Fills from Part 1 of Durarara!! Kink Meme - Part 2

Jul 18, 2010 16:50

Filled requests from Part 1 of Durarara!! Kink Meme with pairings

Status: Complete (updated on 04.03.2011 - February 2011 update)
1-12 in Part 1

PageCharactersTitleChaptersComplete?Notes Overview or request 13 Shizuo/Izaya, Izaya/Namie  Cell 404
 208  YES
 the longest fill on the meme  Shizuo and Izaya end up in one cell at prison together
 13 Izaya/Kida  Not a daily thing indeed
 1  NO
   Kida likes cockriding Izaya  13 Izaya/Kida  ArtFill
 Art  YES
   Kida likes cockriding Izaya  13 Shizuo/Izaya  Breaking Point
 30  YES
   hurt comfort  13 Shizuo/Izaya Memories can't fade away
 1  NO
  Izaya looses memory, Shizuo doesn't like that  13 Shizuo/Izaya  A Fool's Errand
 27  YES
 second fill  Izaya looses memory, Shizuo doesn't like that  13 Shizuo/Izaya To Know
 3  YES
   Shizuo comforting drunk Izaya  13 Shizuo/Izaya In which Shizuo panicks a lot
 14  YES
 second fill  Shizuo comforting drunk Izaya  13 Shizuo/Anri soft serve
 2  YES
   gentleman Shizuo & ice cream  13 Shizuo/Izaya, Erika, CeltyPage 13
 Misfires at the bottom of the Page 13  YES
   there are a few short misfires there that are somehow interconnected  14 Shizuo/Izaya Not Like You
 2  NO
   insane!izaya and 'perfect'!shizuo  14 Cast Chat
 1  YES
   and Renai Circulation?  14 Izaya/Kadota Fill
 4  YES
   sex in the back of Togusa's van  14 Izaya/Kida Ikebukuro arigatou
 2  YES
   Renai Circulation during sex  14 Hmm DRRR Kink Meme Justice League
 22  YES
 1  YES
 14 Kida/Mikado amusement
 2  YES
    sex on ferris wheel  14 Izaya/Mikado Pregnant, 15, and Male
 5  NO  Mikado's pregnant with Izaya's child  14 Izaya He's got the urge for herbal
 1  YES
   Izaya masturbating to a soap commercial.  14 Tom/Shizuo And that may be all there is to know
 2  YES
   Tom/Shizuo  14 Shizuo, Kasuka necessities
 4  YES
  Kasuka getting bullied at school and Shizuo putting a stop to it   15 Izaya  Information Age 2 YES  Izaya, getting turned on by seeking information  15 Kida/Mikado  Talk 4 YES  sleepover  15 Izaya/Accelerator  Accelerating 2 YES  Izaya/Accelerator (Toaru character)  15 Izaya/Kida and Izaya/Mairu/Kururi, onesided Shizuo/Izaya, Mikado/Kida  Jagged Edges 83 YES great fic Kida has a painful crush on Izaya. They finally have sex, although it hurts him both in mind and body.  15 Mikado/Mikado  ArtFill Art YES  Boss!MikadoxMoe!Mikado  15 Mikado/Mikado  ComicFill 4 pages NO  Boss!MikadoxMoe!Mikado  15 Mikado/Celty  Fill 1 YES  Mikado/Celty  15 Shizuo/Izaya  Of lice and men
 2 NO  established relationship  15 Kida  Limerick 1 YES  Masaomi/Nail pullers  15 Izaya/Hibari  Mafia games
 8 NO  Izaya/Hibari(Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)  15 Kida, Mikado Picking up where you left off 4 YES  Elementary school. Kida finds out he has to move. Now he has to tell Mikado  15 Shizuo/Izaya Pet Names
 7 YES   Izaya wants a new pet name. Lots of smut.  15 Shizuo/Izaya  Crash and Burn
 1 YES  Izaya riding Shizuo while making motorcycle sounds.  16 Izaya/Kida  A Game of Hearts 2 YES  Izaya celebrates Kida's return with something... special.  16 Shizuo/Izaya  Fill 4 YES  sex and very dominant Shizuo. submissive Izaya  16 Kadota/Walker  Fill 3 YES  at a convention, cosplaying
  16 Izaya/Mikado  ArtFill Art YES  Mikado gets sick and Izaya "helps" him get well  16 Shizuo/Anri  Murmur 1 YES  Anri (heavily encouraged by Saika)/Shizuo  16 Shizuo/Izaya  Dead? 1 YES necrophilia Shizuo fucks Izaya's corpse then has regrets about killing him.  16 Mikado/Moot  Fill 1 NO the fill lives at 4chan Mikado/Moot (creator of 4chan)  17 Shinra/Celty, Shizuo/Izaya  Pursuit of happiness
 2 YES  sexting and girl talk
  17 Seiji/Celty's head  WTF
 2 YES  Seiji/Celty's Head, crack
  17 Kida/Mikado  Tickled Pink
 2 NO During a tickle fight, making out and possible sex ensues  17 Shizuo/Izaya  Short fill
 1 YES  It's Izaya's birthday. Shizuo is the only person who seems to notice.  17 Shizuo/Izaya  Forgotten Birthday
 1 YES second fillIt's Izaya's birthday. Shizuo is the only person who seems to notice.  17 Shizuo/Izaya  Mutualism
 2 YES  After a battle they rest were nobody can see them and start talking.  17 Shizuo/Izaya  Teach me something new
 1 YES second fill After a battle they rest were nobody can see them and start talking.  17 Izaya/Shizuo  Exquitisite
 2 YES  Guro  17 Kida/Izaya  Revenge: it's a bitch
 5 YES  Kida tops. With his nailpuller.  18 Izaya/Shizuo  A helping hand 3 YES  Shizuo suffers from erectile dysfunction, Izaya cures him
  18 Izaya, Cast  Hotpot 4 NO  everyone invite izaya to a hotpot and they have good times  18 Tom/Shizuo  Beginnings to Ends to Beginnings 4 YES  It's their junior-high days and Tom's developing a big and awkward crush on his kohai.  18 Izaya  867-5309 2 YES lol Izaya running a sex line.  18 Shizuo/Vorona  Rusalka 1 YES  Shizuo/Vorona sex
  18 Mikado/Kida  The perils of a long distance relationship
 6 NO  phone sex
  18 Shizuo/Kasuka  Experimenting Stages
 2 YES  Shizuo x Kasuka, both as teenagers or kids. Shizuo experimenting  18 Izaya/Shizuo Sento Race 4 YES  naked chase
  18 Shinra/Celty Who needs science 1 YES  Hickeys everywere.   18 Kida/Mikado  ArtFill Art YES  maid!Kida
  18 Van Gang  Weekend 5 YES  Van Gang love
  19 Izaya/Kadota  ArtFill Art YES  Dotachin is actin' like a cool cat, hat turned sideways, pants on the ground  19 Shizuo/Izaya  Punishing with an Itch 4 YES  Shizuo decides to punish Izaya with a remote control vibrator.  19 Izaya/Kida  A Different City 14 NO  complicated IzaKida (will update the description after reading)
  19 Izaya/Rio  Indecisive 2 NO  sex standing up... over that balcony   19 Mikado  Happy Birthday My Love 1 NO  Mikado's birthday
  19 Mikado/Kida  Fission Mailed 3 YES second fill Mikado's birthday  19 Walker/Erika  Real 3 YES  missionary under the sheets   19 Shizuo/Izaya  When you think of the louse
 1 NO   Shizuo's thoughts on how sexy Izaya is  19 Mikado/Kida  The other side of the monitor 3 NO  Tanaka Taro has had plenty of questionable fantasies about Bakyura.  19 Shizuo  Spencer's Cookies 3 YES  Shizuo goes on iCarly and the entire cast fall madly in love with him.  20
 Kida/Mikado  Cross-dressing 4 NO  Halloween party, Mikado cross-dresses as a girl
 Shizuo/Mikado  Haiku 1 YES  Mikado dresses up as a sign and the moment Shizuo sees him, he falls in love.  20
 Shizuo/Mikado  ArtFill Art YES  Mikado dresses up as a sign and the moment Shizuo sees him, he falls in love.  20
 Celty/Shinra  Haiku 1 YES  Make up Sex.  20
 Kida/Saki  Haiku 1 YES  Saki screaming Izaya's name when she's having sex with Kida  20
 Kida, Mikado  Comic Fill 1 NO  Pokemon + Durarara
Kida as Gary Oak and Mikado as Ash  20
 Izaya  DULLALALAIIIIGHHHHT!! 10 NO  Izaya is a vampire and has the face OF A KILLER :| (aka sparkles)  20
 Shizuo/Izaya  And it's yours
 2 YES  mpreg  20
 OC/Izaya  First Communion
 4 YES  Izaya's first time  20
 Izaya/Kida  What's the 411?
 6 YES  Having sex in Izaya's swivel chair.  20
 Kadota  ArtFill
 Art YES  Dotachin in glasses  20
 Kadota  Motto Motto Moe
 10 YES  Dotachin in glasses  20
 Kadota  Haiku
 1 YES  Dotachin in glasses  20
 Izaya/Shizuo  nobody knows 4 YES  Izaya cries about how humanity doesn't return his undying love  20
 Mikado/Kida  A friend in need is a friend indeed
 3 YES  Kida has been raped. Mikado wants to help him but also fuck him too  20
 Kida/Mikado  Fill
 1 YES  sex cures severe cases influenza  20
 Kida/Mikado  Of batshit exes
 1 NO  Kida must defeat Mikado's seven evil exes before they can think of getting together.  21
 Shizuo/Izaya  Comic Fill
 1 NO Izaya's class managed to dress him as a girl and Shizu-chan gets reaaaaaally turned on  21
 Shinra/Izaya  Nurse 13 NO Shinra/Izaya in high school playing doctor.  21
 Mikado/Kida  Fill 1 YES  Kida jerks off with Mikado's jacket
 Shizuo, Izaya  Better as Blond
 1 YES  Why is Shizuo blond?
 Erika/Kadota  Fill 1 YES  GTFO THE CLOSET, DOTACHIN  21
 Shizuo/Izaya  Bringing you love on a bike 4 YES  Shizuo borrows Celty's bike. Izaya steals it. Angry!bike!sex  21
 Shizuo/Kadota  Stay at my place
 4 YES  Restraints and bruises
 Kida  Fill 1 YES  Using this pickup line: Baby, you got a tampon I can barrow to stop the nosebleed?  22
 Shizuo/Mikado  ArtFill Art YES  Boss!Mikado riding Shizuo
 Erika, Walker, Kadota  Fill 6 YES  Erika and Walker torment Kadota with bondage and sex toys
 Kida/Mikado  blood brothers
 2 YES  meeting in a battlefield
 Izaya  Beneath the skin 1 YES  self-injury
 Mikado/Kida  Patience is a Virtue 2 YES  Kida is sick
 Izaya  Mirror, Mirror
 1 YES  Izaya sees himself in the mirror and is aroused  22
 Izaya, Shizuo/Kasuka  Control
 3 YES  Izaya forcing Heiwajima brothers to have sex with each other.  22
 Shizuo/Izaya  Unfortunate Attachment 2 YES  Cock worship  22
 Shizuo/Izaya  Revenge
 3 YES second fill sequel to the above
 Kida/Mikado Hello, hello dear sir
 1 YES  Angry boss!sex  22
 Togusa/Ruri  Operation: kidnap Ruri
 1 NO  Ruri is a trap  22
 Izaya  Gravity
 1 YES Someone is killing off his beloved humans. Izaya dislikes this. Deathnote crossover  22
 Izaya/Kida, Mikado Snow Flecked Sunlight
 6 YES Mikado is forced to watch Izaya do naughty things to his best friend  22
 Izaya/Kida, Mikado  Splinter
 3 YES second fillMikado is forced to watch Izaya do naughty things to his best friend  22
 Kida/Mikado, Izaya  Humanity and I
 2 NO Izaya forcing Kida to suck Mikado off.  22
 Kida/Mikado, Izaya  Fill
 1 YES second fillIzaya forcing Kida to suck Mikado off.  23
 Shizuo/Mikado/Izaya  Stormed Away
 11 NO Shizuo/Mikado/Izaya  23
 Kida  Manicure
 1 YES Kida cutting his nails and getting turned on by it.  23
 Mikado/Kida  Tokyo Train Molestation
 2 YES  Mikado embarrasses Kida  23
 Shizuo/Mikado  Not so Innocent
 8 YES Shizuo finds out about Mikado's part-time job as an escort.  23
 Izaya/Celty's head  Human
 1 YES Izaya/Celty's head
 Shizuo/Mikado  Awkward Moment
 1 NO Mikado dresses as a vending machine to hide from Izaya
 Izaya/Kida, Mikado  Fill
 1 YES Mikado watches
 OC/Izaya  Call Girl
 11 YES Izaya's working as a prostitute
 Shizuo, Izaya, Anri, Kida, Mikado  Family time
 2 YES Shizuo as dad, Izaya as mom and their three children are Anri, Kida and Mikado  23
 Shizuo, Izaya, Anri, Kida, Mikado  A Serious Man
 10 NO second fillShizuo as dad, Izaya as mom and their three children are Anri, Kida and Mikado  23
 Shinra/Celty  short + sad
 1 YES Teenage!Shinra trying his very best to get Celty to notice him  23
 Shizuo, Izaya, Kadota  Dad
 8 NO Shizuo and Izaya are de-aged into being kids  23
 Cast  Ikebukuro Idol
 10 NO Durarara American Idol
 Shizuo, Izaya, Shinra, Kadota Fill
 7 YES Izaya, Shizuo, Shinra and Kadota having a sleepover at Shinra's place  24
 Shizuo/Izaya  Sakuran
 2 NO Samurai?Shizuo/Geisha Izaya(male one).  24
 Mikado/Kida  Romantic Bromance
 1 YES Romantic  24
 Izaya  "And so we kill ourselves? No way!"
 1 YES Izaya as a SASSY GAY FRIEND  24
 Shizuo/Mikado  Fill
 1 YES Mikado is Snow White, Izaya the evil witch and Shizuo the Prince  24
 Shizuo  Fill
 1 YES Shizuo has find a cure for his anger problems: sex  24
 Togusa/Kadota  Sharing
 3 YES Kadota getting jealous of Togusa's fanboying over Ruri  24
 Shizuo/Kasuka  Sick Shizuo and Kasuka fluff
 20 YES Shizuo is sick and Kasuka takes care of him. Fluffiness ensues.  24
 Shizuo/Izaya Fill
 2 YES Sex in the library.  24
 Mikado/Kida  Terrorist
 4 NO  Anri is forced to watch  24
 Kasuka  All there is to know about the crying game
 1 YES crossdressing Kasuka  24
 Mikado/Kida  A/S/L
 2 YES  cybering  24
 Kida, Mikado  the colourless words
 12 YES Mikado killing Kida. Or the other way round  25
 Walker, Erika  No Peak, No Point, No Meaning
 2 YES Walker is a closet yaoi fanboy. Erika doesn't approve.  25
 Mikado/Everyone  Posting Crack like a Boss
 2 YES  Mikado tops everyone. LIKE A BOSS.  25
 Mikado/Everyone  Hail to the King, Baby
 2 YES second fill Mikado tops everyone. LIKE A BOSS.  25
 Kida/Mikado  Fill
 2 YES Kida's showing off his penis piercings.  25
 Kida/Mikado  ArtFill
 Art YES Aphrodisiacs  25
 Izaya/Namie, Mairu, Kururi  Mithridatism
 5 YES The Orihara twins hold Namie in place for Izaya   25
 Izaya  Greyscales
 25 YES  Izaya is good, alternative interpretation of Izaya's character  25
 Izaya/Namie  ArtFill
 Art YES  Namie wearing Izaya's coat. And nothing else.  25
 Shizuo/Izaya  Tasting Cuts 3 YES  Izaya uses his knife to make Shizuo fuck him. Bloodplay  25
 Izaya  Twilight of Peaceful Times
 16 YES Izaya is actually Stephenie Meyer, and Twilight is his trolling masterpiece.  25
 Cast  Raira Days
 8 NO School Days take on DRRR  26
 Shizuo/Izaya  One is a lonely number
 23 YES Shizuo rejects Izaya's love for him with disgust  26
 Shinra/Celty  Warm
 1 YES fluff
 Cast  Bukookie
 7 YES Soggy biscuit game
 Mikado/Kida  Quit being a dick
 1 YES Kida spends the whole time during sex talking about girls that had turned him down that day  26
 Mikado/Kida  Quiet, this is our time
 YES second fillKida spends the whole time during sex talking about girls that had turned him down that day  26
 Shizuo/Izaya  Two weeks of hell
 3 NO Two people have to take care of a bag of flour like it’s a baby for a two weeks   26
 Shizuo/Izaya  Planned parenting
 3 NO second fillFlour baby project (see above)
 Shizuo/Izaya, Kadota/Izaya  "Izaya-kun"
 26 YES Dotachin and Shizu-chan both fighting over Izaya  26
 Kida/Mikado  Comic Fill
 Art YES Mikado is innocently sucking on his pen in class.  26
 Kida/Mikado  On the tip of his tongue
 3 YES second fillMikado is innocently sucking on his pen in class.  26
 Mikado/Kida, Izaya/Kida  Fill
 1 NO Mikado and Izaya in a confrontation  26
Mikado/Kida  Will you hurt me?
 2 NO Kida is feeling really distracted and depressed, so during sex he asks Mikado to hurt him  26
Shizuo/Izaya  I'll explain later
 4 YES  high school Izaya/ normal bartender Shizuo
Shizuo/Izaya  fill-only mode
 1 YES  For now, Izaya, you're in fill-only mode  26
Shizuo/Ladd  Shizzy x Ladd
 2 NO Shizuo/Ladd (Baccano)  27
 Shizuo  misfire response
 1 YES  forceful and concerned!Shizuo  28
 Shizuo/Izaya Alternative Motives
 6 NO misfired, in the middle of the page dunno  29
 Shizuo/Izaya  Drinking and Riding 1 NO misfired Izaya drugs Shizuo

fills, part 1

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