Week Twenty-Five 16/01/2010

Jan 16, 2011 19:42

Re. a discussion on lolitics_meme   here's a round up of all the fic from the last week. For unfilled prompts click HERE. There is now a beta reading thread HERE. And, always remember guys, fic feedback is love!

Please read the prompts / summaries and use your discretion - some of the fic may be triggery.


Sunday 09th January 2011

Clameron Art - backitten09.

Crack Fill ( meme) - biz_viz.

Milixander Fill ( meme) - biz-viz.

Mini Fill ( meme) - biz_viz.

Mini Mandelbell Fill - anon.
Prompt: Anon is feeling a bit down and in the need for some cuddle!fic... Preferred pairings would be Mandelbell or GBro/Blair (If someone actually finds a way to write the last one, I will be immensly thankful. And also very impressed.)

You've Stockpiled Millions of My Memories
- anon.
Prompt: Anon is feeling a bit down and in the need for some cuddle!fic... Preferred pairings would be Mandelbell or GBro/Blair (If someone actually finds a way to write the last one, I will be immensly thankful. And also very impressed.)

Monday 10th January 2011

And Thank You For Coming (Camerband) - anon.
Prompt: Much has been made of whether a blowjob is an act of submission, or whether the giver actually has more power over the pleasure of the receiver...how about some Camerband, with EdM initally appearing to be more submissive on his kness, but teasing DCam with his tongue till the tables are turned? Would prefer the established Camerband whydowedothistoourselves/notquitehate!sex/notquitefluff AU, but anything is fine...

Fill ( meme) - biz_viz.

For You and I are Past Our Dancing Days - anon.
Prompt: My utterly favourite kink/topic/theme whatever of all time: soulmates meeting each other in past lives. Andy and Ed have been meeting throughout history in different lives, each time getting it slightly wrong with each other, until now. I would pleadingly request a fic in which they remember all their past lives (probably due to a misfired Bercow special) and have to deal with the knowledge that there's something between them that keeps pulling them together, no matter where they are. I would fill this myself but I'm far too busy. Maybe in a month. :/

Just Because You Can - anon.
Prompt: mandelbell relationship- Peter's paranoid Alastair's going to leave him and hes been mentioning Nick a lot lately. So Peter makes a broken plea to Nick not take Alastair from him...... (or Alastair two timing mandy with Nick and both of them finding out) was just wondering how campbell/mandelson/Clegg might work!

Mini Fill ( meme) - biz_viz.

Ok, ok, you don't think 'threepover' is funny - anon.
Prompt: i know there have already been prompts based on today's RPing, but i don't want to promptjack. Cornballs OT3 please? Maybe a getting together fic, a bit angsty but with a happy ending?

Seven Sins - anon.
Summary: It's a bit of a cliche in fanfic, but I don't think it's been done yet, so here's me sticking my fingers into all the pies. I've speed-written 7 short bits of smut, all about 500 words, and each is based around a deadly sin with a different pairing. I know there's lots of much more detailed stories written more skillfully, but the idea is that this is an umbrella series rather than 7 separate stories. Oh, and possibly triggery. Clameron, Brown/Whelan, TBGB, Burnballs, Mandelbell, Milicest, Mandelborne.

Tuesday 11th January 2011

I'm Dreaming of a Glorious Christmas - anon.
Summary: Milicest drabble generator.

MANLY Love - anon.
Summary: BurnBalls, as produced by a drabble generator (for comedic effect, if it wasn't obvious)

Milixander Mini Fill ( meme) - biz_viz.
Prompt: I don't think this has been prompted yet - a little Douglas and Ed love?
Because to me, it's painfully obvious they're BFFL. Doug's always sitting next to him at PMQ's and laughing at his cheesey puns (this automatically means they are in love, yes?) and they both pretty much ran Labour's election campaign themselves. AND PERHAPS MOST OF ALL: They have went on holiday together NUMEROUS times :) [ source:- http://www.newstatesman.com/uk-politics/2010/03/labour-alexander-miliband ] ... I am too excited by this.

Off-Topic - anon.
Summary: MarxismRulz.co.uk verse.

The Slim Terror of the Snow - anon.
Summary: Lawdie Drabble Generator Fill.

Wednesday 12th January 2011

Because We Like Alliteration - anon.
Prompt: So those of you who are keeping up with the Tim/James/David RP saga, you will know James and David have kissed aand made up, but where does this leave Tim who is still angsting. So please can we have a person of your choice, coming and cheering him up, make him feel loved, then eventually fall for each other and be happy, because my heart, at the moment is violently breaking.

Fill - anon.
Prompt: Some angsty Burnballs, with a very insecure Ed Balls worrying about his body/lovemaking/worthy of andy and andy comforting him. Lots of kissing and cuddling please :D

Lord, I'm Suffering - mordentlore.
Prompt: So Crispin Blunt apparently cited David Laws as his inspiration for coming out, so he goes round to the Laws-Lundie's one evening for some support (David, could be terribly awkward about the whole thing, or takes it all in his stride, whatever) ... Then Willm Hague turns up, hoping for some reassurance from somebody who also had a scandal about their sexuality ... Is David totally out of is depth? Does it become a regular meet-up? Do with it what you will ... Long and specific!prompt is sort of long and specific. <3

Rash 1 - anon.

Weewee William - anon.
Prompt: William Hague basically looks like a human penis. so...fic where he gets shrunk by Bercow for naughtiness, and then carries out his own ~naughtiness~?

Thursday 13th January 2011

Belated Triggery Fill - anon.
Prompt: I'm afraid all the wonderful evil!Alastair/victimized!Peter fills that have been going up lately have given me a taste for it. Ever since I read this brilliant Mandebell + Charlie fic ( http://lolitics-meme.livejournal.com/6735.html?thread=12908879#t12908879) I've been terribly curious about the events that prompted this line from Alastair: "He won’t bite. He did once, but he certainly won’t again, not after the lesson I taught him.” Peter biting Alastair somewhere vulnerable and then getting punished for it, please? It would be fun to see the intermediate steps between the comparatively feisty Peter of reality and the completely subservient, beaten-down one of the fully developed evil!Alastair universe. And by fun I mean hot.

Burnballs Fill - anon.
Prompt: I have this sudden desire to see Andy (consensually) tied up, helpless and begging, so I thought I'd better share the thought.

Fanmix - anon.

Farron Fluff - anon.
Prompt: So those of you who are keeping up with the Tim/James/David RP saga, you will know James and David have kissed aand made up, but where does this leave Tim who is still angsting. So please can we have a person of your choice, coming and cheering him up, make him feel loved, then eventually fall for each other and be happy, because my heart, at the moment is violently breaking.

Fill - alice_eddington.
Prompt: I've been playing with drabble-generators for a little while now, with very hilarious results indeed (some of which I'll post if any anon is interested in the lulz, although everyone should have a go themselves!) aaaand anyway.. I am constantly getting the phrase "kissed his erection innocently" - and my characters are 'David' and 'Nick'. So, please, please, any fic that can, in any way, incorpate either half of Clameron kissing the other's erection 'innocently'?

Fill - anon.
Prompt: http://awkwardedmilibandmoments.tumblr.com/post/2684188230/ed-decides-that-transport-policy-development-can (This website ^ never stops prompting, does it...) Ed looks incredibly happy driving a bus. I think this calls for labour going on a bus holiday? With lots of 'are we there yets' (Based on that awesome cabinet coach trip fill a while back)

The Letter - anon.
Prompt: Some Gove h/c or fluff?

Friday 14th January 2011

Alastair / Peter / Fiona Threesome - anon.
Prompt: In the discussion of the Peter/Alastair/Fiona love triangle prompt further up the page, this diary entry was mentioned: "Said the real reason Fiona had never married me was that like so many other women, she was waiting to see if Peter M changes his mind." ~ Alastair Campbell I drew the obvious conclusion. Threesome please! (I know some anons may feel uncomfortable tampering with the sexuality of gay loliticians, but if we can make the straight ones gay all the time it is probably okay to make Peter bisexual once. For SCIENCE.)

Art Fill - anon.
Prompt: So after reading that the speaker has right of way in corridors (and can be a bit of a twat about it) here: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1
346876/You-f----royalty-Tory-launches-foul-mouthed-attack-Speaker-John-Bercow-Commons-attack.html?ito=feeds-newsxml ...and this rp thread, here: http://bamfbercow.livejournal.com/1206.html?thread=73654#t73654 my mind sort of merged them together.

Fill - anon.
Prompt: David buys a realistic dildo with a suction cup on the end so it can be mounted to a wall or the floor, or where ever... he uses it to fuck himself in the shower, but accidentally leaves it attached to the wall one morning. For some reason, Nick ends up using his shower and discovers it there, still attached to the wall. He can't seem to just ignore it, and ends up using it to fuck himself with, thinking about how it could have been up David's arse as well, maybe even just that morning, and pretends that it's David that is fucking him. Up to the author if David ends up walking in on him...

Forum About The Forum - anon.
Summary: MarxismRulz.co.uk verse.
Gove / Kennedy - anon.
Summary: After last night's Question Time, Gove feels slightly off kilter around Charlie.

Junderbell - anon.
Summary: AU. At a spin doctor event, Alastair sees James across a crowded room.

Sweet Dream - anon.
Prompt: Tim Farron only had two hours sleep last night. Someone looking after him after his surgeries etc. today, and kissing him gently as he falls asleep.

Saturday 15th January 2011

Jack's Pensive Corner - anon.
Summary: Author's Note: Um, only person commented on the Admin Q's chapter ( http://lolitics-meme.livejournal.com/6735.html?thread=13635919#t13635919) so either you folks are getting totally tired of this verse or everybody just missed out on it? I realised I've written so much Forum!verse these past two months it's a little strange. Anyways, hope you enjoy & haven't overdosed on this idiocy. My roll will be slowed so these two recent updates will have to sustain you for a couple of weeks~

The End - anon.
Prompt: Somebody in an earlier comment said that if they think any permutation within New Labour OT4 actually happened, it'd be Mandelbrown. So... fic, please. Was it a one-off? Brief affair? Or something even more complex.. (Pre-1994 I'd imagine but feel free to set it in any time you want.)


A Parliament of Owls - anon.
Backbenchers; Damn Them - anon.
Bound to Fall (Clameron) - anon.
Campaign 2015 - anon.
Fick (Clegg / Fortuyn) - anon.
Fill - anon.
Girl Band AU: The Third Girl - anon.
GirlNick - torygirl_no10
Lawdie MPreg Sequel - anon.
It Is Time: aka 2025 Future Fic - anon.
Slave AU: Slaver's Gift (Clameron) - anon.
When It Breaks - anon.

Relevant comms and fic journals I keep my eye on: biz_viz   , boris_slash  , cammycakes, clameron  , coalitionslash  , despatch_boxing  , europhiles   , insatiable_nick   , lawslovers   , lolitics_meme  , loliticssecrets  , milibandwagon  , offlolitics   , polietics  , polifics  , political_fic  , secretshipper  , sine_que_non767   , slashinglolitic   , the_ballster  , uk_labour   , uk_lolitics  , uk_lolitics_fic  , uklolitics_recs  , weheartgeorge  . & lolitics on DA.

If you want more srs bsnss try: britpolitics  , green_party_uk  , ontd_political  , socialists   , uk_politics  , ukpolitics  , + plenty more I don't follow...

Anon commenting is on, so let me know if there's anything I've missed. =]
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