Title: Follow You Home - California Tin (35/42)
Author: Erin (
Characters, Pairing: Cain and DG, but if you saw 'em in the miniseries, they're here or mentioned. Plus some OCs
Rating: PG
Summary: Cain stayed in LA. But can he survive on the Other Side?
Warning: post-series, directly after California Queen. Blame
n_e_star, for she fed Steve. ;)
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The rest of 'em are mine.
Prologue |
California QueenCalifornia Tin:
Part One |
Part Two |
Part Three |
Part Four |
Part Five |
Part Six |
Part Seven |
Part Eight |
Part Nine |
Part Ten |
Part Eleven |
Part Twelve |
Part Thirteen |
Part Fourteen |
Part Fifteen |
Part Sixteen |
Part Seventeen |
Part Eighteen |
Part Nineteen |
Part Twenty |
Part Twenty-One |
Part Twenty-Two |
Part Twenty-Three |
Part Twenty-Four |
Part Twenty-Five |
Part Twenty-Six |
Part Twenty-Seven |
Part Twenty-Eight |
Part Twenty-Nine |
Part Thirty |
Part Thirty-One |
Part Thirty-Two |
Part Thirty-Three |
Part Thirty-Four | Part Thirty-Five |
Part Thirty-Six |
Part Thirty-Seven |
Part Thirty-Eight |
Part Thirty-Nine |
Part Forty |
Part Forty-One |
Part Forty-Two California Sun Five |
Waking Up (CaliSun 20.2) |
Almost Like Being in Love (CaliSun 24.5) |
An Hour and 45 Minutes |
Hava Nagila |
Unexpected "Mister Cain," Jeb heard and turned to the voice. He saw the Queen moving toward him from the end of the hallway looking only the slightest bit distressed. Jeb uncrossed his arms enough to hold up and hand and tilted his head toward the door. Her eyebrow rose just a little as she continued toward him and Jeb moved to change his stance, but she put her hand on his arm and followed his former gaze.
Her mouth opened, but no words came out. She turned to Jeb again and gave him a half-smile before nodding slightly and looking back at his father and her daughter, who were sitting together on the couch, asleep. She watched them for another moment before facing Jeb. "Are you all right?"
She didn't want to assume he was terribly distressed, but she was also sure he was probably not comfortable with the scene. Of course, she realized she should not be as all right with it as she was. "It should bother me more, I think," Jeb said quietly, shrugging.
The Queen gave him a kind smile and looked back at Cain and DG. Jeb also turned to look into the room. They stood in silence for a moment before he sighed. "He's not the man I remember... Either of them," he stated, turning back to the Queen with an honest smile. "None of us are who we were, I guess," he added with a sigh. The Queen squeezed Jeb's arm again.
"He is still your father. And he loves you." Jeb nodded and stared at DG and Cain for another moment before he turned back to the Queen.
"Does it bother you?" He knew it wasn't his place to question her like that, but with DG around, things were never 'proper'.
"No parent is prepared to see their child grown up," she said simply. "But she is alive and happy. That's enough for me." Jeb nodded, but his smile grew grim. A diplomatic non-answer if he ever heard one.
From the moment DG and Cain started bickering as they moved toward the gate, Jeb knew something was going on. His father would never talk to anyone that way, especially the Princess; but he didn't know what had happened in the six cycles since his father had been gone. And then there was more bickering in the kitchen.
He didn't know about the rest of the evening since he and Raw had left, but he knew something had happened. DG and his father had both been on edge for the past two days, but neither would say why. He wasn't about to argue that it was awkward, but he wasn’t going to ask what was going on.
And, now, here they were. Sleeping. Together.
It should bother him more. But it didn't. And he really didn't know why. Yes, it was strange to see them so... comfortable... with each other. Jeb knew that his father loved his mother dearly, but she'd also been dead for annuals and Jeb wasn’t foolish enough to believe that his father would never look at another woman again.
Maybe if he was still five...
If it wasn't for DG, Jeb wouldn't have his father's personal life to worry about. Nor would he be standing there, with the Queen, wondering why he wasn't so concerned about the sight of his father's arm around the princess. After all, they were only sleeping. Discounting the past six cycles, this was the most at peace he'd ever seen his father.
Maybe that's why he didn't mind the fact that DG wasn't much older than him.
"Are you going to tell her about Azkadellia?" Jeb asked, forcing himself to look at the Queen. She turned as he began to speak and blinked before looking away, causing him to frown. "She needs to know," he added quietly, following the Queen away from the doorway. "They’re going back..." he said with a wave toward the door.
"I know," she said simply.
Jeb frowned and raised a hand. "I don't mean to question your judgment-"
The Queen smiled and placed a hand on Jeb's arm. "You aren't. And you're right: we should tell her. And I want her to stay," she nodded then took a breath. "But I want it to be her choice." Jeb nodded. "I will speak to Azkadellia. If she wishes DG to know, we will tell her."
"Come," she said with a smile. "We should talk," she continued, nodding toward the door of the study.
DG blinked awake as a set of fingers closed over her own. She looked up from the red fabric of the couch to Raw, who was standing next to her. She gave him a half-smile and closed her eyes as she fought back a yawn. Glancing back up to Raw, she noticed his eyes dart toward the door and he tugged on her hand lightly.
Shooting a look at the door, she frowned slightly. Was someone going to be offended by her pajamas? Turning her head to look up at the ceiling, DG realized she wasn't in her room; she was in the study. She’d gone to the study to talk to Cain, but there was no Cain.
Moving her hand up to rub at her eyes, DG realized that not only was Cain still there, but his hand was currently resting on her hip. It wasn't exactly racy, but it was Cain’s hand. On her hip.
Turning a bit more, she realized there was a good six inches between them at all points - except for the hand - and she turned back to Raw, wide-eyed. The Viewer gave her a smile and pulled on her hand again - everyone would be up soon and he could tell both of them weren't in a position to deal with this. Even if it was nothing more than two people falling asleep.
Of course, was it anyone else, it wouldn’t be as entertaining for him.
DG pulled herself toward the edge of the couch slowly, not wanting to wake Cain. He let out a breath and shifted as Raw pulled DG up and gave her a look-over. She gave him a shrug and turned to give Cain another glance. There was no blanket nearby, so she hoped he would be okay. Raw fought a laugh at her thought because the man had obviously survived the night without a blanket.
He'd survive another hour.
Steve went on a roll the last few days.
*pets Steve*
Don't worry - Az is okay. I promise. :)