[kink meme index] Bad Friends Trio - fills

Apr 23, 2011 22:29

Reposted from: http://inthreesome.livejournal.com/4641.html because one post is not enough for the awesome that is the bad friends.

Last updated: September 6, 2011

Delicious index here!!

For requests, go here and here!


Part 1
Blame the Booze
France/Prussia/Spain: Prussia rejected by Germany, his buddies cheer him up… sexily

Part 2
France, Prussia, Spain: boasting about their sex lives

Part 4
This is What Endures, No Matter What Tongue We Speak
France/Prussia/Spain: forming an alliance against Austria - mature: sex

Boredom Spikes Up Ideas
France/Spain/Prussia/North Italy: gang bang on Veneziano - mature: sex

What Friends Are For
Prussia/France/Spain: geographically, France was in the middle... - mature: sex

Bad Romance
France/Prussia/Spain: shameless threesome smut - mature: sex

Part 5
Christen; (finished here)
France/Spain/Prussia: bonding in a treehouse - mature: sex

The Silk Road to Stardom
France, Prussia, Spain, England, America, Canada, Russia: rival rock bands AU

It’s a Trap
Prussia/Spain/France: first meeting, mistaken gender, kiddy courting...

We’re Onto You, Seriously
France, Prussia, Spain, America: the three of them give a shotgun talk to America

Part 6

Sexy Back
Spain/France/Prussia, world/France: France wakes up with a tramp stamp, Spain and Prussia must have been involved - mature: sex

Chapter Four: The Hotel de Treville and Some Encounters
France, Prussia, Spain, Romano, fictional character: Bad Friends as the Three Musketeers

In a Lose Lose Situation; (finished here)
France/Spain/Prussia/America: badtouching virgin America - mature: sex

For Them This Is Normal
VichyFrance!Francis/FascistSpain!Antonio/NaziGermany!Gilbert: bonding

This is Why You Don’t Have a Boyfriend
France, fem!Prussia, Spain, others: Gakuen AU, ogling her and cockblocking

One for the Money: Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4
France, Prussia, Spain, Romano, America: an American bank heist; AU

Scary Women
Fem!France, Fem!Prussia, Fem!Spain, Romano: fem!France and fem!Prussia give the shotgun talk to Romano

Part 8
France, Prussia, Spain, Belgium, Romano, others: basically jizzing in their pants

France, Prussia, Spain, Sweden: the bed touch trio

Various Titles
France, Prussia, Spain, Romano, Poland, Lithuania, Russia: chronicles of the bad friends trying horrible pick up lines on others at a store

France + Spain + Prussia/Romano: bloodplay and bondage, so that Romano won’t talk back to them - mature: sex

Part 9
France, Prussia, Spain: Antonio and Francis on Gilbert's funeral

Three Nations and a Very Spoiled Baby
France, Prussia, Spain: finding a baby (reincarnated HRE) and raising it together

Come as You Are: art
France, Prussia, Spain: F.A.G in the gay parade

Part 10
My Baby Love
Prussia/Fem!France/Spain: Gakuen AU, Fem!France is pregnant, but which bad friend is the baby daddy?

Raising Fritz/Louis/Raul
Prussia, France, Spain, ensemble: Gakuen AU, friends raising an egg baby together

Prussia, France and Spain/fem!Austria: foursome fun - mature: sex

Part 11
Dude, Like What Just Happened?
Prussia, France, Spain: drunken shenanigans as only they could do

Three’s a Crowd, Four’s a…?
Fem!Canada, Prussia, France, Spain: seduced by the three in a high school setting

Chaos Theory
Spain, France, Prussia: triple date with Romano, Canada and Hungary - mature: sex

Part 12
France/Prussia/Spain; Prussia/Germany: just trying to help Prussia get together with his brother - mature: sex

Part 13
Nickname = Unawesome
Spain, France, Prussia: what is Prussia’s nickname?

Prussia, France and Spain/England: is that drunk England seducing them? Mature: sex

Broken Triangle
Prussia, France, Spain/Portugal: one leaves, the other two must make do with each other

Part 14
Wild Fantasies
Prussia/Spain, France: imagined Prussia/Spain via France, gakuen AU - mature: sex

Better Left Unsaid
Germany, Prussia, Spain, France: Bad friends giving little Germany a talk about sex, future AU

Movie Night
Prussia, France, Spain: watching movies, cuddling afterwards, friendly like

Coochie Coochie Coo!; (continued here)
Prussia, France, Spain, England: Bad friends take care of baby!England

Spain/Prussia/fem!France, fem!France/various, ensemble: fem!France is the school slut, and when she is called out for it, Prussia and Spain defend her - mature: sex

Part 15
Music is My Boyfriend
Prussia, France, Spain, Canada, implied France/Canada: Bad friends find an ipod and make fun of its owner

In Which Spain… (2 fills)
Prussia/France/Spain or Romano, Spain/Romano: one or both of them having thoughts about the other with Prussia and France

The Apartment
France, Prussia/Spain: something like a love triangle, but better; college AU

France, Prussia, Spain: bonding through bloodlust, pseudo-vampires
Untitled 2
France, Prussia, Spain, China: as vampires

Part 16
At Least We’re Together
Prussia/fem!Poland, Spain/fem!Austria, France/Joan, ensemble: derpy single fathers getting together with their kids

True Part
France/fem!Germany, Prussia, Spain, fem!North Italy, Japan: France woos an awkward female Germany, Prussia's sister

And the Catch Is…
France, Prussia/fem!Spain: Spain suddenly turns into a female, Prussia has to deal with her since France is in a relationship

fem!Prussia/Hungary, fem!France/England, fem!Spain/Romano: female bad friends escapades in high school

Part 17
Germany and Romano
Prussia, France, Spain, Germany/Romano: observing a tsundere romance developing

Notes of a Hotel Voyeur
France, Prussia, Spain, America/England: France describes in detail England getting fucked - mature: sex

Bad Friends Threeway
Spain/France/fem!Prussia: Spain and France on fem!Prussia at the same time - mature: sex

Cyanide Laced Demarera
France/Spain, Prussia: Prussia discovers France and Spain had been going out behind his back

Part 18
Three Bad Touch Things Go Good Together; Mi Estellas; Midsummer Nights
Fem!France/fem!Spain/fem!Prussia: three fills of pure femslash smut

The Sexual Miseducation of Gilbert Beilschmidt
Spain/France/Prussia: how Prussia loses his virginity to his best friends

The Bad Touch Trio are Made Bitches
Belgium/Spain, Seychelles/France, Hungary/Prussia: girls going after the guys at the clubs

Part 20

All We Can Do is Keep Breathing
France, Prussia: friendship despite being at World War II

France, Prussia, Spain: at a bar, talking about how love hurts

France/Prussia/Spain/Romano: consensual bukkake on Romano

bad friends trio index, kink meme

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