Below is a list linking to all of the America (USA) x England (UK) prompts and requests at
hetalia_kink which have not yet been filled. Links go directly to the LJ thread where you can read the full original request. There are plenty of great ideas here, and one might inspire you! Prompts will be deleted from this post if they become filled.
Last Updated: 23/09/2010
~ Hetalia Kink Meme - Unfilled Prompts ~
(Go to
Fills Post)
Unfilled Requests (Part 1 - 4)
Unfilled Requests (Part 5 - 7)
Unfilled Requests (Part 11 - 13)
Unfilled Requests (Part 14 - 16)
Unfilled Requests (Part 17 - 20)
Unfilled Requests (Part 21) Part 8
"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to put on this negligee and bring papa his whiskey."
America has German roots
America using other culture's customs (ie. cheek kissing)
Angry Pirate - sex acteuphemism
Arthur topping drunk/drugged!Alfred, Non-Con
Ass-Play or Fetishization
Bolt Fusion
Childhood belief in Magic
Costume Sex
England crusading to make a perfect proposal to America
Fluff - US encourages UK to be more politically active
Fluff based off of Arthur naming Alfred after one of his historical figures
Hot Fuzz
Italia Angel takesthe 'Tsun' out of the Tsunderes - USUK and Spain/Romano
Jealous America kidnaps Fem!England for some alone time
Kirkland, Washington USA
Laurel and Hardy
Playing Poker
Sex Bomb
Sex on the AmericanFlag
SuperMega Hardcore Mind-blowing Sex
Thanksgiving Dinner (with Canada)
US horny over UK being smaller/shorter than him, imagines him as being younger
US takes UK to the pub to get him drunk and seduce him Part 9
"Do you feel a draft?"
"Don't you want me?" Song inspiration (UK+Fem!US)
"If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, its yours forever. If it doesn't, then it wasn't meant to be."
"Spiralling" by Keane song inspiration
007!England (British suaveness)
Accidental Rape
Aladdin storyline parody
Alfred is a super The Beatles fan and England is amused/smug
Alfred snaps (physical dominance)
Alfred wants to paint Arthur nude (a la Titanic)
America + Britannia Angel + England - threesome (in any order)
America had a dragon, England sent it away
America is very possessive of his lover
America takes revenge on England (for taxation and domination)
Arthur marks Alfred with the British flag
At some point in the future, the Special Relationship has drifted apart
AU- Teacher!Alfred, Middle School!Arthur
Ballroom Dancing Competition (other various pairings)
Both are unable to admit anything, the other nations conspire with US/UK bosses wherein a series of policies pushes them closer together
Chibi!America stows away on a pirate ship
Countries start leaving USA alone in Iraq, only UK is left in the end
Dating - England/teen!America
Dark and Twisted Victorian AU
Depeche Mode kink
Dinner Date
England crying during sex, America does everything to comfort him
England died and brought back as a human
Explaining to their bosses why it's called a "Special Relationship"
Fem!America showing a lot of cleavage/no bra at a world meeting
Fem!England having a baby
Forced Bondage
Forced Lactation
Foursome (3 Americas, 1 England)
Fuck or Die
Guitar Tattoo
Hesitant, concerned Seme!England/somewhat desperate older colony Uke!America
Inconvenient moment for a love confession
James Cameron's 'Avatar' storyline parody (with Fem!America)
Just after winning the revolution, America collects his spoils - England's body (Rough Sex)
Landing on the Moon
My Balls parody
Native American!America/England
Nearing the end of WWII - Matchmaker Bosses
One has been leading the other on with mixed messages, until it changes
One of them switches to a universe where Anglo-American relations never improved
One-sided - America is the one in love (confession and rejection)
Partying Hard
People affect the country
Pirate!England/America and Pirate!Spain/South Italy competing over who can make more noise in bed
Pirate!UK/Revolutionary War!America
Present Day - UK discovers US jerking off to a map of the British Empire
Punk!UK/Police Officer!USA
Religious!Alfred thinks Britannia Angel is the real thing
Russia hurts England, America enraged
Sex pressed up against a window (US/Fem!UK)
Skip Beat manga parody
So America proposed to England... so what now? (what happens after the usual endings)
Start of the Special Relationship
Striptease in costume to 'Everybody' by BSB (includes other pairings)
Super Human Strength during sex
Teen!America realises he has feelings for England for the first time
The Little Mermaid parody (with Fem!USA)
The world makes US and UK break up
Titanic movie parody (USA as Jack, UK as Rose)
Tricked into believing USA has found someone else, UK pays someone to follow him around
Turned on by the British Accent at an inappropriate time
UK eats McDonald's more to impress USA - it works (Food sex)
UK gets mistaken as a US soldier in a training camp where USA is training the recruits hard
UK is an Inexperienced Kisser
UK magically transformed into Rabbit!UK, the only way to be reverted is for USA to mate with him
UK tops USA with aid of sex toys
US/fem!UK (other combo ok too) - Dirty Talk
US and UK are famous singers who are separate artists
US and UK at a Beatles concert or conference screaming like the fanboys they are
US gives UK something special on Valentine's Day
US in lust with UK (Onesided -> jealousy of UK/Portugal)
US picks fem!UK up for Prom
US thrown into a parallel universe where he is surrounded by numerous versions of UK
US wears the 'Cleaning out the storage' expensive suit to a special occasion - confessing his feelings to UK
USA's super strength prevents kinky bondage, UK finds a spell that works
Vampire!UK x Fem!USA
Vampire USA, virgin UK
Waking up in Vegas
Washington Rap sung to annoy England
When in Rome storyline parody
Wizard Arthur slays a dragon and faces a witch to rescue a would-be Knight
WWII Front Lines
WWII - Great Britain falls
xXxHolic-type setting Part 10
"I'm a Little Teapot"
-Ze- setting manga Crossover
"How to get a Guy" - corny magazine advice
A major change in America's government causes a split in USA's personality, England abused/a toy while the old USA can only watch
Alfred and Arthur come out about their Special Relationship
America and colonial!America fighting over England
America claims England's ass
America turned on by a lamp shade with the British flag on it, England walks in on him
America starts using cologne
Arthur decides it's time for Alfred to become a man
Arthur Kirkland II
Arthur thinks Alfred's hanging out with bad influences
Becoming allies in a war, mistrust is rampant, England wants America to prove his loyalties (blowjob) Blades of Glory Parody
British Empire AU - where England lost all his colonies EXCEPT America
Doing it on a Flagpole
Eating Utensil Etiquette
England/Fem!America - wooing with the language of the flowers
England and Russia fighting over America
England being recruited by The Masons, and then recruiting America
England orchestrates the American Revolution win (time travel)
Fem!UK and Fem!China discuss their lives (USUK, Russia/China)
Fighting over who tops (UK wins)
Football player America x Football player England (Soccer)
French and Indian War - Victory Sex (UK/Grown-up-colonial!America)
Having sex on the president's desk, Obama walks in
Having sex while comparing to past lovers
Historical AU - England/Fem!America
Japan is a huge USUK fan, but they don't want each other, they want him
Just after the start of the Special Relationship, Tony and the fairies declare war on each other
Loving established!USUK with UK beginning to lust for France, US finds them
Maid and Master Role-play (Consensual)
Maid outfit - UK is wearing one and USA is so turned on
Modern Timeline - Sex without Foreplay
Modern USA dressed as his colonial self goes to see England
Police Officer!America x Punk!England
Present day!America in a loving relationship with England gets stuck in American revolution times
Russia and UK both in love with USA, Russia wants USA to choose, USA chooses UK - Victory sex
Smut with fluffy ending
Student/Teacher AU
The 4th of July Curse
The Highwayman
The Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog
The UK (all 4 brothers) top The USA
They both top - dominance in their relationship is equal
Tool Academy
UK x US x fem!UK or US x UK x fem!US parallel universe threesome
UK loses to USA in Olympics women's curling, USA is being arrogant and gloating
US accidentally changed into a girl, UK and US have sex, US finds out UK preferred sex with his female self, US proves him otherwise
US and UK in a relationship until UK breaks up with him, US makes UK his and his alone (abuse/rape)
US has a dream that he owns the whole world and has England as his sex slave
US interrogates England about Queen Victoria thinking about him during sexual relations (Lie still and think of the empire)
Very dominant and seductive England tops an inexperienced (but still full of shit and bravado) America War of 1812 - England wins (rough, possessive victory sex)
Wooing the Original 13
Video Boy comes to life from a video tape and unwittingly falls in love while trying to help to renter with his love life Unfilled Requests (Part 1 - 4)
Unfilled Requests (Part 5 - 7)
Unfilled Requests (Part 11 - 13)
Unfilled Requests (Part 14 - 16)
Unfilled Requests (Part 17 - 20)
Unfilled Requests (Part 21) This post is always under edit, but if we've missed anything, a link is broken, or anything else, please leave a comment!