EVENT: Revolving Reveries - March

Mar 01, 2010 13:21

The table for Revolving Reveries is now up! This event starts March 3rd and happens for five non-consecutive days spaced throughout the month. This is a change from how we used to lump the days together, that we hope will provide more opportunity to plot between each dream.

Please refer to the following table to find out what dreams your character receives on what days, and don't hesitate to use this post to plot with others!

Date3/33/93/183/213/30Apple Iris Mute Moon Pinky FreeAmurui Crow(Link) Lea Koi JasmineCancer?Train Companion(1) Sora Yuuki Ari KittyKiba Glory Mute Storm Animus ContractKagerou Nova Kirin Lea Blood(1) EstharGin Cross(3)Dyad Ghost Jr Eternity LostToushi Sight Lin Dash(1) Glory Bastet(1)Kazahana Crow(2) Throne(2) Companion(2) Reed Wolverine(2)Blood Crow(Link) Locket Promise Lezard(1) CautionBastet Lin Caution Jack(1) Iris Spike(2)Lin Bastet(1) Dash(2) Apostle Nova Spike(2)Koi Will Toushi Legion(2) Forge Snap(2)Derrick Hybrid(1) Bell Promise Aim Crow(2)Promise Range Virgo Pinky Derrick YouthVictory Apple Rosalind Yuuki Zombie Juliet(2)Cross Throne(2) Crow(Link) Justice(1) Rosalind Kazahana(2)Crow(Link) Cross(3) Ghost Jr Fred Maverick PaladinRabbit Juliet(1) Bridge(1) Black Oath ProngsJack Lezard(1) Stigmata Cross(3) Gene(1) LithiumYuuki Ari Elsa Companion(1) Glory CaraAri Stoneface(2) Apple Bubbles Furball Cheers(1)Stoneface Reed Throne(2) Kirin Snap(2) ElsaElsa Stoneface(2) Apple Gene(2) ProngsWolfFred Stigmata Youth Gene(2) Crow(2) WigglyEyepatchN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AZombieJune Snap(1) Animus Medium LostLost Eyepatch Alchemy(2) Serenity Paladin TrainMute Amurui Train Gin Rabbit LeaGenius Rogue Kagerou Dash(1) Youth Bastet(2)Trigger Glory Kiba(1) Samehada Reed GeniusGloryN/AN/AN/AN/AN/APaladin Stardust Want Kiba(1) Alchemy(2) LinCara Eyepatch Gin Blood(2) Tenko SailormoonEternity Crow(2) Companion(1) Kagerou Fred ReedEsthar Elster Alchemy(1) Cheers(1) Toushi SoraAnimus Cross(2) Contract Peony Rose Locket ElsaCecdanN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AReed Esthar Arthur Promise Sky RoseCompanion Alexi Apostle Eyepatch Allele BiggsWill Sora Lost Cheers(2) Victory Lezard(2)Snap Blood(2) Ghost(2) Handmaiden Biggs PaladinStardust Handmaiden Gundam(3) AnimusJune ZombieDyad Chapel(1) Lithium Tybalt Allele RogueGene-1 Ghost(1) Alchemy(2) Aurora(2) Grift EstharAim Bridge(2) Range Gundam(3) Gene-1(2) PaladinAllele Yehuda Aurora(2) Jack(1) Cara(2) AlexiLithium Peony Rose Stardust Dumbledore Rabbit RelicInnovator Seren Toushi Chapel(1) Codename ArthurProngs Juliet(2) Kiba(2) Arthur Sky P/Raise(2)Dumbledore Smoke(1) River Eternity Crow(Link) Bastet(2)June Kirin Wolverine(1) Cheers(2) Tybalt Kiba(1)Lea Boss MaverickFullmetal(2) Codename KagerouSora Black Companion(2) Kanin 00 AriSky Moon Night Medium Seren Truth(1)Juliet Apostle 00 Sparkle Black ElsterBlack Boss Youth Relic Crow(Link) SerenWolverine Arthur Blood(2) Sailormoon Skulls Gene(1)Arthur Dash(1) Stoneface(2) Wolverine(2) Dash(2) GeniusMaverick Bridge(2) Aim Codename Grace MoonLocket Maverick Momotaro Cecdan Cheers(2) StardustAlexiN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ABell Genius SamehadaDyad Wolverine(1) Crow(1)Samehada Alexi Trigger Blood(1) SightCastorYouth Lezard(1) Genius Derrick Justice(1) Dash(1)Crow KirinArgent Bastet(2) Apostle GriftKirin Crow(1) Seven Nephrite Jade Boss Drake(1)Apostle Caution Crow(1) Lin Smoke(1) Aloha00 RosalindDyad Dumbledore Rose Spike(1)Momotaro Cara(2) Furball Lost Ghost(1) BiggsFugue Iris Bridge(1) KirinCastor DerrickShoanji Medium Yuuki Apple Venus TwentyGrift Caution Kagerou Gin Grace LocketSeren RosalindSasuke Ari Wiggly SailormoonCastor Locket Chapel(2) Trigger Samehada ShoanjiSparkle Shoanji Skulls Sora Yuuki HashiCaution Apostle Spike(2) Arthur Free KoiRosalind Momotaro Stigmata 00 Smoke(2) RoseJusticeN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ATruth Maverick Grift Rabbit Skulls NightRelic Steel Aim Sparkle Composer CecdanBridge Hashi Elster Free Smoke(1) GraceGhost Apostle Bell Truth(2) Tybalt EyepatchSpike Composer Momotaro Mute Spade(1) FredPinky Trigger Crow(Link) Spade(2) Sailormoon GinElster Train Skulls Relic LeaJuneSailormoon Seren Ari Cara(2) Iris 00Moon Skulls Smoke(2) Sparkle Boss MaverickSmoke Moon Handmaiden Hashi Derrick Nephrite JadeHashi Aloha Trigger Zero Peony Rose ElsaFreeCastor Free(NPC) Pinky Peony Rose NightBiggs Stigmata Rogue Handmaiden Toushi Nephrite JadeRogue Vladimir Snap(1) Biggs Wolverine(2) VictoryHandmaiden Zombie Rogue Genius ReedDyadNephrite Jade Kirin Crow(1) Chapel(1) Mute Lezard(1)Peony Rose Nephrite Jade Rose Lezard(2) Tybalt FreeRose Pinky Geranium Nephrite Jade Momotaro Justice(2)SkullsN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ATybalt Zero Justice(2) Sparkle Ghost(2) Bridge(1)Composer Zombie Truth(1) Peony Rose Smoke(1) AlexiChapel Rabbit Victory Elster Tybalt MoonLezard Crow(2) Rose Moon Ghost(1) SailormoonNight Gundam(3) Chapel(1) Truth(1) Aim Peony RoseStigmata Jack(1) Fred Eternity Kazahana(2) BossCodename Wolverine(2) Ran(1) Samehada Allele KirinDash Arthur Dino Lezard(2) Maverick Night

In addition, March Events are up and posted, check them out to see what's happening in the tree and the Wilderness this month!

As usual, questions and comments are all welcome, so feel free to drop us some comments here, too, if you need any clarifications

~ Thank you for your participation!

moderator post, revolving reveries

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