Title: Dimension(s)
Chapter: 20/?
kiroyo Genre: Angst, Drama, Psychological, Mental disorders
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own this page of lies.
Rating: PG15
Pairing: Aoi x Shou, Hiroto x Uruha
Synopsis: Aoi and Shou have split personality disorder. What happens when parts of themselves hate and love one of the other, when the main individuals themselves are not aware of their other identities?
Previous Chapters:
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 “Well well, check out what your dear Hiroto did Uruha.” Ruki sneered. “Just look at where we are now after 2 whole years. Isn’t this what you’ve always wanted?” Ruki shouted. “Isn’t what you want!? To be locked in here forever so you can be with Hiroto? Is that it!?”
He glared at the sobbing figure and spat. “You can be happy now Uruha. You’ve ruined Aoi. You’ve ruined all that I’ve achieved for him.” Uruha’s cries escalated. “I thought you couldn’t be worse than what you already are, but you’ve actually proven me wrong Uruha.” Ruki slowly turned around to face him, and with such anger and menace Uruha never saw and heard before, Ruki said, “Congratulations. I look forward to the doom of us all.”
With that, Ruki left, leaving Uruha alone in the darkness once again.
“I’m sorry Ruki…” Uruha sobbed, “I truly am... Oh God Aoi…”
Was it really Hiroto’s fault? Was Ruki right again? After all, all Ruki has done all this time was protect Aoi from harm’s way. Ruki wasn’t wrong when he said Shou would be Aoi’s downfall… Hiroto resided in Shou. This was so messed up, so messed up. Uruha wanted to reach for the smashed thermometer stashed beneath the mattress but he paused - lithe fingers froze in midair as déjà vu struck him again, this time several seconds earlier.
“What are you doing?”
“Whatever you’re thinking now Uruha, don’t do it.” The low voice calmly said as the tall figure slowly entered the room, silently closing the door behind him.
Uruha choked back a sob. “But I can’t help myself-“
“Yes. Yes you can Uruha.” Warm hands from the visitor secured itself around Uruha’s own. “You’re stronger than you think. I guess you should know by now that hurting yourself doesn’t help anyone, right?”
Uruha bit his trembling lip and nodded. Hiroto was right, he always was. He needn't have to worry now, for Hiroto was here, to make everything right again.
“Good. That’s good.” Hiroto smiled, and Uruha managed a small one too. “Because I was just thinking - and I’ve given this a lot of thought, that I needed to hear that from you before saying goodbye.”
“Goodbye…?” Uruha’s eyes shot open, mortified.
“Yes.” Hiroto averted his eyes, wincing a little as the other’s fingers started to grip his hands tightly, nails digging sharply into his skin. “I’m sorry Uru… I’ve given this much thought all this while; weighing all our options; and I realized we’ve sinned Uruha. We’ve let our priorities and emotions get in our way - in our roles as protectors. We should be protecting Shou and Aoi, and not think for ourselves selfishly.” Hiroto turned away as he struggled to get his hands out of Uruha’s dead vice. “Even I’ve let Shou down…” He stood up and advanced towards the door, and without turning back to see Uruha’s tear streaked face, Hiroto held back his own tears as he bade his final goodbye.
A/N: I truly hope no one has forgotten about this, cos even I was guilty of that *facepalm*.