#261 -
drakie_cakie - Bornean Clouded Leopard
When I started researching the Bornean clouded leopard, I immediately knew we were kin. They're a relatively new species, and are said to be correctly classified as a whole separate species. They're unique, to put it one way, and I have always been told that I'm unique, too. They live in trees, and I was always told I was a monkey child and climbed trees many an afternoon. Body-wise, we're both flexible and sure-footed. They live in tropical or subtropical rainforests, and forests are my favorite types of habitats.
I also learned that their behaviors are largely unknown because of the animal's secretive nature. They are assumed to be solitary creatures, much like I am. I, too, am very secretive and I prefer to be by myself. The way they hunt is similar to the way I argue with people. They stalk their prey, then strike, either from the ground or a tree. Quick, succinct, to the point. They don't waste time with grand gestures or slow torture.
Also, though this might sound strange, they are endangered and currently trying to be conserved, saved. People often try to get me to open up and talk about my problems, or try to get me to gain weight or be more social. Only, I don't want to be saved. The secretive nature of the clouded leopard suggests the same thing. People are encroaching on their habitat, much like the people around me encroach on mine. We just want to be left alone.
Oh, and on partially unrelated note, their name and my tendencies are the same. My head is often in the clouds. :]
Drake, Slytherin
#262 -
chalada - Caracal
One of the first things you notice about the caracal is that it looks more like a lynx than the wild cat it actually is, hence it's also known as Persian or African Lynx. You get a general idea of the caracal as an animal, though you don't completely get it by simply giving it a short glance, and that reminds me a lot of myself: People might guess what kind of person I am, and they might even be right, but if they aren't getting to know me better, they will miss out quite a few important but hidden aspects.
I was really happy when I saw my votes and actually two felines among them since I've always been able to identify with cats in general to a certain degree. Cats are, like myself, some kind of walking contradictions. They can be graceful creatures one moment and full of playfulness by the next one, they are cunning hunters that wouldn't let escape their prey, but then again, they decide to do nothing but to ly in the sun, being lazy. Parallel to the latter, I'm able to concentrate on my goal while working on something or studying until I'm satisfied with the results, but I'm also a huge procrastinator if things don't have to be done right away.
What's been bugging me is the fact that they're often loners, which I can (and need to) be every now and then, but all the time? That wouldn't work for me. However, caracals are, even though they're barely meeting each other in person, communicating by leaving messages about themselves through odour marks and therefore always know about the others in their shared areas. It's said that they sometimes live in pairs, too.
Also, the caracal is despite its classification as a small cat of medium size and as I'm rather tall myself, I thought it would suit me on that point, as well.
Tanja, Gryffindor
#263 -
fairytaleaddict - Black-and-Chestnut Eagle
When I first looked up The Black-and-Chestnut Eagle (Oroaetus isidori or Spizaetus isidori) and saw the picture, I knew this was it. (It was the eyes of all things.) I still wanted to look through the other options and play with them a little, and that's when my choice suddenly became difficult. I'd managed to get four incredibly fitting options and I've been torn for days between all of them. I made lists, wrote four different essays for all the animals and tried to figure out which one worked best for me. (It still stings a bit to let some of them go.) But eventually, I came back to my original gut feeling. The answer lay in my most deeply rooted traits:
Behaviour and personality:
-The Black-and-Chestnut Eagle is monogamous and mates for life. Because they are solitary creatures they are often seen soaring over treetops alone, but eagles with mates hunt and rear the young together. Black-and-Chestnut Eagles only have one offspring a year (if they should get two eggs, one is left unhatched) and when they do they have been seen flying around as a family with the young in the middle. The eaglet matures slowly and stays with its parents for a long time (a year) before becoming independent. There isn't much research made about the Black-and-Chestnut Eagle, they tend to keep to remote places, are reserved and elusive.
- All this fits me very well. I'm completely monogamous and once I get attached to someone (which takes me a while) I'm in it for the long haul. I value my independence and privacy highly; I'm reserved and often have a hard time letting people close. I need my me time, instead of long flights I take long walks where no one is allowed to bother me, but I still need my friends and family close. With all this, I'm still very caring, nurturing and affectionate. If I ever have kids it will be when I'm ready to give them a strong and reliable base to eventually soar high on their own. I'm also very protective when someone close to me needs it. The Black-and-Chestnut Eagle, like me, works through observation, planning then attack. It's also very strong and intelligent and works steadily, patiently and with perspective. (I've also been known to give romantic partners a bit of a rough time, same as my animagi counterpart.)
- The Black-and-Chestnut Eagles are found around the mountains and forests of the Andes. They build their nests in the highest trees and return to them every year (if the tree still stands. If not, they generally move to a completely different place.) Researchers and biologists have had great difficulty locating the nests because they are so well hidden and remote.
- My home is my fort. I don't want anyone in my place that isn't specifically invited and I feel comfortable with. It's my sanctuary. The Black-and-Chestnut Eagle doesn't do well with environmental changes and I'm the same way: I'm only adaptable by sheer necessity when it comes to my environment. I love to travel and see new things but I need to know I have the security of my home waiting for me. If I've had a really bad experience somewhere, I need to get away someplace different. Also, on a completely random note it's been my dream to visit the Andes (and most specifically Peru) since I was fourteen. (I made an elaborate presentation with graphs, pictures, research and rhetoric to convince my parents to go. They went. On their own.)
- The Black-and-Chestnut Eagle is on the larger scale of eagles. The young are white, light brown/chestnut and greyish and the adults are chestnut and black. The colour scheme fits me very well since I have long chestnut hair and am always dressed in black. I also like the simple, clean elegance of their appearance, both in colour and shape. I prefer that same style in my general appearance, clothes and accessories as well. I'm also of the Nordic Amazon size I might add. Big bird for me. The darkening of colour from young to adult also speaks to me in a purely subjective way.
So, to sum up this excessively wordy essay (sorry about that) I couldn't be happier about my animagus form. It's meee! :D
Isabella, Ravenclaw
#264 -
munanna - White Royal Bengal Tiger
Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
- William Blake
I was very happy to receive the White Royal Bengal Tiger as an animagus option, not only because it felt right to the bone, but also because I've had a fascination with tigers since I was a child. My mother loves tigers as well (quite a tigress herself if I ever saw one) and will be very happy to hear about my choice.
To me, there are mainly two aspect of the bond between a person and their animagus form: appearance and personality. So I decided to divide my essay into these two parts. Since I find the symbolism of the tiger interesting, I've added a paragraph about that.
Although the White Royal Bengal Tiger is only the second largest of the Tiger subspecies, the Tiger itself is the largest of the "big cat" family Panthera. I'm 5 ft 7 inches and hour-glass-shaped, and I wanted something to reflect my general size. Like Willow said in BtVS: "strong like an amazon". The white fur is rare and speaks to my tendency to be different. My very name is in fact a verb(a sailor term, really) in Swedish and means "going up against the wind". While it sometimes proves to be troublesome, it is also a mark of uniqueness that makes up for the higher risk to be hunted/persecuted for being different.
Just as the White Royal Bengal Tiger I am usually solitary but will sometimes be found together with a mate. Recent studies have shown that Royal Bengal Tigers are very affectionate, as opposed to the earlier popular opinion. When they meet they greet each other by rubbing their heads together, which I can relate to. I'm very physical when it comes to showing affection. I enjoy a warm climate just as they do and would never thrive in the cold(unlike the impressive Siberian Tigers). Tigresses are extremely protective of their cubs, as I am with my family. Actually, one of the most impressive thing I've seen on YouTube was a video of a Royal Bengal Tiger chasing away a bear that ventured too close to her cave and cubs. The big male bear ran for his life. Adding to being fiercely protective, they're also very territorial, something which I can also identify with. Their hunting behavior is another thing I can relate to: I wouldn't run half-way around the world for a simple dinner, but rather stalk my prey, pounce and snap its spine like a tiger. The Royal Bengal Tiger have been known to turn man-eater when too sick or injured to hunt more swift-footed prey. I can relate to the intense survival instinct that make you do anything to stay alive.
Mythology and Symbolism
In China the tiger rather than the lion is considered to be the King of Beasts and represents power, energy, protection and royalty. I may not be royal, but both my family and random friends have on different occasions told me that I have a regal posture and that I move like a queen. I may be reaching, but I just had to add that I even feel that the 'Royal' in the name also applies to some unconscious aspect of me. The power and energy I believe I have in abundance, as the need to protect the ones closest to me.
In ancient Chinese myth there are five tigers that hold the balance of cosmic forces in place and prevent chaos from collapsing into the universe. Of those tigers the White Tiger rules the Fall season and the element of Metal. Autumn is by far the season which I've always loved and felt closely connected to. The element of Metal in China represents success in business and winning competitions, in other words, ambition. Needless to say I identify closely with that.
All in all, I'm very happy with my new animagus form and I hope to do it justice. :)
Lova, Ravenclaw
#265 -
sweetnessarose - American Cocker Spaniel
My animagus form is an American Cocker Spaniel.
I first felt a connection with the breed when my family was interested in buying a dog for the first time, around ten years or so ago. I was an only child, so having a dog seemed like a natural choice. I looked at the buff cocker spaniel that the breeder handed me, and something clicked. Perhaps it was the sense that we were quite alike; both young and alone... but at that time I didn't realize just how much we were truly alike, or that my perfect patronus form would be a cocker.
American Cocker Spaniels are sweet and friendly dogs by nature. I identify particularly with this quality. They approach a new person with curiosity and an open heart, as I try to, as each new thing brings new experiences every day. Both the cocker and I are social, and enjoy meeting new people. However, we both do not respond to harsh criticism and training, and are easily discouraged.
Another sign that I am a perfect cocker spaniel is how playful and affectionate I am. I love to be cuddled and to play games and joke around with my friends. Cockers also have fun doing these things, and are known for being particularly good with kids. It could not be a coincidence that I am school, training to be a preschool teacher!
Through these examples I have listed, my optimistic and sunny nature, how I don't do well with discouragement and harsh criticism, and my love of kids, I am sure it is perfectly clear to see that my animagus form is an American Cocker Spaniel.
Katie, Hufflepuff
#266 -
twilight2shadow - Havana Brown
Hearing from the others and why they voted for certain animals really did help strengthen my decision, because from the word go, when I first saw my choices, I was inclined from the beginning to choose the Havana Brown. From what I've seen and even perhaps of what I had guessed before hand, I gained a lot of votes that were in the feline species and I know that out of any of the choices, any feline would have suited me best due to their nature and behaviors, their abilities, which are things I both reflect and desire. I loved looking at pictures of the Havana Brown and in the end, it is my favourite choice and I really understand why I was given it. Knowing that it is just like me and furthermore, that I'd really love to have it as my animagus, is why I am choosing it to be mine.
While I was looking at the breed when deciding which form to chose, I discovered that a lot of its characteristics really were just like mine. Particularly its temperament and its voice, that really struck me, knowing that I can be just like that. It is said that they have soft voice but a loud purr and it shows great desire for human companionship but devotes itself to one individual in particular. They are quiet and gentle. I can relate to all these things; I've always been told that I speak to quietly but everyone knows when I'm happy, I very well showed in my application that I am attached to my best friend and only her in particular and on a whole and I can say that I am quiet and gentle natured.
Havana's are intelligent through their curiosity and they are hands on, or properly just enjoy examining things with their paws. In nature they are they are curious, agile, demanding and affectionate by nature, which I can say is me too. I'm actually quite proud of my balance on most occasions. Furthermore though, in a general view of the cat species, I know that I can come across as aloof and reserved, which is something seen throughout their species. When I discussed this with my friend it was very clear to her that I am simply cat like in nature, so I should definitely have gone with this choice. I love them for their mystique and behaviors and I don't mind at all coming across as they do but it is so true, that they are the most suited to me out of my choices and the Havana Brown is even more so when compared to others. It's the perfect choice seemingly.
Lastly, looks. From my description of myself some came to conclude that their chocolate brown fur would be alike to mine, if not just a shade darker, and their coat is sleek and such but apparently still sweet in appearance. I can say that most of that adds up to me, sort of. More suitably though, when I told my mother about this and as she is a veterinary nurse, she instantly said that their build was quite akin to mine because they are so slim. So, on the accord, the Havana Brown fits me so well too.
I can relate to this animal, in built I am just like them and over all, I act just like them. So clearly, I believe, that the Havana Brown, simply as a cat breed but for many other reasons, I perfect for me.
Angelina, Ravenclaw
#267 -
donnyman - Red-Tailed Hawk
The choice of the Red-Tailed Hawk came naturally to me. Though the choice was hard, since all of the animals presented to me, the Red-Tailed Hawk, Massai Lion, Red Wolf, and Yellowjacket, all seemed to fit my personality, what I wanted in an animagus form, and needs in that animagus form, the Red-Tailed Hawk just seemed to fit perfectly with me.
The Red-Tailed Hawk is one of the most common birds of prey in North America. With a range from the lower United States to Lower parts of Canada, this hunter is extremely adaptable to many differnet climates and ecosystems. Additionally, the Red-Tailed Hawk is an adept hunter. With it's razor sharp claws, agility, excellent flight speed, keen eye-sight, and quiet method of flight, it is a formidible foe for the tasty morsiles in which it is trying to hunt. Also, the Red-Tailed Hawk can be a loyal companion, as it is the most common hawk that is kept by handlers.
In appearance, the Red-Tailed Hawk and I are somewhat simular, while we are not the biggest of our bretheren, we make up for it by being agile, smart, and somewhat sneaky ;).
The Red-Tailed Hawk seems to be a perfect fit for me. Whether I need to blend into a surrounding, become an agile hunter, or a companion, I am able to do it all. Additionally, as a hawk I would be a beautiful, and powerful animal.
I believe that this is an excellent choice for me, and am very happy with it. :)
Donny, Gryffindor
#268 -
TUNNELS_OF_LOCE - Smooth Collie
I had a hard time making my decision because I felt that all of my choices suited me very well. However, after doing quite a bit of research on my own and with the help of some very wonderful comments from voters, I have decided on the Smooth Collie.
Collies are compassionate, loving, loyal and intelligent animals. They are gentle around children and really adore them, and I do too. They are also very protective, not only of the sheep that they were bred to herd (and still do), but of their owners as well. I read one story about a six year-old child who was getting teased by some other children at a park, and the family's collie began to circle him, not letting any of the other children get near him and keeping him out of harm's way. I am also very loyal and protective of my family and friends, and I have no tolerance for cruelty toward them.
Collies are also reserved around strangers but more outgoing around their family, which is also very like me. They don't like hot weather and tend to lie around the house, but also enjoy going on nice, long walks. They are also prone to eye problems, and my vision has never been very good. In addition, I've always been able to pick up on other's feelings and I want nothing more than to make everyone around me happier.
In addition to having a similar personality, collies are also a bit tall, lean and elegant in appearance, and I've always been rather tall and slender myself. I was definitely able to connect with the Smooth Collie in both personality and appearance, and I really feel like this is the perfect animagus for me!
Kelly, Hufflepuff
#269 -
mmailliw - Tiger Shark
When thinking of possible Animagus choices as I filled out the application, the thought of being a shark never crossed my mind. However, between my love for water (I live within two miles of the beach) and my desire to dominate in my environment, it makes perfect sense that a lot of people would think of me as some type of shark.
In particular, the tiger shark is a lot like me in so many ways. Superficially, the tiger shark is nocturnal (my usual bedtime is around 2 AM) and craves warm water over the cold (my preferred room temperature, 76 degrees Fahrenheit, is a preferred water temperature for these creatures). Also, it is a fierce predator at the top of the food chain (incredibly, at 7.25 metres, the biggest tiger shark on record is even bigger than the largest great white shark) which hunts by taking advantage of its strengths to detect the most subtle properties of its prey. Between its eyesight (allowing it to go with confidence into the darkest of environment), smell (ability to detect blood), and unusual ability to sense waves, it, like a true Slytherin, is truly able to confidently sense the most subtle signs and go for its goal. Also, much like me, it doesn't merely blindly attack. Instead, the tiger shark carefully studies its prey before planning its attack, in the same way that I often plan for goals.
Certain properties of the tiger shark's diet might seem disturbing upon first glance, but they can easily be explained using me as a guide. For example, the tiger shark is an aggressive feeder which devours its prey whole. As a lover of organ meats (including crab innards and the tomalley and roe of lobsters when it comes to seafood), I know that the best part of the animal is often located deep inside so I might have to eat the whole thing! It has also been said that tiger sharks eat "indiscriminately of nutritional value". A lot of the delicious food that I eat (dark chocolate, raw sugar, or homemade whipped cream as examples) I eat because it tastes good and feels right, even if it doesn't exactly appear on "healthiest food" lists. Ah, but what about how the tiger shark is considered the nutritional wastebasket of the sea because it eats license plates? In real life, I love number-crunching, once tried to order a side of numbers at "Oxley's By the Numbers Café", and could easily identify with eating a license plate just to get at the taste of the delicious numbers!
One more thing I must add is that the female tends to be bigger than the male. As a guy who finds dominant women very attractive (look at everything I say about Bellatrix), I would love having a dominant mate that challenges me as opposed to a submissive female less than half of my size!
William, Slytherin
#271 -
lotrangel17 - Himalayan Brown Bear
I chose the Himalayan Brown Bear as my Animagus form. I read all about my four choices and it was very close between this and the Box Turtle. One of the main reasons is because I have always seen myself as a mother bear - very protective of her children. This is an animal I have always thought of when describing how I feel about my kids and as a stay at home mom right now they are my main priority.
The Himalayan Brown Bear is a subspecies of the Brown Bear. There are many traits that the Brown Bear has that I think I share. First is they are nocturnal animals and I am not a morning person - I am much better in the late afternoon and evening and I often like to stay up late and sleep in. Also something that was interesting when I was reading was about their breeding habits. The average litter has one to four cubs, usually two. and as a mom of twins I love this, lol. I also appreciate their eating habits They are omnivores and feed on a variety of plant products, including berries, roots, and sprouts, fungi as well as meat products such as fish, insects, and small mammals. I do like to eat red meat but I also don't like handling it raw so knowing I wouldn't have to eat other animals if I didn't want to.
I guess another other reason I chose the bear is because I am slightly afraid of bears and if a bear was my Animagus I wouldn't have to be. I live in a wooded area on 5 aces of land and am always afraid of a bear coming out the woods when I am out with the kids but if my Animagus was a bear then I could scare them off and protect my kids.
And a little bit of trivia the Himalayan Brown Bear is thought to be the source of the legend of the Yeti - cool huh.
Steph, Hufflepuff
#272 -
hygher - English Foxhound
I really struggled to pick my animal form, mostly because I could really see myself as any one of the choices I had been presented with, happily and successfully. Ultimately after thinking back about the pros and cons of each animal I have decided the form that best suits me is the English Foxhound.
English foxhounds are pack hounds and well, I am pack people. I get lonely easily. I am already surrounded by my own little pack of dogs and the idea of changing and running with my own pack of 5 dogs really appealed to me. These dogs are also intelligent, instinctual and energetic which are all qualities I posses. I like to be both mentally and physically busy which is why I like to hike and white-water raft. And even though I do spend a lot of time in the water I am much more comfortable and in my element on land.
This breed of dog is also very tolerant of all people, regardless of age and all other breeds of dog. As a human, I right for rights for all people and am involved in many political movements to make the world a fair place for everyone to live regardless of creed, orientation, color or gender.
Being a dog also allows me the comfort of traveling unnoticed among people undetected. It would be sort of conspicuous if I turned into say a lion and tried to waltz down 5th street but a dog would attract very little attention.
I would like to work with dogs in the future and being one will allow me a special insight into how they operate which would help me in both work mode and puppy mode.
Plus, Sirius has always been my favorite character in the HP series and I'd like to think we'd have this in common.
Rachel, Gryffindor
#273 -
PIERHIAS - Swift Fox
When I submitted my application I was afraid it might be a bit too 'all over the place'. When I look at my four animagus form choices, however, it cannot have been that bad because they all represent me very well. Picking just one was definitely hard, but even before I got into any reasoning one choice stood out to me right away. Researching all four given animals has only confirmed my intuition to take the Swift Fox as my animagus form.
The swift fox is among the smallest canids, something I idenitfied with right away since I've always been a little on the short side myself. As it often is with small animals (or humans for that matter), the swift fox's great physical strength is its speed, which is also responsible for its name. I'm a person who feels most comfortable doing sports, so I definitely identify with that strength. Another physical aspect I felt myself drawn to is the changing fur, long during the winter months, but shorter and lighter during summer. I tend to let my hair grow during the colder months, but usually chop it off once summer comes around, and my naturally dark brown hair gets a way lighter brown during summer as well.
Besides its appearance, the swift fox's character is also really similar to mine. The animal is nocturnal, staying close to or inside its den during the day. I've been a real night owl from a young age, and like my animal of choice I use my apartment as my base to gather strength for the night's adventures. Speaking of which, the swift fox is extremely curious, and while I don't intend to get myself poisened with food I eat in my animagus form, like the swift fox is at risk to do, I absolutely want an animal that is up to some adventure.
And to complete this list of similarities, the swift fox's habitat is very warm, during winter the animal will avoid leaving its den, unless it is to sunbath during the warm hours around noon on sunny days. I love the heat and hate the cold winter months. Lazing around on some warm rocks during the sunny hours on the other hand sounds exactly like me.
Iris, Ravenclaw
#274 -
qioui - European Honey Bee
I loved the options I got, which made this decision EXTREMELY hard. While I hadn't at first considered the wombat, the more I read on it made me appreciate the animal. But ultimately it came down to being comfortable. While a wombat would be great fun (because really, they're pretty awesome), the European Honey Bee is what stands out most for me.
I want to be a florist, so being a bee would work out quite well for me. Besides that they are small and common where I live (much more common than a wombat, which can only be seen in pictures and at zoos where I am), so I would be able to easy blend in with my surroundings.
Bees are quite social with their family (which I include my friends in that category), yet they are still shy around those they're not familiar with; for them humans, for me anyone I first meet. We also act highly protective towards out families and possessions. We share determination and pride in the work we do, joy in gardens and sunshine and warm summer days, and a joy in giving and sharing with others (within reason, and always when not simply taken from us). And like
mmailliw said in his voting on my application, black and yellow are my house colors!
Also, honey is delicious. :D
Liz, Gryffindor
#275 -
3whiteroses - Toller Retreiver
The Toller Retriever:
I think this animal suits me for numerous reasons, some of which include it's aptitude for water, it's warm, water-resistant coat, and general temperament.
The Toller Retriever is a water-loving dog - it was specifically bred to be this way, because it's a type of Retriever that helps to hunt waterfowl. Because of this, it needs to have a feeling of ease in the water, something that both them and I share. I often feel most at home when I'm swimming; it feels like flying, or floating, being surrounded by such an unusual substance for all that our world is covered primarily by it.
I am the type of person who prefers a warm climate to a cold climate, simply because I get cold easily. I have cold feet and hands, so being in a warm climate is generally more comfortable. That being said, I don't actually do well in warm climates - the heat tends to go straight to my head, and make me faint. I think that with the Toller Retriever's warm furry coat, I could have the best of both worlds. I'd be able to live in a cooler climate but stay toasty warm all the same.
The temperament of a Toller Retriever is much the same as mine. We are both alert, out-going, and ready for action, though not to the point of nervousness or hyperactivity. I'm too lazy to be hyperactive most of the time, to be quite honest. Besides that, the Toller Retriever is intelligent and loving, good with children, and shows signs of high patience. While my patience and intelligence comes in somewhat erratic spurts, I am a very loving individual. One account of the Toller Retriever even states " Some individuals may display reserved behavior in new situations, but this is not to be confused with shyness..." This matches me so perfectly; I cannot think of better words to describe it.
All in all, the Toller Retriever shares more characteristics with me than I'd thought possible in an animal. It's a pleasant surprise.
Amy, Gryffindor
#277 -
lily_fayline - Red Panda
After leaning towards the mongoose at first, I read
unnecessary_'s reasoning for the red panda, and after seeing that it's called Ailurus fulgens, or shining cat, I was sold. My chosen animagus form is therefore the red panda.
Although it is called red panda, this animal doesn't belong to the bear family, and it has its own unique family-of-one, the Ailuridae. Other names for it include firefox (!) and my own favourite, the Bear Cat, as it is very close to a cat, both in stature (it's slightly larger) and in behaviour (it washes itself the same way, by licking its whole body). My affinity with cats is huge (see my picture) but to also be a cat as an animagus would be too twee, and this catlike, bearlike bundle of fluff was the perfect match. It isn't much of a hunter, as it mostly eats bamboo because it can't digest cellulose. It does eat young birds, fish, rodents, and insects, so it's herbivore leaning towards omnivore. Aside from the bamboo, it has another physical feature in common with the giant panda: it has a thumb-like extension of its wrist bone, that presumably makes harvesting bamboo easier.
I really like the fact that it's most active at dawn and dusk, as I wish I could be the same: be really industrious for a bit, then go back to sleep, and do the same thing again later in the day. Sunrise and sunset are about the nicest moments of the day, so good choice by the panda! Its whole routine is based on eating and sleeping, which is a nice change for someone with an inability to sit still and do nothing.
Apart from its behaviour, I would choose the animal because it's very pretty, and elegant and graceful when balancing on tree branches (I would like to be more graceful, and now is my chance) and red is totally my colour!
Mel, Ravenclaw
#279 -
misanagi - Rook
After exhaustive use of wikipedia and such I've finally settled on an animal form: The Rook
It wasn't my first choice, mainly because I liked the name of another animal better but the rook always had it's appeal. They are part of the craw family which in itself carries a lot of symbolism and mythology, two things I really love. They aren't very large birds but they are big enough that they can travel since some of them go south during the autumn which fits me perfectly as I don't do well in extreme cold. They also nest and for me it's very important to have a place to be, a home, even if I like to travel. There's nothing like coming home.
Rooks are very smart birds, a trait I wanted to have in my animal form. The have a high ability to learn and observe without reacting aggressively like other birds do. I'm the sort of person who sits back and watches or daydreams rather than being the center of attention. Rooks are very sociable birds, they can stay in groups and usually meet up in large numbers while they migrate but still it isn't unusual for them to be alone, which is quite similar to how I act. I can act sociably but I also like my alone time.
One of the things, even if it's a small one, that had me convinced this should be my form is that solitary rooks are known to sing to themselves. I sing and talk to myself all the time. Another thing that just made the form click for me is that the usual call of a rook is "cras! cras!", which is the Latin for tomorrow so they - as well as crows - have become a symbol of procrastination... you don't want me to enumerate all the other things I should be doing right now ^^;;
Rooks have also been associated with knowledge of future, past and present and while I don't think of myself as all knowing it is a concept that appeals to me. Different mythologies also have them, as other birds in the corvidae family, very closely related to death. Death isn't a concept that particularly appeals to me but I'm not afraid of it either and I don't really find it morbid. I have always had an interest in the after life mythologies, be it heaven and hell, Hades, Egyptian customs... I just find the myths all beautiful and captivating and that's exactly the part of death the rooks are associated with: the myths. I wouldn't change this bit of extra magic that comes with this form for anything ^_^
Misanagi, Ravenclaw
001-080 |
081-100 |
101-120 |
121-140 |
141-160 |
161-180 181-200 |
201-220 |
221-240 |
241-260 |
261-280 |
281-300 301-320 |
321-340 |
341-360 |
361-380 |
381-400 |
401-411 412-425 |
426-446 |
447-464 |
465-486 |
487-510 |
511-534 535-563 |
564-591 |
592-626 |
627-656 |
657-687 |
688-724 725-