaSSandrA frasIEr age 5 (G, Sam/Jack, romance, humour)
Cassie had babysitters, even though she wasn't a baby, she was a Big Girl Now...
1116 words
Poor Unfortunate Souls (PG, Sam/Jack, romance, humour)
Shrill. She actually sounded shrill.
484 words
Debra Winger Moment (PG, Sam/Jack, romance, humour)
She'd already known that this party was going to be a nightmare...
1295 words

Jam Jar (PG, Sam/Jack, humour, romance, British Museum ficlet)
Name that appendage!
537 words

Kissin' In The Back Row Of The Movies (PG, Sam/Jack, romance, humour)
Title pretty much sums it up.
1010 words

Living The Dream (PG, AU, Sam/Jack romance, humour)
A pirate's life isn't all leather and space guns, you know...
1922 words
Living The Dream 2: Leather And Feathers (or, In Space, No One Can Hear You Sing 'Happy Birthday' (PG, AU, Sam/Jack romance, humour)
Jack's space pirate birthday. Could not be any fluffier. Really.
730 words

Makin' Whoopee (PG, Sam/Jack, episode addition for Beneath The Surface)
Jonah was singing whilst he worked.
714 words

New Ground (PG-13, extremely Sam/Jack, romance)
A deviation in the Stargate story…
4893 words

Not Dark Yet (But It's Getting There) (PG, slight Sam/Jack, angst)
Now is not the time for either of them to break.
744 words

One Fish, Two Fish (G, Sam/Jack romance, fluff)
Cutesy Valentines fic. May not be suitable for diabetics.
476 words

Out Go The Lights (PG, Sam/Jack, fluff and angst and then fluff again)
Four closets and a happy ending.
2237 words
Out Go The Lights: Actions Speak Louder (PG, Sam/Jack, romance, humour)
This wasn't something he'd ever meant to do again.
1240 words
Out Go The Lights: It's Closet Time (PG, Sam/Jack, romance, humour)
"You know, sir, this is getting to be a bad habit."
1416 words
Out Go The Lights: Stage Management (PG, Sam/Jack, romance, humour)
Smooth, Jack. Very smooth.
580 words

Peanut M&Ms And The Twinkle In Her Eye (PG-13 for language, Sam/Jackish, deathfic)
She was eating peanut M&Ms when she died.
1055 words

Practice Makes Perfect (PG, Sam/Jack, romance/humour)
Episode insert for Window Of Opportunity (like we need any more). What, you think he got that kiss right the first time?
1769 words

(Rarely) Pure And (Never) Simple (PG-13, Sam/Jack, PWP, humour)
This wasn't a situation she'd ever expected to relive.
Written for dayofindulgence.
1410 words

Revisions 1: Conjecture (PG, Sam/Jack UST, episode tag to The Broca Divide)
Someday, they would look back on all this and laugh.
1019 words
Revisions 2: On Behalf Of The Lunatic Fringe (PG, Sam/Jack UST, episode tag to The First Commandment)
"I guess I've always had a soft spot for the lunatic fringe."
678 words
Revisions 3: Close One (PG, Sam/Jack UST, episode tag to The Torment Of Tantalus)
Captain Sam Carter watched the flickering wormhole, her heart in her mouth.
1161 words

Safe And Sound (PG, Sam/Jack friendship/UST)
It was a bit like being in a cocktail shaker, only without the fun alcohol part.
2252 words

Softly (G, Sam/Jack, schmoopy romance)
The leaves were tiny...
635 words

Sometimes I Can Forget (NC-17, Sam/Jack, angst, porn, episode tag for Unnatural Selection)
Sam's tired of following the rules, and Jack's just plain tired.
Written for the Porn Battle VI
760 words

Sugar For My Honey (R, Sam/Jack, indulgent romance, some sex)
Jack was sure that this would be the mission report that finally got him fired.
6073 words

Transparent (PG, Sam/Jack, humour)
Daniel takes an opportunity to observe Jack at home.
2041 words

Valentines 1: Intruder Alert (PG, Sam/Jack)
Sam gets something unexpected
924 words
Valentines 2: Sweet, Cute, Tacky (PG, Sam/Jack)
'Intruder Alert' from Jack's POV.
981 words
Valentines 3: Days Of Wine And Roses (PG, Sam/Jack)
Jack is kicking himself.
1009 words
Valentines 4: Unprofessional (PG, Sam/Jack)
Sam is kicking herself, too.
813 words
Valentines 5: Etiquette (PG, Sam/Jack)
Teal'c reflects on the situation.
964 words
Valentines 6: Four's Company (PG, Sam/Jack)
A date or not a date, that is the question.
1274 words
Valentines 7: The Wrong Man (PG, Sam/Jack)
Sam is freaking out, but what - or who - is the real cause?
1918 words
Valentines 8: The Kirk Syndrome (PG, Sam/Jack)
"Oh, for cryin' out loud! Who gets married by cake?"
2941 words
Valentines 9: White. Silk. Underwear. (PG, Sam/Jack)
"You've been staring at me the whole time. Did you really think I'd get flustered that easily?"
2076 words
Valentines 10: Slow Evolution (PG, Sam/Jack)
Daniel has his say.
2680 words

The Woods And The Rivers Are Silent (G, Sam/Jack, romance)
The world was still.
424 words

Other pairings and multiples

The ALTERNATE Alternate Universe (G, Daniel/Jonas, Jack/Teal'c, Sam/Daniel, Sam/Jack... but, surprisingly, NOT an orgy)
Sam sighed, looking at her alternate self. "Okay, let's have it," she said, grimly. "It's O'Neill, right? You're lovers?"
299 words

Ambition (the Mens Rea remix) (PG, Sam/Makepeace, angst, AU)
"Give me a chance to be useful and you'll have my loyalty."
Written for the gateverse_remix.
2033 words

Decree Nisi (PG-13, Jack/Sara, angst, between first film and series)
He packs a suitcase and is gone from the house within three hours of arriving back from another planet.
3089 words

Heart Of Glass (PG, Jack/Sara, romance, pre-series and pre-film)
Jack slowed the bike to a crawl as he passed the woman for the third time, but she still didn't look up.
1241 words

Into The Blue (PG, Sam/Cam, romance, angst)
"So is this normal procedure for the six-month review?" he asked, shuffling his shoulders to a more comfortable position beneath her head.
1591 words
Into The Blue: No Distance Left To Run (PG, Sam/Cam, Sam/Jack, romance, angst)
"But what about Jack?"
2576 words

Living And Learning (G, Daniel/Sha'uri, romance, British Museum ficlet)
Once they'd seen Jack and his team off through the Gate, Daniel walked back with his new bride, hoping to spend a little time getting to know her.
653 words

The Midas Touch (PG, Sam/Teal'c)
Wherein Jack learns that he should knock and wait.
189 words

Mutual Victory (NC-17, Jack/Sara, PWP)
He's beginning to get used to this view of the living room.
Written for the Porn Battle VII
765 words

Not EVEN. (PG, Jack/Sara, romance, humour, apocafic)
"Jack O'Neill, I wouldn't go out on a date with you if you were the last man on Earth!"
541 words

OT4... or 5... or 6... (PG-13 for implied orgies, Jack/Sam/Teal'c/Daniel/Vala, humour)
Vala hadn't been on the ship long before she suspected there was something... kinky going on.
431 words

P is for Peridot (G, Jack/Sara, humour)
"" favorite color is peridot..."
Written as part of the Jack's Alpha-Bits
331 words

Planet Of The Woobies (PG, Daniel/team, crackfic)
Consciousness slowly slithered back into Jack's brain...
898 words

Rescue (G, Jack/Felger, humour)
"Felger! Felger! JAY! What did I say about touching?"
169 words

Sam/Daniel schmoopy kidfic (G, Sam/Daniel, romance, humour)
"Well, they haven't actually burned the house down," Daniel muttered.
"Yet," Sam replied.
Co-written with abyssinia4077.
~5000 words
Terrible Two (G, Sam/Daniel schmoopy kidfic)
"Rough day?"
1375 words
Serving Suggestions Include (G, Sam/Daniel schmoopy kidfic)
Daniel had heard people say that there was no more beautiful sound than a child's laughter, and could only conclude that those poor, deluded fools had never heard his children when they were up to something.
758 words

Stranded (PG, Paul Davis/Daniel, romance, humour)
"...Engine troubles, you say?..."
507 words

T is for Thor (G, Sam/Pete, humour)
The blonde with the beautiful breasts came in again at eight, just in time for Trez to be on shift.
Written for Defining Sam from A to Z.
422 words

Well, It's Not Exactly Major Matt Mason... (G, Sam/Cam, romance, humour)
"See, Sam, all we needed to do was reverse the polarity of the neutron flow, and the Stargate is all fixed."
659 words


Amanuensis (G, Jack and Daniel friendship, humour)
A fall is an event that results in a pain in the...
427 words

Anathema (PG, humour)
"Sir," said Sam, putting her head around the Colonel's open office door. "Got a minute?"
1823 words

And We're Walking! (PG, humour)
Walter was instantly suspicious...
296 words

A Strange And Unpredicted Event (G, humour)
About a quarter of Daniel's on-base time was spent in the labs with Sam...
1060 words

B is for Blackmail, Babysitting, Bra'tac And Bravery (G, humour, Bra'tac and Hammond friendship)
"But, honey, I have an old friend coming to visit..."
Written as part of the Hammond Alphabet Soup
714 words

Blooper Reel
The reel that's shown at every SGC party.
Part One
Part Two

Defying Gravity (G, humour)
"Stop flying around right this instant and GET BACK DOWN HERE!"

227 words

Easy Silence (G, thoughts about Jack)
Jack isn't so great with the talking. But who needs words?
831 words

Float Like A Butterfly (G, Sam/Jack friendship, humour)
SG-1 are in trouble. Surprise!
522 words

Ganging Up (G, gen, team)
It had been like herding cats, all day.
Written for the LeapGate comment ficathon.
719 words

Insider Info (G, humour)
Someone needs to warn the newbs.
640 words

It's A Tough Job, But Somebody Has To Do It (G, team, humour)
It's a tough life, being on SG-1.
463 words

It's Been An Honor (PG, Sam and Daniel, action, angst, British Museum ficlet)
She didn't have to be an archaeologist to recognize a sharp, stabby implement when she saw one.
638 words

Janet Was Displeased (G, humour)
"No," she said. Two very tall men and one teenaged girl shrank a little more.
248 words

The Magic Of Myth (PG, gen, humour, Jack and Teal'c friendship)
"Do you not see it, O'Neill?"
446 words.

Monumental Achievement (PG, team, humour, British Museum ficlet)
“Okay," said Jack, finally, "it didn't happen like that."
301 words.

Need To Know (G, gen, team)
Someone thinks Jonas should be kept in the loop.
Written for the SG-1 Gen Fic Day
542 words

N is for Nish'ta (G, gen, humour)
Well, this is another fine mess.
Originally posted here.
707 words

Pirating 101 (PG, team, humour)
Written in honour of International Talk Like A Pirate Day 2006
979 words
Pirating 101: Reasons To Be Cheerful (PG, team, humour)
Jack was weary, and giving some serious thought to going fishing. Like, for the rest of his life. But...
1044 words
Pirating 101: With Great Power (PG, team, humour)
Written in honour of International Talk Like A Pirate Day 2007
547 words

Q is for Questions (G, Teal’c, humour, angst)
When Teal'c was very young, he was also very curious.
Written as part of the Teal'c Alphabet Soup
321 words

Sleeping Dogs (G, humour)
Colonel O'Neill turns his mind to... admin?
1045 words

Stepping Into The River (G, Sam and Daniel friendship)
It wasn't the worst place they'd ever been stranded.
1497 words

They All Want Me, They Can't Have Me... (G, written-on-lack-of-sleep fic)
The Asgard had managed to repair Reese, after all. But, due to the damage, she was a little... different.
275 words

"Those Eyebrows-!" (Methods Of Governance Remix) (G, Cam/Daniel friendship)
Cam was trying to be cool about it, but this was the fifth time he'd traveled offworld, and the excitement wasn't showing any signs of wearing off.
1000 words

Tiggers Like Everything (G, humour)
Jack and Teal'c go bowling.
743 words

Tourist Stuff (PG, Daniel, team, humour, British Museum ficlet)
It’s Wednesday, this must be London.
670 words

What A World (PG-13, team, humour)
From the look on Colonel O'Neill's face, Sam and Daniel assumed that the theatre trip hadn't gone well.
Written to celebrate redial_the_gate reaching 200 watchers.
776 words

What Do You Get If You Cross... (G, Jaffa joke fic)
No one gets Teal'c.
668 words


Stargate / MacGyver

Inspiration (NC-17, Sam Carter/MacGyver, PWP)
The air was unbearably hot and dry. But Sam wasn't minding so much at the moment.
Written for the Porn Battle V
1332 words

Wake Me Up When The Skies Are Clearing (G, Sam Carter/MacGyver, apocafic)
These days, everyone had their ghosts.
987 words

Islands In The Stream (PG, Sam Carter/MacGyver, romance)
Sam takes a little vacation with a like-minded genius.
3985 words



Hanging On The Telephone (PG, action, humour)
Mac pushed the hair back from his face, and wished for the fiftieth time that morning that he'd packed for the tropics.
603 words


Stargate / Doctor Who

Real People (PG, Jack/Martha, humour)
They say there's only 500 real people in the world, which is why you keep running into them all the time.
1335 words


Terminator AU

Breaking The News (PG, action, romance, angst)
How did you tell someone that their child was going to be humanity's last hope?
1976 words

Escapism (PG, action, romance, angst)
"This isn't safe."
2298 words

Set In Stone (PG, action, romance, angst)
"What d'you think of 'Henry' as a name?"
1211 words

Happy (PG, action, romance, angst)
The dog was called Dog.
3337 words
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