Pairing orders are listed alphabetically for convenience. Unfilled requests are listed first, followed by filled requests. The two large lists will be split into other categories after Part 3-5 links are up.
Diplomatic relations England/Japan, Greece->Japan - Drama Mpreg Erogenous hair curl Visiting Greece during cat-mating season Interacting Horny while pregnant Angst, comfort sex Finding Japan's porn and wanting to experiment Angry sex Flirting!Turkey and Pissed off!Greece Similarities in culture Implications of "#1 in frequency" fem!Japan - Gakuen AU, confidant Frustration On an ancient monument Asexual!Japan Naked check up Giving Japan a naked check up China and Korea confront Greece about That Night Sucked into a RPG voyeur!Greece, walking in on Japan masturbating "Novice lessons" What happened on That Night Multiple orgasms Phonesex Foodplay Fingering that becomes fisting Rimming Kimi ni Todoke style romance fem!Japan - Riding, wearing girls' clothes Having a serious argument Voyeur!Japan, walking in on Greece masturbating Human AU, meeting over the internet fem!Japan, focusing on her pleasure spots Cat with laser beam eyes Mutual yaoi fanboys Penis size Falling in love With only a hadaka apron on Humiliation play Japan has a lot of 'suitors' Mental pixilation Spending Christmas Eve together Fast driving Shower sex Tanabata Human AU, Cat!Greece Religion Lovers' spat over salty foods Intervention by Eros or Aphrodite Kinky bondage Greece/multiple Japans Openly bi/gay Greece and closeted Japan Greece/Japan + cockblock!Turkey Rough, desperate smut fem!Japan - Familial, pregnancy fluff Celebrating Easter Japan's maid outfit Pochi does not like Greece Japan looks good in shorts Seen as a nature show Japan tries to learn Greek Massage (+past Greece->Eygpt) Dating Japan because he reminds him of Eygpt Greece cleans up nicely, but Japan likes him better unkempt Human AU, romance between poor and rich Greece gets jealous of a nation who's not Turkey Greece gets a sunburn fem!Greece/fem!Japan - Breast size and breastplay America is their #1 fan Pygmalion fem!Greece/fem!Japan - Gakuen AU, Concerto 3 Drunk!Greece Ageplay The merits of 3D over 2D Werewolves and knotsex Rescuing stray cats (fem/)Japan - Geisha kink "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts" Using rhetoric to propose to Japan Visited by Ancient Greece Awkward first time(s) Nude modelling Aladdin!Greece and Slave!Japan 1964 Tokyo Olympics Denying sexual assault Secret stash of sex toys Greece is a sentient sexbot Cat makes Greece jealous Topping/bottoming habits Post WWII sex Japan is turned on by his messiness Nipple play Winter fluff The difference between 'suki' and 'aishiteru' Teaching how sex can be enjoyable (filled)
Cat ears (filled)
Katana and cross-staff (filled)
Japan only wearing Greece's jacket (filled)
Being old and not minding it (filled)
Getting stuck in a tree (filled)
Carsex (filled)
Nekojirou and Nekokichi (filled)
Sailor fuku and cat ears (filled)
"But the cats might see..." (filled)
That awkward morning after (filled)
Neko!Japan, rough sex (filled)
That 'painful lesson' in detail (filled)
Meteor showers (filled)
Japan has superior stamina (filled)
Abstaining from sex until Japan admits he loves him (filled)
Greece hiding the fact he's dying (filled)
Cats crawling on them while they have sex (filled)
Gakuen AU, library sex (filled)
Being lovey-dovey (filled)
Not needing sex (filled)
Riding (filled)
Tattoos (filled)
Clawing at Greece's back during sex (filled)
"I'm sorry, I just love you" (filled)
Condoms and STD's (filled)
Gakuen AU (filled)
Japan wearing only an oversized shirt around the house (filled)
Open prompt (filled twice)
Life as a dating sim (filled)
Claiming breasts (filled)
Lolcats (filled)
fem!Japan - Gakuen AU, falling in love after Germany/fem!Italy hookup (filled)
Reason for economic problems (filled)
White Day (filled)
Memory loss after WWII (filled)
Meeting in a dream (filled)
Rescue during the Great Fire of Smyrna (filled)
Japan becomes jealous of Korea (filled)
fem!Greece/fem!Japan - Cute flirting (filled)
Reliving myths (filled)
"And then the wolf fell in love with the sheep" (filled)
Insecure!Japan (filled)
Japan - Turned into a doll (filled)
Hanami (filled)
(+Turkey) - Acceptance of a relationship (filled)
Saying "I love you" (filled)
fem!Japan - Caught masturbating (filled)
Selkie!Greece, floating (filled)
Lame pickup lines (filled)
Sweet bondage (filled)
Sex quirk (filled)
Touch (filled)
My Big Fat Asian Wedding (filled)
Gakuen AU, becoming more than friends (filled)
Cloud watching (filled)
Sharing snacks (filled)
fem!Greece/fem!Japan - Sex in a tight space (filled)
Swordplay (filled)
Playing video games (filled)
Romantic dancing (filled)
Differences in height (filled)
Japan uses him as a pillow (filled)
fem!Japan - Sumata (filled)
Switching their traditional clothes (filled)
fem!Greece/fem!Japan - Cuddling (filled)
(+Neko!Japan) Cockblocking Nekotalia (filled)
"I want my beloved to be happy" (filled)
Snow Angst (filled)
"Enchanted" (filled)
Reunion after WWII (filled)
Rape roleplay Nerds are sexy (filled)
Wet dream leads to humping (filled)
Salaryman AU (filled)
Kiss in the rain (filled)
Nightmare of the other's death (filled)
fem!Japan - Unexpected pregnancy (filled)
Japan shows him tentacle porn (filled)
Favourite city in another country (filled)
(+Turkey) Aladdin crossover (filled)
Japan trying to keep quiet during sex (filled)
[AG] Language barrier (filled)
AU, Happy hooker (filled)
Japan is secretly a tentacle monster (filled)
[AG] Crime AU (filled)
AU, rich!Greece hires Japan to be his housekeeper (filled)
fem!Greece - Death of a pet (filled)
fem!Japan, AU, forbidden love between a circus freak and a normal human (filled)
(+Belarus/Japan) [AG] Kill Bill based AU (filled)
(+England) Hypnotism fem!Greece - Being really awkward Seduction Not oblivious to Greece's feelings at all Black!Japan, Greece is intimidated but unfazed Persuing Greece is uncomfortable with bondage/humiliation, but doesn't say fem!Greece - Genderbent Japan, Greece, and human!Pochi Gentle top!Japan Meeting child!Greece Japan in a provocative cat outfit Greece is actually sexually inexperienced Perving on Greece as he does chores Fluffy sex with cat ears (+PapaGreece) fem!Greece - Daddy's little girl Japan seducing Greece Greece turns into a catboy during sex Sleep sex Handjob, sexually aggressive!Japan (filled)
Greece has the flu, Japan takes care of him (filled twice)
fem!Japan - Open prompt (filled)
(+France) Japan jealous of France flirting with Greece (filled)
Japan - Getting really angry (filled)
Heartbeat Fetish (filled)
Masturbation (filled)
Birthday gift (filled)
Wet dream (filled)
Interacting with part of Greece's history (filled)
Ninja!Japan, Spartan!Greece - Fighting crime (filled)
Greece is ticklish behind the ears (filled)
Japan as the Snow Lady (filled)
Confessing while Greece is asleep (filled)
Dem thighs (filled)
Ear cleaning (filled)
Sleeping Beauty (filled)
Axillism (filled)
First Valentine's Day (filled)
Fairytale kiss (filled)
xxxHolic crossover, Japan makes a wish (filled)
(+others) Heard right through the walls (and then some) (filled)
Japan - Saving Greece from the Underworld (sequel)
Gakuen AU, sex over one of their desks (filled)
Human AU, married for money (filled)
fem!Japan has a pet butterfly (filled)
(+America) Current events (filled)
Non-shakespearean poetry as seduction (filled)
A nation's flag (filled)
5 Times Japan tried to confess (filled)
Samurai!Japan (filled)
Unintentional noncon (filled)