#381 -
jamie_love13 - Fin Whale
Choosing an animal that would be my animagus was not as easy as I thought it would be. It didn’t take as instantly as I thought it would to even narrow down my choices into half of what I was given. Eventually, I was able to narrow it down between the Marsh Mongoose and the Fin Whale. For quite a while, I thoroughly believed that the Mongoose was it for me. The fur was resemblance of my hair, their feet were resembled by my feet and their appetite was exactly like mine. Hell, they even lived mostly at night, which is what I do exactly. However, when I thought about it, I knew intuitively that the fin whale was what I was meant to have as my animagus form. Of course, at first thought I was very hesitant about this animal because it is known for being a very heavy and big animal which was something I didn’t want. However, it was everything else that made me easily forget about the size of the mammal and focus on everything else. The fin whale and I, for starters, both love open ocean and therefore, open areas. As a human, I’m very claustrophobic and small areas tend to have me freaking out. Also, the colorings of the whale are very similar to me. When I was younger, my hair was a light brown underneath a dark brown. While our taste in food might now be precisely the same, it does show that we both eat large amounts. It has what I wanted, which was to be fast and slender so that it can be stealthy, though I’m not sure if a fin whale can be stealthy because of its actual size. The most important thing to me though, that settled this large mammal as being my animagus, was its social life. Like I said in my animagus application, I’ve been a loner my whole life and when it comes to large groups, I’m just not comfortable in them. Fin Whales live in pods between 6-10 whales and play with 2-7 whales, which are all considered small pods. Currently, there are six members in my family, and when we get together, there is, at the most, 8 or 9. When I hang out with my friends, there is less than 5 other people with me. Yes, I said I would want to be more outgoing in my animal form but I don’t think I would be and honestly, the Fin Whale speaks out to me.
Lastly, the whale is one hundred percent a water animal, which is what I wanted most. As a fire element that’s grown up on land but visited water yearly, I’ve always wanted to be in the water often, and find myself truly happy when I’m wet. Imagine how happy I would be if I lived in water?
When I first truly looked at this mammal, my gut told me to go for it and I’m going for it. I can see this as me, in animal form, excluding the fact that I love water and that I love dolphins and whales. In conclusion, I think the fin whale is a perfect animagus form for myself.
Jamie, Ravenclaw
#382 -
plasticrocket - River Wolf
Perro del Agua
Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb my flaws
Going into this I had three animals in mind, none of which happened to grace my list of options. That was my first question to the person who relayed the news, Did I get Mexican Walking Fish, River Otter, or some sort of fox? instantly I was dejected when I heard in house unity one was a glorified goldfish and saw my choices. A GIANT OTTER I whined, the only thing close in size and eco-system was the seal, which upon relentless searching was found to look oily and large with few “personality” traits shared. I kept mulling over the seal, trying so hard to make it fit me, but I could never quite see myself as one, even with spongebob encouraging words about using my imagination. Finally I conceded, maybe I’ll have to appeal, I wracked my brain and finally decided to swallow my pride and ‘Google’ the other three. Still I couldn’t imagine being much more than a steroid feed goldfish, so that was the second to go, then finally it happened, I searched around sites about the Giant Otter and realized we had things in common and maybe I didn’t have to hate it quite so much. Giant Otters are described as “large, gregarious, and diurnal” which for the most part is me; it is also something I would like to come through in my form. I am a large woman, last measured at 5’10 and when I am presenting myself publicly, gregarious is a word that gets thrown quite a bit. My natural hair color is reddish brown much like most of this species endangered population. As silly as it may seem I still am a firm believer in social structures much like the giant otter, on a quirkier side note, we are both nosy eaters, and they seem to do things most efficiently in small groups much like myself. The giant otter is near extinction much like my family line, as I am the only one who is eligible to have children with my last name and it will be lost if I do not give it to them, they also have a strong sense of “family”, which I share. Is this the animal I feel closest too, absolutely not, do I think I could grow to love it more, positively yes.
Asher, Slytherin
#383 -
los_york - Campolina
Man, this was very hard! When I was deciding my final two, I had long time thinking about it. Owls had always been my favorite animal, but when I saw
this picture, something just clicked and I knew the Campolina would be my animagus.
I grew up in Kansas City, MO and they have this annual festival called the American Royal and one of my favorite thing about that festival was the horse shows. With these animals, they have this passionate, free-spirited personality which is why I was attracted to them. We have that independent nature which makes us so compatible!
The Campolina’s originated in Brazil, a place that I absolutely love because of the warm weather. I really hate cold weather, so that would be a wonderful environment to live in since I love to relax in that kind of condition. I also grew up with that Portuguese/Spanish culture in my house because my Mom used taught me both languages when I was little.
What’s really cool about the Campolina is that it’s a Gaited breed, with an ambling trait. They have fast walk but it’s slower than a gallop. That’s very me! I am a very fast walker and when I am in a group, I usually a mile ahead of them.
Another cool thing I share with the Campolina is their temperament. They have this passive, very free nature but although you never want to see their bad side. We are both very dynamic & extremely proud but we show so much style. ;D
Some physical features that we share are that we both have long hair and it can be very thick. And the Campolina is a leisure riding horse & have this thin built. To compare, I have this slim & athletic built too. I like to be in shape, but I never go over the top when I work out.
So in conclusion, Campolina is an amazing animal and I totally want it for my animagus!
Olivia, Gryffindor
#384 -
madlybewildered - Arctic fox
I've always liked foxes. They're prettier, more delicate versions of dogs and wolves. I wanted something pretty, snuggly, and predatory, and an arctic fox meets all three of these criteria. It even comes with the bonus of a tail to chase in circles and it looks like me - very pale with sharpish features and long, thick hair. Like me, arctic foxes like to curl up into warm, cozy bundles. Arctic foxes have keen hearing and I am also very sensitive to noise. They blend into their surroundings and I too prefer to not be the center of attention. Like me they prefer cooler weather and while they are independent they do have a few friends. In addition, arctic foxes are very clever. Oftentimes they don't bother to hunt on their own but rather scoop up the delicious snacks that stupid, wasteful animals have left behind. However, they can hunt very well if they choose to do so. They can find snacks hiding under the snow, pounce through the snow, and snag a nice dinner. I too prefer not to exert effort unless it's necessary. They are also very adaptable and can even go fishing. And I could play in the snow without getting cold. While anacondas are awesome and I was sad that I couldn't have both forms, I think an arctic fox is a better fit for me.
Alice, Ravenclaw
#385 -
izlightwood - Atlantic Puffin
When I saw my choices for animagus, I was thrilled! There was a species of penguin listed as one of my choices! I was convinced that was the animagus form for me. However, when I began to research my other choices a bit more, the more the Atlantic Puffin just, fit. It was still an extremely hard decision though, because I loved every single one of my choices, but in the end I have to decided to choose the Atlantic Puffin as my animagus form.
One thing that appealed to me quite a bit about the puffin was that it can walk, fly and swim. It can do everything. Obviously, my animagus being able to swim is important to me because I am swimmer, but I didn't want to have a strictly water bound animal, as I felt that it was impractical. The fact that the puffin can fly, which has always been something I've wanted to be able to do, despite my fear of airplanes, and can walk on land, it was all a bonus.
The puffin also resides in primarily cold weather, living anywhere from Maryland, US (which isn't very often), to anywhere in the Arctic Circle, which fulfills my request for a cold weather animagus. Puffins also eat fish, which solves the problem of me being creeped out by them, and they live in smaller groups, which fits my personality, as I am more of a loner. Also, they are insanely cute!
I feel so connected to my form already, and I apologize if this wasn't very coherent, it's hard to describe how in love I am with this animal.
Iz, Ravenclaw
#386 -
clzair - Pekan
I had some really good choices, but overall it came down to two: the Turkish Van Cat and the Fisher. I wanted an animal that could adapt to both land and water, and to me the manatee and the turtle were mostly water animals, and were also very huge and conspicuous. After much consideration, I have chosen the Pekan (Fisher/Fisher Cat). I don't like cats that much, although I must admit that the Turkish Van Cat is pretty awesome as far as cats go.
The pekan is an animal that I really feel like I have a connection to. It is crepuscular, first of all. This means that it is mostly awake during the twilight hours, something that I definitely identify with, as I am a huge night owl. Also, the pekan is an animal that adapts easily to land and water, being a swimmer and also a tree climber. However, the pekan prefers to be on land most of the time, in forests with dense wood debris floors. I've always loved being out in the countryside, and especially in forests. In this way, I also identify with the pekan.
As part of the weasel family, the pekan is closely related to the otter, another animal which I love. They are relatively small and lightweight, something which is a big plus for me as it ensures I can get around relatively easily and unnoticed. Also, pekans are one of the few animals who hunt, kill, and eat porcupines, but they will eat almost anything they can get. I think I associate very much with this: pekans are not afraid to go after something that may seem difficult if they know they will eventually gain something from it, but they can also settle for almost anything if the environment calls for it.
Becoming this animal would be lots of fun for me. I think as something relatively small, I would enjoy exploring forests and outdoor areas a lot (and even indoor areas!) I see these creatures as kind and as curious explorers, things I have always seen myself as being. Finally, I have always felt an attachment to woodland creatures who are only seen very quickly - chipmunks, deer, beavers, etc. - creatures who wander in their own niche and don't stray towards strangers for too long. These animals really define the border between what it is to be a human in an unknown environment that is not "ours" and what it is to be the animal that makes its habitat and life in that part of the forest. By choosing the pekan, I am allowing myself to tiptoe that boundary a little less cautiously and find out more about the mysteries of the forest
Claire, Hufflepuff
#387 -
fragilemacabre - Axolotl
Upon seeing my choices, I wasn't sure what I wanted plus I only quickly glanced at them because my temporary work schedule has left me brain-dead; however, the Axolotl stuck out and I want to keep it. MINE. I am really amused that it's a Mexican animal, because I am actually part Mexican! I FEEL LIKE THIS IS FATE. I really wanted a water animal, though I would have been happy with almost any form, but this one has so many cool things (besides its way-too-cute appearance) that I feel fit me well. It inspired the Pokemon Wooper because it is called a Wooper Looper in Japan, and I am all about the Pokemon. It has the ability to regenerate limbs, and I am a resilient creature and having a fairly hardy animagus form was important to me. Having a form that was cute and/or cool enough to be kept as a pet was also important to me, and this one is a sensation.
I almost went with another choice, the Feral Pigeon, aka the pigeons that dot the streets in the urban areas I love. While I feel a connection to them as well, the Axolotl is squishy and cute and really freaking cool, and I would be proud to have it as my animagus form.
Susannah, Ravenclaw
#388 -
kissoffools - White-tailed deer
Selecting which of my four options I wanted to adopt as my animagus form was actually rather difficult for me. I liked all the options selected for me, and was able to find something to connect me with each one of them. After careful consideration, however, I’ve chosen the white-tailed deer as my animagus form.
When I wrote my application, I mentioned that I wanted to be an earth animal, but that I wouldn’t mind climbing or swimming sometimes. I wanted to experience all four seasons, I wanted to be a gentle animal that didn’t prey on others, and I wanted to be graceful and agile. I think the white-tailed deer perfectly fits all these desires. They’re herbivores, they live in parts of Canada and the United States, they can swim, and they run quite quickly and easily. I think I’d be able to happily transition into the deer as my animagus.
I love how the white-tailed deer suits my personality, as well. I see myself as being incredibly friendly and gentle - I have quite the sweet disposition, most of the time. The only time I’ll argue or fight with someone is if I’m doing so to protect someone I love, and deer are like this as well. They’ll usually take the “flight” approach, only turning to fight if they’re defending their young. They stay in small groups and often even return to check on their babies once they’re grown up - I feel I have the same sort of protective streak and desire for both independence and company.
What sealed the deal for me, however, was the fact that many white-tailed deer call Ontario, Canada, home. I’m Canadian, born and raised, and still live in Ontario. I absolutely love living here - my home means the world to me. I love the idea of having an animagus form that would feel the same way.
Janna, Hufflepuff
#389 -
hikari_ishtar - Saharan cheetah
When I saw that one of my choices was a cheetah, I was instantly drawn to it. I love regality, superiority, extreme confidence - exactly what you'd expect from the fastest land animal on the planet. But I was also a bit hesitant to jump right in and say, “This is the animal for me!” because I wanted to make sure my Animagus was one that I felt reflected my personality, not just a personality I admire in an animal. I was worried that since I'm not a cat person, a big cat wouldn't really reflect who I am. I needed to do a lot more prodding and prying in order to find some distinct similarities between my behaviour and the Saharan Cheetah's.
There are a couple of physical likenesses. Dirty-blonde, gold-ish hair, and a ridiculous amount of freckles - sounds like a big spotted animal, doesn't it? But then as far as the big cats go, cheetahs aren't very heavy - females around eighty, eighty-five pounds - with a pronounced chest and slender stomach, a bit like a greyhound; this also somewhat resembles me. I'm thin with a bit of a pronounced chest. XD
But of course, I wanted more similarities in personality than appearance. The cheetah's way of being territorial was very interesting, and I put 'territorial' as my negative trait on my application. Females don't group together, and their home ranges only occasionally overlap at the edges, and only with family members. I get along vastly better with males than females, so not being part of a girl pack suits me. Plus the males do form packs, and tend to have 'territory' between a couple of females' home ranges - I'd have no problem welcoming a group of friendly males onto my land!
Also, one can't go past the speed factor of a cheetah. I couldn't decide whether I liked air or earth better, so my compromise was that a land animal was good as long as it could be fast and graceful enough to feel like it was flying. There's no doubt what animal that points to, really. Speed was a necessity for me.
The thing that really clinched it for me, really proved that a cheetah was right for my Animagus form, was its hunting style. I'm not physically weak - I've done martial arts for a few years now, and have always been a bit violent - but I know that being a slim female does limit my strength. My martial art has taught me to use what I have and not what I don't, and to not be above dirty tricks in order to win a fight. Cheetahs aren't strong enough to break their prey's neck, so to kill it they have to trip it up, and then suffocate it by biting its throat. A sneaky martial method if ever there was one.
And another aspect of this is that the cheetah tends to give up if it hasn't chased down its prey within a short time - I give up on things after an initial failure as well. Cheetahs are very non-confrontational, which I usually am too.
And why the Saharan Cheetah? Apart from the fact that it was my only cheetah option, the climate and diurnal nature suit me perfectly. The African desert would be paradise for me.
Dani, Ravenclaw
#390 -
zq_mf - Jack Russell Terrier
When I first thought of what I wanted my animagus to be, a dog was the first to jump to my mind. They're loyal and always seem to brighten my day when I see them. But what dog would be the right one for me? The Jack Russell Terrier fits me the best. They are a small dog, that is classified as a "working" dog that was mostly used for fox hunting. This dog is fast and alert, but has it's moments of "huh, what?". I thought to myslef "This is definitely my dog...quick, small, and a short attention span from time to time"--me, in a nutshell. They are a cute breed of dog, nothing too overly hairy with a coat that is mostly white with brown near the head and spots in the undercoat throughout. Jack Russells are intelligent dogs, this is due to their breeding over the years. Breeding also has given them the tendency to be vocal, as per for their "working dog" classification, another trait that I admit I have in my human form, and have a high energy level in order to do their job during hunting, which is to get foxes out of their dens. Overall, this dog is me. A high energy level, a hard working disposition, small (or short in my case) stature and overall, friendly to everyone. His animal is the perfect animagus for me.
Megan, Hufflepuff
#391 -
bootsy_mine - Siberian domestic cat
After considering all my choices for an animagus, I’ve decided that I would be best suited with the Siberian Domestic Cat.
According to Wikipedia, “The Siberian is very dog-like. They are loyal cats that will come to greet you with their unique triple purr. This cat breed appears to be fascinated with water and they are likely to drop toys in it. They are a friendly breed, good with dogs, energetic, and smart.”
Like the Siberian, I have a tendency for loyalty to both friends and family. Among the people I know, I am quite friendly and find myself frequently greeted with hugs. I too love water. Swimming is one of my favored activities, especially in the summertime. I am most comfortable with the earth and water elements and it would make sense that my familiar counterpart would enjoy the same things that I do.
While a cat is my favorite animal, I am terribly allergic to them and unable to have one of my own. I was amazed to find out that “Hypoallergenic qualities of the Siberian coat have been noted and commented on for almost ten years.”
Further, I own two dogs that I absolutely adore. This breed of cat gets along quite well with dogs. While I’m no Ravenclaw, I can be clever at times so a smart breed of animal would be beneficial to me as well.
Therefore, I think that the Siberian would be a perfect match as an animagus for me. Don’t you agree?
bootsy_mine, Hufflepuff
#392 -
hope_guides_me - Yellow labrador retriever
Labrador Retrievers are loyal and protective. As stated in my application, I am extremely loyal to those I love. I will stand beside them even when I don't agree with what they're doing, and I will stand up for them if someone has the audacity to put them down. I am incredibly protective of my loved ones. In fact, I am more protective of them than I am myself. I will do anything to keep my family safe. I try to do so without smothering them, but it is sometimes difficult.
Labrador Retrievers are sweet and caring. I didn't really expand upon this in my application, but I am incredibly devoted to my family and friends. There is nothing I wouldn't do for someone I care about.
Labrador Retrievers are a lot like little children. They love to play and have fun. That is a quality I have. I am often pouncing or tickling my husband and kids. So often, in fact, that they are occasionally annoyed by my urge to play with them. Luckily, though, our playful personalities match quite well, and it's rare that I spark their annoyance.
Labrador Retrievers need attention. I touched briefly on this in my application, but I occasionally need to be reassured in the fact that my loved ones love me. After nine years of marriage, I find myself telling my husband that I love him simply because I want to hear it back. To this day, I often ask him if he loves me to hear the affirmation that follows. I require a fair amount of physical attention/affection, as well. I try not to be annoying about it, but I need to be hugged, kissed and held. It's an unfortunate part of my need to be reassured.
Labrador Retrievers learn quickly. When you're trying to teach them a new trick, they only need to be shown a couple of times. I am a problem solver. Usually, I figure things out on my own. On the rare occasion that I can't do that, though, I only need to be shown a time or two before I get it.
Labrador Retrievers are good with children. I can't honestly say that I like all children, but I am surprisingly good with them. Even when I don't necessarily like a child, I will take very good care of them. I suppose that is why my various family members come to me when they need someone to watch their kids.
Crystal, Gryffindor
#393 -
deadlycatfish - Mute swan
I thought I would spend all week choosing my animagus form, because I felt like I just could not pick between the three birds. An owl was a neat choice, the whip-poor-will fit my application extremely well, and then there was the swan. It was not the first one I seriously considered because it was bigger than I'd like to be, but while I was thinking about settling with the Whip-Poor-Will, I looked up information about the Mute Swan for fun, and I immediately felt a connection to it. It does not technically fit my application as well as the Whip-Poor-Will does, but ultimately, a personal connection trumps logical suitability.
However, it does fit my love of the three elements extremely nicely, especially with the fact that I ultimately prefer air and water. It spends most of its time floating in the water, and when it flies, it can soar high - up to a height of 29,000 feet! That (along with its migration patterns) most certainly fits my desire to roam far and free.
The Mute Swan is also monogamous. Although I did not mention this in my application, I become attached to people very easily, and it's hard for me to leave someone no matter what. This reminds me of the strong bonds Mute Swans will share with one another.
I am also drawn to its legend of the "swan song", a beautiful song it supposedly sings before death (it is not true, but it's a nice legend anyway). It is also the source of the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling", which is a fairy tale that certainly applies to me and my life. I have grown up being the ugly duckling, longing to be a swan - in fact, in my original sorting application, I stated that I would see a beautiful version of myself in the Mirror of Erised. More and more I see that inner beauty is all that matters though, so it is only fitting that my animagus form would be representative of inner beauty, as it is in "The Ugly Duckling".
Jaimie, Ravenclaw
#394 -
squirticulate - Northeastern coyote
I looked into each of my choices, but in the end I don’t think there was ever really any question - it had to be the Northeastern Coyote for me. The coyote just fits in so many ways. I wanted something predatory, of a medium build, and most of all something clever and quick to learn. The coyote fits the bill perfectly. We even share a similar brown coloring, have a keen sense of hearing, and are both rather small. It is primarily solitary, or hunts in much smaller groups than other canids, only forming larger packs if the need arises, which is another trait the coyote shares with me. I’ve always preferred a smaller circle of friends and enjoy having alone time.
The coyote is smaller than its cousin the wolf, but makes up for this with its quick wits and adaptability. While the larger wolf has been all but driven to extinction by the encroachment of urban human civilization, the coyote has flourished, and this is something I can relate to. I’m not the biggest or strongest by any means, but I’m clever and adaptable - throw me in a new environment and it won’t take me long to figure it out and make it work for me. Change has never been something to throw me at all, and I feel this is something I share in common with the coyote. We may not have a great deal of physical size and force, but we have our own strength and know how to survive. Like I touched on in my application, I have a good mind about me and pride myself on my fast learning curve and observational analysis. The coyote is sharp and has exceptional observational learning skills, and uses those, more than brute strength, to hunt and attain its goals - just like me.
The coyotes found in the Northeastern areas particularly strike me as being perfectly suited for me. They dwell in the kind of climate I love, with moderate temperatures and snowy winters, and in the forest areas instead of the plains. I hadn’t thought of it before, but as someone who grew up with the forest quite literally in my backyard (I didn’t have a tree-house; the forest was my tree-house) it just seems right that my animagus form would also find its home in the forests I spent my childhood exploring. In addition, they have a more wolf-like appearance than their western counterparts, a trait which many attribute to the coyote interbreeding with the Canadian wolf as it migrated east through Ontario. Wolves have always been one of my favorite animals, so it was a nice little bonus to find that little factoid about this particular coyote.
And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the coyote’s long and storied presence in Native American mythology. Mythology has long been a favorite subject of mine, and it seems only fitting for my animal to be the source of a mythological figure such as Coyote, playing the role of the trickster, and sometimes even the creator (being compared to deities such as Loki and Prometheus). As someone who is always working the angle and knows how to get what I want, it seems like this trickster was made for me. I’m proud to call that sharp, clever, adaptable trickster, the Northeastern Coyote, my animagus form.
Suma, Ravenclaw
#395 -
x_____starlight - Kiger mustang
Here I Am
Why the Kiger Mustang and I are BAMFs
Why the Kiger Mustang is my Animagus Form
As soon as I got my list of choices, I knew the Kiger Mustang was the one for me. First of all, I've always had a very strong connection to horses. Ever since I was very young (say, six or seven) and I went to the zoo and did the pony rides, I was hooked. I spent days on the computer before I turned ten looking up horses for sale that I could get my parents to buy me. I wanted nothing more than to have one of these beauties and have it become my best friend. I had a favorite breed for a long time, but then, when I was about 14, my mom took me to a museum that was running an exhibit on all of the wild mustangs in the western United States. There was a video at the end of the exhibit that showed these horses in action, running so fast and sure-footedly across the open land. It also showed the darker side, of the people that round up these feral horses and pen them up and sell them to the highest bidder. I remember leaving the museum in tears, horrified at how someone could take away a mustang's freedom.
These horses (well, all horses, really, but especially those that are wild) are the epitome of freedom to me. When I think of freedom, I think of a) flying and b) running across vast plains. I love the idea of flying, but I really dislike birds, so that sort of freedom is less up my alley. But running across great expanses of land? That, I love. I love running (well, maybe not as much as I used to… I should probably start exercising again) and I can remember always racing other kids at recess in elementary school. I've always loved that feeling of the wind in my hair and how, when you're flying across the land, it's like there's nothing stopping you except you. You are completely your own person; there are no fences, no other people, nothing keeping you from going where you want to go. Freedom is very important to me, as I absolutely despise being told what to do. I hate following rules that have no purpose other than to "keep me in my place." Kiger mustangs, too, have this feeling towards freedom, I think; you don't fence a mustang in. It just doesn't happen.
Kigers are described as having lots of "heart and bottom," which means that they're both courageous and determined. These horses are unafraid of confronting something head on when they need to. I am just the same. When I have my mind set on something, there's not a lot that will keep me from reaching it. I will continue to throw myself headfirst into a problem, even if it might be scary, to get what I want. Kigers are also very intelligent and very confident. They are clever and will find interesting ways to tackle problems that they face. I'm also very intelligent, both in a "book smarts" sense and in a "street smarts" sense. I am pretty good at coming up with clever new ways to accomplish things, too. And, of course, I'm extremely confident, which was prevalent in my original application. I have a lot of pride in myself, and I don't take being wrong very well, nor do I take criticism very well. I love myself and I'm very confident in all that I do; there's no room for doubt with me, which is also true for a Kiger.
What sets Kigers apart from other wild horse breeds, I think, is that they're also very gentle when they have proper owners. They are generally wary of people at first, but once trust is established, they are pleasures to ride and care for. I am like this as well; I don't give out my trust very easily at all, but once you've got it, you've got it forever. I don't back out of loyalties very easily, but it does take a while for me to get to that point with someone.
On a physical side, I understand that horses are rather large, while I am rather small. That being said, Kigers are a little smaller than some other horse breeds. But, even then, they're still rather large animals. I'm totally cool with this. I don't like feeling vulnerable in any way; I hate being as short as I am, because I feel like I'm an easy target. It's ten times harder for someone small to fight for something than someone large; I mean, tall people can put things on the top shelf and not even think about it, whereas I have to figure out exactly the best way to stack three chairs on top of each other so I can reach the same spot. I don't like feeling like this, so a big, strong animal is what I'm drawn to; something that I can be extremely confident I won't be vulnerable as. Plus, I'm a very strong personally, mentally and emotionally, and I think this can translate to the physical strength of these animals.
So, I'm really, really confident that my Animagus form should be the Kiger mustang. BBL, watching Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron on repeat…
Adrienne, Gryffindor
#397 -
seserakh - Red-tailed Hawk
Five Fantastic Reasons to Be a Hawk
1. Flight
In flight, this hawk soars...
I've always wanted to fly. It's why I liked swimming so much as a kid; being underwater is the closest thing you can get to flying without actually jumping off of something. Of course, I also spent a lot of my childhood jumping off the roof to achieve the same affect, but my mom wasn't too pleased with that particular pasttime. Red-tailed hawks don't just glide, they soar. They typically travel at speeds between 20 and 40 mph, just riding the hot updrafts of air. They perform spectacularly daring courtship rituals and sometimes even mate in midair.
Red-tailed Hawks typically put their nests in the crowns of tall trees where they have a commanding view of the landscape.
When I wasn't throwing myself off buildings, I was in trees. I used to steal old bedsheets and tie them up as high as I could possibly get, and then I'd read a book until I fell asleep. The sense of contentment that overcomes me the higher I am in a tree I have scarcely the words to describe.
2. Freedom
Red-tailed Hawks occupy just about every type of open habitat on the continent.
At its core, flight is freedom. That, I think, is what makes me want it the most. Whenever I feel stangnant, the first thing I want to do is travel, but I am often constrained by my lack of funds. Right now, for instance, I'd do anything to visit my friends in California, but I simply can't. I'm broke. There's no way for me to do it. If I could turn into a red-tailed hawk and fly there, I'd do it in an instant. And I'd be able to do it incognito. No one on the continent is going to bat an eye at a red-tailed hawk in flight.
The red-tail is also a solitary bird, which ties into my love of freedom. It's difficult to travel with someone, because you are always making concessions to keep the other person comfortable. When you're alone, you have only yourself to please. I've always valued that intoxicating feeling. Now that I'm an adult with a long term partner, I value it more, if only because of the rarity of it. Not that I don't value my partner; no, I can see us living the rest of our lives together. Like me, the red-tailed hawk prefers a solitary existence, but continues to come back to the same mate until one or the other dies.
3. Focus
...when diving [a red-tailed hawk] may exceed 120 mph.
One of the common qualities attributed to the hawk is that of focus. "Watching something like a hawk" calls to mind someone absolutely focused on whatever it is they're observing. I am a very focused person. When I am paying attention to something that interests me, I drown out everything else. Often I literally cannot hear when someone is talking to me because I'm so enthralled in whatever it is I'm doing. I dive into it at mental speeds of 120 mph.
4. Familiarity
Red-tailed Hawks can acclimate to all the biomes within its range.
The person who picked the red-tailed hawk for me wrote that they were desert creatures. I do not like deserts. I like the heat, but deserts are dry, dry, dry. I hate what dryness does to my skin. I hate what it does to my hair. Luckily for me, the red-tailed hawk has a vast range that stretches over most of North America, even down into the northern coast of South America. I grew up in the Southeastern United Sates, and I remember that the red-tailed hawk was the first bird of prey I learned to identify. The sight of the red-tailed hawk is familar to me as home, where it's hot and wet and lush, and where you aren't likely to need moisturizer to get through the day. I remember craning my neck out the car window to watch pairs of red-tails wheel around each other, their tails brick red in the sun.
5. Fabulous Plumage
The Red-tailed Hawk... exhibits a large degree of individual variation in the coloration of it’s plumage.
I'm vain. There, I said it. I think I look fabulous most of the time, and one of the things I wanted from my animagus form was to look really good. The red-tailed hawk offers me this not only with its distinctive, elegant profile, but the variety of patterns each hawk can have. The tail can be red, white, black, brown, or grey, the feathers can be anywhere from white to cream to rusty to chocolate. And a raptor in flight is very eye-catching indeed. I think it's wonderful that the red-tail has such variant plumage and is still gorgeous. It's like looking good in any color. ;)
Every facet of me, good and bad, is reflected in the qualities of the red-tailed hawk. We're focused, we're fabulous, we're familiar to one another, we fly high, and we're free.
Ses, Slytherin
#398 -
iamthesea - Maine coon
Although the Maine Coon breed doesn't live exclusively in warm locations, these cats have very thick fur coats as protection against the cold, something I would want as an animal for the winter months, given that I am unable to tolerate being cold.
Like me, these cats are observant and intelligent. I love studying, analyzing and working out how things work (objects), people (especially the how the mind works) and puzzles. These cats are also known for being playful, something else we have in common as I have a childlike side to my own personality and a big and varied sense of humour too. I love to have a laugh and have fun. The males can be clownish at times, and the females are more dignified, but still have a sense of humour and can be affectionate. Both breeds fit me. As I said I enjoy clowning around at times, but I do have a lot of dignity and it's important to me.
The Maine Coon cats are mostly quiet, but have an extroverted side to them too, like me. I'm not a loud or rauceous person but I have my extroverted side and I am not shy. They are known for being cautious and somewhat wary around strangers, albeit not vicious, which also fits well with how I describe myself and my own behaviour around people I don't know, or people I'm not particularly fond of;
Until I get to know someone well, I am gaurded. I like to observe a person when meeting them the first few times as you can tell a lot from what a person says, their body language and even their other mannerisms.
I have trust issues, give that I have been betrayed in the past by the people who were supposed to be my best friends (an ex and "family" members included).
Generally, if I dislike someone I am still able to maintain a civil relationship, although I am somewhat standoffish. In the sense that I just speak to them because I am required to, but don't do so for pleasure or initiate any friendship and will try to avoid them as much as possible when I'm not required to be around them. If I really have to be more than civil (i.e friendly), for some reason, then I can but again, I don't get carried away or trust the person.
These cats are not lap cats but they are devoted to their owners and enjoy being near to them. I feel that fits as well, as although I am selective about who I spend time with, befriend etc.., the people I care about mean an awful lot to me. I love being with them, talking to them and so on. This applies both to the people in my life who are nearby and also to friends abroad. Communication with the people I care for is very important to me, even if we're only able to talk on the phone or via the internet when the distance is a problem. I am also a very loyal person and will always defend my dear ones, whether they are right or wrong.
At the same time, these cats are not clingy, they are very independent and that too is very much like myself. I am extremely independent and free-spirited. I need my alone time and I feel exhausted, irritable and down if I don't get it. As much as I enjoy being with people I love, I love spending time alone too!
The Maine Coons also have a fascination with water, some theorize that this personality trait comes from their ancestors, who were aboard ships for much of their lives. This is the same as me too. I am obsessed with the sea and have been from a very young age. It draws me to it and as a child I often used to wish I could turn into a fish or a mermaid to live under the sea. In truth, part of me still wishes I could turn into a fish or a mermaid at times to get away from it all for a while and explor the sea, (and yes, I'm aware that mermaids don't exist, don't worry! xD). I find the sea beautiful, magical and mysterious. It also has a more sinister side when you consider how many people have died at sea and how many bodies have been dumped there. Everything about it just fascinates me and pulls me to it. So much so, that when I die, I want my ashes scattered at sea to become part of it.
I have always felt a strong connection with cats, the Maine coon is actually one of my favourite breeds, (so you can imagine how thrilled I was when I saw it on my list of choices) and I feel I have a lot in common with cats and this breed in particular, as we share many of the same traits. I think that the Maine Coon is a wonderful and very fitting animagus form for me!
Sea, Slytherin
#399 -
sylvir - Sugar glider
Of all the choices, the sugar glider appealed to me the most!
The sugar gliders are such adorable animals. They are tiny, soft, and can be tamed as pets. This ability to be around others, to interact with others, to not scare off others is very suitable for me. I try my hardest to get along with everyone, and the sugar gliders clearly reflect that.
I used to be an only child with parents that both worked late. I was so used to be alone, but that changed when my parents gave birth to a second child. Suddenly the house was never quiet and something was always going on when I stepped outside my room. Sugar gliders live in groups of 15-30, which is what I would prefer now, to not be alone.
Sugar gliders typically live in warmer climates, which, if given a choice, is my preferred environment. Not too hot and not too cold. Each sugar glider lives in their own nest, thus providing them a place for warmth and shelter during the colder months. Since I’m someone who’s so used to curling up in a bed for warmth while I read, the nest is a perfect substitute. I would not ever complain about being a sugar glider and having an awful living environment.
Sugar gliders, while they cannot fly, are quick on their feet and can glide from tree to tree, up to a distance of 150 feet. With the ability to glide and scurry quickly, it would not be an issue to get away from the nest. Thus, I would be able to achieve the alone time I needed from time to time.
I love their diet! As their name implies, they love to eat anything sweet, such as manna, a sugar left behind from sap flow, and honeydew, a sugar left behind by insects. This is a total plus, because I love sweets, myself! To have an animagus form that won’t get sick from eating sweets is awesome! They also have a pouch (much like a kangaroo) and I’ll be darned if I don’t stick a butterscotch or two in my pouch for on the go!
All in all, I think the sugar glider would suit me wonderfully!
Bess, Gryffindor
#400 -
my_badgers_27 - Australian Cattle Dog
I got four really excellent animals to choose from so this was super hard. In the end I felt most connected to the Australian Cattle Dog.
I wanted an animal that would have a lot of energy and the Australian Cattle Dog is bursting with it. They love to run around and find different things to do. They don't like to be ignored and will nip at you if they want attention. I don't exactly nip at people, but I can be quite persistent if I want someone to look at me. They need a lot of exercise and need to be active constantly. Even though they are super energetic, they like to have their down time. They appreciate having that moment to unwind a little on their own.
They are intelligent dogs which is something that I value. They learn things quickly and can be taught a great number things. They can find creative solutions to situations which can get them into trouble. They are also extremely impatient which also happens to be my worst trait.
They are very hardworking and loyal to their owner. They form really strong bonds with the people that they are close to but are naturally wary of strangers. They will protect those that are close to them.
They are very independent dogs. If they are put with someone that they do not like (like another dog) then they can feel threatened or challenged. If they get too bored then they will start to bark loudly to attract attention.
Basically, this dog is totally bad ass and I'm honored that it was chosen for me!
Melissa, Gryffindor
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