OOC: Log

Jan 01, 2010 00:00

Day 26:
- F14: Awakening
- Cafeteria: Breakfast with Dist
- Game Room: Naminé Explains
- Cafeteria: Asch the Bloody
- F14: Dinner with Ami

Night 26:
- F11-20 Hallway
- F-Block Hallway
- Hallway between F and M Blocks: Reunited with the Colonel
- F-Block Hallway: The Emperor's Date
- F21-30 Hallway: Meeting Cyrille
- Hallway between F and M Blocks: Peony's Pimp Plan
- 1st Floor Stairwell Beside Waiting Room 1: Be More Careful!
- 2nd Floor Hallway near Stairway and Nurse's Station: Let's Get Closer
- 2nd Floor Hallway Leading to the Morgue: Let's Get Raiding!
- 2nd Floor Decontamination Room: Playing Dress-Up
- 2nd Floor Experimental Treatments Laboratory: Monster Attack!
- 2nd Floor Decontamination Room: Safety

Day 27:
- Cafeteria: Breakfast with Tsuzuki
- Arts and Crafts Room: Sewing with Mion
- Cafeteria: Lunch Date with Luke and Guy
- Sun Room: Chatting with Adelheid
- F14: Another Dinner with Ami

Night 27:
- F14: Meeting

Day 28:
- Bus 1: To Doyleton, With Mousse
- Magus Park: Arrival in Doyleton
- Main Street: Shooed by Rufus
- Magus Park: On A Wild Goose Chase
- Main Street: Searching with Citan
- Wicker Street: A False Town?
- Bus 3: The Ride Back

Night 28:
- Bus 3: Surprise Attack
- Bus Unloading Area: Abducted
- Bus Unloading Area: Rescued?
- Entry Room: Idiots
- Main Hallway, 1-Center: To A Ranking Officer
- East Wing, South Hall 1-A: To the Clinic
- M31-M40 Hallway: Fumbling in the Dark
- M35: Arrival at the Clinic

Day 29:
- Chapel: The Colonel's Plan
- Cafeteria: Chatting with Citan
- Arts & Crafts Room: Meeting Haseo
- Waiting Room/Lobby 2: Visited by Mama and Papa
- F14: Dinner

Night 29:
- F11-20 Hallway
- F-A Block Hallway
- East Wing, South Hall 1-B
- Main Hallway, 1-East
- East Wing, South Hall 1-A: Running into Tear
- East Wing, North Hall 1-A
- M-B Block Hallway: Running into Friends
- East Wing, South Hall 1-A: Running Away From Trouble
- Main Hallway 1-Center: Finding Ion

Day 30:
- Cafeteria: Breakfast Riot
- Arts & Crafts Room: Tokunaga Backpack!
- Women's Showers: Awkward Small Talk
- Cafeteria: Dinner

Night 30:
- F14: Setting out
- F-A Block Hallway: A Very Cute Tokunaga
- East Wing, South Hall 1-B: Onward
- Main Hallway, 1-East: Finding Ion
- East Wing, South Hall 1-B: Brainwashing
- F-A Block Hallway: The Map
- Women's Bathrooms (F1-F40): Collecting Materials

Day 31:
- Cafeteria: Breakfast
- Doctor's Office 10: Therapy
- Cafeteria: Lunch
- F14: Dinner

Night 31:
- F11-20 Hallway
- F-A Block Hallway
- East Wing, South Hall 1-B
- Main Hallway, 1-East
- East Wing, South Hall 1-A: Found by the Colonel
- M-A Block Hallway: Stealing is Wrong!
- M1-10 Hallway: Ion and Axel
- M1: The Two Colonels
- M1-10 Hallway: Where to?
- M-A Block Hallway: Weapons
- Main Hallway, 1-East: The Radio Woman
- Main Hallway, 1-Center: Struggles in the Dark
- Sun Room: To the Music Room!
- Music Room: Attacked by Lurchers

Day 32:
- Sun Room: The Fake Ion
- Music Room: Meeting Kairi
- F14: A Flu

Night 32:
- F11-F20 Hallway: Resolve
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B
- Main Hallway, 1-West
- West Wing, South Hall 1-A
- M-A Block Hallway
- M1-M10 Hallway: Forgiveness
- Main Hallway, 1-West: To The Kitchen!
- Main Hallway, 1-Center: Roadblock

Day 33:
- Cafeteria: Seeking New Recipes
- Greenhouse: Meeting Naminé Again
- Cafeteria: Lunch with an Idol♥
- F14: Taken Away

Night 33:
- Recreational Field: VS Reid and Tyler
- Recreational Field: VS Marcus and Logan
- M84: Out of Commission

Day 34:
- Cafeteria: Breakfast: Reunited with Tokunaga
- Cafeteria: Lunch: Meeting with Friends
- F14: Repairing Tokunaga

Night 34:
- F11-20 Hallway
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B
- Main Hallways, 1-West
- West Wing, South Hall 1-A
- M5: Meeting Ion
- M1: Meeting the Colonel
- M-A Block Hallway: The Radio
- West Wing, South Hall 1-A: Warning
- Main Hallway, 1-Center: Caution
- Entry Room: Memory

Day 35:
- Bus 2: Girl Talk...?
- Magus Park: Meeting up with Guy
- Main Street: Progress
- Pearl's Beauty Salon: Manicure
- Bus 2: Catching up with Claude
- F14: Dinner Alone

Night 35:
- F11-F20 Hallway
- F Block Hallway
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B
- Main Hallway, 1-West
- M-A Block Hallway
- M1-M10 Hallway: Returning the Colonel's Key

Day 36:
- Chapel: Flirting with Aidou
- Cafeteria: Brunch with a Host
- Sun Room
- Waiting Room/Lobby 2: Visited by Parents
- F14: Catching Up

Night 36:
- F11-F20 Hallway
- F-A Block Hallway
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B
- Main Hallway, 1-West: Meeting a Mysterious Priest
- Stairwell by Waiting Room/Lobby 1
- Main Hallway, 2-West
- Main Hallway, 2-Center
- Chapel: Musical Talent
- Main Hallway, 2-Center
- Meeting Room 1

Day 37:
- Cafeteria: Breakfast with Claude
- Women's Showers: Just Passing Through
- Sun Room: Talking with Guy
- F14: Dinner

Night 37:
- F11-20 Hallway
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B
- Main Hallway, 1-West
- West Wing, South Hall 1-A
- M-A Block Hallway
- M5: Letter For Ion
- M-A Block Hallway
- West Wing, South Hall 1-A
- Main Hallway, 1-West: Planning Ahead
- Main Hallway, 1-Center: A Ghost?
- Main Hallway, 1-East: Going Up?
- Stairwell by Medical Wing: Up We Go
- Main Hallway, 2-East: Which Way?
- East Wing, Hall 2-A: Beaten to the Punch
- Janitor's Closet: Jackpot
- Extra Storage: Getting Some Wheels
- Janitor's Closet: Making A Mess
- East Wing, Hall 2-A: Diplomacy First
- General Storage: Question Period
- East Wing, Hall 2-A: Passing The Buck

Day 38:
- Cafeteria: Breakfast
- Doctor's Office 1: Therapy
- F14: Ami Is Taken

Night 38:
- F14: Regret
- F-A Block Hallway: Let There Be Light
- Main Hallway, 1-West
- West Wing, South Hall 1-A
- M-A Block Hallway
- M6: The New Cooking Club
- M5: Ion
- M-A Block Hallway
- West Wing, South Hall 1-A
- Main Hallway, 1-Center: Meeting Up
- Sun Room

Day 39:
- Cafeteria: Sync
- Sun Room: Luke Returns
- Cafeteria: Sharing Recipes
- Music Room: Earth Technology 101
- F14: Dinner

Night 39:
- F11-20 Hallway: Worry
- F-A Block Hallway
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B
- Main Hallway 1-West
- West Wing, South Hall 1-A
- M-A Block Hallway: Meeting Mukuro
- M1-M10 Hallway: Loss
- M-A Block Hallway
- West Wing, South Hall 1-A
- Main Hallway, 1-Center: The Cake Club
- Sun Room: Cat Attack

Day 40:
- Cafeteria: Reunion...?
- Cafeteria: Talking with Guy
- Recreational Field: Exercise
- F14: Dinner

Night 40:
- F11-20 Hallway
- F-A Block Hallway
- Main Hallway, 1-West
- West Wing, South Hall 1-A
- West Wing, North Hall 1-A
- M-B Block Hallway
- M60: Cake Club Meeting
- M-B Block Hallway: Moving On
- West Wing, North Hall 1-A: The Coast is Clear

Day 41:
- Cafeteria: An Integral Idiot
- Women's Showers: Not Yet Full Grown
- Sun Room: Cards
- Sun Room: The Colonel

Night 41:
- F11-20 Hallway
- F-A Block Hallway
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B
- Main Hallway, 1-West
- Main Hallway, 1-Center
- Sun Room: Clutter
- Cafeteria: Danger
- Kitchen: Cooking

Day 42:
- Bus 1: Warning
- Morning, Wicker Street: Daedalus' Offer
- Morning, Lil' Tyke Toys: Present
- Noon, Twin Pines: Talking to Guy and the Colonel
- Evening, Main Street: Brushed Off

Night 42:
- Main Street: Zombie Attack
- Kitchin' Fixin's: Getting Armed
- Main Street: Escape Plan
- Kelley Street: Planning Our Route
- Morris Park: Light Show
- Dorst Street: Resting
- North Street: Turn Back!?

Day 43:
- Chapel: Change
- Cafeteria: Meeting Jun
- Courtyard: Informing Leonard
- Waiting Room/Lobby 1: Visited by Ion

Night 43:
- F14: Helplessness
- F-A Block Hallway: Hallucination?
- Women's Bathrooms (F01-F40): Coercion
- F-A Block Hallway: Arm in Arm
- F31-F40 Hallway: Meeting the Hostage
- F-A Block Hallway: Small Talk
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B: Home
- Main Hallway, 1-West: Friends
- Main Hallway, 1-Center: Danger
- Sun Room: Caught in a Web
- Cafeteria: Stuck
- Kitchen: The Intercom Gets Weirder
- Walk-In Refrigerator: Finding the Trap Door
- Grand Ballroom: Beauty and Romance
- Basement, East Hall: Horror
- Room of Earth: Following the Leader
- Room of Air: Advancing Blindly
- Room of Water: Ghosts and Raining Icicles
- Room of Fire: Crossing the Lava Pit
- Grand Ballroom: Recovery
- West Hall: Moving On
- The Sphinx's Chamber: Death

Day 44:
- Cafeteria: Blind Date
- Cafeteria: Argument
- Women's Showers
- Sun Room: Secrets
- F14: Dinner Alone

Night 44:
- F11-20 Hallway
- F-A Block Hallway
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B: Tearful Reunion
- Main Hallway, 1-West: Dread
- Main Hallway, 1-Center: Caution
- Sun Room: Madman
- Cafeteria: Moving On
- Kitchen: Forward
- Walk-In Refrigerator: Ladies First
- Grand Ballroom: Betrayed
- Basement, South Hall: Showdown
- Basement, South Hall: Traitor
- The Coliseum

Day 45:
- Sun Room: Grieving
- Cafeteria: "Stephen"
- Game Room: Blackjack
- F14: Rika

Night 45:
- F11-20 Hallway
- F-A Block Hallway
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B
- Main Hallway, 1-West: Waiting for Claude
- Stairwell by Nurse's Station 1-B
- Main Hallway, 2-West
- West Wing, South Hall 2-B: Just Fine
- West Wing, North Hall 2-B: Reunited with Dias
- Morgue: Reunited with Guy

Day 46:
- Cafeteria: Dist
- Doctor's Office 1: Therapy
- Cafeteria: Reunited with Luke
- Music Room: Spiders and Earth Music
- F14: Dinner

Night 46:
- F11-20 Hallway
- F-A Block Hallway
- Main Hallway, 1-West: Bumping into Aidou
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B: Suspicion
- West Wing, North Hall 1-B: Shushed
- Recreational Field: Sneaking
- North of the Institute: Distrust
- East of the Institute

Day 47:
- Cafeteria: Catching up with Guy
- Sun Room: Flirting with Mori
- Cafeteria: Getting to know Claude
- Recreational Field: A Distant Relative?
- F14: Dinner

Night 47:
- F11-F20 Hallway: Meeting Momo
- F-A Block Hallway: Weakness
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B: Death Gods
- West Wing, North Hall 1-B: Exit
- Recreational Field: Meeting Tsukasa
- North of the Institute: Occupations
- East of the Institute: America
- Ruins: Destruction

Day 48:
- Cafeteria: The Elite Scientist
- Women's Showers: Sync's Voice
- Courtyard: Meeting Hitsugaya
- F14: Dinner

Night 48:
- F11-F20 Hallway
- F-A Block Hallway
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B
- West Wing, North Hall 1-B
- Recreational Field: Encounter
- North of the Institute: Making Allies
- East of the Institute: Crossing Water
- Ruins: Exploring
- Church: Massacre

Day 49:
- Bus 1: Talking with Luke
- Lil' Tyke Toys: Chatting with Honey
- Twin Pines Restaurant: Harassed by Sync
- F14: Dinner with Rika

Night 49:
- F11-F20 Hallway
- F-A Block Hallway
- Main Hallway, 1-West
- West Wing, North Hall 1-A: Meeting Guy and Luke
- Baticul: Visiting Home

Day 50:
- Chapel: Meeting Battler
- Cafeteria: Exchanging Information with Aidou
- Sun Room: Movie-watching with Claude
- Courtyard: Getting Some Fresh Air
- Arts and Crafts Room: Natalia
- F14: Dinner with Rika

Night 50:
- F11-F20 Hallway
- F-A Block Hallway
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B: Meeting TK-622
- Main Hallway, 1-West: Names and Numbers
- Stairwell by Waiting Room/Lobby 1: Clones
- Main Hallway, 2-West: Soldiers
- Main Hallway, 2-Center: Attacked

Day 51:
- Cafeteria: Breakfast with Tenzen
- Arts and Crafts: Origami with Ilia
- Cafeteria: Lunch with Edgar
- Women's Showers
- Arts and Crafts: Reunited With Tear
- F14: Dinner

Night 51:
- F11-F20 Hallway
- F-A Block Hallway: Meeting With Ilia
- Women's Bathrooms: Arte Demonstration
- F-A Block Hallway: The Institute
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B: Secrets
- Main Hallway, 1-West: Monsters
- Main Hallway, 1-Center: Anger
- Main Hallway, 1-East: Danger
- Stairwell by the Medical Wing: Trust
- Main Hallway, 2-East: The Best Path
- East Wing, Hall A: Breaking In
- General Storage: Attacked by a Nurse

Day 52:
- Cafeteria: Catching up with Guy
- Library: Looking for Legends
- Cafeteria: Lunch: Meeting Gumshoe Again
- Sun Room: Consolation
- F14: Resting Alone

Night 52:
- F14: Waiting
- F16: Finding Help
- F14: Leaving A Note
- F-A Block Hallway: Where To Look?
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B: Who To Look For?
- West Wing, North Hall 1-B: Lights
- Recreational Field: No Sign Of Tear
- West Wing, North Hall 1-B: Next Stop?
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B: Shadows
- Main Hallway, 1-West: Something Odd
- Main Hallway, 1-Center: Music
- Sun Room: Something Weird
- Main Hallway, 1-Center: Losing Hope
- Stairwell by Waiting Room/Lobby 1: Distinguishing Features
- Main Hallway, 2-West: Gunfire
- Stairwell by Waiting Room/Lobby 1: Returning
- Main Hallway, 1-Center: Caution
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B
- F-A Block Hallway: The Shadows Distort
- F14: The Shadows Speak
- F-A Block Hallway: Running
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B: Heckling
- West Wing, North Hall 1-B: Traitor
- Recreational Field: Lashing Out

Day 53:
- Cafeteria: Talking with Natalia
- Sun Room: Talking with Claude
- Cafeteria: Meeting Asuka
- Sun Room: Confessions
- F14: Meeting Rei

Night 53:
- F14: Waiting for Natalia

Day 54:
- Cafeteria: Breakfast with Guy
- Doctor's Office 1: Talking with Dr. Yumeno
- Cafeteria: Meeting Rick
- Recreational Field: Frisbee with Ilia
- F14: Dinner with Rei

Night 54:
- F14: Amnesia
- F-A Block Hallway: Helped by Tear
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B: Landel's Institute
- West Wing, North Hall 1-B: Loss
- Recreational Field: Departure
- North of the Institute: A Plan
- Forest: Danger

Day 55:
- Cafeteria: Punishment
- Women's Showers: New Style
- Sun Room: Talking with Rick
- Cafeteria: Heavy Discussion with Tear and Guy
- Courtyard: Sync and Claude
- F14: Dinner with Rei

Night 55:
- F11-F20 Hallway: Mistake
- F-A Block Hallway: Reflection
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B
- West Wing, North Hall 1-B: Meeting with Friends
- Recreational Field: Trouble
- North of the Institute: Past the Wall
- East of the Institute: Crossing the Field
- Ruins: Direction
- General Store: Jackpot

Day 56:
- Bus 1: Meeting Hope
- North Street: Ilia
- Mountain Antiques: Looking at Treasures
- Main Street: Edgeworth
- Bill's Hardware: Dragging Edgeworth Along
- Callahan's Grocer: Shopping with Natalia
- F14: Dinner

Night 56:
- F14: Preparations
- F-A Block Hallway
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B
- Main Hallway, 1-West
- West Wing, South Hall 1-A
- West Wing, North Hall 1-A: Choices
- Recreational Field: Attacked by Japan

Day 57:
- Chapel: Helping Edgar
- Cafeteria: Getting Friendly with Battler
- Waiting Room / Lobby 2: Visited by the Colonel
- Arts & Crafts Room: Claude
- F14: Meeting Utena

Night 57:
- F11-20 Hallway: Delivering Gifts
- F-A Block Hallway
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B: Meeting Friends
- Main Hallway, 1-West: Aguilar's Offer
- Main Hallway, 1-Center
- Sun Room: Dancing???
- Main Hallway, 1-Center: Retreat
- East Wing, Hall A: Plan B
- Greenhouse Yard: Climbing the Wall
- Courtyard
- Cafeteria
- Kitchen
- Walk-In Refrigerator
- The Grand Ballroom: The Other Entrance
- Underground Lake: Meeting the Ferryman
- Hall of Faith: Taking the Plunge
- Test of Courage: Dramatic Rescue

Day 58:
- Cafeteria: Meeting Tolten
- Cafeteria: Meeting Lelouch
- Women's Showers
- Sun Room: Meeting Badd
- F14: Dinner with Utena

Night 58:
- F11-20 Hallway
- F-A Block Hallway
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B
- Main Hallway, 1-West
- West Wing, South Hall 1-A
- M-A Block Hallway
- M20: Tolten's Hallucinations
- M-A Block Hallway
- Main Hallway, 1-West
- Main Hallway, 1-Center: Startled by Gumshoe
- Main Hallway, 1-East: A Traitor
- Front Desk, Medical Wing: Searching for Medicine
- Medical Wing Hall: Visions of Arietta
- General Storage, Medical Wing: Looting

Day 59:
- Cafeteria: Rotten Food
- Library: Tear
- Cafeteria: More Rot
- Sun Room (noon): Claude
- Game Room
- F14: Dinner

Night 59:
- F11-20 Hallway: Alarm
- F-A Block Hallway: Tokunaga's Back!
- West Wing, South Hall 1-B: Trampling
- Main Hallway, 1-West: Squashing Monsters
- Underground Lake: Meeting the Skeleton Again

Day 60:
- Cafeteria: Breakfast with Luke
- Sun Room: Ilia
- Arts and Crafts Room: Badd
- Music Room: Brook

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