#141 -
clasped - Water Moccasin
I was given four choices to select from for my animagus form: European polecat, common octopus, American crow, and water moccasin. After carefully considering each choice, I have selected the water moccasin.
Water moccasins are rarely found far from a water source, much like myself. I live near a stream, and I find every bit of it very relaxing. There is nothing more pleasurable than reading alongside an amazing body of water. I only have one plan for where to live once I’ve moved out - by water. Their method of swimming is also similar to my own; I cannot stand to have my head under water and water moccasins swim with most of their body above the surface.
Water moccasins are also perceived as being aggressive, much like many people that don’t know me well assume I will react violently - for whatever reasons. However, tests show that water moccasins will run away about 50% of the time (which I prefer to do with conflict) and 78% of the time simply use defensive tactics. It isn’t until the snakes are picked up with a mechanical hand that they try to bite, and it isn’t until I am attacked that I attack back.
Many of these bites do not inject venom, and could be seen as another threat display. I generally don’t fight with intent to hurt from the start; I simply want to escape any conflict. Unlike most snakes, when startled, water moccasins generally stand their ground and threaten predators to stay away. This behavior is generally deemed aggressive, but the snake leaves if it is left alone and assured that its habit isn’t in danger. I will not leave anything of mine unprotected unless I am certain it is safe.
I’m honored to be given this snake as a choice, and have to admit I was initially surprised to see it on the list. However, I now identify strongly with the water moccasin and am proud to call myself one.
Elisabeth, Slytherin
December 2007
#142 -
kecchin - Nebelung
If I had to describe my personality for someone, I think the first adjective would be 'intelligent' - closely followed by 'shy.' But it's a weird kind of shyness - I'm very outgoing with friends, I love to laugh and make them laugh - my shyness only occurs with strangers. I just tend not to talk to people I don't know well.
As far as intelligence, I'm known at work for my ability and willingness to think outside of the box. I work in a copy center, and I've really got a hang of the programs and applications on the computer - which comes in handy when something isn't going quite the way it should. In fact, in jobs in general, I've typically surprised people with how quickly I pick things up. I'm a bit less good with complicated theory work, but give me something I can poke and mess with and I can figure a lot of things out.
Generally, I'm not what you'd call a 'people person' - granted, when put in a social situation I'm comfortable with (like work), I'm fine. But I'm not much for the club/party/bar scene - I don't do well when asked to start a conversation, or when one is started with me out of no where. If a friend introduces someone new... well, then that's possible.
Reading this brief description of my personality should easily explain why I am choosing the Nebelung as my animagus. The Nebelung is a relatively new breed of cat, with an appearance similar to a Russian Blue with a longer coat.
One of the most striking things regarding the Nebelung is its intelligence. They are said to be a highly intelligent breed of cat - some of whom have reportedly opened doors.
Beyond that, though, and the fact that sealed my choice for me was the fact that the Nebelung is a selectively shy breed - much like myself. One explanation reports, "[T]hey are reserved around strangers, ranging from hiding under the bed in terror to warily eyeing the intruders from a safe distance. But once they adjust and learn that they can trust their human friends, Nebelungs become playful and affectionate companions."
Nebelung are loyal to their family - in my case, it is more my friends than blood-related family, but the overall effect is the same.
Beyond this, Nebelung are said to be an affectionate breed - most are lap-sitters. Curling up on someone's lap after a bad day sounds like a pretty good life to me.
kecchin, Ravenclaw
January 2008
#143 -
malibu_xo_rain - Green Violet-Ear
The Green Violet-ear. This is my animagus form that I chose. Like the Violet-ear, I love to travel. It lives from south-central Mexico, to western Panama and in the Andes from northern Venezuela to Bolivia. It also lives and travels to the United States and even Canada. It loves to live in the country or other areas with woods and bushes. I live in the country right now and I love it. I’m not the type of person to be confined so we share the need for open spaces. The Green Violet-ear has the ability to fly long distances. I would love to do that. Imagine just taking off and soaring over new land. It’s the greatest adventure! The Violet-ear is also an avid talker. It’s call “CHEEP-chut-chut, chip CHEE”, is heard throughout the day. I also happen to be a big talker. When approached, the Green Violet-ear can be skittish or shy but it’s not as much if the approacher isn’t sending out harmful vibes. That’s what I’m like too. If someone seems mean spirited, I’ll be shyer. If they are friendly and nice, then I’ll be more outgoing towards them. It also knows how to scavenge when looking for a new habitat. I can always build or find materials that I need if I’m in a situation that acquires it. I’m glad I picked the Green Violet-ear because it’s a beautiful bird and I feel like I connect with it a lot! :D
Suzanna, Gryffindor
January 2008
#144 -
timecarnival - North American Cougar
The North American Cougar is no stranger to me, nor anyone who lives in the same small country town that I grew up in. There was one living and hunting around my grandmother’s property, which she had come face to face with on one occasion. A North American Cougar mother and her cubs lived around my friend’s property for a few years. I had even heard the common “scream” when walking in the woods once. While I had always wished for the chance to meet these creatures, it seemed everyone living in these areas did not share my fascination and had them driven out to less populated areas.
The cougar is known for it’s territorial characteristics, which is why cougars leaving all these places I once knew them at could not have been done without the help of humans. I am also very territorial, but more so with people. I hate my friends getting new friends, feeling as though they are mine, and will instantly dislike anyone whom I feel is trying to take them away from me.
The cougar also persists are low population densities, such as myself. I get along well with others, but my group of friends and the people I surround myself with is always a small number. I only really work with a small number of people, just like the cougar.
I am the type of person who cannot just openly go after something and have it work well. I work much better by thinking about something, not really drawing too much attention to myself, and then BAM attacking it, if you will. This method works well with people too. When I want to do something, but I don’t want people to think that I’m being bossy, or rude I’ll hint around the idea, until they think it’s theirs, thus allowing me what I want. The cougar is also a stalk-and-ambush predator. Rather than chasing straight after it’s prey, it will sneak up on it without them knowing, and suddenly it has what it wants.
The cougar is also a generalist species, which means it can survive in a wide verity of environmental conditions. Since going to college I’ve found the same thing. Were I do have a personal preference of environment, I can still continue on with everyday life no matter where I am. I’m not a very specific person where I need a certain thing to make me happy. I can adapt to my surroundings.
The choice for my animagus animal was very hard for me, as I loved all my choices. In the end I choose the North American Cougar because we had the most in common, even down to our similar (natural) hair colors.
timecarnival, Gryffindor
January 2008
#146 -
beckella - Alpaca
I have to say, I was thrilled that the alpaca was one of my choices and so I choose the alpaca as my form. Alpacas are kind of the nonviolent resisters of the animal world. They make excellent guard animals, but are not violent. They are able to guard the sheep and keep animals like wolves away because of their size but they do not scare the sheep like dogs do. I like to think that I'm the same way...that I'm able to defend those around me without needing to hurt others, without needing to scream and yell at people. Alpaca are also herd animals. If you want to own an alpaca, you should own at least three, because they need company. But alpaca will also take time out on their own within the group. I'm exactly the same. I need people around me and love to be around them, but at the same time I need to be able to just sit by myself. And they're useful. This is probably a very Gryffindor answer, but being able to help out in a variety of situations is something for which I take a lot of pride in myself. In addition to their guard abilities, alpaca are also a great source of soft, fuzzy fiber. I'm rather touchy-feely, and so while I can't provide people with fiber, I'm always a good source for a hug or some snuggling. Alpaca provide sources of income for poor people and my focus within my profession is trying to find a way to work for the empowerment of all peoples.
Apart from the fact that I just love them, I think that the alpaca is really the perfect animal for me to have as my animagus form because it takes the best parts of my personality and allows me to interact with the world in a non-threatening way and in a way that makes the world a better place.
Becky, Gryffindor
January 2008
#147 -
amarra_jade - Eurasian Badger
This was tough. I was originally going to choose the Mearns Coyote, but I see a lot more of myself in the Eurasian Badger, so that’s what I’m going with.
First of all, the environment this animal lives in is a major draw for me. I’ve always been fascinated with foreign cultures, particularly that of Europe. I also have a fondness for woodsy areas, which is where the Eurasian Badger is mostly found. The woods make me feel peaceful and contemplative, and I love to stroll through them and think about things.
Eurasian Badgers are mostly nocturnal animals. During the day, they live in a network of underground tunnels called a sett, which provides them with shelter from the weather and from predators. I’ve always been much more of a night person myself. During the day, I usually have very little energy and spend most of my time loafing inside. I’m more awake and alert at night, so it’s easier for me to get things done. I’m also a pretty solitary person, so the setts would make a good retreat if I wanted to avoid people.
Badgers may be small, cute, and furry, but they’re not to be underestimated. Their jaws can inflict serious bite wounds and are a powerful defense against much larger animals, such as wolves, coyotes, and bears. While I’m not small, cute, or furry, I’m certainly tougher than I look. I’m a quiet, laid-back girl who avoids confrontation if she can help it, but if you really piss me off, you’ll face my wrath. The easiest way to piss me off is to harm or threaten to harm someone I love, another very badger-like trait I possess. They travel in packs of about a dozen and are fiercely protective of their young.
The only thing about the Eurasian Badger that doesn’t particularly appeal to me is its diet, which consists mostly of earthworms, but that wouldn’t be much of a problem, since I could just turn back into a human if I got hungry. Now that I’ve researched this animal and found out how much we have in common, I feel a real connection with it. I think the Eurasian Badger is the perfect Animagus form for me. :)
Aimee, Gryffindor
January 2008
#149 -
sinfullypure - Red Wolf
Surprisingly, after coming back to HiH from a few-month absence, I was saddened to learn my old animagus form had been taken, but at the same time I was excited at the possibilities of what I may get next.
Previously I had thought that my original form (timber wolf) had fit me the best out of any possible choices, but seeing my new choices, I realized I had a even tougher decision than before.
Out of all of my choices and the research I did, I believe the red wolf fits me the best. It has all the amazing qualities of the wolf I had fallen in love with before, but even better. Red wolves mate for life, and often stay in smaller groups rather than a large pack. Much like myself, who prefers staying in small groups, especially with my fiancé. They are also incredibly shy, which may be part of the reason they are rare and nearly extinct.
They are currently listed as critically endangered, and only 249 are believed to be left in the world, 200 of which that are in captivity. Not to make light of it, but I’m pretty rare too, there’s only one of me.
They were once considered a threat to both humans and livestock, but the only recorded of instance of them actually eating humans was when they were often seen eating corpses during the Mexican-American war. While I don’t indulge in the eating of corpses, I do come off like a threat to many people I meet. Many of my friends have said that when they first met me that they didn’t know whether to give me a hug or run for their lives. I don’t mean to be like that, really, but I guess I just do it without noticing. Also, just like the red wolf, I am not really a threat once you get to know me (unless you happen to hurt one of my loved ones, then the claws come out.)
So overall, out of the four choices I was given: Red Wolf, Common Wombat, Northern Spotted Owl, and Black-backed Jackal, the Red Wolf jumped out at me. I thought I would have a harder time with choosing (what can I say, I’m kinda picky), but once I read more about it, I knew the red wolf was the one for me.
Joscelyn, Gryffindor
January 2008
#150 -
latenightcuppa - Border Collie
If I were to say that I have always felt an affinity with dogs, it would be more than a slight understatement. I cannot remember a time in my life where I haven’t been around a dog at some point or another. I love my own dog, all
of my friends’ dogs, and I cried hopelessly in I Am Legend. I am not going to lie and say that I did not suspect that I would be voted as some type of canine. A small part of me was even hoping for it, because of how fond I am of dogs. I was not terribly surprised to be faced with the decision to choose between three of them. I suppose that outside of my own personal experiences, the choice makes even more sense considering the fact that I’ve been stamped as Sirius Black as well. Through a combination of sheer intuition and a little research, I have come to the decision that the Border Collie would be the most fitting choice as my Animagus.
Border Collies are considered to be the most intelligent of all dog species and are considered ready and quick learners. I have always considered my intelligence one of my most defining traits. I’ve always been a bit better at comprehending certain concepts better than others, and I genuinely enjoy learning if I’m interested in the subject matter. For instance, I’m a pretty big literature nerd. I’m one of the only students in my grade who looks forward to English class and actually enjoys discussions on Japanese surrealist novels.
Furthermore, it is said that Border Collies are one of the most energetic breeds and that they become easily bored when inactive. For as long as I can remember, I have been a fidgeter. I am incapable of completely sitting still. It’s probably why I am such a horrible procrastinator. I need to be kept interested or else I’ll wander off, either mentally or physically.
Border Collies are also said to be alert, and that they will always stand their ground when approached. I was stamped as Sirius Black for a reason. I have a very bold personality and I don’t back down from situations. I’m not easily frightened. I can stand up in front of two hundred people to speak if need be. In fact, I think that it’s kind of fun. Another personality trait which I connect both with myself and with Sirius Black is the fact that Border Collies are reserved with strangers but very protective and friendly with those that they know. The people that I’m close to and that I’m friends with are people that I would do just about anything for. However, as a whole, I’m not too fond of people in general.
I was immediately drawn to the Border Collie when I saw it as one of my options, and by the time that I finished my research, I knew that it was the Animagus form that I wanted to take on. From their negative traits to their positive ones, they just seem to fit the most.
Samantha, Gryffindor
January 2008
#151 -
lovestyle - Russian Blue
Upon reading my animagus choices and analyzing each animal, the one that definitely stood out as most like myself was the Russian Blue. I find it such an impressive choice, because the similarities between it and myself are uncanny.
Although shy at first, a Russian Blue will over time warm up to its caregiver, becoming quite the loving and affectionate pet. It is said that once patience in getting to know the cat is displayed and its trust is won, the Russian Blue will display a devotion to its owner unparalleled by any other breed of cat. This is so much like me- I’m introverted by nature, so meeting and keeping touch with new people is somewhat of a tough thing for me. In order for me to form strong bonds with people, years have to pass and true evidence of wanting to know me has to be displayed- without it, much like the Russian’s ability to gauge whether or not its potential owner really wants to love and be close to it, I lose interest and will to keep contact over time. However, to those I trust, I am loyal beyond all expectations and feel a love and need for them so strong that it hurts sometimes.
Russians are intuitive towards the emotions of others- they can sense displeasure in those that they are close to, and will do anything from making a fool of itself for a few laughs to curling up with its caregiver to soothe away their pain. I, like the Russian, cannot stand to see those I love go through anguish and will go to wide lengths in order to ensure my friends and loved ones remain cheery- I cannot rest knowing someone I care for is hurting.
Sources mention that Russian Blues are perfectly suited for a modern household because they are easily able to entertain themselves when left to their own devices, but will happily spend time with their owners once they are home again. Being an introverted person with few chances to hang out with my friends and family for how busy they are, I can definitely familiarize- I pride myself on the fact that I take interest in so many things that it’s nearly impossible to be bored, but at the same time, when hanging out with friends, I find myself to be a pretty amiable companion simply for the fact that I provide great company without any dramatics or problems.
Russians are an intelligent breed- they have solved puzzles such as opening doors and teaching their caregivers to fetch, for instance. They are also said to have a unique personality unmatched by any other breed. I take both of these characteristics to heart. My intelligence is something I am very proud of- though the ability to be booksmart is there, I take the most pride in my talent for learning quickly and improving upon both my mistakes and the mistakes of others. My personality is truthfully the thing I may be most proud of. Though, like anything else, there is always room for improvement, I have been told that my personality is very unique and hard to stereotype or categorize. Because of this and my openness, people have been drawn to me in a similar way that they are drawn to the Russian.
The Russian Blue and I have so many more similarities, and I could go on for days probably, but I will draw it to a close here by saying that this feline and I are a perfect match. I’d be honored to consider it my animagus form.
Heather Lynn, Gryffindor
February 2008
#152 -
wreck__x - Salvador Coyote
The coyote, a primarily nocturnal animal is a perfect fit for my personality. Coyotes roam in small packs, unlike wolves, which I can relate to. I prefer to stay in a close-knit group where I can build trustful, loyal relationships as opposed to large, impersonal groups. Coyotes are self-sufficent (an example is the capability to dig their own burrows), which is one of my biggest traits. I consider myself independant and I don't like to rely on others for my own survival.
Coyotes are observational learners. They learn, adapt and act based on observation. This is another trait I can relate to as I learn best by observing or considering situations or experiences and adapting based on knowledge either seen or experienced.
They have a very strong sense of hearing, and a sudden noise could make it change its course. I have a well-developed sense of hearing myself, especially in my sleep. The slightest noises can wake me up, even if it's on a completely different level of the house.
As for appearance, coyotes have long, soft fur that changes with the season. My hair (like most other humans) changes with the season aswell, and I have very long hair (soft too, I'd like to think :D).
One of the biggest traits I have in common with a coyote is it's mythological reference. There is a native american myth that includes a character who's name translates into "Coyote". This character was a trickster and a cultural hero. I consider myself quick-witted, which comes in handy when coming up with quick excuses for breaking rules.
Lastly, a coyote is a native animal of southern Canada, which is where I was born and raised.
Lindsay, Ravenclaw
February 2008
#153 -
starrybluenight - Scottish Terrier
Upon viewing the choices for my animagus, I was immediately drawn to the Scottish Terrier. Further research proved my intuition to be correct because I feel I share many of the same behavioral traits as the Scottish Terrier.
The first connection I loved about the Scottish Terrier, or Scottie, is the country it hails from. I myself have Scottish ancestry, as my last name (Campbell) never lets me forget. Therefore I have an affinity for all things Scottish. To quote one of Mike Myers' SNL characters, "If it's not Scottish, it's crap!"
However, in all fairness, I could not choose the Scottie simply because of its Scottish connection. I researched all four of my choices on Wikipedia and to my delight found that many of the traits Scotties have, I could apply to myself. For example, Wikipedia describes Scotties as independent, self-assured, playful and intelligent. These are all adjectives I believe could describe me as well. However, despite their self-assured nature, they can be quite sensitive as well, especially to scolding. Even though I outwardly appear to have a lot of confidence, I can also be very sensitive - often needing the reassurance of other people's approval of myself or my abilities.
The Scottie's social behaviors are also very similar to mine. As Wikipedia says, "They are sometimes seen as an aloof breed, although it is actually very loyal to its family and they are known to attach themselves to one or two people in their pack." This is exactly how I interact with others. I can be shy and stand-offish around strangers, but am very close to a few people. I am pretty picky about who I choose to spend my time with so I have small circle of friends that I interact with on a regular basis. Finally, Scotties are known to be tempestuous and stubborn at times - qualities that I have been known to exhibit around those I am comfortable with, especially my family.
Most Scotties are dark grey to black, but there are a few "Wheaten" Scotties, which I feel fit my outward appearance the most, since I'm blonde and pale. So if I could choose what color my Scottie animagus is, I would choose one of the rarer, "Wheaten" Scotties, which range from straw-colored to nearly white.
Lisa, Ravenclaw
February 2008
#154 -
brownstudies - White Lion
After a long, hard decision process, I’ve decided that my animagus form will be the White Lion.
I've always felt an affinity with cats, and was delighted to be given two feline votes; but Lions are wild, independent creatures that live by their own rules. I often don’t feel that i fit terribly neatly into society, and find it difficult to live with most peoples norms and values. Physically i feel akin to the lion; they are large, powerful animals, quite thickset, with very defined facial features. But what I lack, and seek to find in my Animagus form, is an ease of movement and majesty. I think the lion is probably what springs to most people's mind when they think of majesty in the animal kingdom. This animagus will help me to feel at ease with my body.
Lionesses hunt in vast open spaces, and can travel around for miles. I definitely have this "wandering" gene, and would love to stroll around the plain. This really mirrors my love for travel, and my fierce independence and need for space. When they aren’t hunting, they're sleeping - up to 20 hours a day. I'd love to say that I don’t share this trait, but i do, and I’m pleased to have an excuse to continue with it even as an animagus!
The lion can also be quite a social creature, and has many ways of displaying affection and emotion. I wanted to be able to communicate my affection for people with my animagus form, as i find it difficult to do so in real life, so this really strikes a chord with me. Lions are very vocal, and have a wide range of sounds in which to communicate with each other. They often roar at night to advertise their presence to others. They are also quite playful with each other, and i specifically said that an attraction to becoming an animagus was the desire to forget all the stresses of the everyday world and just play for a little while. Humans often get so caught up with work, that they forget how important it is to let their hair down.
I think the size and appearance of my animagus would be enough to have people allow me to simply "be" and not question my need for space all the time; I wanted an animagus form that would allow me not to have to worry about what other people think. Lets be honest, who's going to argue with a frickin’ lion?! I know that if i wanted to, people would let me alone to go about my business with this animagus.
By being a White Lion, I'll get to maintain my individuality and independence whether appearing as a human or as an animal. I think the fact that the animal is rarely seen in the wild, mirrors my tendency to be a loner, and not often seen out and about in a crowd. For a long time, the White Lion was seen more as a legend or fable in South Africa than an actual fact because sightings were so infrequent. People who know me would say the same for me! I can be very avoidant, and sometimes it can take a while to coax me out of hiding.
Ris, Ravenclaw
February 2008
#156 -
alpaca4eva - Side-Striped Jackal
Out of the four choices I was given, I chose the Side-Striped Jackal as my animagus form.
Side-Striped Jackals are nocturnal and are most active in the early evening. That sounds a lot like me. I do not fully come alive, I suppose, until the afternoon/early evening. I prefer to sleep late and then stay up all night. Side-Striped Jackals travel in small packs with usually up to around six members. It is not that I am not social, I am, but I prefer smaller groups much like my animagus form. I am more comfortable when I am with only a few people and I am not afraid to be myself. It is easy to be just another face in the crowd with larger groups, so I would rather be in a small group and stand out.
Side-Striped Jackals live in tropical Africa. I love warmer weather and if I were an animal tropical Africa would definitely be high on my list of places to live. The Side-Striped Jackal mostly lives in moist-wooded areas. I do not mind that either. I may like warm weather, but I certainly do not mind a bit of rain every now and then.
In conclusion, Side-Striped Jackals are very much like me. They prefer night, they in small numbers, and they live in the tropics. From the little information I could find on them, a Side-Striped Jackal seems like the right animagus for me.
Kelly, Gryffindor
February 2008
#157 -
daisy_cannibal - Black-Footed ferret
I had a very difficult time deciding what my animagus form would be. Immediately I was drawn towards the Black-footed ferret because of my obsession with ferrets in general, but at the same time I wanted something different. I almost decided to choose the Thorntail Stringray, but then I saw a picture of them and they will come to the shore and let people touch them, which was definitely not something I would ever do. I then thought, well maybe the Blue Shark, but then I realized I have this really irrational fear of dead fish and get way too grossed out when I see fish eating other fish, so I realized that there was no way I would ever actually be a shark. Then, the American Beaver seems a little too social for me, if that makes sense, plus I’ve never felt a strong bond with rodents, while I find them interesting, at the same time I don’t think they represent me. And that brought me back to the Black-footed ferret.
The more I researched the black-footed ferret the more I realized how alike we really are. For one thing, they are almost extinct because they exist solely on Prairie Dogs which indicates an inability to adapt. Unfortunately, I have to admit that adaptability is not one of my strengths. I am very rigid and not very open to change (let’s just put it this way all of the people at our school’s café know my order because I get the same exact thing every day…). Black-footed ferrets also are nocturnal and do all of their hunting at night, which is exactly the way that I am (although I don’t hunt…). They also are quite intelligent and cunning: they know their prey so well that they know that if they utilize the Prairie Dog’s Burrows they can enter when they are sleeping and quickly kill them (which is the only drawback to being a Black-footed ferret, because I really like Prairie Dogs too). Often times the ferret will also live in the Prairie Dog’s burrow because they are not the best diggers, and come one who wouldn’t like a nice free home? One of the other traits of the Black-footed ferret that appealed to me was their strength. Despite being so close to being extinct, they managed to survive. I like to think that I am strong and determined and can work through a situation in order to achieve the results I want. They also were thought to be completely extinct at one time, but then a small group of them was found. I am the type of person who can blend into her surrounding and be unnoticed when I want to, the best way to describe it actually comes from Gil Grissom in CSI (which as a forensic science major I swear I do not watch) in which he was asked what type of person he was in high school and he replied with “I was a ghost”, which is exactly how I was too, and also how I see the Black-footed ferret during that time. Everyone thought they were extinct, but in reality they wanted to live without any interference from humans.
I feel that the Black-footed ferret is the best choice for me because I feel a very strong connection with ferrets and the Black-footed ferret and I share a great deal of personality traits. Plus, they are just so cute!
daisy_cannibal, Slytherin
February 2008
#158 -
hot_radcliffe - Australian Shepherd
I have chosen the Australian Shepherd to be my animagus because this animal and I have many things in common.
Australian Shepherds are known as being a very easygoing dog that loves to play. They’re courageous, loyal, and affectionate and they’re excellent companions with children. I’m all of those things. I’m loyal to my friends, I’m brave to take on new things and I get along well with kids. I’m an outgoing and easygoing person who loves to hang out with friends and family. I am always there for my friends when they need me.
The Australian Shepherd is described as a devoted friend and guardian, which means they’re naturally protective. They’re eager to please and are highly intelligent. I’m the same way. I like to see my friends happy and if they’re not, I try to find a way to make them put a smile on their face. I’m very smart. I get high grades in all my classes. So, I’d say I’m also intelligent.
Although, Australian Shepherds are reserved and cautious around strangers. At first, I’m very timid when meeting someone but when I get to know him or her, I become myself again.
Female Australian Shepherds are smaller than the males. They’re more sensitive and laid-back. I can compare with that in which I am more laid-back than my male friends and I do take some things seriously when I’m not suppose to so I can be a bit sensitive.
Plus, I love dogs and the Australian Shepherd is sooo cute and how could I not choose it! Haha =]
Maria, Gryffindor
March 2008
#159 -
yinepu - Osprey
Although I chose to identify myself most strongly on my application with the element Earth, there is no denying I possess equal parts Air and Water as well, which made this decision quite tricky. My choices came from all three elements and there were many similarities I found as I researched them. For instance, Northern Water Snakes defend themselves vigorously from attack and are frequently misidentified as cottonmouths and copperheads, yet themselves are not venomous. But as I continued my research I felt more and more strongly connected to the Osprey, which is neat seeing as I’ve admired this bird since I was a little girl vacationing on the Gulf Coast of Florida.
My attraction begins with the physical make-up of this raptor. It has dark bands across the eyes, known as eye-mask (which makes it sound very sneaky and deceptive, traits I would desire in an animagus) and is very similar to my own dark circled-eyes. It also has a very fierce presence: a 5 to 6 foot wingspan, the eye-mask, reversible outer toes, sharp spicules on the underside of the toes, closable nostrils to keep out water during dives, and backwards-facing scales on the talons which act as barbs to help hold its catch. It is also a fish-eating bird (by some estimates, 99% of the bird’s diet) and their skill in fishing is remarkable- it was once believed fish simply bellied up for ospreys. They nest “in any location which is near a body of water.” I would personally love to live near the ocean one day and would be happy to eat seafood for the rest of my days. As a student pilot I have an undeniable attraction to flight and although it would be possible to fly with the aid of magic, nothing could beat actually flying with the aid of real wings. It would blend it with its surroundings (as it is found on all the continents except Antarctica) and being a creature of flight makes for the perfect last minute get away. They are not polyandrous and in fact both parents help incubate the eggs- a must if I ever have children!
yinepu, Slytherin
March 2008
#160 -
zestyzorra - Clownfish
I am choosing the Clownfish as my animagus!
Basics; I am a pisces and a total water lover and avid swimmer, so a fish would be the most perfect choice for me. I also have a goofy, quirky side and love bright colors, so obviously something so cute, fun, and colorful suits me well.
Specifics: The clownfish is a very tiny fish. I think this correlates with my desire to transform into my animagus in order to hide and evade any enemies. Also, clownfish live with a symbiotic relationship with sea anemonies and are one of the few species known to be immune to sea anemonies' poison. This is very appealing to me, that even though the fish are small, they are wise and choose beneficial relationships that also provide protection--both ways. I think this matches with my Gryffindor-ness. In aquariums, clownfish have a similar relationship with sea coral (one of my favorite things in the world!!!), where they adopt coral, live with it, depend on it, and defend it. Totally cool! AND, clownfish kept in captivity are less affected by stress than other fish, which shows strength and endurance, qualities I have but would love to see exhibited even more so in my animagus form. Last, clownfish that live in the wild are predominantly found in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, & the Great Barrier Reef. I think I prefer the latter, mainly because I live near the Pacific (I ♥ oceans!), but I've always wanted to go to the Great Barrier Reef, so that's perfect. :)
Sara, Ravenclaw
March 2008
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