After the first round of
got_exchange we had a surprisingly successful comment fic meme going for a while (
here's a list of all the fics that were written last time), so I thought it might be fun to do this again. (Like last time, it's posted on the mod account journal because I don't want to enable anonymous comments on the exchange community.)
I changed the layout to one that still supports comment titles. I hope it works for everyone. If there are any problems, please let me know.
A couple of rules, or rather guidelines:
- please include the pairing/character (and maybe a short prompt/kink) in the comment title - both for prompts and for fills.
- there are both show and book fans on this comm, so please warn for book spoilers beyond AGOT in the comment title.
- anonymous comments are enabled, but I'd appreciate if we kept them to a minimum. If you absolutely want to go anon, okay, but I'd rather we kept this as non-anonymous as possible.
- all prompts are welcome: smut, gen, romance, fluff, angst, het, slash ... anything goes.
- and the usual: be civil, no character/pairing bashing, no kink shaming etc.
It's perfectly fine to repost prompts from the
last comment fic meme or from the
As with any kink meme, this is only fun if people also fill prompts, not if there are only requests.
Filled prompts:
Jaime/Cersei: first time Stannis/Davos: "like sailors, swimming in the sound of it (dashed to pieces)" Queen Shireen: Shireen comes out on top of the Game of Thrones. Three heads has the dragon, and she is part-Targaryen, after all. Jaime/Brienne: Modern AU as cops Jon/Sansa: kissed by fire Viserys, Elia, Rhaenys: leave me your wake to remember you by Stannis/Jon: things he shouldn't think - or say Robb/Theon: we had the greatest expectations (ADWD spoilers) Roose/Robb, crack: The Young Wolf and the Leech Lord (ASOS spoilers)
Balon/Victarion: Faithfulness Future!Rickon/Shireen: the last night of the world Jaime/Catelyn and Jaime/Sansa: Jaime has a secret thing for reheads Ned/Catelyn: when it became a love match Petyr/Lysa: Her eyes closed Jon/Val: In which Jon does end up with Val and Winterfell (ADWD spoilers) Gendry/Arya: role reversal Tywin/Joanna: dominance Stannis/Davos, comfort: small undertakings Stannis/Jon: things he shouldn't think - or say (second fill) Roose/Walda/Stannis, crackfic: Pink Attack (ADWD spoilers?) Petyr/Barbrey, bitterness: Ash (ADWD spoilers) Brandon/Lyanna: belonging to Winterfell Daenerys/Viserys: Just a Taste Roose/Theon, Ramsay/Theon: Bad Blood (ADWD spoilers) Stannis/Sansa: "I am a Stark, I can be brave." Cersei/Ned: AU in which Ned did take the Iron Throne and Cersei ended up marrying him instead of Robert Jon/Satin, crackfic: how Jon Snow learned to stop worrying and laugh at the insinuations Elia/Oberyn: heart's desire Euron/Victarion: pre-series hatesex Lysa and Catelyn after the birth of Robb: lie by the river Roose/Theon (hints of Robb/Theon): Another man's amusement (vague ADWD spoilers?) Jaime/Brienne, dirty talk and consensual power play: with a wonder and a wild desire Stannis/Sansa: wedding (
Stannis/Sansa and Stannis/Davos, dancing: Wishing to be in Two Places at Once Brandon/Barbrey, Bethany: No True Knight (ADWD spoilers) Ned, Sansa: "Sansa was a lady at three." Daenerys/Robb, AU: Fire, Blood, and Honour Roose/Victarion, crackfic: When all else fails Robb/Theon, slight Robb/Jon: War is Not a Game Stannis/Davos from Ned's POV (hints of Robert/Ned): Making You Smile Catelyn/Petyr: Confrontation Stannis/Jon, fantasies: and waked half dead with nothing (ASOS spoilers) Jaime, Arya: The Shadow Victarion/Asha: We do not sow Ned/Catelyn, goodbyes: Songs written with swords Ned/Ashara: winter song Sansa - Stoneheart: confrontation Jon/Sansa (AFFC spoilers, prompt is spoilery in itself) Jon/Val: with you upon the wind (ADWD spoilers) Daenerys/VIserys, AU: When the Blood began to Show Stannis/Davos: six perspectives, six realities Roose/Walda, crackfic: Leeches for Wolves Jaime/Sansa, talking about Joffrey: Ignorance and Bliss Sansa, Rickon: The last two Starks (ADWD spoilers) Theon/Robb: Regrets (ADWD spoilers) Cersei/Stannis, seduction fail: Persuasion Jon, Stannis, Devan, mentions of Davos: Through the Eyes of a Child Sansa, Brienne: True Knights (AFFC spoilers, prompt is spoilery in itself) Stannis/Sansa: bedding & wedding night (sequel to
Catelyn, Jon (slight Jon/Robb), reunion AU: Lady of Ashes (ASOS spoilers) Sansa/Robb, AU in which they do exchange her for Jaime: The Mercy of the Frozen Ground Tywin/Joanna: dominance (second fill) Jon Snow/Jeyne Westerling(/Robb Stark): post-series - tell me we both matter, don't we? Robb/Jeyne: what was it like being the queen to a Northern king? (ASOS spoilers) Robb/Roslin Frey: Robb upholds his vow and ends up with Roslin Multiple fills are of course welcome.