Fandom: taking back Valentine's Day since 2008!
So last year
bottle-of-shine had a Kissing Battle. The last edition is
here (EDITED TO ADD: this is the old battle, not the current one!). It was a lot of fun and might be known around FF-fandom circles as the best Meme ever**.
Pretty much everyone I know is stressed about something, too, so this round of the Kiss Meme Battle honestly couldn't have better timing. (I love you guys) This round is about feeling good, it's about love, and it's also about seeing who can write the most kissy drabbles and ficlets in one week!
Final Fantasy Kissing Battle: Valentine's Edition!***
Happening right here in this very entry
This portion of the rules I borrow from Nay, because she explained it well.
- Kissing. Of any sort, even if it happens to be platonic. Otherwise known as: gen kisses are okay!
- Put the fandom and pairing in the header of comments with kiss fic! SERIOUSLY. This makes it 300% easier for people to browse (and for me to compile).
Limitations: above the belt (this isn't about porn) and Final Fantasy only (crossovers are cool).
There are many ways to play! Write kisses and post them as comments. Make a list of requests and hope someone will fill them. Write other people's requests and hope they do the same back. (Requests can be filled more than once.) Find other good kisses and squee! EDIT - You can request anonymously, if you want!
This is about love and feeling good and that kind of stuff so people who are stupid about it will get my steel-toes in their ass. WITH LOVE ♥ ♥ ♥
I'm thinking about a week for this, so whoever writes the most kisses in that time wins!
Let the Kissing Battle begin!
Feel free to pimp and invite people! THERE'S LOVE FOR EVERYONE.
*Don't lie to me. You hate it, you know you hate it, and you love to hate it. You love to complain about how stupid of a holiday it is. Single, committed, married, playing the field, porn star, straight, gay, bi, curious, into donkeys - we all have a hate-on for Valentine's Day, and we all compete with each other over the size of our Valentine's-Day-hating cock. I've had it. ENOUGH. THE HATE STOPS HERE! FILL THE WORLD WITH MOTHER FUCKING LOVE, YOU FUCKING COCK BITCHES.
**it might also not. I may have made that part up.
***the name of this color is "Dark Hard Magenta." HAHAHA. HARD. i am such a loser. Also, I hope it's as annoying on YOUR screen as it is on MINE.
Updated: ~1:00pm 02-18-08
♥ Each *asterisk* represents one kiss already written for that request. It certainly does not mean you can't write another - it's really for people who are trying to make sure everyone gets their fair share of the kisses.
It's only based off of kisses with labeled comment headers. If you forgot to label your kiss, reply to it with a comment WITH THE PAIRING IN THE HEADER and I'll try to update you.
♥ Newest requests are at the bottom of each list, labeled with a heart. ("New" simply means "the most recent people I've added".)
Again, if you don't want your name on your request, feel free to comment anonymously.
Garland/Sara*, Arylon/Elf Prince, Jim/Kope, Light Warrior/Anyone -
ovo_lexa FFII
Paul/Leila, Maria/Guy -
ovo_lexa FFIII
Ingus/Sara* -
kristinmachina Dorga/Unne -
Arc/Alus, Cid/Mrs. Cid -
rosehiptea FFIV
Cecil/Rosa*, Cecil & young Rydia* -
venefica_aura Edge/Kain -
katmillia Rosa/Rydia, Edge/Kain/Rydia -
first_seventhe Edge/Rydia*, Kain/Rydia*, Kain/Valvalicia/Golbez/Rosa (any comb.)* -
lassarina Edward/Anna** -
ovo_lexa Rosa/Edge**, Rosa/Palom*, Anna (as Rosa)/Edward*, Rosa/Sylph -
salarta Porom/Edward, Porom/Anyone* -
shiny_glor_chan Rydia/Asura*, Kain/Rosa, Kain/Cecil, Edward/young!Rydia, Palom/Porom* -
eerian_sadow Cecil/Kain/Rosa -
Yang/anyone** -
fanaticalone FFV
Syldra & Faris* -
ovo_lexa Reina/Faris* -
salarta FFVI
Setzer/Celes* -
astrangerenters Maduin/Madeline* -
deadshrimpblues Terra/Anyone*, Locke/Celes -
first_seventhe Celes/Leo* -
aesriella Locke/Celes, Leo/Celes* -
lassarina Terra/Celes/Kefka -
salarta Sabin/Cyan* -
Cyan/Terra -
rosehiptea FFVII and assorted
Tseng/Elena -
irish_ais Tifa/Elena*, Reno/Aeris*, Lucrecia/Ifalna** -
venefica_aura Veld/Ifalna*, Veld/Lucrecia, Vincent/Ifalna* -
astralavator Cid/Shera**, Rude/Elena*, Tifa/Barret*, Chocobo Joe/Esther, Ilfalna/Elmyra* -
deadshrimpblues Tifa/Barret, Tifa/Rude, Yuffie/Reno -
first_seventhe Vincent/Tifa* -
rhianna_aurora Vincent/Cloud* -
kristinmachina Cid/Vincent, Cloud/Zack, Cloud/Sephiroth, Sephiroth/Zack, Zack/Aeris, Reno/Rude, Rufus/Reno -
jameva Zack/Aeris, Reno/Rude, Tseng/Elena -
lassarina Tifa/Scarlet -
salarta Tifa/Vincent, Tifa/Veld*, Tifa/Tseng, Tifa/Reno, Tifa/Sephiroth -
is_bel Vincent/Elena*, Aeris/Elena*, Reeve/Tifa, Anna/Veld* -
tijuana_pirate Vincent/Cloud*, (AC) Marlene & Denzel -
solitaryjane Any combo: Cloud, Reno, Zack, Sephiroth, Rufus, Angeal, Genesis -
jenovas_boy Tifa/Vincent -
sarasa_cat Cid/Loz, Cait Sith/Red XIII*, Aerith/Cait Sith* -
wakka_luver Cloud/Tifa, Loz/Tifa, Yuffie/Vincent, Yuffie/Cloud* -
Cloud/Barret*/a> - Firefly99
♥ Zack/Tifa, Zack/Cloud, Rude/Tifa -
Reno/Rude/Elena* -
fanaticalone FFVIII
Squall/Rinoa*, Seifer/Zell, Seifer/Quistis, Seifer/Xu, Seifer/Fujin, Irvine/Selphie*, Cid/Edea** -
irish_ais Seifer/Squall, Rinoa/Ellone*, Fujin/Xu*, Cid/Edea* -
venefica_aura Squall/Ellone* -
katmillia Squall/Quistis*, Irvine/Quistis* -
astrangerenters Selphie/Seifer*, Irvine/His Hat** -
achenar Quistis/Zell*, Seifer/Zell, Quistis/Laguna*, Selphie/Seifer, Irvine/Anyone* -
first_seventhe Irvine/Rinoa** -
rhianna_aurora Seifer/Zell, Irvine/Squall* -
dior_anghel Quistis/Xu*, Xu/Nida, Quistis & Angelo***, Quistis/Bobo/Zell -
aesriella Quistis/Shiva* -
aesriella Seifer/Zell, Irvine/Selphie -
jameva Seifer/Irvine!*, Seifer/Squall -
lassarina Seifer/Ma Dincht*, Seifer/Raijin*, Seifer/Xu*, Seifer/Fujin, Selphie/Edea, Xu/Martine, Xu/Zell, Zell/Fujin, Zell/Irvine*, Zell/Chocobo -
siva630 Edea/Quistis -
salarta Quistis/Irvine* -
solitaryjane Quistis/Squall -
owlmoose Seifer/Zell -
not_cynical Edea/Laguna* -
mrsteninch Squall/Rinoa, Seifer/Zell, Xu/Martine*, Irvine/Seifer -
bottle_of_shine Ultimecia/Anyone*, Ifrit/Shiva* -
wakka_luver Selphie/Irvine, Zell/Library Girl*, Seifer/Xu*, Seifer/Rinoa*, Raine/Laguna -
Quistis/Odin*, Zell/Quistis, Squall/Zell*, Squall/Nida, Seifer/Nida, Cid/Dr. Kadowaki* -
Zell/Selphie/Irvine* -
fanaticalone FFIX
Beatrix/Steiner, Beatrix/Garnet* -
aesriella Kuja/Zidane, Zidane/Garnet -
jameva Freya/Amarant, x7 -
siva630 Garnet/Beatrix -
salarta Steiner/Beatrix, Freya/Fratley, Vivi/anybody -
owlmoose Zidane/Garnet, Eiko/Vivi* -
Freya/Zidane* -
fanaticalone FFX/X-2
Lulu/Rikku, Tidus/Rikku, Yuna/Auron or Yuna & Auron* -
venefica_aura Auron/Rikku**, Baralai/Gippal, Yuna/Baralai* -
katmillia Wakka/Rikku*, Lulu/Rikku*, Yuna/Anyone* -
first_seventhe Gippal/Baralai -
dior_anghel Lulu/Chappu -
aesriella Auron/Jecht*, Lulu/Auron -
jameva Lulu/Auron*, Nooj/Paine -
lassarina Yuna/Kimahri, Rikku/Wakka*, Wakka/Lulu, Wakka/Yuna -
siva630 Lulu/Doll, Lulu/Leblanc, Elma/Lucil -
salarta Kimahri/Rikku, Braska & young Yuna, young Yuna / young Auron -
eerian_sadow Lulu/Luzzu, Yuna/Isaaru, Buddy/Anybody*, Paine/Nooj! -
owlmoose Auron/Braska, Auron/Jecht, Tidus/Yuna, Baralai/Gippal*, Paine/Nooj*, BARALAI/ISAARU -
not_cynical Auron/Belgemine, Shelinda/A Chocobo -
mrsteninch Auron/Braska, Dona/Bartello*, Baralai/Gippal*, Shinra/Pacce, Buddy/Brother, Yuna/Beclem* -
bottle_of_shine Braska/Jecht* -
jianna Kimahri/Moogle -
wakka_luver Gippal/Yuna, Paine/Rikku, Nooj/Lucil, Beclem/Elma, Isaaru/Belgemine* -
pink_rapid Tidua/Yuna, Wakka/Lulu, Nooj/Lucil, LeBlanc/Gippal, Paine/Baralai, Braska/Yuna's mother*, Jecht/Tidus' mother* -
Lulu/Wakka/Luzzu -
Wakka/Tidus -
rosehiptea FFXII
Basch/Ashe* -
katmillia Balthier/Ashe**, Drace/Gabranth -
astrangerenters Penelo/Larsa/Vaan -
achenar Vaan/Ashe -
astralavator Balthier/Vaan*, Balthier/Fran -
kristinmachina Fran/Balthier -
aesriella Balthier/Fran, Balthier/Basch*, Basch/Vossler* -
jameva Balthier/Ashe*, Gabranth/Drace*, Gabranth/Ffamran**, Vayne/Ashe* -
lassarina Larsa/Penelo**, Vayne/Drace**, Fran/Vaan* -
mariagoner Balthier/Vaan, Balthier/Basch, Ashe/Al-Cid* -
not_cynical Basch/Ashe, Basch & Noah*, Noah/Penelo**, Ffamran/Fran* -
aorin107 Fran/Penelo -
mrsteninch Drace/Gabranth*, Penelo/Basch**, Venat/Dr.Cid -
sarasa_cat Reks/Penelo* -
mariagoner Ondore/Drace, Balthier/Penelo, Basch/Fran, OLD DALAN/HOOKAH* -
pink_rapid Al-Cid/Ashe, Vaan/Ashe, Larsa/Penelo -
Vayne/Larsa, Vayne/Gabranth, Zargabaath/Zecht, Gabranth/Zecht -
manic_intent Revenant Wings
Lluyd/Filo, Penelo/Velis, Fran/Mydia -
kristinmachina llyud/Filo, Kytes/Filo*, Llyud/Penelo/Vaan, Kytes/Filo/Llyud -
shiny_glor_chan Crossover
Reno/Rydia****, Quistis/Rydia, Squall/Cloud -
katmillia Basch/Celes* -
astrangerenters Quistis/Rydia** -
first_seventhe Ferris/Setzer, Edgar/Ashe* -
kristinmachina Auron/Celes, Ashe/Celes, Zack/Rydia -
lassarina Rosa/Edea*, Rosa/Kefka -
salarta Ultros/Balthier!!* -
sarasa_cat Faris/Leila* -
Balthier/Mustadio, Balthier/Zalbaag, Balthier/Cidolfus Orlandeau -
Rude/Fujin -
Sir Hilldo / Kitty Kitty by
I am not going to be able to keep track of all of these, so feel free to just respond to the entry with any kisses these prompts might inspire!
Already requested:
- Irvine/Hat (all over the place)
- Lulu/Doll
- Sabin/His Too Sweet Fists Of Fury
- FF7 Cid/Pack of Cigarettes
- FF7 Cid/The Highwind
- Wakka/Blitzball
- Reno/Nightstick
- Kadaj/Jenova bits
- Cloud/Cell Phone
- Cloud/Fenrir
- Squall/Triple Triad Cards
- Shinra/CommSphere
- Leblanc/Nooj's Glasses(/other parts)
- Balthier/The Strahl
- Yuffie/Materia
- Rikku/Auron's Sake Jug
- Seifer/Quistis/Quistis' Whip