Drabble Prompts

Jun 17, 2006 23:16

Because the wonderfully talented neko_chelle is doing this and sullensiren suggested I join stories_100... I am. This is a table for drabble prompts. I'll be linking each one when I'm done.

Fandom/Pairing: X-Men Bobby Drake/St. John Allerdyce (Iceman/Pyro)
001. Beginnings002. Middles003.
Ends004. Hours005. Days

006. Weeks007. Months008. Years009. Sea010. Shore

011. Faith012. Trust013. Respect014. Joy015. Sorrow

016. Purple017. Red018. Black019. White020. Blue

021. Friends022. Enemies023. Lovers024. Family025. Strangers

026. Teammates027. Parents028. Children029. Birth030. Death

031. Sunrise032. Sunset033. Too Much034.Not Enough035. Sixth Sense

036. Smell037. Sound038. Touch039. Taste040. Sight

041. Temptation042. Whisper043. Nightmare044. Bittersweet045. Guilt

046. Star047. Moon048. Run049. Hide050. Play

051. Water052. Fire053. Earth054. Air055.Spirit

056. Breakfast057. Lunch058. Dinner059. Food060. Drink

061. Winter062. Spring063. Summer064. Fall065. Time066. Rain067. Snow068. Lightning069. Thunder070. Storm

071. Broken072. Fixed073. Light074. Dark075. Shade076. Grief077. Tears078. Lies079. Truth080. Lost

081. Tease082. Anger083.Shy084. Love085. Hate

086. Found087. Life088.Fear089.Hero090. Villain

091. Slave092.Freedom093.Quest094.Journey095.Triumph

Writer's Choice (Halloween)097. Writer's Choice (Pay-Back)098.Writer's Choice (Angel)099.Writer's Choice (Evil)100.Writer's Choice (Human)

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