#341 -
olgameisterfunk - Golden Retriever
To be completely honest, I was initially a little confused about the choices that were selected for me. I thought I’d do some research on each of the forms, and felt dissatisfied with the first three.
And then I stumbled upon the Golden Retriever.
There are some things that just feel right, a moment of happenstance in which you feel yourself truly belonging. These moments happen rarely, and it is such a joy to have something genuine to cherish. I don’t know exactly what it was, but when I read the wiki entry for the Golden Retriever, something inside me clicked, an inexplicable rush of emotion. Imagine my surprise when I realized that so many of the dog’s attributes sounded EXACTLY like me! I’ve never felt especially close to dogs, preferring the feline species, but I feel like the voters and mods couldn’t have offered a better form for me.
It’s really easy to see: I certainly have a friendly, eager-to-please personality, and a trusting, gentle disposition. So many times in my life I have found myself being one to love work, and have a keen ability to focus on a given task. They will seemingly work until collapse, so care should be taken to avoid overworking them. And I suppose even this is true, even if I have a hard time admitting it to myself: Golden Retrievers are particularly valued for their high level of sociability towards people, calmness, and willingness to learn. I’m not quite sure why I was placed on this earth, but interacting favorably with others is immensely important to me: I want to be an elementary school teacher after I graduate, so continuing to develop skills in patience and approachability is one of my goals. The fact that I am indeed blonde helps to contribute to the perfect match, haha. I think that my Golden Retriever animagus would be a perfect reflection of not only what others see in me, but the type of person I want to become. I couldn’t be more pleased! Thanks to all that contributed, I am overwhelmingly grateful:)
Olga, Hufflepuff
#343 -
mafiamadame - Great Horned Owl
From the minute I started looking at pictures of the Great Horned Owl I immediately fell in love with it. Ultimately, I think that it would be the best fit for me out of my given choices. I’m a thrill-seeker so having an animagus form with the ability to fly is like a dream come true for me. Also, like me these owls are aggressive but can also act as observers of the forest. I’m extroverted and not afraid to jump right into things, but when it comes down to it I’m somebody that will always be quiet at first, at least until I am completely comfortable with whatever is going on. They also have a wide variety of prey and can be found all over the world; I’m a varied and unique and I like the fact that my animagus form would be something so adaptable to many different climates and environments. These owls also have a very thick feathery coat; I said in my application that I'd prefer to be warm rather than cold, and nice feathers would probably be the best thing for that. Great Horned Owls live in treetops; as an animagus I would not be comfortable living underground or even on the ground so living in a nest - where I could have a clear view of my surroundings and if necessary a clear escape route - would be my ideal. I’ve also always loved owls and how they’ve been associated with wisdom, which I value greatly. Finally, Great Horned Owls have those big beautiful yellow eyes, as if they’re seeing right through you and understanding you. I tend to connect well with others and I am well in tune to how others are feeling. After doing some research I've completely fallen in love with this species and am excited to have it as my animagus form :)
Michaela, Gryffindor
#344 -
littlelotte06 - Kodiak Bear
I was a bit surprised by the different animals that were picked for me by the other members in the community, and I'm also surprised to say that I didn't make an initial connection with any of them. But upon more research, I've decided to choose the Kodiak Bear as my animagus form-- because the more research I did-- the more I found traits of myself in the Kodiak.
One thing that I mentioned in my application was that I found devotion an enduring trait, and that seems to go along quite well with the Kodiak bear. Not only are Kodiak's "serially monogamous" staying devoted to only one partner at a time, but they are also very devoted to their cubs. Unlike a lot of animals, Cubs stay with their mother for a number of years, normally at least three. It is also believed that mother bears will "adopt" cubs from other liters and raise them as their own. It reminds me of my own personality, always willing to take another under my wing and take care of them in any way possible. It also reminds me of my "Mother" complex.
Another thing I found particularly interesting is that these bears are not particularly territorial; and that there is a great deal of "overlap" in the home ranges that the bears occupy. They tend to use the same areas each year. I'm reminded of my tendency to pick places that remind me of my home, and to rather accepting of the small differences but not necessarily the large. Kodiak Bears also tend to prefer a “subarctic maritime climate”. I prefer to be in colder areas, and I love to be around water. I can almost see myself in the area of Alaska where these bears roam.
I also had myself a laugh, because in looking at specific pictures of the Kodiak bear, I can almost see myself in the fur/hair coloring and the way I present myself. I always tend to keep my hair a darker/Carmel colored brown like the Kodiak’s fur, and I have the same dark eyes. Bear’s also tend to move slower, kind of ambling about in a not so graceful way, and I do that a lot myself.
In conclusion, though the Kodiak Bear was not something I would’ve particularly chosen for myself-I was impressed with the communities way of taking my strengths and weaknesses, like and dislikes to find what I consider a near perfect animagus form for me, and I look forward to joining the ranks of those before me.
Kacey, Hufflepuff
#345 -
etacanis - Mouse Lemur
When I first looked at my options, I thought I was going to have a really hard time deciding. Eventually, I narrowed it down to the mouse lemur and the spotted linsang (which involved eliminating one of my favourite animals, the plains zebra, because who knew zebra politics were so...creepy). After researching both, I finally decided on the mouse lemur. It was close, but there's far more information on the mouse lemur for me to base my decision upon.
One of the first things that stuck out to me when researching the mouse lemur was that a lot of its habits are freakishly similar to mine. Firstly, the mouse lemur is nocturnal. I myself am an insomniac (it's 3:30am!), and much more comfortable at night than during the day. I don't like the sun at the best of the times, the dark is so much more soothing and comforting to me. That was the first fact that swayed the decision in it's favour.
Second, the mouse lemur is described as "solitary but social". This is pretty much exactly how my friends and myself would describe me. I'm incredibly social when I want to be, but for most people who have met me but don't know me, I appear to be incredibly solitary.
Another thing that mirrors my personality is the fact they become show signs of dormancy throughout winter. While I don't hibernate ;], I often wish I could. I get very lazy, and just, I care about very few things except for eating and sleeping through winter. One fact I found was that "Females are inactive during this time and may not leave their tree holes." if we say a tree hole is the equivalent to a bedroom...well, my parents get worried that I've died or something because I leave my room so rarely throughout winter. When Spring sets in, I'm back to my usual self. I think it's interesting to choose an animagus form that mirrors this.
The mouse lemur is only found on the island of Madagascar. I've always found Madagascar to be quite interesting, ever since I was quite young. Climate wise, the temperature is in my absolute perfect range, in the right places. It'd be cool to hang about there, I think xD
I could go on for ages about just why I like the mouse lemur, and while I feel it's fit for me, but there is a word limit, and I've touched upon the things that stand out most to me. I do have one final fact to end, which while it doesn't mirror me, is interesting...
HAVE YOU SEEN HOW CUTE THEY ARE? 8DD They're adorable, and teeny tiny. I like it xD
Emly, Gryffindor
#347 -
nicolle_016 - Peruvian Paso
Oh, man, was this a hard decision! I got four choices that I absolutely loved, but I think that in the end I have to say that I think I identify the most with the Peruvian Paso.
Ever since I was little, I've felt a real connection to horses of all kinds. They're such beautiful and majestic creatures, and I feel like they have kind spirits, which is probably why I've always been drawn to them. They're gentle for the most part, unless they're messed with or feel threatened, in which case they'll freak out a little bit. That's definitely how I feel too- if you don't mess with me, I'm the nicest person ever, but if you do...you better get out of my way! The Peruvian Paso is actually internationally noted for their good temperament, so I think that fits well with me.
What I love about the Peruvian Paso is that it seems to be a unique version of such a common animal. I think that most people look at horses like they're all the same, and probably wouldn't notice the difference between breeds unless they were really knowledgable about horses. The Peruvian Paso is unique in that they walk differently from other horses, and I have often been told that I have a strange walk myself haha. This is called "termino", where the walking looks like the arm motion of a swimmer. The Peruvian Paso is the only horse in the world with termino.
Also, another important trait of the Peruvian Paso is their "brio", which refers to a horse's energy, courage, exuberance, and liveliness. Horses with true brio are hard workers, and they stay focused on their rider and are always willing to please. Brio is often translated as "spirit", although it's much more complex than that. It's described as "an intangible quality of controlled energy that creates a metamorphosis in ordinary-looking horses". I can relate to this because I have a lot of spirit and I can definitely be hard-working when I want to be, especially when I feel that I need to please someone. I also get the sense that the Peruvian Paso is a very loyal animal. They're dedicated to their riders, and they will go to great lengths to please them. This is how I feel with my relationships with family and friends as well.
A more physical trait that I share with the Peruvian Paso is that they can come in all basic colors (like black, brown, tan, blonde-ish) and I myself have had many different hair colors- probably all colors that the Peruvian Paso can be haha. The mane of the Peruvian Paso can also be either curly or straight, which I can relate to there as well. My hair is naturally curly, but I prefer to straighten it most of the time.
Finally, the Peruvian Paso originated in Peru (obviously haha), a warm place with not much rain or snow, so I most definitely enjoy that. I hate cold weather, so I would totally love hanging out in Peru!
Nicole, Hufflepuff
#348 -
marchenland - Black Flying Fox
After a lot of agonizing, waffling, backing-and-forthing, I've decided that the black flying fox (Pteropus alecto - check out that proud Slytherin name right there!) is right for me.
To be fair, there's not much out there on the behavior of this bat. What is known is that they are highly social, often roost with other species, and use vocalization to a high degree. They eat fruit and distribute seeds; I grow fruit for making jelly and jam, and garden.
Like the flying fox, I am very social, although I do want and need alone-time -- as they do when they feed, not a social activity. Like the flying fox, I enjoy and happily engage with others outside my immediate group -- I appreciate diversity. And as everyone from my mother to my current BF can attest, I talk a lot. A whole lot.
Another reason the flying fox resonates with me is that although they are nocturnal feeders and are adapted for nighttime activity, the are often active in their roosts during the day, during which they chatter, groom each other, and interact. I've spent many hours at the zoo watching flying foxes, and they are very physical and acrobatic, playing, swinging around on branches, and boxing and smacking each other around. Like them, I am physical and somewhat aggressive with people.
Black flying foxes sometimes have
a ruff of reddish fur on their head, so in keeping with my red hair, I choose this form of the beast. The rest of the animal is pure black -- either deep and fuzzy or shiny and leathery -- much like my velvet and vinyl club clothes!
I want to write more, but in the end, there's not that much information! But how could I not want a face like
Madelyn, Slytherin
#349 -
raphaellover - Border Collie
I was already extremely bias when I saw this as an option, because Border Collies are second only to my adoration of Golden Retrievers, but when I really thought about it, as a choice it made a lot of sense.
I’m a dog person through and through because I am loyal to a fault. I very much think in a pack mentality and feel stronger and more confidant when I know that that circle of family-friends is out there, loving me unconditionally and having my back. I will never turn my back on someone who I consider a part of my pack; I will be there for them until the end, no matter what.
What sets the Border Collie apart from all other dogs, however, is that it’s a bit controlling. As much as I adore the pack security, I’m very independent and like to get things done my way. The Border Collie instinctively herds and pushes its surroundings to do what it wants and needs to finish a specific task. They’re very focused and orderly dogs. I am as well, as exampled in that I have a color-coded tabbing system for my Con Law book.
Moreover, this focus isn’t always just on work. Sometimes, when their tale is up (“gay tail”), the Border Collie is excited and unable to concentrate on doing anything productive. This is exactly how I get sometimes. It’s not quite ADD-esque, but more that single-minded focus is more on FUN than WORK. It’s very hard for me to get stuff done when I go into fun mode, as it seems to be with the Border Collie. They're also very playful animals as am I.
The daily need for not just physical exercise but mental exercise is something else I see in common with a Border Collie. I go running/swimming daily and can get really, annoyingly spazzy when I haven’t gotten my exercise in: leg twitching, talking a mile a minute, it drives people around me crazy. This trait is why most rescue places and breeders ensure that the new owner is an active person before allowing him to own a BC because many people can’t put up with the exercise needs.
Beyond that, the Border Collie also needs mental stimulation to keep it from getting bored and destructive. I’ve varied with my career choices since I was five because I realized I needed some sort of job that changed and continued to challenge me constantly or I’d crack. I ended up with law because it’s a field that is constantly evolving. Not only will I get new cases to keep me going, but there are always new statutes being made and new opinions of the courts that can alter the direction of a case. Plus, law is a field often embraced by orderly, controlling people. ^_~
Beth, Gryffindor
#350 -
xshotofclarityx - Osprey
As much as the Coca Cola fiend that I am would love to have an animagus of their Polar Bear mascot, that's really the only capacity in which I relate to them. I’m afraid I don’t have the aggressive reputation that they have gained. As bears in general are known to barrel in more clumsily, straight on through, less attentive to their surroundings. And while I have less grace than any crane, I do tend toward a more restless, freeing disposition. Skittish, as more observant people have described. But I suppose I only feel anxious. Rarely letting it show. Not to protect me, I am more than confidant in my other capabilities, but to protect the flock from getting nervous too.
I have always envied birds for their ability to just get up and go whenever they please. I feel like my heart and mind does so quite frequently as well, only limited by my non-aerial human body. Travel is okay by bus, car, plane, or train, but there is absolutely nothing like the feel of the wind through my hair - and I imagine through feathers covering one’s entire body it must be ecstatic! So I went with the Osprey.
Like most raptors, or birds of prey, they’re really more like air’s answer to wolves. They are cunning hunters and occasionally pair up with mates or hunt and nest in groups - because they recognize there’s strength in numbers. However, they are perfectly capable of surviving on their own and are therefore extremely independent. While they have shown a selective loyalty to some mates, they rarely stay with any partner for any extended period of time. Because like my “worst quality” they are goal-oriented and constantly searching for other, better feeding grounds.
They’re adaptable! This reflects my resourcefulness and entire philosophy of life dealing with change. Like the Osprey, I loathe tedium. I can be loyal - as fiercely loyal as they are a predator, but ultimately concerned with my own interests. What makes the Osprey unique is that they’re one of the few raptors that exists internationally with very little genetic distinction between subspecies. Which means that they have been intelligent enough to survive and evolve without having to make too many internal changes between habitats. The capacity for growth was already there. Do I need to mention that my IQ was tested in the 140 range? Well, I just did.
The gland was simply a take on the “the water off a duck’s back” axiom, because I was thinking I would have to be an animal that didn’t take too much personally. Got revenge in the moment, of course, as anybody who has ever owned a car knows all birds are capable of - and will stand up for myself, as those talons and beak are capable of doing. But I need an animal that doesn’t carry that with me. The Osprey nests up high - my dream house would be something like a tree fort, flies splendidly, and is extremely familiar with the waters. As its prey of choice is fish, so often much of its travel is along their migratory patterns. The way they scoop down and pluck them out of the waters totally owns all other methods of fishing - I have an insane attention to detail and would relish enhanced depth perception.
And not a crow - though I have nothing against them, my dog hates them. So I wouldn’t want to be one. Because I like living, and the Osprey is one of the largest raptors in North America, I know my dog really wouldn’t mess with one.
Cynthia, Ravenclaw
#351 -
surrea1ist - Guanaco
Guanacos are generally alert, social animals that live in packs, and they know how to protect eachother from genera harm. They are also able to tackle diverse types of terrain, being both extremely fast runners, and being good swimmers as well. I also love the native area of the Guanaco, as they live in the mountains of South America. While they live in groups, they are usually small and loose, which is something that I feel fits with me well. They are also highly endurant creatures, able to store water in their bodies and thus able to survive without water for long periods of time. They are very distinct animals, and while one would probably stand out where I live, it wouldn’t be impossible to live in such a form where I am from. They also seem to have good eyesight, which is something that I would love in an animagus form. While it may be a little bit difficult to do any sort of recon as a Guanaco, they are still interesting creatures, and it would be lovely to have the amount of diversity of movement that being able to turn into one would afford! Even though they are large and peaceful, very few animals actually naturally prey on either. I think that it would be nice to be the sort of creature that isn’t easily preyed upon or taken advantage of!
Anna, Gryffindor
#352 -
princessbloomy - Komodo Dragon
Who cares about fire breathers? This dragon has enough bacteria in its mouth to kill its victim with one bite.
The Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis) may appear slow, but it's actually fast over short distances, like myself. I'm not a very good runner, but I am way above average when we run over short distances.
The second trait we share will have to be adaptability. They have an excellent sense of smell; can smell 5 kilometers away - who knows when that could come in handy?
They are also very good tree climbers and swimmers, what is just amazing. I don't like to be tied down to one habitat. I feel most comfortable on earth of course, but would also fancy a swim in the cool waters from time to time. And climbing trees has always been one of my favorite activities, though these animals can only climb trees when they're young and light.
Moving on ... the Komodo dragon is a cold-blooded creature, it can't warm up when it wants to, it has to find something else to warm it up instead. Ironically enough, I almost always feel cold - my hands are never ever warm and I often sleep in socks, because I'm just too cold. I must go out and spend time in the sun lots of times. It would be most wonderful to turn into this animal, that way I would be able to stay in the sun for a long time, without getting a tan as a human. And they don't like it when it's too hot either, then they will dig dens to protect themselves from the heat of the sun - I don't like it when the sun is practically burning you alive.
Another thing that connects us is, that we're both quite solitary. I'm a loner and prefer to be on my own most of them time. These animals gather occasionally and meet only to reproduce. I do enjoy a bit of company sometimes.
They can be very gentle, though are also extremely fierce predators. I don't want an animagus that can be eaten by anything or the one that runs away cowardly.
These animals hunt anything they can over-power. Perfect. I have always been rather slender and that gave people the impression that I'm this sweet girl, who is kind and wouldn't hurt a fly. EEEH WRONG. They would think different, if they got a glimpse of my thoughts.
Komodo Dragons portrays that almost perfectly. They are known to carry more than 50 different strains of bacteria, means that any animal that manages to survive the attack of a komodo dragon dies of infection. They have great patience (I am very patient when I am waiting to get something), they sit and wait for a prospective prey to pass, then they attack - just a small little bite, they wait for a week and the animal is ready for a feast. They are so powerful, they kill creatures ten times their size. How useful, they sit back and enjoy life, while their meal dies a slow death and then just go and eat.
Turning into this animagus would therefore enable me warmth, I'd have peace as nobody wants to mess with these animals and I could "play" a little with poisonous bacteria in my mouth.
Victoria, Slytherin
#353 -
supremacy_born - Melanistic leopard
The Importance of Being Yourself.
I think I never fully understood how important my old animagus form was to me until I lost it. Although I am a great animal lover, there are few animals that I can consider to feel a great connection with, and who I feel can truly represent me in their mannerisms and appearance. Luckily, I have received the opportunity to have a new animagus form which I feel an immense connection with - the melanistic leopard.
I've always had a fascination with leopards. They are the fastest and most agile felines in the world, and their strength and speed is well known and respected throughout the world. They are excellent hunters with very versatile techniques on how to defeat their prey. They can climb trees and can pounce on animals from above; they can stalk their prey silently and strike viciously and mercilessly, strangling its throat in one bite. They can carry prey that weighs three times their own bodyweight back up the tree in order to hide it from the plain sight of other predators. Their intelligence and agility is something I have always admired, and it is something I believe I would put to a great use in my animagus form.
The leopard is a nocturnal being - they feel most alive and at peace at night, which is something that I truly share with them. I've always felt best during night-time, which is something I talked about in my application. The melanistic leopard in particular suits me perfectly, since their dark colouring makes them blend in perfectly with their surroundings at night, and it allows them to become an even more successful predator. The dark colours of the melanistic leopard makes it the prefect stalker of the night.
The leopard is also an independent and solitary being who does not seek the company of others unless it does so for mating. This is something that suits me perfectly as well, since I have always felt most at peace in my own company and I do not need the company of others in order to feel content. Overall, I simply could not image a better animagus form than the melanistic leopard. I feel such great connection with this animagus form on so many levels, from its behaviour and its appearance to even the noises it makes. And because I've had a similar form to this one in the past I truly appreciate how important it is to feel a connection to the animal of your choice. This is something precious and rare, and I fully intend on putting my melanistic leopard animagus form to the best possible use. I know that I will love every single moment of this. Finally, I get to be a stalker of the night again. :)
Eve, Slytherin
#354 -
darkblueflames - Night Shark
After much consideration I believe that the Night Shark is the animagus form that best fits my personality. I originally thought that I was going to be a dolphin, but the Night Shark spoke more to my personality as a whole. To be honest it was only recently that I realized how amazing sharks are and I was pleased to see one come up in the choices for my animagus form. Sharks are stubborn and fiery creatures much like I view myself in real life.
I’ve always felt the most comfortable in water and near water, having lived in a landlocked province for my entire life whenever I get the chance to be near water I feel more alive and vivacious, this animagus form will give me the chance to feel more alive and be in water more. The shark is also a swift creature. I’m constantly moving/on the move, the fact that I’m able to move swiftly in my animagus form means a great deal to me.
I have always been very self reliant and that’s exactly what a shark is, it’s also pleasing to me that they are able to be outgoing and in groups, but still alone and be by yourself. That’s something I’ve always valued and treasured throughout my life. Also, having grown up in an area where it snows in May, the ability to be a warm-water tropical animal makes me very happy and would allow me to explore more of my favorite place on Earth, which is Hawaii.
I’m very nocturnal and the name says it all. It’s a night shark. My favorite part of the day is the dead of night and this would give me the ability to explore the world late at night with the ability to protect myself.
Finally, the Night Shark has green eyes and I also have green eyes, so this would be a connection physically to my animagus form.
Trish, Gryffindor
#355 -
kimberry531 - Sumatran Rhinoceros
So I cannot BEGIN to say how difficult it was not to just be like OH MY GOSH, AN EXTINCT TIGER. I mean, that’s pretty badass. Plus then I could make “I’M NOT REALLY EXTINCT!” jokes. And the Springbok jumps around like nuts when it gets nervous and excited - that’s me to the T. But I went through and made a word document taking notes on each animal (Thank you, Wikipedia) and once I had done this for each animal, there was clearly a landslide winner.
The Sumatran Rhinoceros is definitely the best fit for me. I already love it. It’s a cute little baby rhino - they only grow about five feet tall for the females, and their horns are kind of just little bumps, not really like LOOK I CAN SPEAR YOU type things. PLUS IT’S FUZZY! It possibly descends from the wooly rhinoceros, which is SO COOL.
Something else that was a strong connection to this animal is that they spend the majority of their time in water, which is something very important to me. They wallow a lot, and I am ALL ABOUT WALLOWING. They are strong swimmers and also strong climbers - just like me. I love to hike! They’re solitary animals, which I would like most of the time, but there is a strong mommy/baby connection, which is GREAT because I love babies and I would never be an animal that didn’t care for its young. They’re also extremely vocal, even in activity, which is also perfect because if you know me, you know that I have the inability to shut up sometimes. I can’t help it - I need to communicate! Plus, one of their three main vocal sounds is called a whale because it’s similar to the humpback whale’s song. I CAN SPEAK WHALE!!!!!!
My final point would be I CAN CHARGE PEOPLE. I wanted to be a giant dino so I could stomp people, but this is almost cooler. Who wants a pissed off Rhino charging at them?
Kimberly, Gryffindor
#357 -
jezzifishie - Green Iguana
Out of my choices, I feel a connection with the Green Iguana. When I started filling out my application, I had in my head that maybe I would be something soft and fluffy. As I thought about it however, I realised that maybe a fluffball wasn't quite the right fit for me. I wondered if someone would pick a reptile for me after I rambled about geckos, and I'm really pleased that they did.
The very first personality trait that I share with the Green Iguana, is loving being warm!! I spotted lots of iguanas in Belize and Mexico while on my travels, and I would be very happy to live in either of those lovely warm climates ;) Green Iguanas are herbivores, which fits as I'm vegetarian.
When faced with a predator, the Green Iguana's first reaction is to run away. This is pretty much my response too - I'm not really a fighting kind of girl. If there's a spider in the bath, I'm getting out of there sharpish! However, if they are near water, they will jump in and swim. This matches what I said in my application about water - I will swim if it's a case of survival (for example if I fell into a river), but I'm happier on land.
Green Iguanas have a highly developed system of head bobs to communicate with other iguanas, meaning that they're happy in social situations. I am happy in social situations too, but also crave alone time. I suspect that there is an iguana head bob for 'leave me alone!'
I also connect with the Green Iguana because we have similar temperaments - they are calm and laid back most of the time. I am too, even verging on lazy on occasion. We both enjoy basking in warmth, and see no reason to move if it's not necessary. Green Iguanas are active during the day (they need to catch some rays!!) which also matches my lifestyle - I tend to be most active/awake from noon - 3pm, which is the hottest part of the day during summer ;)
I love Green Iguanas, and I am really excited to have one as my animagus form :D
Jez, Hufflepuff
#358 -
fireangel8723 - White tailed kite
After a bit of deliberation, I’ve settled on the form of a white tailed kite!
The white tailed kite is found in California, southern Texas, and Mexico, along with much of South America. This is perfect, since I absolutely love hot, breezy weather.
I get pretty creeped out by mice, rats, and the like. Being a white tailed kite would be handy for me because they eat small rodents. As one of the voters pointed out, what better way to get rid of them than to eat them? :) While hunting, kites tend to soar over land and swoop down to snatch their prey. I like that even when they’re looking for food, they’re most comfortable in the air.
Although I do like hanging out with other people every once in awhile, I like my alone time. This fits with the kite’s habits of hunting alone and only roosting with other birds when they are not breeding. Even the kite’s breeding habits match my relationships with others - I tend to avoid casual dating and I have a core group of a few close friends, but not a ton of more casual friends. The kite is a monogamous bird - it lives and mates with only one other bird.
When I started researching my choices, I noticed right away that the white tailed kite is the most similar to me in terms of coloring. I’m blonde and very, very pale and the white tailed kite is almost completely white, save black shoulders and gray feather tips on the back. It even has spots on the underside of the wings, just like my freckles! Another reason I felt an immediate connection to the kite is that it is a bird of prey, which calls to mind a connection to Ravenclaw for obvious reasons. :D
Heather, Ravenclaw
#359 -
emmz13 - Bottlenose Dolphin
I was unsure at first, but I do feel that what I ended up choosing is the animal that best represents me out of my choices.
I am a very independent, yet social person, which is something I believe I share with the Bottlenose Dolphin. I am a very playful, energetic person, which is one of the reasons I believed I've always associated myself with this amazing animal. The dolphin also represents individuality, which is something I hold very high as a quality, not only with myself, but with others as well.This choice definitely highlights what I love about myself, my individuality, my playfulness, and it also associates with some of my faults, my short attention span and temper in some ways.
I've also adored being in the water since as long as I can remember, and since, in my original application, I could not decided between whether I wanted to be able to fly or to swim, choosing the dolphin with its jumping skills provides what I think is a perfect compromise between the two. I've always loved dolphins and I've pretty much always thought of myself as similar to them. If I had chosen my own, it would have probably been a dolphin anyway.
This choice provides the best mix between the qualities I love about myself and I think that this is definitely my best option, it is definitely however the choice I am most confident in choosing. :)
Emma, Gryffindor
#360 -
kilobites - Neotropical Otter
I have chosen the Neotropical Otter. I was very pleased with all of my choices, but upon reading more about the Neotropical Otter, I determined that this would be the best fit for me. The Neotropical Otter is from Central and South America, and is an animal that spends most of the time living in the water, specifically rivers that are clear and fast-flowing. As someone who enjoys being in the water and wished for a form that would allow me to be a strong swimmer and maximize my time spent in my favorite element, this is a perfect choice. Most of the foraging Neotropical Otters do is in the water, and they don't spend a ton of time on land. They are known to forage at dawn and dusk, in some cases, and I described myself as liking these times of day the best. Otherwise, these otters are mostly diurnal, which suits me, as I am not a nighttime person.
These otters are not as social as other otters. I described myself as liking to spend time around other people, but not necessarily interacting with them. It is thought that most of the time the otters spend interacting with each other is when it is a mother taking care of their young. Otherwise, they tend to be in the same areas, but not necessarily interact with each other. I described myself as being reserved and not talking about my feelings as much as I could. The fact that these otters don't always spend a lot of time together in social situations seemed to fit that part of my personality. Furthermore, they live in a warm environment, and I described myself as liking to spend time in warmer temperatures--upwards of 80 degrees and humid. Where these otters live is often very warm and humid, which I would enjoy. However, they are also adaptable, meaning that they can survive in cool climates as well. I pride myself on my adaptability, so I liked that I saw this in this choice.
The physical description of Neotropical Otters notes that they are robustly built, and somewhat medium sized. I noted that I had broad shoulders and was average to tall for an adult human female. It is also said that these otters have large feet, which I certainly do. Their large feet help them be proficient swimmers, which was something that I highlighted as being the most important capability I could have.
These otters are on the endangered species list, and this was something I found particularly interesting. I describe myself as very compassionate, and have a genuine desire to help people out. Having the option to have an animagus that is on the endangered species list makes total sense for me, because it is an animal that we can show compassion to by attempting to help preserve the species.
Tasha, Gryffindor
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